Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diplomacy Trouble on Tython [High Republic and the Alliance.]



The Core of the Galaxy, colloquially known as the Deep Core, was a densely packed mass of planets and stars that posed a danger to any that dared venture there. It was an astronavigational nightmare that was home to not only a massive black hole surrounded by antimatter but a concentrated number of star clusters that were a hundredth of a light-year apart. It was even reported, that in some areas, these clusters were in such proximity to one another - that they would often collide and rip the cores from one another. Hyperspace travel within the region was difficult at best, and that was even with the most advanced navicomputers and updated star-charts. One wrong move or calculation and a starship would be stranded, and likely torn asunder by the gravitational forces at play.

Despite these innate dangers, life flourished near the Centre of the Galaxy, especially on the world of Tython. It was once a beautiful pearl of emeralds and sapphires, against the bespeckled canvas of infinite night. But, it would not always be so. Nearly a decade ago, a majority of the planet was despoiled by the machinations of the One Sith. Where vast swathes of the planet were corrupted by the imbalance, and its surface was cracked and blackened - with towering structures of blackened-obsidian reaching towards the heavens. Tython was a nightmarish shadow of what it once was. There was hope, however. Long after the One Sith was banished from the Core Regions of the Galaxy, Tython began to heal.

It was above that healing world that the combined governments of the High Republic and the Alliance gathered to discuss the terms of unification, and bringing stability back to the Core Regions of the Galaxy.

They elected to meet at a once-long abandoned Orbital Station that was refurbished for the coming conclave. Its innards were wholly gutted, and replaced with modern alternatives to not only sustain life but allow it to flourish once more within the abandoned halls. When the restoration efforts were complete, the interior causeways were decorated with flowing pennants from the High Republic and the Alliance respectively. Neither banner flew higher than the other and were found equally spread throughout the entirety of the orbital station. Such a display was none more apparent than in the Central Hub - which was furbished into an auditorium house the main event.

There were banners and tables a-plenty, many of which were combined as they populated the three-tiered chamber. Notable delegates from many systems and even religious orders within either government were slated to attend and thus required proper representation. Even delicacies from each of these represented worlds found themselves arrayed on floating tables that circulated the chamber on whispers of anti-gravitic energy, ranging from delectable finger-foods to refreshing beverages of every manner imaginable. This was a special event, after all. Might as well make it worthy of remembrance.

And so, the stage was set, the pieces were moving. All that remained was for the proceedings to begin, for the first topic on the table was the establishment of new hyper-routes through the Deep Core. Something that was immensely dangerous, and required both Governments to work together to make this titanic effort even remotely possible.

However, not all was supposedly peaceful as many wanted. Like the Deep Core itself, there were dangers lurking around every corner. As with any mass-gathering of government officials, security would doubtlessly need to be tight. Sure, they were far away from the fringes and borders of their respective spheres of influence, but their combined enemies cast lengthy shadows. To that end, both the High Republic and the Alliance tasked their warships with ensuring the safety of the station, ever vigilant in their patrols for threats unseen by the naked eye. Their larger vessels weren’t alone in the skies either, as many a squadron of starfighters flew in formation around their designated carriers, sensors trained on the horizons. Nothing conventional would escape their sight. But, the many enemies of both Governments were crafty beyond measure, and would doubtlessly seek to exploit the varied layers of security that their respective branches of Intelligence established.

To ensure that the methods most would consider as unconventional were covered, dozens of enforcers were seeded into the ranks of the conclave; either clad in their official uniforms or blending into the crowd wearing spacer’s attire. It mattered not what they wore. Their duty was to sniff out threats that the military couldn’t see, and deal with them as quietly, and swiftly as they could.

With all of these measures in place, many enemies would be dissuaded from carrying out their insidious schemes. Yet, there were rumours. Whispers that a new enemy lurked in the shadows, eager to bloody their fangs against this blessed union. But, rumours were merely hearsay and scuttlebutt couldn’t be trusted if there wasn’t something to back it up. A sense of credibility was needed. It would be found in the shadowed exchanges between smugglers and spacers, looking for credits for actionable knowledge, which would then spread like wildfire throughout the varied branches of the High Republic and Alliance alike. Something would need to be done, but what? How could they defend from a threat that’s intangible and lingers in the shadows, unseen.


Diplomatic Scenarios:

  • Ties That Bind: The time has come for the High Republic and Alliance to stand as one, against the waning powers of darkness. Join in on the festivities as our representatives discuss the future of these two interstellar factions.
  • Dangerous Whispers: Rumours abound of an assassination plot in the works, and with dozens of high-value individuals gathered in a single place? It’d be foolish for us to discard such hearsay without proper investigation, and safeguard our people if this threat materializes.
  • Old Scars: Tython is a world that has endured much these past years, and the echoes of the past are plain to see. While the local Religious Order wishes for the planet to remain neutral in High Republic and Alliance affairs, we can’t ignore the rest of the system and the people who’d recolonized it. Render aid as you see fit.
  • Tythonian Tales: There are many stories to be told with this world. If you have business on the ancestral homeworld of the Jedi? Feel free to take part and help us flesh out this planet with even more rich lore.


