Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Ticket to Anywhere | Darkwire + Friends


“The time for hiding is over. The fate of Denon is ours.”


CorpSec's lockdown in District Seven wasn't just bad for business, it marked a clear turning point; Denon was still worth fighting for, but Darkwire would fight for it alone. From the seclusion of their hidden base in Tomb Station, veteran Shadowrunner gathered and devised a retaliatory heist in hopes of boosting morale and arming Darkwire for what could be a long and bloody war for freedom. The time to strike back is now.

Everything is planned, and the Shadowrunners are ready. You'll even make a few friends along the wya. All you need is a train ticket.


Objective I: Rail Runner

A mag-train hauling Corpo supplies is expected to offload its cargo at a depot on the outskirts of District 3. Darkwire needs those supplies, plus anything else you can find aboard the train. The more weapons and medicine that disappear from the Seccer arsenal, the better. Discretion is strongly advised here - we don't need another district on lockdown, after all. Keep it clean and quiet, and get us those supplies.

/... Board the train, secure the cars, and bring them to the Tombs.


Objective II: Crossfire

Tomb Station proved to be much larger in scope than anyone realized, and with help from the Amavikkan, new tunnels and junctions have been uncovered across the Midnight Zone. One segment of the metro reaches across to the edge of District 3, making it a perfect storehouse for stolen goods and equipment. The problem is that we're not alone. A ruthless band of cyberjunkies have setup shop on the edge of an underground aquifer, once who's placid surface is almost as dark as the 'Corporate Grab Teams' that have been sent to clear the area of resistance. It's a three-way turf war, and Darkwire intends to claim the zone for future operations.

/... Clear the junkies and corporate hit squads from Black Lake before the train arrives.


BYOO: Explore

Also known by Denonites as the Moonfall District, District 3 is a largely forgotten sector of the ecumenopolis that serves as little more than a maintenance hub nowadays. This lack of focused attention from CorpSec has allowed less-than-honest elements the freedom to setup shop and forge new lives amid the defunct industrial zone.

/... Explore the Moonfall District and see where the night takes you.



Rail Runner
District 3, Denon


/... Earlier, in the Tombs

"Simple enough, right?" Reggie said with confidence. He had to do more than just speak. He had to convince these Shadowrunners - these kids - that this was a fight worth fighting. That they could win. It helped that he believed it, too.

"Train's going fast through D3, but it makes a few stops to shuffle freight around before getting along to its destination. Maybe a few crate's difference than what we expected, a passenger or two even. But nothing cumbersome enough to throw the mission."

Reggie leaned against the table, eyeing the holomap of the Moonfall District carefully. The crisscrossed railways reflected ominously in his darkened eyes. They could do this. They had to. Darkwire needed those guns now more than ever.

He looked up, glancing at those nearby.

"We do this for Denon."

/... Later, in District 3

Reggie kept the waterproof hood of his coat pulled tight around his face as the rain pattered against the fabric. The Shadowrunners were moving to position, and thus far, no one had been detected by the laughably sparse security measures at the station hub.

He figured most of CorpSec's active officers were still patrolling the Seven Corners, and while his heart bled for those who were trapped behind the cordon, he thanked the Force for the distraction; Prepping heists like this was cake when the targets were damn-near blind.

"I'm in position," he said lowly over the mission comms. He peered through the haze of light rain, trying to get a visual on his allies.

Tags: Open



Objective I: Rail Runner

It was another long day.

Iris let out a heavy sigh as she leaned her head against the glass of her section within the train. It wasn't a great seat, but this late at night there weren't others on board. Which suited her just fine. Junkies, cyberpsychos, gangsters. Corpos. There were all kinds of people she just didn't want to have to deal with. It was bad enough that she was running around town at night on emergency calls for the locals. Doctors that didn't charge them a literal arm and a leg weren't were rare.

And often got her into trouble for it. She closed her eyes as she let the cool of the glass sooth the headache she had. The Force wasn't easy to heal with, but that last one needed it. A knife to the gut certainly made it a necessity. The train came to another stop, but she didn't bother to open her eyes and look around. The colors of the Force told her enough that people would be coming on board.

