Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Salacia-ATC Orbital Station | Celanon | Valery Noble Valery Noble
After the issue on Celanon with the zombies and orbital bombardments, Judah had stepped in for both Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell and Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell in finishing the layout and final touches on the station.

Already towed into place by Salacia, the station was a shiny new Vulcan-Class, a little more utilitarian than something like Celestia Station. Yet this was by design, the station was located on a critical juncture on a trade route. For Arceneau, it would allow them to store and ship out goods all the much easier. For Salacia, it was another refining powerhouse, allowing for the ability to process and ship out refined salvage quickly.

Judah had noted the location was bordering Galactic Alliance space, allowing for his own company to continue to expand and pick up wreckage from the many skirmishes. He made a mental note to send Mr.Zej to the station for final approval.

Celanon was being rebuilt. Many of the officials the kids had been working with were dead ; either turned then eliminated or merely eaten by the hordes. As such, he was finding a rookie government with too many issues on their plate to care about the congested traffic an ATC station generally pulled in. Concerns that had been brought to Myra Arceneau were no longer there, Celanon officials more happy to receive the fees for docking a station in their territory.

Walking in the halls of the continued to be repaired governmental building, Judah considered his day a success. Since Makai took over the mining side, Judah worked from afar on Celestia.

It was nice to get out and stretch his legs again. Perhaps he should do it more often.


Outfit: Operative Suit | Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber | Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Following her efforts on Yavin, Valery had covered the Alliance's retreat away from the jungle moon. Most of the Jedi and military forces retreated back to new defensive lines, but some were sent to Celanon. The planet and its defenders had successfully repelled the attack from the Sith and its undead army, but it remained a target.

For as long as Celanon stood, one major Hyperspace lane was protected.

Valery herself had joined some of her fellow Jedi there after the battle, both to recharge and to coordinate the war effort. That had been her job ever since the Second Great Hyperspace War, and it seemed that this Galaxy would not allow the Sword of the Jedi to sheathe her blade. For now, though, she wasn't focused on battle or plotting tactics — she was walking through the hallways of the station with her eyes down into her datapad to read reports.

There were so many and-


As she walked around a corner without looking ahead of her, she walked straight into Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell and fell over onto her butt. She groaned and looked up to quickly apologize for her carelessness... only to see a rather familiar face.

"...I uh-" she blinked and swallowed. "I'm really sorry. I uh, wasn't paying attention."

To be fair, Judah was only half-paying attention himself. Recent family drama had been pulling him in multiple directions, making it only more difficult to juggle all the proverbial plates in his life.

Next thing he knew,an impact and a woman was on the ground, apologizing. Brow furrowed as she looked familiar, trying to place her face.

Then it hit him ; Naboo. Wife of moronic Jedi who had punched him after one sentence. Danger had filled him on the why and it didn't make sense.

What was she doing in the governmental complex? Just when he thought he was safe and ready to venture out to conduct business this happens.

"If I help you up will your husband pop around the corner and punch me?"

Tone was dry as he offered his hand, still clearly miffed over the entire incident.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell


The question stung and while she usually showed no real shame or embarrassment to strangers, Valery couldn't keep the flustered look away. She swallowed, her eyes meeting his, and tried her best to offer an apologetic smile, "He won't, and he's not here either," she said, still on the ground while time seemed to almost freeze.

This was uncomfortable.

Luckily, he did offer his hand at the very least, and Valery carefully took it to pull herself back up to her feet. She straightened out her tunic, leaned down to pick up her datapad and turned back to him.

...still awkward.

"Look, I uh... I feel really terrible about what happened. No apology is just going to fix it all, I know, but now that we're not in the heat of the moment, I wanted to say sorry again." She was struggling to find the words, but she hoped he could tell that she was being genuine.

That night had been one of the worst in the last few years.

Judah was skeptical of the fact he wouldn't be punched again. Mistaken identity? Didn't everyone have different signatures in the Force? Did this other guy really look like him?

He had been tempted to have his personal assistant extend an offer to the man to have a thorough eye examination ; fully paid for by himself of course. Perhaps it would avoid some other innocent soul being punched in the future.

"No need to apologize, you weren't the one tossin' hits out."

The old salvager looked her over, she seemed fine and standing upright, no worse for wear. At least she still wasn't pregnant, Judah would feel horrible if he knocked over an expecting mother.

"Have a good day."