Renair Naki

There was a soft grunt from afar as a human male would slowly push away another branch. His clothing seemed somewhat ill fitting for a place such as this but he did not know much better. All he knew was that this place was rumored to give power and to allow oneself to be properly trained. It was all misguided information in reality yet the young adult would quickly clamber up another tree trunk to get a better sight of the place. Pulling out a single rangefinder, he would zoom in on the rocks around them as they started to move around strangely. It seemed to be true, these rocks floating on their own though he could somewhat feel the special presence around him. Noticing one was starting to pass by really close, he gripped onto the nearby tree trunk with his small backpack and started to shimmy up the tree, even if it was rather poorly done.

Once he got onto one of the larger branches, he hoisted himself up with some difficulty and watched the floating island start to slowly move on by. Breathing in then back out, he would run across the tree branch and leap off. What was different between a regular force user and this person was simple. He had no idea how to Force Jump at all. Landing onto the side of the floating island, he would grip onto one of the roots barely as he hanged off the side. Giving a small grunt, he would grab out a small rappel gun and point it up towards the top of a tree on the floating island. Firing it once, he watched it go up and then slowly wrap around one of the tree branches.

Activating the rappel, he would start to go up as he gripped onto it with both hands as his grapple gun dropped into the water below. As he started to go up, the branch would break and would start to fall again. Not screaming or panicking, he grab with both hands, even if almost breaking his own fingers, a nearby ledge. Grunting in pain, he would remember what he was taught and focus on that pain, letting it fuel his body as he hoisted himself up, feeling that extra bit of strength before laying on his side, shaking his fingers as they all felt disjointed. Wincing a bit, he would gently pull on each finger, feeling them slowly pop into place each time as it was painful but needed.

After a few minutes of excruciating pain and the loss of his grapple gun, he would look up as he was close to the top. Gripping onto some nearby rocks, he started to climb up the side of the rock, even if it was rather hard to do so. It would take several minutes for just going up the facing of fifteen feet. After he got to the top however, he would crawl upwards and lay on his back, panting as the sun slowly beat down onto him. Leaning up, he would start to unpack his backpack of carefully prepared meals and various forms of clothing and training equipment. Sitting out even a small picnic like blanket, he would sit with a prepared meal in a plastic container and begin to eat, taking his time as he looked around all the same, enjoying the sight of not only being on top of a moving rock, but also being on something that could grow and become something of beauty. It felt peaceful here...and he could not grasp why.

Ryv Ryv
Dangerous Whispers
Location: Central Hub, Orbital Station, Tython High Orbit
Tags: Doroko Bral Doroko Bral
Gear: See Character Bio

Ruus was clad in his usual padded armor with chromium plating, polished to a bright mirror finish. Shrouded by his reflective visor the every watchful Ranger scanned the crowd with his HUD for facial recognition matches. The majority of those present had no criminal records meaning they did not show up on his HUD at all. There were a few charged with minor offenses such as improper starship activities though that was it. The Sector Rangers had been made aware of the threat to the High Republic politicians specifically although they had been instructed to protect the Alliance.

"Naasad ge'hutuun." Ruus reported into his integrated helmet commlink to Doroko Bral Doroko Bral , in their native Mando'a . This didn't mean much as many of these people were not in the High Republic's registry in the first place. The database was useful but not absolute. Ruus put a hand on an Alliance police officer's shoulder and spoke with her privately for a moment before they both went their separate ways. It seemed their Alliance counterparts had no further leads themselves, though the day was only starting "Joruur acyk wasuur bal ka'gaht doslanir."
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Clan Bral Verde | HSC Howlrunner | Mercenary
Location: Central Hub, Orbital Station, Tython High Orbit
Allies: Ruus Ruus
Gear: See Bio
Objective: Dangerous Whispers


Doroko slowly transverse the great corridors of the Orbital Station, his HUD locking onto the multiple faces of aids, security forces, and such that couldn't help but turn their heads and look at the Mandalorian riding a speeder. Most probably didn't know speeders could even move so slow. Some time passed, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary to Doroko. Then Ruus Ruus ' transmission filled his helmet. Doroko sat up in his speeder, which came to a stop as he gently stepped off the accelerator. "Naas olar ebi." There was a pause in the transmission while Ruus spoke to someone else. Then his voice came back into the helmet. "Elek."

