Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction ULTIMATUM | The Reclamation War | Enclave & GA Junction of Rothana/Seeratter




Ryloth always held a solid alliance with the Enclave since it was absorbed into the Mandalorian sphere of influence. Even after the Enclave's descent and loss of ground, trade and good relations were maintained, and Ryloth's defense remained steadfast.

But recent actions have started to crack that relationship. The actions on Rishi and the assault on Rodia spread quickly to neighbouring planets, resulting in grave concerns among Ryloth's leadership. Talks at the Enclave embassy broke down and, despite reassurance from Enclave ambassadors, protests gained momentum and ultimately came to a head when paranoid citizens in the capital stormed the embassy, as well as the Enclave military garrison, resulting in the deaths of both a number of Enclave Marines and two Karjr sent to try and ease the concerns of the Ryloth leadership. The remainder of the embassy and troops on Ryloth were forced to evacuate and retreat back to Kestri as the Twi'leks reached out for aid to the Galactic Alliance and nearby elements as well as the New Jedi Order in preparation for an inevitable counterattack from the Enclave.

The loss of Enclave life and traitorous acts cannot go unpunished. They have all but declared war against the Enclave and murdered its people.

It's time for the Enclave to send a message of its own…



Suggested for Groundpounders

In the capital of Lessu, an all-out assault is planned. Its position on a plateau and heavy defenses makes it nearly impossible to attack from the ground without significant losses. Luckily the Enclave specialises in the one place its defenses are weaker: the skies. Using drop ships, gunships, drop pods and Basilisk war droids, breach Lessu's defenses from above and take the capital. Support on the ground in the form of walkers will also be given while Enclave Marines will provide manpower to bolster Mandalorian numbers. Heavy resistance is expected in the form of heavily armed mercenaries, Twi'lek defenders and possibly Alliance elements.


Suggested for Fleeting and Dogfighting

In orbit, the planet is well defended with a blockade of vessels intent on preventing planetfall and driving the Enclave attackers back. A mercenary fleet is confirmed to lend a hand in Ryloth's defense and Alliance vessels are a dangerous threat confirmed to arrive shortly after operations are greenlit. Break their lines, keep the Enclave corridor open and route the enemy to secure the lives of the troops on the ground.

In the skies of Ryloth, an Enclave Star Destroyer has made it through and hangs overhead as a forward base of operations for the ground assault while fighters and air defenses are hard at work to bring the beast down, establish air superiority and keep the skies clear. Air force elements are tasked with preventing enemy superiority, defending the mobile base of operations and providing support to troops on the ground.


Suggested for Duels

The Jedi Order is a dangerous adversary and an element confirmed in the capital. The decades old alliance is cracked and on the verge of shattering almost entirely. The Jedi have pledged their swords in the defense of Ryloth against their former Mandalorian comrades. Drive them back and defend Enclave troops, or attempt to save the old alliance from a seemingly inevitable collapse into total war.





Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
RiflesKSTR-24 Dvalin Cyro Blaster Rifle.
ENCL-45 Tyatr'geriuvr Plasmag Rifle.
PistolsKYR-54 Skathe Hand Cannon + Regular, Pyro, and Cyro Rounds.

Primary Objective: Storm the city of Lassu and smite the rebels who dare challenge the Mandalorian Enclave. For Mandalore!
Secondary Objective: Yet to be discovered...
Allies: Mandos.
Engaging: Katherine Holt Katherine Holt .
Misc. Tags: tba.

H E A L T H - B A R:
| | | - | | | - | | | - | | | - |



~ T A P E S T R Y - O F - G O L D ~

She touched down, jetpack slowing to a stop. Her heavy boots slammed against the ground, kicking up dust and dirt, as blaster fire and shouting chaotically swarmed around her. The golden Mandalorian pressed a button on her vambrace, activating a small energy shield around her.

<"Stay behind me!">

As a couple fellow vod ducked behind her shield, she pulled some droid poppers from her utility belt and clicked them all. She could barely hear the ticking above the noises of battle. So chucked the emp grenades outwards, letting them fly towards the three heavy cannons the rebels were firing from. A millisecond that felt like eternity passed, then the flash of electricity rang out, disabling the canons. The shield generator was deactivated as the golden Mandalorian pulled her Dvalin rifle off her back and fired at the twi'lik's. Other Mandalorians dropped from the skies as well, to the new safe spot, as the growing ground mowed the rebels down.