He offered a tight, almost fake smile before nodding his head and starting down the corridor. He was regretting taking over this project from the kids ; they could deal with the crazies in Galactic Alliance space from now on.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell


She blinked at how desperate her tone sounded to her own ears, but she couldn't help it. Valery had walked this Galaxy for... well, a woman wasn't going to reveal her age, but a fairly long time! Yet she had never felt this uncomfortable about anything. As Jedi, both Valery and her husband helped people - they shouldn't be throwing punches like that.

Now, she just wanted to make things right.

But how?

"I know you probably just want to move on and never see me or my husband again, but..." she paused and offered an almost pleading look. "I'd like to try and make things right. Somehow." She frowned and let out a soft sigh. If he turned around and walked away now, she'd have to let him or risk a harassment case on top of what already happened.

All she could do was hope.

"Maybe we can grab a coffee or tea and just talk?"

Judah stopped and turned around, skepticism written all over his face. He wasn't sure why the woman was so persistent about the entire situation. Naturally, everyone has a reputation to uphold, to create how the galaxy at large viewed them. He wasn't sure how a chit-chat was going to solve anything that was past tense.


The old salvager wasn't trying to be rude. Perhaps see things more from her perspective, to understand the exchange a little more.

"I mean, what is there to talk about? It happened. I was told why. There's not much else anyone can do about it."

Judah shrugged.

"If it helps you sleep at night I can go through the motions. Sit and nod as you talk."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"It's not so I can sleep at night, and I don't want you to just sit and nod." Valery frowned at the thought, and began question herself. Should she really be doing this? He clearly wanted nothing to do with her or her family, and here she was, trying to talk him into grabbing coffee while they chatted.

Was it too selfish?

"Look, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to," Valery said after a moment. "I'm just... ashamed of what happened and it doesn't sit right with me at all. Maybe it's stupid, but I was hoping to find a better way forward than just ignoring each other and moving on forever."

"Before it happened, I had even talked to your son about dancing lessons." She let out a sigh and looked at him. She wasn't going to force it, or pull him along if he clearly doesn't care for it.

He still didn't quite understand the purpose of coffee and sitting to talk. So they could move forward and not ignore one another? They only had a less than two minute interaction trying to greet her.

Confusion crossed his features at this. Of course, the woman in front of him didn't know most of his business was outside the Galactic Alliance, perhaps it was some way to save face. Not that he was powerful enough influence anyone from staying away ; nor would be even try to.


Judah was facing down another grin-and-bear it situation. Happened a lot in business, dealing with random folks, getting through the droning of some during galas and conferences. He would face the situation the same he did as droids ; something to be tolerated then avoid any interactions in the future.

A deep sigh.

"After you, Miss."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

Well, he didn't sound excited.

Not too surprising, and she didn't blame him for being skeptical. But right now, he sounded like a 12 year old gamer being pulled away from his console by his Mother to do chores instead. Valery squinted just a little but decided to take it, for now. Maybe he'd loosen up if they had some coffee and talked?

If not, well, she'd have found someone as stubborn as she was herself.

"Right this way," Valery said with a smile that betrayed none of her internal schemes. She then turned and walked down the hallway until they reached the promenade. There were all sorts of shops and places to eat there, but she settled on a simple coffee shop that she had seen the youth going into.

"I'd like a cup of tea, please," she asked the person working at the counter. "And whatever he'd like."

He dutifully followed along to the cafe, letting the woman lead the way. Judah silently hoped anyone would contact him with an important business matter ; the kids, Mrs. Datos, Zej, a government official...anyone.

There was no such luck.

"Largest caf you have with cream. Thanks."

At the very least he got to pay. Judah never let a woman pay for him, backwater farm boy values that resided around in his grumpy old frame. Perhaps he would be less ornery if people just listened to him instead of arguing back.

Grabbing both of their orders, Judah brought them to where the woman sat, waiting for him. There was no chance for escape at this point. Comm was eerily silent even though he was trying to will it to ring with any type of call.

Tea was passed to her as he sat down in front of her, taking a large sip of caf. Maybe if they dispensed with the small talk he could get this done twice as quickly.

A deep sigh.

"How are you?"


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

There was a squint when he paid for the drinks, but Valery didn't really mind. She was quite traditional herself in a lot of ways, and having a gentleman pay for her drink wasn't something she'd get difficult over. To an extent. Once he returned and placed down his tea, Valery could tell that he wasn't all too eager to sit down.

She was willing to bet he was trying to come up with ways to escape.

He could try.

Once settled into his chair, Judah asked a question that made her blink in surprise, "I'm.... okay," Valery said with a slight tilt of her head. "I uh, hope you've recovered well? After what happened." She blinked again. After catching him and getting him to sit here, this was actually a lot more awkward than she had thought it would be.

