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Approved Species Tigerkin

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  • Intent: To codify a species mentioned a long while back. I’ve always intended to submit them and just hadn’t gotten around to it until now.
  • Image Credit: Midjourney
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Honor Among the Hibiscus
  • Name: Tigraeans // Tigerkin
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Seoul
  • Average Lifespan: Planetary
  • Description: Tigerkin are characterized by their fur, a rich tapestry of gold or black stripes that trail down their majestic bodies, blending seamlessly with patches of pure white, or reddish-orange. Their eyes, deep pools of amber, reflect the sagacity that permeates their culture. Despite their massive frames, their movements are fluid, and their expressions hold a depth of understanding that seems to pierce the very soul. Adorned with intricate jewelry and garments crafted from natural materials, Tigerkin often bear symbols of Seoularian spirituality, emphasizing their role as guardians and spiritual leaders.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.8m
    • Females: Up to 2.7m
    • Males: Up to 3m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: N/A
  • Hair color: Tigerkin have a small range of fur colors, below is a sample of their fur colors followed by the age in which they hold these colors, and commonality if applicable. Note that the base fur and stripe colors are listed as their most typical in appearance, some Tigerkin may have stripes that are not typical in color for that particular age.
    • Youth
      • Very Common, Base Fur (#D89848) | Stripes (#0D0D0D)
      • Common, Base Fur (#CF8F30) | Stripes (#2C2117)
      • Uncommon, Base Fur (#E68C33) | Stripes (#211100)
      • Rare, Base Fur (#CC7319) | Stripes (#2D1B08)
    • Adult:
      • Very Common, Base Fur (#FFA655) | Stripes (#322118)
      • Common, Base Fur (#FFC591) | Stripes (#211D1B)
      • Uncommon, Base Fur (#DD883B) | Stripes (#1E1815)
      • Rare, Base Fur (#E39D5D) | Stripes (#201510)
    • Elder:
      • Very Common, Base Fur (#FBF0E5) | Stripes(#FFBF7F)
      • Common, Base Fur (#ECCFB6) | Stripes (#FBAD6C)
      • Uncommon, Base Fur (#FFE5CD) | Stripes (#FFD382)
      • Rare, Base Fur (#FFF2E6) | Stripes (#F4D796)
  • Distinctions:
    • Fur and Stripe Variations: Tigerkin are renowned for their fur patterns, which vary widely among individuals. Young Tigerkin often begin with vibrant orange or golden fur, this is because the prey they used to hunt did not see the color orange. Instead their prey such as deer and boar saw green, with their stripes mimicking shadows allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.. As they age, some develop white fur, particularly around their face, chest, and belly. Others retain their golden or orange fur throughout their lives. Notably, a rare few Tigerkin are born with silver fur, a phenomenon considered highly auspicious in their culture.
    • Stripes: A defining feature of Tigerkin is their stripes. Classic black stripes adorn the bodies of most Tigerkin, contrasting vividly against their fur. However, these stripes can vary significantly. Some Tigerkin have dark stripes that expand, covering most of their body, while others have sparse and subtle stripes, creating an elegant appearance. In old age, the dark stripes on some individuals may turn gray, blending harmoniously with their fur, while others retain stark black stripes against their white or silver coats. Some stripes seem to lean into a ‘gold-like’ appearance and this too is considered auspicious in their culture.
    • Aging Characteristics: Mature Tigerkin exhibit a majestic aura, their movements exuding both strength and wisdom. Aging Tigerkin may display a regal silver or white fur, symbolizing their wisdom and experience. In contrast, younger Tigerkin often have brighter, more vibrant fur colors. The distinctive aging process, including the transformation of fur colors and stripe patterns, is a revered aspect of Tigerkin culture, signifying the passage of time and the richness of life experience.
    • Gender Differences: In terms of physical distinctions between genders, male Tigerkin typically have slightly larger frames and broader shoulders than females. Females, on the other hand, often display a graceful agility and flexibility, making them exceptional hunters. Gender differences are more subtle than in some other species, with both males and females sharing similar fur and stripe patterns.
  • Races: N/A [May Update Later]
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Natural Hunters: Tigerkin possess innate hunting abilities and instincts, making them formidable predators in their natural environment. Their keen senses, agility, and strength give them an advantage when stalking and capturing prey.
  • Natural Fighters: Tigerkin are skilled combatants, drawing upon their instincts, agility, and physical prowess in battle. Their natural affinity for combat, coupled with years of honing their skills through hunting and sparring, makes them formidable opponents on the battlefield.
  • Vulnerability to Poisonous Plants: Despite their omnivorous diet, Tigerkin have limited tolerance for certain poisonous plants that may be toxic to their physiology. Lack of awareness or exposure to harmful vegetation can pose a significant risk to their health and well-being.
  • Vulnerability to Overwhelming Numbers: Despite their combat prowess, Tigerkin can be overwhelmed by sheer numbers in a fight. While they excel in one-on-one combat or small skirmishes, facing large groups of enemies can expose their vulnerabilities and diminish their effectiveness in combat.
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • The Tigerkin are omnivorous beings, reflecting their biological and cultural heritage from ancient Seoul. While they have a natural inclination towards consuming meat, they also incorporate various plant-based foods into their diet. Common foods include:
    • Meat: As apex predators, Tigerkin have a strong preference for meat, particularly from sources like wild game, fish, and livestock. They have developed efficient hunting skills and techniques, ensuring that no part of the animal goes to waste. From muscle tissue to organs and bones, Tigerkin utilizes every part for sustenance and crafting.
    • Vegetables and Fruits: Alongside meat, Tigerkin consumes a variety of vegetables and fruits, ranging from leafy greens and root vegetables to berries and citrus fruits. These plant-based foods provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and fiber to supplement their diet.
    • Grains and Rice: Tigerkin also incorporates grains and rice into their meals. They consume rice as a staple carbohydrate source, along with other grains like barley and millet.
    • Seafood: Due to their coastal habitats, Tigerkin communities often rely on seafood as a significant part of their diet. Fish, shellfish, and crustaceans are commonly consumed, providing additional protein and essential fatty acids.
  • Communication: Tigerkin have several ways to communicate and while they can speak Galactic Basic and Seoularian, they do not use either language when communicating with each other.