Doroko leaned over his speeder again and pressed gently onto the accelerator so that the craft would skate along the floor towards the corridor junctions on the western side of the Orbital Station. Once he made it to the junction he then followed one of corridors around towards the southern junction point. Doroko's head scanned back and forth, the HUD recognizing the faces of a good many of those he passed, but there were several that the HUD could not identify. "Ibic di'kutla gota." he growled as he became frustrated with how incomplete the database was. Though the fact that so many were registering was a technological marvel in of itself, but that was lost on Doroko who was no moron, but unaware of the limitations. After-all, he had seen godlike powers from those wielding the force on Mandalore and other battles. He had seen machines that were more intelligent then entire rooms of experts, flawless in their design and execution of complex scenarios. A simple registry of citizens seemed like an easy feat.
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Vonar Ardinn

Location : Tython
Tags : Doroko Bral Doroko Bral | Ruus Ruus | Renair Naki
Objective : Ties that Bind

Vonar Ardinn's Flagship , the Imperator jumped out of hyperspace in orbit of Tython , with the Lord-Imperator of Byss standing in its's bridge preparing to introduce himself for the first time to the larger Galactic Alliance. In the days following the Frozen Hand Campaign a Provisional Government had been established in Byss in which he was selected as it's leader. Having been an Aristocrat that supported the main principles of the Imperial Regimes that ruled over Byss: Peace , Order and Stability , Vonar Ardinn had quickly moved forth to establish himself as the Monarch of Byss though had moved carefully establishing an Elective Monarchy and adding some of the Democratic Principles of the Galactic Alliance.

The Lord-Imperator had heard about the ambitious project to create new hyper-routes in the Deep Core something that could benefit the newly established Constitutional Protectorate of Byss and it's people economically-wise as the Constitutional Protectorate having been isolated for some time could trade and interact with Galactic Powers. The people of Byss largely supported Imperial Regimes and weren't used to Democracies given their long history of living under various Imperial Regimes , the Dark Empire , the One Sith and the Core Imperial Confederation. Interaction with the Galactic Alliance could cause some internal Problems on Byss given it's long and dark history but the Planet had been through worse and the Lord-Imperator wasn't concerned about any potential revolt against him.

The Lord-Imperator soon went to his personal Shuttle and headed for the Tython Space Station ready to make history for his troubled people , to resolve issues left unresolved by previous powers and to give his people and planet a new purpose other then some Fortress World and safe-haven for Imperial Warlords and to finally sweep away the Darkness that has plagued Byss for centuries once and for all.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things

It was a rare occurrence for Ryv to find enough time to steal away to Tython and enjoy the peaceful planet. War claimed the core worlds in his youth, leaving them smoldering after the occupation of the One Sith, followed by imperial warlords and other warmongers seeking to carve out territory and wealth. The conquest led by Cedric Grayson, formerly Imperator, as well as the young Jedi's once-master, brought peace to many planets under the ire of less than stellar rulers. That peace remained under the watchful eye of many great men and women across the stars, though beyond the core worlds darkness stirred. The Sith clawed closer with each passing day, while the merciless Bryn'adul tore a bloody swathe through the trillions between them and the other end of the galaxy. Something more substantial had to come about to face the likes of these threats, as the Silver Jedi Order was no longer enough, if they ever were, to begin with.

Fortunately for the residents of the Core worlds, the High Republic and Core Alliance had plentiful foresight. Individually, their power could rival other small-scale factions within the galaxy. But together? Their combined might would see them able to overcome the greater evils lurking on the edges of known space. For this reason, Ryv Karis dedicated more time than he'd like to admit to serving both peoples. The Jedi Order worked tirelessly beside each power in hopes of overcoming adversities and establishing the Galactic Alliance in full. While it sounded great on paper, it meant a helluva lot more effort than initially assumed. Things had gone well so far, with a joint operation on Vulpter seeing High Admiral Cassius Callaesar Cassius Callaesar and Corellian Senator Maou Maou saved from a group of terrorists formerly known as the Nationalist Vulptureen Front. With their leadership apprehended, the remaining radicals found themselves behind bars and away from the innocents they yearned to rule.

No longer facing a state of emergency, the budding Galactic Alliance called for celebration to mark the success of step one. Ryv looked forward to getting away from all the stress that followed mission work and returned to Tython. Customary of the Ashlan Order's representative, the kiffar took time to rest and bask in the light of a Journey's End. It brought a sense of calm that dwarfed even the Blade of Ruusan, customarily found at the Jedi's hip with the self-exile imposed on his former master. His responsibilities to the grove took all morning, but the young man enjoyed them. A focus on the simpler things often kept his mind from wandering to the darker places he hoped to avoid.

Finally finished, Ryv returned the various bits of gardening equipment to a makeshift tool shed constructed within a hollowed-out nook at the base of the massive tree. He strode out from the underground cave and pulled his top and pants off, leaving only his undergarments. Without missing a beat, he ran forward and jumped into the crystalline waters of the lake. He sank beneath the surface and scrubbed away the dirt and grime accumulated from his earlier labors. Deciding to take a bit more time in the large lake, he did a few laps around the central island before climbing back onto the shore to relax. Hours went by in relative peace, leaving the young Jedi to silent meditations. They came to a sudden end as his holodevice beeped urgently from within his nearby pants.

Standing up, Ryv strolled over to them and tugged the device out of his pockets. He activated it, offering a curious gaze to the Alliance intelligence officer ringing him out of the blue.

"Hey there, Ryv, sorry to bother you. I have some intel for you from high command," the soldier reported.

"Don't even worry about it, Val," Ryv assured him while pulling his pants up and around his waist. "What can I help you with today, boss?"