His caf was decent, the bitter drink mellowed out by the cream. A little technology-phobic, Judah didn't have an intelligent chronometer that gave notifications or updates. He also found it rude to constantly check his comm too, unless the made some type of notification.

It would make trying to escape all the more difficult. Not impossible though, the woman didn't know his schedule.

A simple enough lie that he had to meet with a construction team or supplier was easy enough to fabricate.

A nod of his head when she mentioned being fine. He expected her to compound on that or talk about her child or something that would buy him time to make it look as if they had a full blown conversation.

No such luck, question was back to him.

“I recovered fine, thank you.”



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

This was going to be a struggle.

Sadly for him, Valery was probably the single most stubborn woman in the Galaxy. She had set her mind to this, so unless he had a good excuse and dared an escape attempt, he was going to be stuck with her. Until they had finished her drinks and were left satisfied enough with their conversation.

It was going to take some effort from him.

"I'm glad to hear that," Valery said before gently blowing against her tea. "So, besides your name, I don't know much about you. What brought you out here? Business?" Valery looked him up and down and nodded to herself. He didn't strike her as someone who came here because he was deployed to Celanon.

So, he had to be here for some other reason.

"Business, a joint venture space station."

If Valery thought was going to become fast friends with the old salvager, she had another thing coming. Judah had spent literal years referring to Danger Arceneau only by her last name. Even then, the redhead was in much of the dark about his life, rarely opening up to her.

That was his best friend. It was going to be even worse for a literal stranger and wife of someone who decided he needed a punch for no good reason.

"What brings you to Celanon?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

If Judah thought he could get out of this easily, he had another thing coming.

Valery looked at him with a smile and raised her cup to her lips for a slow sip, "After the last battle on Celanon, I came to check up on a few things. Handle reports and talk to my Jedi who were involved here." She placed the cup down and looked him in the eyes with pure, Noble stubbornness.

She was starting to enjoy this.

"So, tell me more about this business of yours. It sounds very interesting."

"So you're what, a Jedi manager?"

Judah had been sipping on his caf, trying to imagine what a Jedi manager did. Double check reports? Handle complaints? Write insurance checks to innocent civilians who were caught in the crossfire?

"Salvage and mining. Appreciate you guys being in a tiff with the Mandos, business has been exceptional in this region."

More fighting meant more salvage and more profits for himself. Judah wasn't looking to get richer, instead it was more of a boom for the company itself, allowing for more expansion beyond his wildest dreams.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"A Council Member," Valery said with a deadpan glare. "We discuss the future of the Order and make sure that we guide our Jedi to handle their assignments. Offer them help when they need it, and well, I especially focus a lot on conflict. On war, and how it affects the Galaxy." It was her role as Sword to lead from the front, and defend those who needed it.

But she wasn't going to deep into that. It was far more amusing to make him talk about himself.

His statement, however, struck a nerve, and she really shouldn't say anything- "I'm glad that you're gaining a profit from thousands of people dying or losing their homes."


Valery blinked and sighed, "I get it, though. But I hope some of that effort goes into helping the people who are affected by it all. The war has been rather brutal on civilian populations." The Enclave's attack had swept away cities and not just military targets, after all.

Judah blinked, wondering why he was getting glared at. He had no idea what the Jedi did on the day-to-day besides some were called Masters and some were Knights. Masters apparently outranked the others. Some kind of odd caste system it seemed to him, then again, he was just guessing.

Even when she tried to explain 'Council member' it sounded no different than his meetings with the rest of the C-suite, so manager seemed appropriate title to him after all.

Yet when she started going on about his business it was like a match to his short fuse. He was already irritated about being forced to make small talk with the woman and now she was coming after the empire he had built from scratch.

"If the Jedi would stop being so violent and bringing war into innocent people's homes and backyards then there would be no lives lost. You're not the 'saviors' you claim to be."

A pause and sip of his caf, oceanic gaze leveling to her own.

"Correct me if I'm wrong."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

"You really have no idea what Jedi do, huh? You wouldn't have called me a Manager if you did. Do you think I got this scar by managing people?" She shook her head and let out a deep sigh. Those experiences were far too much to share with him here, right now.

There were more important things to say.

"One of the Jedi's core tenants is to honor life. When we fight, it's to protect people." Valery sounded serious, but genuine too, and one wouldn't need the Force to be able to tell. "Do we make mistakes? Absolutely, but we don't bring war anywhere. What happened on Celanon had nothing to do with the Jedi. The Sith Order created an army of undead, and they sent it towards Celanon and Yavin."

"To civilian populations. We were there to protect them, and evacuate those planets and other neighboring worlds while you're profiting off of the chaos."


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