Mevia Vizsla lowered her rifle, hissing, <"Ash'amur, chakaaryc!">

She ran further into the city, alongside her brethren, to quell this abominable rebellion. These stubborn aruetiise stood no chance! The Mandalorian Enclave was strong again, and they would crush this little rebellion like flies. Turning a corner, Mevia caught sight of more twi'lik rebels, aiming at her.

<"Don't let them advance!">

Mevia lifted a hand, activating that vambrace's plasma shield as she blocked the incoming fire. She felt some blaster rounds bouncing off her beskar'gam, though they did little harm to her. She gritted her teeth. This battle was already hazy, and she only had touched down moments ago. She lowered her rifle and lifted her other vambrace, covering her arm with the plasma shield. Her charric wrist blaster rang out, firing charric blue death upon the rebels.

As they fell, she darted through the streets. She briefly saw a twi'lik child running for cover, but left the image in the back of her mind as she lifted her rifle once again and fought her way through the city.

She ran across a street, rolling as she turned to the next block. She immediately aimed her rifle, but saw that this street was surprisingly empty. Ambush? She scanned for lifeforms with her buy'ce, but saw none. Strange. Shouldn't the rebels be here?

Another blaster round hit her in the back. She hissed, recognizing that more rebels were still behind her. Another shot hit her shoulder armor as she turned, still knelt down, and fired her kneepad dart at them. As one fell, she fired with her Dvalin and killed the other two. Then, she ducked behind a pole on the emptier street, only to see that it wasn't empty anymore. Several twi'liks were charging for her, firing more heavy attachme to vehicles.

Mevia ducked into a nearby building. She broke down the door, entering a vacant clothing store. She jumped behind the counter and slid against its wall, taking a moment to reload her kneepad dart launcher. The crashing of hangers alerted her to the fact that the rebels had entered the shop. She looked up, seeing that through a grubby mirror, she could see their reflections and where they were. She sat deathly still, watching them tear through a closet in search for their runaway. She jumped at the opportunity, using their noise to cover her own as she placed her Dvalin down and leapt up, pulling her Tyatr'geriuvr off her back. One rebel kicked a mirror down, letting it crash. As articles of fabric fluttered in the air, Mevia aimed the Plasmag rifle at the closely knit group.

The weapon was fired, unleashing a glowing display of fury. The twi'liks cried out as they disintegrated in a similar fashion to disruptors, and were ended.

Now, alone in the shop, Mevia watched as a shirt gently fell over the broken mirror. She lowered her rifle and hung it on her back once again. Picking up the Dvalin, she started to march for the front door, to rejoin the sounds of battle outside. Her boots crushed the broken mirror as she walked towards the exit.

She was here to end this rebellion, and bring glory to Mandalore. The Enclave needed not only be feared, as Rodia established, but respected. Today, they would earn that respect.


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Location: Ryloth, thirteen miles north of assault on capital
Objective: clear and capture artillery position
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Equipment: In bio


The Mandalorian Alor'ad watched through her shatter rifle on the ground at the tail-heads as they prepared their position for the coming battle. They were just over a dozen miles north of the main assault on the capital. Bored into this large mesa was a warren of caves and dotting its surface was the tell tale signs of the failed conventional bombardment of this position. "I'm counting four active anti aircraft emplacements and a dozen artillery pieces" she said to her sergeant as she zoomed in to maximum magnification and watched a green skinned man loading missiles into a battery. The position was low tech, but would cause unnecessary risk to the landing forces if allowed to operate freely once the battle started, so Celt had slipped her in her combat speeder, hugging the ground to avoid detection, along with a small dropship with a squad of her commandos who were currently designating their targets with long distance lasers.

"Let stick one down their ventilation shafts and see how they like that!" celt smiled. Her mirth was underlined when a flight of cruise misses flashed overhead, adjusting their trajectories to account for the lasers and for the counter fire from the ground. celt saw several explosions as they struck the Mesa with at least two missiles managing to enter the tunnels and penetrate the defensive position before detonating. Right now the caves would be full of chaos as they slowly filled with the poisonous gas that had been delivered by the missiles. Celt tried not to picture the scene inside, but this was war, they would do the same to her given the chance.

"OK, let's head in for cleanup." she said as she boosted towards the Mesa herself. The gas would have softened them up but she couldnt risk a few better protected individuals scoring cheap hits on the incoming mandalorian warriors with their triple A batteries. Her and the commandos accompanying her would streak across the gap between themselves and the Mesa, splitting into three groups of three warriors, with two squads aiming to enter the tunnels from lower on the cliff, and Celt selecting the top of the Mesa as her own landing site. All being well, Celt could quickly clear out the remaining survivors and owing to the "collateral efficiency" of the gas missiles, hopefully repurpose the position to support her Vod in the siege of the city itself.



Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime Vulpesen Vulpesen Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Jonyna had prepped for this for the past few months. Ryloth was an old stomping ground of hers. Now the Mandos threatened the freedom of it's people, and she didn't need to be asked twice to take up the sword once more on their behalf. PArt of her wanted to look for Sylvar's tomb, rediscover her old master, but that would wait for later. The mandos were ready for war, and she was ready to hit back. She had prepped for a while now, acquiring a new set of Jedi Guardian armor that she would put her coat over. It was a bit cumbersome, but she was used to fighting bulky at this point. She hoped to be ready for anything, especially after training on New Cov against Valery Noble Valery Noble and her duel with Vulpesen Vulpesen

The Skytiger slipped into the Ryloth atmosphere without much thought. Dice now commanded the ship, which Jonyna hoped she could use as a bit of close air support for the troops on the ground. She'd told the droid to keep himself safe first though. She'd call him if she needed him. Stay on the Reaper out of the range of the battlefield.

Now she prepped for battle, waiting for the Mandos to make planetfall and for a threat to present itself.

Rose Dorce



ALLIES: Enclave
ENEMIES: GA | Hellions | Mercs
ENGAGING: Conrad Derna Conrad Derna (Omw)
GEAR: In bio




"Weapons ready!"

The dropship was shaking while they all got ready at Lesha's command. It wasn't exactly a picnic kind of drop as Anti-Air weapons battered the incoming dropships from the mountain fortress.

"Getting closer's going to be shit, Alor'ad." came the pilot's report.
Lesha's brow creased. That made it a tad difficult. Luckily her squad specialised in air combat.
"You heard him, Vode! We're gonna have to gun it! Make sure jetpacks are ready!" she told her squad of Si'kahya.

The dropship gave another violent rattle as artillery rocked past their ship.

"Now's as good a time as any!" came the pilot's call.
Lish gave him a two-finger salute before corralling her squad.
<Birds hot!" she ordered before 21 jetpacks roared to life and the entire squad took flight out of the ship toward the city below them, maneuvering past debris and artillery.

The moment they were in range, golden bolts rained down into the city as the squad let loose with their rifles while jetting toward the ground. Bolts landed and exploded indiscriminately.

It didn't matter that Lesha had her own reservations about loosing an attack on combatants and non-combatants alike. Orders were orders. No quarter. She wasn't fond of it. There was no honour in gunning down unarmed civilians. But brothers and sisters had to be avenged one way or another.

The squad touched down and moved forward as one in a wall of gold as the rifles stayed hot on those before them.
<Don't hurt the kids. They can be beneficial to the cause.> Lish said over the comms. It was the smallest of mercies she could give.
<Where do we send them, Alor'ad?> asked Freya Galaar.
<The FOB coordinates. There will be ships back and forth from it.> the Vixen said.
There came acknowledgements through the comms from her squad.

As they moved ahead to try and get to the AA emplacements for disabling, Lish's jaw was clenched even though the brown helmet remained emotionless to the masses. The Rylothians should have known better than to rub the Enclave wrong. They were worthy adversaries but they still didn't stand a chance. They would have known that.

It was a shame, really. To submit them to this.



Tag: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

The call to action was upon the NJO. Andy was never one to question it. Fighting Mandos? That wasn't something he was too worried about. What he was worried about was the effect on the Twi'lek population. War was hell, and Andy was always one to run forward rather than away from danger. A man born for action, the jedi knight knew that there would be plenty of fires to put out and people to save.

And so he did, having arrived far before the ships had arrived, helping set up defenses and making sure emergency services were up to snuff before the battle could start. This had been a long time coming, and the Service Corp of the NJO was ready to help.

Now held up within the city itself, Andy surfed his tube of water around the city, looking for anyone in need before the battle could start.

Quezz-Sem Soll


675th "Mon Cala" Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi

Opponent: Gar Shale Gar Shale

The soft glow of hyperspace would begin to dissipate as the 675th Mon Cala Task Force moved into the system to begin the Battle over Ryloth. This was going to be a critical moment in galactic history as the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorian Enclave would clash in a decisive battle that would determine the fate of ryloth and its population. If the Alliance could deal a considerable blow to the naval power of the enclave here and now then they would buy themselves time to further mobilize. The main objective of the task force was to punch a hole through the enclave's mercenary fleets and main battle cruiser on the ground to allow the New Jedi Order and the Defense Forces to accomplish their own assignments.