"We've picked up word something, or somebody intends on crashing our festivities. One of our guests is in danger of assassination. We don't have intel on who yet, but we're searching for more info as we speak. Think you can keep an eye open while you're out and about? We don't want to tip them off that we know, so try and keep your head down and act normal."

"Shouldn't be an issue. Keep in touch, Val. You know I'm fine going blind on shit like this, but I'm not so sure our charge would be," Ryv pulled his long-sleeved top over his shoulders and looked back to the device.

"Yes sir," Val saluted before the holocall came to an end.

Ryv slid the device into his pocket and rubbed his face with an exasperated sigh. Nothing could ever be easy, could it? He tugged his shoes on before looking up to one of the nearby floating rocks. Taking a deep breath, the Jedi Knight called the force to his and propelled himself up in the air, a three-point landing marking his success. He eyed another of the floating rocks but froze in place. The kiffar dug back into his pocket and pulled his holodevice back out. He typed away at the screen for a moment, erased the text, and then repeated the process several times. By the time he finished the simple message and sent it off, the floating island had completed its rotation around the massive tree. With another deep breath, he launched himself to an adjacent stone and began the process of working his way towards land.

Auteme's holodevice would beep as Ryv's message made its way to her device.

' Will I get to see you at the festival? '


Renair Naki

The young human male would finish consuming his small meal, concerning pieces of rice and peas as he slowly go up and capped back on the plastic, putting back into his backpack. Looking around the area, he would take a large swig of water as he noted around the area how lively it looked, even the insects seemed to be thriving in the ground, little ants that could crawl and bind together towards a unique cause only to them they know of. The entire time, he had not noticed a man leaping around the stone and land islands that floated above them, oblivious to all things. He honestly believed to be the only one that was here. With that, he slowly got up and blinked his left eye a few times in a certain speed, showing the clock. It was time for training.

Putting down his rather regal coat, he would pull out from his backpack a rather old looking Lightfoil. Flipping it around his left hand a few times, he would stop and ignite it as it was rather loud, even for a lightfoil. Putting his right foot back, he would make a noise like HUWAH! Noises that he remembered others doing, showing the timing in each step as he started to stab forward a few times like a fencer before turning to the left, repeating the process. Turning around suddenly, he would flick his legs up and downward strike into the ground. This would be repeated several times, sometimes with a flourish, sometimes with a possibly looking finishing stab or disarming cut.

After a few times doing this, probably in a span of ten minutes, he would try to do a whirlwind spin from where he stood to strike down hard. Instead, he got half way around and then fell flat on his back with a sharp THUMP! with the lightsaber rolling out of his hand and deactivating. Giving a long groan, he lay there for a minute in pure pain as it was hard on his body to even do this kind of training. Yet he kept going, he needed to feel what this place can do for him. Getting up carefully, the young human male grabbed the lightfoil as he ignited again its dark yellow hue and started to practice with even more ferocity than before, speeding up his technique as he cut some of the bunches of branches near by on the ground, practicing as much as he could.

Ryv Ryv

Seela Khaan


It is said
That when Ashla first breathed life onto Tython, she wept from the heavens. Her world was beautiful but empty.
So, the great goddess buried a fragment of her heart into the earth. Her tears filled the valley, providing her gift the precious life-giving waters necessary to grow...

After her explosion at the autopsy, Seela had been sequestered to a Jedi Confessional. Though voluntary at first, she had nearly gone mad in the weeks that followed as she was forced to relive her darkest moments as the Force pulled the bogan from her metaphorical pores. She came out of the kyberite prison with a clarity she hadn't felt in decades and in that clarity the Force had drawn her in a dozen different directions. Lothal, the rebuilt worlds of Illum and Jedha, world filed with light but not only those worlds. Ancient Sith worlds such as Ziost and Zigoola also tugged at her dreams and thoughts. Above all of these though, was the call from Tython.

She had stayed for several days in Ashla's Embrace, pouring through the archives and making daily trips to Ashla's Heart, a great tree that hung over an island of kyberite, giving life to dozens of kyber crystal types that grew beneath and along its massive root system. The people were kind enough, if not strangely observant of their religion, even those whom the Force did not flow strongly through. Her dark robes clashed with their white as well, but they served good caf and allowed her to stay within her own small starship, though they didn't allow her to fly it to the island the great tree thrived.

She had bathed in the lake's soothing waters the evening before and now with what felt like a surge of energy she had taken off to the caves to study the kyber growths. As the ferry docked and she disembarked she marveled at the tree again, watching the light dance off of the kyber. Left almost entirely undisturbed outside of the occasional crystal harvesting pilgrim the air smelled of fresh grass and the air was filled with the songs and sounds of the native fauna. Her black boots squelched in the soft soil and she began to wonder if it was maybe too fresh.

Off to the side, closer to the tree were a trio of hooligans. It seemed the older woman was harassing the younger. While not exactly paying them mind, they were being so loud that she couldn't help but hear the word "wedgie" over the soft churning of the lake's waters on the dock.