Except no one did. She blinked, glancing up. That was weird. People usually got on board by now. But, no one. Eh, it wasn't that abnormal. Or maybe it was the headache. Still, the Jealer just shrugged her shoulders and let her eyes close again. If she was in any danger, she'd know soon enough.

Right now she just needed a nap.

Reggie Reggie | @Open


Objective I: Rail Runner

Locale: Denon

Alias: Erisa Adler, Shadowrunner

Moderation was the key. Maris had considered as she had planned her part in the events to come.

Since assuming the identity of Erisa Adler the Vorzyd native had spent an increasing amount of time on Denon in between her private excursions - taking advantage of the Ecumonopolis and using the planet's vast populace to hide from the galaxy. She had used her time on the planet to soak in the culture of Denon and the Shadowrunners who fought for their freedom from the Corpos; building upon and reinforcing the legend of Erisa Adler. Taking on supporting roles in various missions and being seen in the right places, in the right company.

The Shrike was a talented changeling. When it came to identity, she wore the persona of Adler so convincingly that she sometimes found herself believing in the cause of the Denonites, feeling a camaraderie with the Shadowrunners that mimicked her early memories growing up amongst the lowest levels of the Vorzyd street gangs. Before the days when she had taken control, before she had transformed. Erisa smiled a lot more than Maris ever did, with her affectionate touches and that nasal laugh that came with the assumed name.

We do this for Denon.

She had heard the briefing back in the tombs and Maris Fero’s instinct had been to sow disorder, to turn this covert action into an overt incident that pushed the fragile stability into chaos. But moderation was key.

Erisa Adler had heard it too, but she had smiled that sweet, excitable smile and had joined in the response of a half dozen young voices repeating that sentiment.

We do this for Denon.

Erisa sat silently, atop the rail overpass counting quietly to herself and looking down between her dangling legs towards the tracks some distance below. She noted the blinking indicator lights between two junction points as they flashed yellow then red, yellow then red, yellow then red. The period between the switch was decreasing with each cycle and soon enough she imagined she could even hear a vibration that preceded the arrival of the vast rail freighter.

She had dressed in the fashion of Denon’s urban dwelling down-but-not-outs wearing a dark hooded top over her fashionably torn cargo’s and nondescript black sneakers. Her pale skin had never seen much sun, and as a thief and slicer, there was no need for an excuse for her pallor. Her raven-black hair was highlighted with a single streak of intense blue that matched the colour of the Shadowrunner's nails and lips that night.

Her part of the plan was deceptively simple, if overtly dangerous. Take control of the door systems and automated emergency breaks. And of course, don’t get killed doing it.

The first pattering of rain had begun to fall and Adler cursed a native Denon expletive as she glanced at a chrono before looking back to the track lights, the vibrations were real now.

Yellow then Red, Yellow then Red, Yellow Then Blue. Go.

Within that moment she pushed off, and for an instant the Shadowrunner was in freefall, trusting to the Force the next seconds of her fate as she used her talents in the art of movement.


Erisa felt her heart racing as she landed and slid along the rain-slick surface of the speeding Rail Runner, buffeted by the turbulent air around the great machine as she scrambled for a handhold. She heard other landings, but the Shadowrunner focused on her own mission pushing herself down low against the Runner’s roof and beginning the insectlike crawl toward the data access.

In.. Position.

Reggie Reggie | Iris Arani Iris Arani | @Open



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar | Open

"Maybe you should take the lead on this one?" Valery asked Gatz after checking her blaster pistol and putting it back in its holster. With tensions rising on Denon, Valery had contacted him to help look into it — he was familiar with the planet and type of environment, and working together with him had gone well thus far. Even with their regular disagreements. Valery had a lot of experience with Denon as well, though none of it was positive.

From having to go into hiding here during her first pregnancy, to nearly being blown apart in a train bombing. It all happened a long time ago, but those memories made up the bulk of her experience with the planet.

If she could help it, she wouldn't be here.

"I have a bad feeling that a serious fight is going to happen here, and I'm not sure if it can be stopped. Maybe we can apprehend someone who can give us more information though."