    • 1. Body Language: Tigerkin are highly expressive through their body language. Subtle movements of their tails, ears, and whiskers convey emotions and intentions. A flick of the tail might express annoyance, while a gentle touch of the nose signifies affection. They use their powerful bodies to communicate dominance, submission, curiosity and a myriad of other feelings.
    • 2. Vocalizations: Tigerkin employ an array of vocalizations. Low growls indicate contentment or warning, while roars resonate with authority and strength. Purring signifies satisfaction and camaraderie. Chirps and chuffs express friendliness and acknowledgment. Through these vocal cues, Tigerkin convey their feelings and intentions, fostering understanding within their community.
    • 3. Scent Marking: They also use scent marking to communicate territorial boundaries, reproductive readiness, and social hierarchies. They release distinct scents from glands in their cheeks and paws, leaving olfactory messages for others to interpret.
    • 4. Visual Signals: Tigerkin use their striking stripes and facial expressions to communicate visually. Bright, focused eyes convey curiosity or determination, while dilated pupils indicate excitement or alertness. They might raise their fur to appear larger when threatened or flatten it when calm, sending clear signals to those around them.
    • 5. Ritualistic Gestures: In ceremonies and significant social interactions, Tigerkin incorporate ritualistic gestures inspired by their ancestors. These include graceful movements, choreographed dances, and symbolic actions that convey specific meanings, enriching their communication during important events.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Tigerkin, deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of their ancestors, follow a spiritual path carried on from well before the Age of Darkness era. Their faith, known as "Sujigwa", is a complex tapestry of animistic reverence, ancestral veneration, and celestial worship, intricately interwoven with the natural world and cosmic forces.

