Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



The events take place about 2-3 weeks after Junction, giving all participants enough time to get here and reach the planet after the Eternal Empire's aid call.

Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris

Eternal Empire Staff:
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan , Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim , Rolin Doan Rolin Doan

Annihilation Duration: August 15th - September 15th


At the end of the skirmish on Panatha, merely a few weeks later, drastic events took place on the planet. In the end, no one succeeded in stopping the ritual, and the Sith managed to complete it. As a result of the ritual, a Planetary Dark Side Nexus was created, which affected the entire planet and its immediate environment. The planet was far from dead, the locals tried to rebuild what could be saved, or even built cities elsewhere. But now the priorities have shifted.

All over the planet, rifts have opened towards the Netherworld, which occasionally open and close to swallow everything nearby. Huge cracks and fissures formed on the surface of the planet. Curse had a chance to learn from Tython and what Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis did there. It is true, the reality did not break here and the reality did not twist either, but the fabric of the Realspace was torn here as well and countless demons, souls and other horrors emerged from the Netherworld.

The cracks triggered earthquakes, volcanoes on the planet also erupted, tsunamis formed in the ocean, and the air became toxic in many places. Those were merely the physical effects caused by the ritual. The Nexus's own effect wasn't exactly pleasant either. The planet was shrouded in darkness, the rifts that appeared on the planet expanded further with each Force ability. And the darkness of Bogan began to corrupt everything and everyone on the planet.

The effect on the weakest people was immediate, many people went crazy as a result, the stronger ones were able to resist, but everyone kept hearing whispers and screams. The darkness is strong enough to severely weaken the Light Side of Ashla. However, there is still a chance to stop it all. If the Light side is able to close the rifts, the ritual could potentially be reversed. But with all of the chaos and destruction on the planet, the Dark Side of the Force is immensely powerful in this place.

With a severe lack of light-side Force Users in the Eternal Empire, help is desperately needed from the other superpowers in the Galaxy. Tython took a heavy toll on everyone involved, the Eternal Empire being no exception. But if this heinous ritual can not be prevented, all of those lives would have been lost for nothing...




(Warposting / Duels)​

The Eternal Empire has always been proud and aloof, so asking for help proved to be quite difficult on their part. In the last two or three weeks, a small standing war has developed between the Maw and the enemy forces, not only on Panatha, but in the entire Pacanth Reach. The Maw was able to raid and loot these worlds, and many voluntarily joined them against the Eternal Empire. And the main location is again on Panatha. This is the base that the Empire, the Ashlan Crusade, and the Eternal Empire built together and used earlier too.

According to the rumours, the Eternal Empire has brought a test weapon to the planet that, in the worst-case scenario, could destroy the planet. It is certain that the Eternal Empire and the Allied forces have strengthened the defences of the base and its surroundings, however, the Maw still have plans for the planet, which is why they do not want the Allies to launch and test the weapon.

The terrain is not the best for the fight, there are mountains, jungles, the ruins of the capital, and corrupted areas nearby, which can destroy the morale of both sides, not to mention the continuous rains. Humid, muddy, jungle areas can make it very difficult for the defenders of the base, as well as the attackers. And then there was no mention of the rifts and demons that appear from time to time, nor of the events that could engulf the warring parties.

The Eternal Empire and the allied forces helping them must protect the base at all costs and engage the enemy forces, because the bomb cannot fall into the hands of the Maw. Not to mention, the fact they keep the ground forces can also help evacuate the planet.


(Fleeting PvP / Evacuation / PvE)​

Due to the consequences on the planet, many people wanted to escape from the planet, but it was not so easy, not even the locals now accepted the Eternal Empire's and the other factions’ help in this. The Maw captured most of the fleeing ships to augment their own army and fleet, or shot the ships down. It became apparent to everyone very quickly as the fighting began that the enemy, the Maw, did not want those on the planet to leave the planet.

Meanwhile, huge masses want to leave the planet, which is made difficult by the Maw. The Eternal Empire and the Allies are trying their best to get as many refugees off the planet as possible, while the Maw is trying to prevent just that. That is why there are continuous battles between the two sides, which are also carried out in space and in the atmosphere.

Due to disasters, debris falling from space and battles, the atmosphere is almost on fire, ion and other storms are almost constant, which makes atmospheric battles difficult. But actually, now the battles in space are not exactly the easiest either, since the space around the planet is already full of shipwrecks of various sizes...


(Duels / Ritual)​

While battles were fought on land, in the air, and in space, there was a third important location for today. The ship of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren was found in a more protected place, away from the fighting, on board of which the main knight and leader of the Ren Order was preparing for a ritual. Part of this ritual is why the Maw is trying to prevent those on the planet from escaping. Away from the ship, one can already feel the Dark Side energies from afar and that new rifts are being created nearby, or existing ones are expanding, which is already threatening the entire solar system.

Because of this, one of the most important tasks for the Eternal Empire and hopefully the Allies is to get on Kyrel Ren's ship and stop him before he can perform the ritual he wants. If the man succeeds, it could have unforeseeable consequences, even for the entire Unknown Region.

Last but not least, the Maw even holds hostages on this ship, including people who have been captured by the Maw, and especially by the Death's Hand. It is even important to the Eternal Empire that those who go to the ship free these prisoners as well.

Help is needed, as the ship is not only a fortress on the outside, but also on the inside, thanks to its fearsome protection and to the best personal forces
of Death's Hand and Maw.


(Other Narratives / Assisting Warposters / Etc.)​

The Maw and the Allied forces clash in countless places on the planet and in the solar system. However, it should not be forgotten that not everyone is coming to help the Eternal Empire in this crisis. Others may be driven by ulterior motives. The planet is the homeworld of the Zambrano family and they have many friends and enemies in the galaxy. So it is conceivable that some people come here for their own interests.

There are countless Sith relics, ruins, and the like on the planet. Last but not least, there will certainly be those who try to close the rifts and thus try to prevent the impending catastrophe. But apart from these, there are countless other possibilities and stories on the planet or in the system that can be told.

The point is that everyone has a good time and tells a great story.



Thanks to Avelion Avelion for the Panatha map.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren you are Ingrid's, they have an unfinished buisness.

Keilara / Mercy - she'll enjoy Tu'teggacha's very nice hospitality... (oof)

I'm looking for partners to the following characters:

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Objecitve 1 or 4

Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera - Objective 3 (she is a mando)

And 5th character, Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert or Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd - open to anything with the ladies. Dodhorn is possible objective 3, since she is a Mando.[/hr]
Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert

I'm a Farmer, you see but once I was considered a great warrior by some in the Mando'ade. If you are Mandalorian, as you claim and an Alor then surely you know that honor is paramount amongst the Vode and that a challenge once given can only be accepted in the face of dishonor.

As such I would challenge you, in the old way with naught but our strength of arms to determine the victor.
Objective: His will be done.

Mig Gred Mig Gred not sure which character you are bring to the table but you and one who wants to join you has must stop the bombs I have planted in some of the evacuation ships which I set up in the junction.

Objective: Open

I am also open to dueling anyone and everyone from any faction as well in what ever objective you want.
I'll be here! Currently planning on bringing both Adenn Kyramud and Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood . If anyone would like to fight either, or RP with either, just lemme know :)

Adenn will most likely be aiding in the evacuation. This world is his wife's homeworld after all, he won't let the Fitz-Kierke family die easily. So objective 2 for him.

Zachariel will be fighting, leading his Bloodsworn. Either objective 1 or 3, haven't decided yet, so he's up in the air as of now. Though I'm leaning to 3 due to alliance reasons.

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