If someone had asked Gatz what he'd be doing with his weekend, he wouldn't have answered with "getting involved in a gang war in an underground aquifer." He'd never really been the type to get involved in territorial disputes, even when he'd still been a man of ill intent. But Valery had asked a favor of him, and he owed her his life at least three times over, so here they were.

At least the caves were nicer than the waste district Iris had dragged him through.

"I appreciate that you have enough faith to let me lead," Gatz spoke quietly, her trust making warmth blossom in his chest for a moment, "but these are the shoot first kind of people. You can phase in and out of existence, stop blaster bolts with your bare hands, and deflect them without a second thought. I might be precognitive enough to side step a shot or two."

Asking him to go first was like asking a child to take the wheel of a speeder. Bound to end in spectacular disaster. Of course, if Valery insisted, he'd do it.

"Plus... I'm not exactly the best guide. Last time I was here, Iris basically had to be my personal GPS. I'm happy to shoot whoever you want me to shoot, though. I can set my blaster to stun, if you want to try and capture someone."

Maybe "happy" wasn't the right word, but Valery knew him well enough to know what he meant.

Objective: Crossfire
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open


Eden Io

Location: Black Lake Aquifer, Seven Corners District - Denon
Objective: Crossfire
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble

Between the options of discreetly capturing a train or throwing herself into a violent turf war in an underground aquifer, the choice was easy.

It went without saying that the nanny turned independent shadowrunner (She planned to go back to her day job once she was done here!) had chosen to engage in the latter mission, rather than the former. After all, Eden had not arrived on Denon just to make money for House Io (and herself). She wanted to have fun while doing it, and her idea of fun was violence in gratuitous excess. A turf war promised that. And so, Eden had taken the job.

Clad in her all too distinct pink catsuit, Eden had made her approach to the Black Lake via the water itself. The dark, placid surface kept her form relatively concealed and she made sure not to splash, only surfacing when necessary. Before long, the gynoid reached her destination, at which point she poked her head above the water to gather her surroundings. The cyberjunkies had stationed patrols around the entire perimeter of their outpost, which Eden had largely succeeded in bypassing. They were doubtlessly aware of the fact that they held a piece of territory which was highly sought after not only by other criminal elements, but also, the Corpos and Darkwire.

At least one of those parties—Darkwire—was already present.

“This is Nanny.” Eden said into the Darkwire comms, using her temporary callsign for the mission. “I am in position at the aquifer, over. Two guards are on my mark.”

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District 3, Denon

Location: Denon
Objectives: Survive
Tags: Reggie Reggie Iris Arani Iris Arani Maris Fero Maris Fero

In a windowless and unotherwise unassuming carriage of the long corporate train was hidden a special package. A young woman by the name of Niamh who wished she wasnt there. It wasn't her first ride like this, and it wouldn't be her last, she say, bound and gagged and wearing a voidstone choker to prevent her from connecting with the force. Her head rested on the wall of the carriage and she gently hummed along to the buzzing of the trains passage. She never knew where these trains would take her. She was bundled on at one end, waited an undisclosed amount of time and then would be forced to do something, be it partake in some experiment, have scans taken of her or work with corporate scientists on their illegal work. Unbeknownst to her, she was on her way to be used in attempt to unlock some technology stolen from the Silver Enclave Jedi, it was presumed her force sensitivity and affinity to electronics would be the key. The young Keshian would do her job, then they would let her eat, she was always hungry, always.

The green haired woman had her eyes closed, again planning the escape in head might never come. After several attempts, and the punishment that followed, she was almost broken beyond caring, but not quite, one day she hoped to be free again, to see her family and her friends that missed her. She was told that everyone she knew thought she was dead, at least that was something, they weren't left simply wondering what had happened to her.
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Eden Io | Open

"You make a fair point," Valery said after rubbing the back of her neck. "I'll take point but be careful. These are not just the shoot first types, but also the ones who will gladly shoot you in the back." Her distaste for Denon was all over her tone there, but she didn't really care enough to hide it. Some planets just had so many issues and no desire to be better, and after years of nothing but trouble on Denon, she believed this planet to be one like that.

She just felt bad for those who had no choice. For the people who couldn't leave and were always caught in the crossfire between gangs, the corpos or whoever else decided to start something out here.