    • Ancestral Veneration: Central to Tigerkin spirituality is the veneration of ancestors. They believe that the spirits of their forebears watch over them, guiding their actions and decisions. Ancestral rites, performed with utmost devotion, honor the wisdom and legacy of past generations. These ceremonies serve to maintain a harmonious balance between the living and the spiritual realm.
    • Celestial Worship: Tigerkin revere celestial beings, associating them with various aspects of life. The sun, representing vitality and enlightenment, is honored as a benevolent deity. The moon, symbolizing mystery and intuition, is worshipped as the protector of secrets and dreams. The stars are believed to be the spirits of departed loved ones, illuminating the night sky with their eternal presence.
    • Nature Spirits and Animism: The Tigerkin hold a deep respect for nature and its myriad spirits. They believe that every living creature, plant, and natural element possesses a spirit. Forests, rivers, and mountains are revered as sacred spaces, inhabited by benevolent spirits who guard the land. This animistic worldview fosters a profound connection between Tigerkin and their environment, promoting environmental stewardship and harmony with nature.
    • Shamanistic Practices: Within Tigerkin society, there are individuals gifted with the ability to commune with the spirits—the Tigerkin shamans, known as "Mudangs." These revered figures act as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the spirit world. Through rituals, dance, and trance-like states, Mudangs seek guidance, offer blessings, and perform healing ceremonies. Their practices are deeply respected, and their insights are crucial in times of celebration, crisis, or spiritual inquiry.
    • Balance and Harmony: A core tenet of Sujigwa is the pursuit of balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Tigerkin believe that aligning one's actions with the natural order and cosmic energies brings peace and prosperity. Rituals and practices are designed to maintain this equilibrium, ensuring that the Tigerkin live in accord with the rhythms of the universe.
  • General behavior:
    • Family Life: Tigerkin typically live in close-knit family units known as prides. These prides are led by a dominant male and female pair, with other family members, including offspring of various ages, contributing to the group's welfare. Family bonds are strong, and members of the pride often engage in cooperative behaviors such as hunting and grooming to support one another.
    • Values: Tigerkin place a high value on strength, courage, and loyalty. They respect hierarchy within their pride and uphold traditions that have been passed down through generations. Honor and integrity are esteemed qualities, and individuals are expected to contribute to the well-being of the group.
    • Interaction with the World: Tigerkin are skilled hunters and possess keen senses, allowing them to navigate their environment effectively. They are diurnal creatures, preferring to hunt and engage in social activities during the day. While they primarily inhabit forested areas, they are adaptable and can thrive in various ecosystems.
    • Relationship with Other Species: Tigerkin generally keep to themselves but may interact with neighboring tribes or species when necessary. They are cautious around unfamiliar creatures but can form alliances or trade relationships with those they deem trustworthy. Conflict with other species is rare but may occur if territorial boundaries are threatened.
    • Diurnal: Tigerkin are primarily diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day and rest during the night. Their hunting and social behaviors are optimized for daylight conditions, although they may exhibit some activity during the twilight hours.
    • Education: Tigerkin rely on experiential learning within their family units to acquire essential skills for survival. Young cubs observe and imitate the behaviors of adult members of the pride, gradually honing their abilities through practice and repetition. There are no formal schools or educational institutions, as knowledge is passed down orally from one generation to the next.
The Tigerkin, known for their strength, resilience, and fierce loyalty, have inhabited the planet Seoul for generations. Legend has it that they are descendants of ancient beasts imbued with the spirits of the land. As Seoul evolved into a thriving world, the Tigerkin adapted to various environmental changes and societal shifts.

In the early years, the Tigerkin lived in close-knit tribes scattered across Seoul's vast wilderness. They hunted game, practiced traditional rituals to honor their ancestors and the spirits, and built simple settlements amidst the dense forests and rugged terrain.

As civilizations emerged on Seoul, the Tigerkin began to interact with other species and cultures, trading goods and knowledge. While some embraced the advancements of modern society, others clung to their traditional ways, leading to a divergence in Tigerkin communities.

Over time, the Tigerkin united under a common identity, blending ancient traditions with contemporary values. They became known as skilled artisans, warriors, and diplomats, contributing to Seoul's rich tapestry of diversity.

Today, the Tigerkin continue to play a vital role in shaping the cultural and political landscape of Seoul. They are respected for their wisdom, courage, and unwavering dedication to preserving the natural beauty of their homeworld.
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