The Twin Commodores' Groyuc and Kronaasch would be on the bridge of the "ANS Kos Yolina" as the task force emerged from the planetary boundary. This would be a pivotal moment in their careers since being assigned to Battlegroup Kenobi. They both had heard tales of previous alliance naval officers faltering by the death round them as starships were blown apart in front of their vary eyes. The Alliance was expecting fierce resistance from the Enclave today, and they all came with the knowledge that they might not survive.

"Bring up tactical screen, I want to know where each of our vessels are on the battlefield at all times." Groyuc said taking a seat within the captain's chair and putting on the provided headset over his mon calamari head, which would allow him to communicate back and forth with his secondary officers scattered throughout the fleet. There was some slight fear within him, but Konaasch assured him that it was going to be alright with the both of them in command.

"All vessels form up into battle formation, they are likely detecting our arrival over the system. Recycle all primary and secondary weaponry and prep shields for a full charge. Expect incoming fighters." Came the voice of Konaasch who would be the main tactical officer for the battle ahead. Such orders were then relayed to the communication officers and then towards the other vessels within the fleet. Maintaining operational intelligence was paramount to securing victory today.

Objective 1

All Aana and Kostodu had wanted was to visit their mother. But now it had all gone to hell. She didn't know where her brother had run off to, but one thing was certain. They were both fighting for their survival.

Aana, back against several sandbags, peeked around the edge of the hastily assembled wall...and quickly ducked back into cover when a blaster bolt whizzed through that space a millisecond later. Classic Mandalorian accuracy. "Aana!" yelled her childhood friend, Grym, "take this!"

He slid over...a hammer. A rather brutish weapon, and a makeshift one at that, but it would do. The Twi'lek peered around the edge again, and luckily, the Mando was shooting at someone else. She estimated they were about six feet tall, maybe 230 pounds. But everyone had a weakness. Maybe this one got distracted too easily.

Aana picked herself up and bolted straight towards the Mando. In a second, she had crossed half the distance, and she leapt into the air, hammer held high above her head. The Mando was still firing at someone else. She brought the hammer down hard on the Mando's head, and a clang resounded in the street. The hammer was broken, but the enemy stumbled back, holding their head.

Hopefully she had caused some blunt force trauma. That was certainly one of the ways to bring a Mando down, as they had learned in the Pathfinders.

While the Mando was stumbling, Aana lashed out with a viciously fast side-kick, knocking the enemy down. She pulled out her vibroblade, and whispered to herself. "For Ryloth."

Aana brought the blad down on the Mando's exposed neck and ended the fight. But she didn't celebrate. There were still drop pods falling from the sky, unleashing more Mandalorians. "Come on!" she yelled over her shoulder, and a dozen Twi'leks, young and middle-aged, followed her into the next street.

Tags: open
Daughter of The Destroyer


My heartbeat stumbles & My Backbone Crumbles
I feel, is it real? As the lynch mob doubles~

I wan't blood and i'll kill for it!

Burn me at the stake, met the devil, made the deal for it!

Like a damaged reel of videotape, a broken record spinning feebly over the fissure with ugly static warbling, sunrise for the shadows arrived with repetition capable of deadening even the brightest eyes into some dim, docile, sheep-like compliance, twilight a shade pulled at predictable, timed intervals and as dawn neared. Visible frustration radiating within her mind as the young Daughter of Manda thought of the future of their conquest. Thinking mostly of the wolves with crooked teeth, surrounding her as if she were the prey.

Just a bunch of squabbling dogs nibbling their ticks, jockeying for position and barking at the stars.

Even had she possessed the mental capacity to muse on them, there would be no means to such an end. After all, what did wolves ever have but their dens, their hunts, their skittish fear of inevitable extinction?

Perhaps it was only natural to fear it. The end that is.

When it was all said and done she was going to die one day...and she was ok with this. Over many sleepless nights she had accepted this as her destiny. The eternal hunt was forever and to live by the hunt was to die by it but not without the complete domination of all enemies in her path.

She was bigger now. Big enough to stand up to the gods and devils like!

Dima huffed, shifting many eyes back and forth over the skies as Mandalorian Ships continued to swarm throughout orbit. Many greater Mandalorian Divisions deploying with their companies and bringing war to the surface of Ryloth.

"Alright Vod! Final equipment check we drop in five hellbringers! Give them nothing!" Drillmaster shouted confidently from the pods as others checked their jetpacks, weapons and piled into their drop pods to be shot towards the planet.