"Do keep your weapon on stun, though. We'll stop whatever is about to happen here, but preferably without killing. I don't want anymore bloodshed out here, and we might also be able to learn something from them." That said, Valery glanced around and sighed as her senses picked up on something or someone.

She felt tension.

"I feel... something," Valery said, her eyes returning to Gatz. "Something is about to happen here."



Not being on point meant a far less likely chance of getting shot today, which was nice. If he’d been with anyone else, Gatz might have felt guilty over putting them in harm's way over himself. Most other’s lives were certainly worth more than his own. But, well, this was The Sword of the Jedi. She’d be just fine shouldering the burden of taking the lead.

Of course, even with her taking on the more dangerous task, she was still only concerned for his safety. Not that he had expected any less, and in truth, it was nice that there was at least one person in the galaxy who actually gave a damn about him.

I know, Val,” Gatz said quietly, “I used to be these people. I’ll be cautious.

Valery made it clear that she wasn’t here to take lives today, which was something Gatz was more grateful for than he could express to her, especially at the moment. In truth… he hadn’t expected her to care about the lives of these criminals. Nar Shaddaa had made it quite clear where she stood on those who partook of the criminal underworld, or so he’d thought.

Maybe she had more compassion for the average criminal than he’d ever given her credit for, his own situation notwithstanding. So, it was with great relief that Gatz toggled the stun mode on his blaster.

Thank you,” was what he settled for, in the moment.

But then Valery stopped, her head whipping around as eyes scanned their surroundings. For a moment, Gatz thought she might have heard something, but he could only hear the sound of their own muffled footsteps. But then she revealed the issue: her acute sense of the Force, far more fine tuned than his own, was alerting her to impending danger.

That doesn’t surprise me. This whole situation is a powder keg sitting next to a lit match. What do you wanna do about it?

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Eden Io | Open

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Location: District 3
Objective: 1 - Rail Runner
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor, Stealth Field Generator.
Wielding: KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, taser baton, PRP-502 Dart Shooter.
Tag: Reggie Reggie , Niamh Berkeley Niamh Berkeley , Iris Arani Iris Arani
She had... participated in a train heist once before, but truth to be told had come uninvited by the plans creator and leader Xan Deesa Xan Deesa . That had, naturally, been reflected upon the success of the mission, Brie almost having herself executed in the process. Learning from her mistakes, the a little bit older but still young shadowrunner, had thought it to be best to ask this time. With that, she had gathered her gear and met up with the others for a covert and less loud heist than her last one.
Many faces had been new to her. It was time to strike on several fronts and hopefully fight their way out of hiding. Everyone had a part to play and everyone was needed if they were to succeed. Her part was simple enough, she thought, as she watched Maris Fero Maris Fero glance at the chrono and then at the track lights, silently counting down for the jump. Keep the slicer safe while she did her thing was as crucial as the slicing itself. They had only a brief introduction before they left The Tombs and, of course, she would have felt a little bit better with a familiar face like Daiya Daiya or Hex Hex by her side, but she also guessed that it was mutual.

There wasn't much time to focus on anything else but the mission, Brie thought as she also jumped off the ledge and landed on the train with a thud. Her gloves provided good grip on joints, handles and pipes running along the train, and followed close behind Maris.


Sleep took over fairly quick. Exhaustion wasn't something Iris played around with anymore. Working to the brink of collapse only ever meant getting in some serious trouble. Either because of the pain she'd wake up in with her scarred body, or she'd end up in some kind of trouble. Denon wasn't the place to be too tired to protect yourself fully. Not that she still could. The lightsaber she kept tucked in her pack certainly wasn't something she was going to be using yet still.

Maybe she'd get over that trauma eventually. Not today.

Sleep, though, wasn't long. The world of colors she lived in didn't stop overwhelming her even in slumber. And now she could feel something off. The less tired she got, the more obvious it was. Colors were missing. There was a greying effect all throughout the rear of the train. She lifted her head from the glass, once more glancing about the empty passenger car she was in. Still no one else.

".. I have a bad feeling about this."