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt
OBJECTIVE: Tythonian Tales
Tython // Ashla's Embrace
Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt // Allyson Locke Allyson Locke // Seela Khaan // Ryv Ryv // Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara

Can't touch this

"Y--what? How? What? You're gonna what?" Dumbfounded stammering evidenced how perplexing the threat was, and Loske took an involuntary step backward to put some space between herself and the former Rogue pilot.

Frank, as much as he would have been delighted to see the threat turn into a promise, interjected with an explanation. For her half-a-decade in the galaxy, it was a pity she hadn't heard the word in the context of someone delivering pain to another person. If he had eyes, he would have rolled them. Instead, he played the role he had been made to fill.

A wedgie-- He began, accessing the holonet for a definition applicable to Allyson Locke Allyson Locke 's bullying, --is an uncomfortable tightening of the underpants between the buttocks. Loske nodded at that part, she was well-familiar with that part, given the flight suit situation. He continued, unaffected Typically produced when someone pulls the underpants up from the back as a prank.

"Woaah, okay no. Hard pass." With a hop-skip-twist, she veered from the reach of the former Rogue pilot and on the other side of the astromech, using him as a barrier. "Besides," she smirked from her safer position, with a finger waggle, emboldened with the newfound confidence from establishing the triangle-faced bodyguard between herself and the brunette. "That's getting close to the unholy area."

She dropped her voice to a whisper, shaking her head with a scolding expression, perking at the end of the intonation. "And this is holy ground. Right?"

Visiting Tython with Allyson and Maynard was less traumatic than her last visit. The playful tormenting was refreshing and coming to the planet with people who weren't wholly overwhelmed by the preciousness of the planet was more her style. She'd been feeling a little wayward in the master department since Cedric had taken a Barash vow, so any knowledge she could suck from whatever lessons, she'd take. Even if it was from Allyson and meant for Maynard.

Maynard had been ill at ease countless times in his life. Who hadn't? This? this right here? this made him truly uncomfortable. If for no reason in particular other than- well... really all of it. These two fine ladies were perhaps the only two that Maynard had gotten to know well at all since leaving Concord Dawn. Now here they were, threatening wedgies...leaving the Padawan...genuinely perplexed.

His BB unit at his side sounded out a series of curious binary beeps to which Treicolt offered a nod in return.

"Nah I couldn't tell you either, buddy. I mean- no I don't even wanna have this discussion right now man I'm not gonna lie." Maynard says in reply to the droid. Though Allyson might've taken Maynard under his wing as his master the difference in age was...negligible at best and thus made taking her on as friend with a knowledge that far outweighed his in the force, even if pound for pound they'd probably allotted the same portion of their lives to the Jedi -- her mastery of the force outweighed his in spades. It was an odd dynamic but anything concerning the more often than not out of place Maynard typically was.

Glancing off to the side he spotted the Devaronian Jedi Master peeling from around the tree, on initial glance he didn't seem to pay her any mind before his eyes widened at how poorly placed everything out of context might be. The three taking things...far less seriously than they should be given the nature of the ancient tree. Even Ryv Ryv who was never one to jump to taking things all too seriously had certainly put great value in his sentry of tree -- seeing the man circle it about five or so times. Maynard might've joined him he wouldn't have at all actually.

"Oh- uhhh heyyy, its uhhh erm. Hows it- I'm Maynard...these two fine ladies would be Loske n' Allyson...what they're doing? Couldn't tell ya to be quite honest." Maynard said, trying to break the ice of the wholly awkward encounter.

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Seela Khaan
Old Scars; Charlie's Return​
With: Finley Dawson
Location: Tython Hanger, Arriving planet-side​

Charlie shook her sore thumb as she stood in the middle of the hanger on Tython. Out of all the places in the galaxy, Tython was the bottom of her list. She hated it here, some of her worst memories belonged to this planet. Yet, this is where she met Umma for the first time. When she remembered it, Charlie forgot about how she clung to Jyoti, leaving the Echani no other choice but to take her along. She continued to chew her thumbnail even though she had already made it sore.​

Exhaling she looked for her companion, it didn't take this long to house a ship. Looking at her small comms device, she sent a message to Jyoti, letting the woman know that they had safely arrived on Tython and not to worry. "Where is that gajjaui?" Charlie continued to look around, she was nervous, and it showed.​

Standing in the middle of the hanger, Charlie remembered when she was first arriving onto the planet. The memory was fresh as if it happened yesterday, and it was one of those memories that she could never forget - it haunted her. Shaking her head quickly, Charlie knew Appa wasn't going to be here to comfort her after them. Even so, she was older; she didn't need her Appa's soothing voice to help her back to sleep.​

Okay, maybe she did. A finger pressed against the small hearing aid in her right ear, her father's voice spoke quietly after being installed soon after she had become comfortable around him, which was a process that involved a lengthy store - one for another time. It helped calm Charlie's mind by having both of her parents' voices in her ear.​

Charlie began to move around the hanger, standing in one place made her target - especially if the hooded men were still around. Just thinking about them gave her chills. "Finllllleeeyyy." She whined to herself as she chewed on her thumb. Where was he?!​


Recent months had certainly been eventful. As the Alliance and High Republic have continued to work together and increase their cooperative efforts on nearly every front, so too have those most threatened by the prospect of a re-united Core. Despite everything; terrorist plots, a nationalist uprising, and even an unimaginable engagement with an enemy from beyond the veil of reality, the shared goal of peace and unity has never wavered.