The xeno shifted her head slightly, glaring down at the planet from the viewport of the ship before adjusting her many eyes. Focusing more on the enemy Galactic Alliance Capital Defenders in the distance behind a line of enemy forces.

Curiosity was getting the better of her.

"Domina! What is the hold up!" Drillmaster shouted as Dima tapped her chin while staring out of the viewport. She then took her claw and pointed out towards the enemy forces.

"Their finest godborn champions. Where are they?" The alien asked simply, giving the Drillmaster a look that caused them to slow down slightly.

"Lot of them? Likely on the surface waiting. Why?" They asked, making Dima roll her broad shoulders and exhale deeply.

"This one was just wondering...was curious. Do you think any are over there?" Dima asked, pointing towards the capital ships which made the Drillmaster shrug.

"Aboard their capital ships? It's likely a handful of their commanders or masters are there. Possibly calling shots and handling dispatch of their units but if they are they can't be reached. Not from whe- um, hello?" Drillmaster paused their own words when they realized the tall Xeno had suddenly vanished from visual.

"Metal! Ok cool bye kisses!" Dima quipped as she had already piled into her pod. Waving childishly at her comrade before the pod sealed up and prepared to be ejected. However, she had adjusted the course of her pod to a different destination than her fellow Mandalorians who were fighting planetside.

"Woah, wait, Dima what did you do!?" Drillmaster tried to intercept, knowing the girl was likely up to her antics.

It was too late. The Mandalorian pods ejected from the ship at breakneck speeds. And while all of them fell towards the earth in perfect synchronization it seemed one singular pod had been deployed on a completely different course. The drillmaster watched from the viewport, witnessing the madness firsthand and rubbing their hands into the visor of their helm in obvious agitation. Unable to prevent the xeno from breaking formation and veering off into the unknown. "Ohhhhhhhh Manda watch over that girl~" They groaned. Watching Dimas pod blast towards the front lines of the enemy blockade of ships fearlessly. From here Drillmaster could already see the enemy forces opening fire on the small pod blasting through space towards them.

From within the pod Dima sat comfortably while hymning to herself as she drifted through the empty coldness of space towards her enemy. The pods maneuvering systems moving her from side to side to avoid the fire of the enemy as Dima cackled whimsically in delight. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Bwahahahaha!" She sang, her droid X9 working overtime to keep her from getting blown out of the sky as her pod got closer and closer to one of the Galactic Defenders. "X9! What is this? A funeral or a warparty! Play something cool for Dima, this one is feelin BAD!" She snarled in delight, her droid unsure how to take that request as they began tuning the frequencies of the radio. Switching on a rather upbeat song as the hellion of a xeno came barreling through the Galactic Lines like a bat out of hell. "Ohhhh, Dima loves this song!" She gasped, waving her head from side to side as she sang along to the lyrics.

" Eyes, boring a way through me! Paralyze! Controllng completely! Noooooooow there is a fiiiiiiiiire in meeeee! A FIRE THAT BUUUUUUURNS! C'mon now X9 sing it you know this is hot!" She barked aloud with sheer whimsy as The pod of her ship colliding violently with the side of a Defender and chewing through a few layers of the ship before managing to cleave its way into the main hanger where the pod skidded across the surface only to then smack haul first into a smaller of sorts that was lingering around the hanger bay.

Her pod settled in its position for a moment before popping open with a HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS, smoke filling the air as the pods glass door blasted open, showing only a cloud of mist inside the pod followed by the rattle of a tail slowly emerging from the pod as the music blared from within it, claws gripping the sides as slowly the Mandalorian Xeno began to pour out of the pod~

" This fire is out of control i wanna burn this city, BURN THIS CITY! " She sang almost hauntingly, with a single beautiful fantasy in her head that carried her onward.

She wanted to burn the gods to ashes and dust~


Sahan crawled out of the Howler's cockpit. "Damn, Gold, did you have to crash land?" He landed lightly on his feet.

//That wasn't a crash! It was an epic, heroic impact for emphasis!\\ Ure'adtr replied.

"Emphasis on what? Now any enemies know where here."

//Exactly! The battle will come to us!\\

Sahan sighed at the droid. "That's counter to my objective. I'm trying to find the person who killed Sem. But if you want to be a distraction and engage on your own, go ahead. Just remember..."

//Grant mercy to any who lay down arms and surrender, yeah yeah, I got it. Thanks!\\ The droid gleefully bounded off, firing off explosions to alert any ground forces to it.