Something was about to happen. She could see it trembling a streak of greying red through her world. A warning of danger. Violence. She slowly sunk lower behind her seat, frowning deeply. This certainly wasn't something she wanted to get caught up in, but until the next stop she couldn't get off the train. And, well. She was still a Jedi. Wait and see, that was the best option for now.

Reggie Reggie | Niamh Berkeley Niamh Berkeley | Maris Fero Maris Fero | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx


Gear: Rocket Boots, Two Disruptor Pistols, Magnum Six-Shooter, Flashbang, Vibroknife, Knuckledusters. Cool jacket.

Nej Tane wasn't great a lot.

Reading comprehension, was one.

Reading in general, kind of hard.

But shooting? Fighting?

That was something Nej could do.

Unbeknownst to Nej, he walked by several force sensitives- with murderous intent on his mind. He strut past Valery Noble Valery Noble , Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , while Eden Io got into position below them in the... water? Sludge?

Whatever, wasn't a human down there, so probably didn't bother it.

Nej reached into his jacket, thumbing the hammer on his six-shooter slugthrower, and checking his disruptor pistols.

He rolled his hands up and together, flexing his fingers, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Cyberjunkies had a foothold here, but they relied on intimidation, coercion, numbers, and guns to get where they were going in life. But what they didn't count on, or even think about, was what happened when someone was better AND faster than they were.

Hard to be out-gunned when you're not scared.

Nej stopped in front of the two Cyberjunkies that Nanny called out, turning his head, flicking his strawberry blonde hair out of his face. He spread his legs, one hand cocked just slightly behind his hip, turning back to the people he passed, then back to the Cyberjunkies.

"Hey fellas, you know where I could get a-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, all at once, the Junkies, the Corpos, Darkwire, everyone with a gun, lit up.

Nej reached for his revolver faster than most force users pulled out their lightsabers, and put four shots in the cyberjunkies, two a piece. Dead center in the chest with a magnum round, blowing hot chunks of what used to be their squishy internal bits all over the wall and ground. Nej reached up calmly behind his ear, twirling his revolver away with his opposite hand while he pressed his mask over his face.

A HUD popped up, and the red-lenses gleamed in the dim light.

Nej pulled up his Disruptor pistols, smirking as he took cover from the returning fire.

Hell broke loose.

Just like he liked it.

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Eden Io

Location: Black Lake Aquifer, Seven Corners District - Denon
Objective: Crossfire
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble Nej Tane Nej Tane

Nej stopped in front of the two Cyberjunkies that Nanny called out, turning his head, flicking his strawberry blonde hair out of his face. He spread his legs, one hand cocked just slightly behind his hip, turning back to the people he passed, then back to the Cyberjunkies.

"Hey fellas, you know where I could get a-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Eden bit her bottom lip.

For a brief moment, the gynoid was all too content to admire the violence from the best seat in the house, like she was watching her favorite player break a hapless winger’s nose during a null hockey match. In like manner, a soft gasp escaped from her lips when the blonde-haired gunslinger whipped out his revolver and plugged the two cyberjunkies center mass, painting the wall with crimson fluid as the two gangsters dropped to the ground with strained, choked breaths. Lashes fluttering in awe, Eden committed the scene to her digital-biological memory for later analysis. It would be a useful reference for teaching herself how to execute a quickdraw later.

For now, it was time for her to come off the bench.

On cue, Eden jumped out of the contaminated water with inhuman athleticism, before emerging behind a pair of cyberjunkies as they opened fire on the gunslinger. Her vibroblade gave an almost melodic hum before ripping and tearing its way through synthflesh, then the cybernetics and organic flesh beneath, cutting the cyberjunkie in twain from shoulder to hip. The other cyberjunkie only just managed to turn around before the vibroblade disemboweled him, ruined organs and stinking intestines spilling out from his anatomized torso before a sprinting kick delivered to his upper chest sent him flying into the filthy water. From there, Eden swiftly spun around on her heels before bringing up her blaster pistol, at which point the gynoid laid on its trigger to blast a cyberjunkie three times in the chest.

Now, she was in the game.

“Yeeow! That’s a triple kill! Also, whoever that gunslinger was, I want your autograph!”