Despite an unprecedented level of exhaustion and perhaps some new traumas to cope with, Cassius remained confident in the mutual goals of the two factions. The Anaxsi were strong advocates of unity and security, regardless of the means. It was no secret that his fortress homeworld held strong Centrist values. Whether under the rule of Empires or Republics, Anaxes had always managed to prosper -- it was the nature of being an aristocratic culture renowned for its contributions to countless generations of war machines.

The High Admiral was no exception to that. He maintained his own admirable virtues, but respected power and authority above all else. It was the key to protecting their people, afterall. The Core Alliance and High Republic had not failed to demonstrate either. For the first time in many years the Core Worlds were beginning to feel harmonious, with new trade pouring in from the planets protected by the Silver Jedi and secure hyperlanes between the territories of the Alliance & Republic. It was only a matter of time until those standing in their way fell apart or were destroyed.

LR/FA shuttle had arrived without incident, offloading the well-dressed Anaxsi and a small retinue of Alliance Marines. Although he was only officially in-charge of the fleets of the Azure Sector, High Admiral Callaesar's heritage made him one of the Alliance's leading advisors in their naval operations. He hoped to discuss opportunities to improve their navigational abilities in the exceptionally dangerous and densely packed Galactic Core.

// Central Hub

Stepping through a grand entrance and into the main hall of the diplomatic meeting, Cassius glances to the commanding officer of his compliment at his side, "Sergeant Hodder, have your men spread out and cover the entrances. I will be fine to mingle on my own."

The marine's T-visor bobs in acknowledgement and a vocoded voice responds,
<<Yes, sir.>>

Scanning the room, he quickly spots two individuals of note. The first and most glaringly obvious is Gat Tambor, a Senatorial candidate for his native planet Skako and the CEO of Technoid Manufactorum. An individual of exuberant wealth with capable means of production. If his sources were to be trusted, Tambor was a strong capitalist who could make for a solid investor in the project he had in mind, but with his company's growing Imperial ties there was a risk that bureaucratic red tape could make it a chore.

The second man was someone he had only recently heard of: Vonar Ardinn, the elected monarch of Byss. His planet was a strong one with tough and capable citizens. Conveniently located in the heart of the Deep Core, perhaps it was this proclaimed Lord-Imperator's home that could fill the missing piece to his growing vision. Only time would tell.

Failing to spot a representative from the Republic Engineering Company or High Republic itself on his first pass, the High Admiral opts to engage the two he had managed to find among the crowd.

"Mr. Tambor," Cassius approaches him, being certain to not interrupt any previous conversations the Skakoan had been a part of "an honour to meet you in person. I've recently read over the technical specifications of your Vandal-class Corvette the Defense Force contracted. I must say, it is a brilliant vessel."

Breaking his attention away from the mighty Tambor's entourage for just a moment, Cassius attempts to reel the representative of Byss into their conversation as he passes by them "Ah, Imperator Ardinn," he raises his drink "Welcome to Tython Station. Join us in conversation, if you would."



[ Amazing ]

The 'rumored' to be self-declared High Lord Of Skako had all but a tenuous relationship with just about every single major political and economic entity within the Galaxy by this point. After starting his career selling arms to the Sith Empire, he'd then fully backed an armed insurrection of the very same regime whilst holding political office in the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

A position which he'd all but neglected by this point following his appointment as the Chairman of IBED and the executive order which made hosting manufacturing in Confederate space to export it to the unknown regions all but infeasible in its profitability. All the while, he seemed to funnel a portion of his commission of the New Imperial Order armed forces to the newly formed Galactic Alliance. Just about everyone by now could think of a dozen reasons to either arrest or endorse him. The tie seemed to go to his invaluable collective assets which could be projected into extremely lucrative investments.

Upon the approach of the High Admiral Callaesar, the Skakoan offered a gaze of widened eyes beneath his thick pressure sealed goggles.

"OWERERERROEEEEEEEWEEEEERRRRRER- Admiral Callaesar, to know that my vessels are up to your standards is greatly reassuring. There are many other projects in development on Skako to which the Alliance might find to be of...great use. Though I can not promise a swift completion because of...other matters." Tambor says, even as his ties to the New Imperial Order were well known, Tambor was his own man. A slave to technology and innovation itself more than any political ties. A backer of a 'terrorist' and 'rebel' group perhaps but...against the Sith Empire? Surely the Alliance wouldn't stress such an allegiance....surely.

Cassius Callaesar Cassius Callaesar


\\ Otto Shule //
[ Republic Engineering Representative ]

Republic Engineering Corporation found itself in a proverbial Golden Age. From their shadowy origins in the aftermath of the One Sith’s collapse, the Company steadily rose to prominence across the known universe. Some had even claimed that the Corporation was a household name, often compared to the likes of Jaeger Solutions and Locke and Key Mechanics. However, unlike the competition, Republic Engineering struggled for commerce in specific sectors of the Galaxy. Many Interstellar Governments were keener on producing their own, admittedly sub-par war material through various internal corporations or organizations, rapidly populating the stars with abundant mediocrity.

Most notably, the Corporation found difficulties in their dealings with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Sith Empire - with the latter supposedly copying their patented designs on many occasions. Sadly, as there was no intergalactic patent authority, their legal threats amounted to nothing more than bouts of laughter and measured silence.

Nevertheless, the Corporation was pleased with its newfound successes with both the Core Alliance and the High Republic. Both governments bought a steadily increasing supply of the Company’s growing catalogue - quite literally forcing several of their installations into overdrive to keep up with the growing demand. In addition to this, several new players on the galactic stage sought out the Corporation’s representatives for supply contracts of variable sizes. The more products they created, the more that their customer base grew - each demanding the excellence that the Company provided.

It was because of this ever-increasing demand that the Corporation found itself involved with the unification efforts, as there were mountains of paperwork that would have to be filed and the limitless potential for new capital. Thus, to oversee, and doubtlessly participate in the ensuing discussions, Otto Shule - the current head of the Republic Engineering Corporation - sent one of his many copies to the world of Tython.


Arriving aboard the Tythonian Orbital without incident, the synthetic copy of Otto Shule roused himself from the shuttle’s bucket seat, tugging at the hem of his jacket to straighten it out as he made his way towards the departure ramp. As the accessway opened, and the metallic plank kissed the flight deck, the Replica Droid descended - flanked by an armed pair of Evocati Security Droids. While the Duplicate was more than capable of handling himself should an issue arise, their presence was nothing more than a formality. Who’d be mad enough to attack the proceedings with the Alliance and the Republic, especially with all the armed guards?

Tugging on the hem of his ‘spireborn’ Coruscanti jacket, Otto proceeded towards the refurbished Central Hub - greeting those who sought to press the flesh and acknowledging others from afar with simple, courteous nods. It would’ve been rude of him to interject himself into conversations that he wasn’t a part of. With that being said, however, it didn’t stop his aural sensors from picking up snippets of conversations here and there. Some of the representatives spoke of the Confederacy’s new Executive Order that effectively hampered dozens of popular trade routes leading to the Outer Rim Territories. It was terrible for business. Especially when the Kathol Republic had seen fit to purchase a supply of warships in the past, and Republic Engineering operated several deep-space installations on the frontier.

Others spoke of the joint efforts between the Alliance and the High Republic that were announced moments before the gathering convened. They spoke of the exploration of a new frontier, as well as the creation of a new hyperlane. That was an enterprise that would be fortuitous for all parties involved, provided the hyperlane was successful. The Corporation needed to be a part of that endeavour - either as an investor or participant.

“I suppose I found my reason for being here,” Otto said, speaking over his shoulder to one of the Evocati automatons behind him. Sadly, there was no reply. The battle droid turned its head towards the Duplicate and offered nothing more than an emotionless stare. Otto hissed through his teeth, before providing the emotionless droid with a stifled chuckle. “You’re a terrible conversationalist. I knew I should’ve brought more Duplicates.”

“Maybe then I’d have an interesting time here.”


Seela Khaan

Seela's eyes narrowed at the young group of force users. Was he talking to her? Should she respond? Dealing with the youth was something Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill had been pushing for her to do, something to help, even though he rarely took on any sort of proteges himself let alone an apprentice. But they were in a place known for its kyber and she was quite the kyber fanatic. Maybe the Force had brought them together for some reason or another regarding the crystals. Or maybe they were just simple tourists. She gave the lad a soft smile.

"I'm sure whatever it is isn't why you've come to this sacred tree though," she replied. "I hope you all are as enthusiastic about the tree as you are about...wedgies. That is why you're here correct? The tree and the kyber?"

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
Cassius offers a confident grin at the Skakoan's flattery, then raises a brow at the comment that follows it. He avoids a visible reaction to the unmentioned other matters. Whether they were to be discussed or not, they were most certainly not secret. At least, not if the High Admiral was correct in his assumptions. Regardless, he finds himself with a piqued interest at the possibility of other projects with the Manufactorum.

"Other projects, you say?" his lifts a hand to twirl the greying hair on his chin "I won't offend by feigning a lack of interest. Consider me curious, Mr. Tambor. Is there anything you might be willing to disclose?"

Unknowingly, the Anaxsi's thoughts mirror those of the Skakoan weapons manufacturer as they stand before eachother. With news of the Imperial force growing to the North in no short supply, the Technoid designs among their personnel had not gone unnoticed by the Alliance. As a free market economy, the Skakoan enterprise was welcome to do as it pleased, so long as there was neutrality between the Imperial Order and the Alliance.

Of course, this didn't change Cassius' opinion of it. But he was quick to put such things aside.