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Location: District 3, Denon
Objective: Steal precious cargo and move on
Attire: The KnuckleDusker
Tag: Hacks Hacks
It had been a long time since Cartri had come out of the shadows to do a heist of this magnitude. However, thanks to his make or break meeting with Valery Noble Valery Noble he was able to take a bit more risk in his jobs. Thanks to the breakthrough, he was able to gather more funds for the upcoming project, this one being no exception. Within the train, there were kyber crystals being transported in one of the many trams. If he was able to snatch one of the containers from inside, he'd be able to bag himself a small fortune considering how much they sold for.

Looking over the depot on a nearby roof he casually knelt down and waited for the train to roll in. Not long before he was back in the tombs listening to what Reggie Reggie had to say. He was correct in saying it was needed for darkwire, but Cartri was certain the others would be able to make up for his own desires.

In the distance, Cartri could hear the echos of a train rolling into the depot. His time of peace was clearly coming to an end.

"This is a message to all runners, get your tickets prepared for inspection..."
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Mag-Train Security Carriage

"Just one more job."

Hacks had heard that her whole life. Just one more job. It had dragged her out of her apartment in the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa back to Denon, a place she had no plan on returning too. Jobs were drying up, the Hutt Cartel had crumbled away, she was wanted in half the galaxy either by Imperial Remnants or the Galactic Alliance. Denon was no safer for her, between being the personal lapdog of the former Corporate ExO Mr. Fey and backstabbing Darkwire for personal gain she had few friends.

She had once been among the foremost shadowrunners, leading operations throughout the sector but now as she glanced around the red-dim cabin she saw no one. No one to stand beside her.

"They lost their nerve," she convinced herself, turning her metal hand over in front of her as her plastic eyes studied the cybernetic architecture. Before the new guard and their days of idealism Darkwire had been the silent blade of the Corporate Authorities, extending their reach where law and order dare not go. Assassinations, heists, corporate espionage.

Hacks had never turned her back on her stubborn ways and paid the price. Every bridge she had built she watched burn. Every friend abandon her. When she became too much of a liability the Corpos hung her out to dry. But now they were getting desperate. Hacks could feel the tension on Denon, things had changed and the big suits were desperate enough to reach out.

Hacks kicked her feet up onto a crate she had dragged closer to her and settled in for the ride. The suits had paid her out as a cyber-security contractor, but they also knew she was just as deadly in close quarter as she was on the Net. She might not be a gunslinger or a martial artist, but a towering seven foot cyborg with self-guiding pistols didn't need much in skill.

Hacks rested her head against the carriages' wall, security ceiling lights bathing her in their crimson glow. She closed her eyes and sunk her mind into the Net.

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Anyone else on Obj I


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Eden Io Nej Tane Nej Tane | Open

"You don't have to thank me for wanting to preserve life, I'm a Jedi." She chuckled but was a little confused too. He didn't really think she'd just go on a rampage to kill some random thugs in the streets, right? Sure, if there was no other way to protect herself or other people against them, she'd take a life. But if she had a way to stop them without killing, she would always make the effort to keep them alive.

Even if they wouldn't show her that same mercy.

"I want to-"

Valery stopped mind-sentence as a man walked right by them without even looking at the two. She focused her fiery gaze on Nej Tane Nej Tane , not because she found him terribly interesting, but because of what she felt. Tension in the Force was rising rapidly and for just a few seconds, Valery held her breath while she watched him and the junkies up ahead.

Then all hell broke lose.

"Gatz, cover!" Valery called out, but rather than reach for her lightsaber, Valery whipped out her pistol and struck one thug with a stun round against the chest, dropping him down before he could open fire. Those lessons from Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble were really starting to pay off.

"I have no idea who is on which side here," she then muttered after using a large dumpster for cover. "We need to try and get this to deescalate."



Rail Runner
District 3, Denon


These are just kids,’ Reggie could hear his father say, shaking his head with that typical Danse family ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ energy they were so good at exuding.

True, Darkwire had become something of a teens club over the years, but maybe that was what it always should have been; These kids are the lifeblood of Denon, and they’ll be the ones to inherit it when this is all said and done.

They needed to be the ones to rip it from CAD’s hands.