Glancing idly in thought through their conversation, Callaesar's eyes happen upon another easily distinguishable face among the gathered masses. Otto Shule of the Republic Engineering Corporation. Not only was he another of the Alliance's business partners, but his enterprise was, without question, their governments largest supplier of weaponry, equipment and war machines. Though ironically, Cassius' own flagship was one of the few in their combined fleets not manufactured by the renowned shipwright.

"I should mention, Mr. Tambor, that I -- or should I say, the combined interests of the Ministries of Defense & Commerce, have a business proposal in mind that I'd hoped to discuss with possible investors. No doubt you've heard the unfortunate news to the South?" aware of the Skakoan's ties to the Confederacy, the question was clearly intended to be a rhetorical one "the Alliance and Republic have an interest in mitigating the possible trade complications that this 'First' mandate might bring as quickly as possible."

He pauses, looking back across the main hub to locate Otto once more, "If you find yourself interested and willing, I'd like to invite the representative of Republic Engineering Corporation to join us in the discussion."
Last edited:

Finley Dawson

Objective: Old Scars
With: Charlie Nooran Charlie Nooran

After landing, Finley had slipped to the back of the freighter, gathering supplies for the coming expedition. For the first time in a long while, Tython wasn't dominated by Dark Side cultists being used as a battlefield for bloody holy crusades. The librarian doubted the peace would last long, but he would make time for a pilgrimage while the legendary world was under the stewardship of his fellow Jedi.

He never even heard Charlie calling for him, the Corellian lost in his own thoughts as he considered what equipment and tomes to bring planetside first. While Charlie had been uncharacteristically apprehensive the whole flight from Coruscul, he was absolutely giddy stepping on the planet of his ancient forebears. Debates still raged about the true origins of the Jedi, but whether they started here, Ach-To, or somewhere else, there was definitely something special about Tython that warranted discovery.

However, while tucked away deep within the holds of his freighter thinking about the coming expedition, he couldn't hear Charlie calling for him. It was only when his blue BB unit rolled into the bay in the bay to alert him of the summons was Finley finally aware of her depature.

"Always in a rush," he chuckled whilst leaning next to the intercomm.

"Hey," he called out, his voice carrying through to the exterior speakers. "You aimin' for the princess treatment, or are ya going to help me with these bags?"
Objective: Old Scars

It was a time for him to reflect really. He could have went to the Orbital Station and listened but in truth he didn't have much to add or say right now. He was trying to find his path again he thought he knew it he thought wrong.

He had stood there among the crowds on Alderaan and listened to the people speak and yell their problems. Their fears. It was their fears that haunted him. He saw the Republic and Alliance as an answer to problems and weaknesses that Alderaan faced. But now he understood more. He wished he could forget the face of the woman who had touched his arm weeping into his shoulder over the losses she had, or what she thought could happen.

He couldn't fight that with words or promises. Nothing replaced life not even another life.

He read what he could about Tython, he had to admit curiosity about the Martyrium of Frozen Tears and its confessional. Perhaps within its kyberite walls he could confess his weaknesses and fears, find some way to rid himself of doubt...but first there was service to others. The people here needed help.

Perhaps this would ease his mind push him forward. He brought what he could from the Republic stores and Alderaan relief mission supplies to give to those on Tython.

It was a start if not a solution
Major Faction


Become One With All Things

With a grunt, Ryv landed on the shore of the mainland. He raised both hands high in the air and extended his arms as far as they could reach in an exaggerated stretch. While he didn't feel particularly sore or tired, the journey between the island and the city, coupled with his laps around the island, had taken a fair bit of energy out of him. If it weren't for the festival and an opportunity to hang out with Auteme, he'd probably just call it early and head on home for a big old nap. There'd be more than enough time for that later on, though. Tython's isolationist nature left it devoid of fun celebrations like this one, meaning very few people had reason to visit the core world. Its history as a site of cultural importance to the Jedi almost kept it out of most travel holo-mags. Who wanted to visit a place lacking any of the modern galactic necessities?

Ryv dug into his pocket and pulled out his holodevice, his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he noticed the eight messages he'd receive in the time it took for him to get from the grove to the city. He flicked his thumb across the screen and opened up the messenger app. His fingers tapped swiftly at the screen before sending a message her way.

' Your messages are always gonna be blue. Anyone you chat with has gray bubbles. It's just a design thing. Where are you now? I'll come get you, and we can grab some grub. '

The kiffar slid the device back into his pocket and made his way down the busy street with a smile. Ryv couldn't recognize everyone, but he offered a wide smile or a wave to whoever he could. His presence in the city was known by most, given his status as a member of the Ashlan Order and former apprentice to the Grandmaster, Cedric Grayson. Ryv didn't have the heart to announce to the people their beloved leader had departed elsewhere in the galaxy after being caught in a coma for so long. Instead, the Jedi Knight hoped he could keep things running as smoothly as possible until he returned. These people needed hope. While he didn't have what Cedric had, Ryv could do his best to emulate it.

After some time, Ryv eventually stopped outside of the starport. He looked about the area, searching for Auteme in silence.


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