A smile touched his lips as he saw the silhouette of his fellow runners land on the train that passed below his vantage point. He waited a few seconds to put several cars between the rest of the team before he joined them, leaping off the ledge and landing with a heavy thud on the roof of a freight cab.

He couldn’t help sensing the tension, but he was good as shoving those supernatural feelings aside. It was difficult for him to trust the Force anymore, especially when his gut instinct pulled him in the opposite direction most times - and his gut was rarely wrong.

Reggie found the roof hatch and set to prying it open with the edge of his blade. He slipped inside, dripping rainwater off his coat as he snuck to a darker corner of the cargo cab. When he was certain he was alone, he pinged the others with a non-verbal update.

Their CryptNet chat would light up with a brief coded message from Reggie’s handle, D4N53: “All aboard.

Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani | Maris Fero Maris Fero | Niamh Berkeley Niamh Berkeley | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Hacks Hacks | + OPEN



"I just didn't think you'd—"

But Gatz was cut off as a man—who strikingly resembled himself, right down to the jacket—waltzed right past them as if this place wasn't about to turn into a warzone. Something... dark swirled around the man, a terrible premonition in the Force. He opened his mouth to say something to the man, but the other fellow's hands were much faster than Gatz's lips, evident by the way he immediately plugged two criminals full of slugs.

And shit hit the fan.

Gatz was barely aware of some woman in a bright pink catsuit literally rising out of the lake, and joining in on the mayhem. Was she with the other man? Were they allies here, or enemies? Assuming that they were here to help was probably dangerous for his health, so Gatz chose to view them as an obstacle—but one he would deal with once the cyberjunkies were down.

Valery stunned one junkie, whipping out her blaster much faster then he could his own. That definitely dashed any confidence he had in this situation, but he didn't have time to whine about it: the sound of her blaster had drawn attention to them. Two more junkies turned in their direction, and Gatz drew his blaster even as he dashed for cover. The first one shot at him, and thanks to a slight warning from the Force, Gatz side stepped the shot. He returned fire, blaster still set to stun, and dropped the first junkie.

The second junkie fired, and Gatz wasn't quite quick enough this time. He was still moving before she pulled the trigger, and still well aware of where the shot was going to land: the center of his chest. But with another side step that was just too slow, the shot nailed his left bicep instead. Pain lanced up and down his arm, which didn't seem to want to work properly at the moment, and Gatz let out a hiss. But he was still in the open, so he dropped the second junkie with a single shot, and slid into cover behind Valery's dumpster.

"Well, we're off to a terrible start," Gatz got out through clenched teeth, "but I guess that's par for the course for us."

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Eden Io | Nej Tane Nej Tane | Open

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Gear: Rocket Boots, Two Disruptor Pistols, Magnum Six-Shooter, Flashbang, Vibroknife, Knuckledusters. Cool jacket.

He was a lethal machine, turning the Cyberjunkies into pink mist, or removing most of their bodies with his Disruptor pistols. The Disruptor was nasty on about anyone, but even nastier on unarmored opponents. He discharged two magazines worth- and with an impressive manuever of tossing his weapons into the air, and catching them on the fresh charge packs, stood in the middle of the alleyway, near the two he passed. He saw them stun the targets.

Crooks didn't stun people. Crooks didn't care. So that meant they were either cops, or worse, agents. Or even worse, worse, do-gooders like Jedi or something. Either way, not good for business.

He turned to engage them, when an accurate barrage of fire rained down above them- them of course being Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar , Valery Noble Valery Noble , and Eden Io. Corpo agents, clad in black armor and wielding expensive blasters, were on the rooftops now, jetpacks and grappling hooks letting them get up there.

Nej now had four teams to worry about.

Nej wanted to knock out two birds with one stone- so he ran towards the dumpster that Valery and Gatz were hiding behind, turning to blow one of the Corpos troops off the roof, then placed his shoulders against the dumpster....

And clicked his rocket boots on, violently shoving the dumpster towards the wall... with the two unknowns behind it either way. Either they got squished, or got out of the way and into the fight.

Either way, it was a good time. The Corpos, the Cyberjunkies, Darkwire and the like, and now... whoever these two were.

All gunning for the same goal.

To kill each other!


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