Sahan just shook his head. "My fault for installing that military combat droid personality upgrade." Leaving the basilisk to its own devices, he activated the tracker on his visor HUD. He'd had Artus ping the coordinates of the armor of the two fallen Karjr - or at least their helmets. Sahan had not known the second one that well, but Sem had been a good friend of his. They had both grown up at the White Scar Post. Perhaps if Sahan had been here instead of Sem, things would have gone much differently, but there was no use speculating on such a scenario. All Mandalorians were taught to embrace the possibility of death. The fallen vode would be remembered, their armors would be recovered, and they would avenged.

Sahan took to the air, headed toward the location of one of the two helmets. Hopefully, the rest of the armor pieces would be with their respective helmets still.

Rik Perris Rik Perris
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Tags: OPEN | Vemric Keldra Vemric Keldra | Vren Rook Vren Rook et al

Tee thumbed the power management dial and set it into the highest setting she could muster without seeing her ship, the Mother Abbess, turn into a burning hulk within seconds.The heavy-gunship, far larger than your average starfighter but certainly no cruiser, flew with surprising agility for its bulky make-up, tech that was now some near-forty years old. But she refused to get a replacement. Tee knew every bolt and scrap of armour plating on the vessel and it had seen her through some tough scrapes.

She had only recently got her back. Another story.

She deflector shields would hold for a while, designed from the heart of the Breshig War Forge for such an outing, and Tee relished the chance to see them take some fire. She looked to her right, her co-pilot sat resolutely in his position. A droid with a snippy-attitude, she had considered turning him into some sort of ornament or pliable lampshade but she had thought against it in the end. She had found comfort in his observations on life, for all those months.

Months on end, working and toiling, enslaved to the Hutts.

“Gee-eight, I’m gonna need those guns active as soon as you can.”

The droid, unmoved from his focus in his seat, spoke in a calm yet angular voice.

“You appear to underestimate our predicament, Mistress Wren. I am, however, working on it.”

She grimaced as the ship shuddered under some sustained fire.The shields were holding, though the armour plating was of the highest military grade. She still didn’t enjoy the experience.

The display was exploding into life, various beeps, whirls and whistles indicating both friendly and enemy combatants. Of course, nobody was really a friendly combatant at the moment. Her absence from the Enclave for the best part of nearly two decades had put pay to that. But she had been there. At the start. When things were tough.

Part of that time had been her choice. She had done what she always did when things were tough. When things had gotten complicated. She’d left. She’d left Vren.


Once again, she thought. Typical Tawnita Wren, running away at the first sight of danger, of feelings. Except…she wasn’t alone. She had left with something far more precious.

“G-8. It’s been five seconds, I’m not in the trade of aski…”

The six batteries opened fire, the trademark thud of the cannons resonating through the ship. G-8 turned his head, the eyes unmoving. She knew that, were he to have a mouth like a human, he would have smirked in such a way to both enrage her and make her laugh.
Vren had that smirk.


Shut up, Tee. Focus. Do the thing, she thought. She had heard the signals, intercepted the frequencies en route to her destination. The package that was waiting for her would have to wait just a little longer. It had been ten years already, what was another few hours? She tapped into the Enclave frequencies.

“Enclave Fleet dispatch, this is Tawnita Wren of the Mother Abbess. Tee Wren of the Mother Abbess. We have begun to engage the enemy. Clearing a path and supporting dropships. At your disposal. Happy to be tapped into tactical and follow orders.”

She hoped it would work. She was catching up on so much, the rise and fall of her beloved Enclave, the fading of the old guard, the rising of the new. She had felt a genuine pang of sorrow when she’d heard from some spice trader that Verin Oldo, veteran of the Confederacy and subsequent Admiral and Minister of Defence, had passed away at the ripe age of seventy eight. The lucky bastard had outlived so many and died peacefully at his estate, thousands of miles away from any ship. Just how he would have wanted things to go down, she reckoned.

“Enclave Dispatch, this is Tee Wren. I am not a ghost!”


Location: Orbit Over Ryloth
Tag: Domina Prime Domina Prime | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


A few hours prior…

The Kel Dor padawan was stuck closely by his mentor. The Cathar Warrior would be arriving on the planet’s surface before him. Ko would be following sometime later with a different group of combat engineers to put his talents to use with fortification, entrenchment and mine sweeping duties. Sure it wasn’t as glorious or epic as the head on collisions some of the other Jedi might find themselves it but it was work that had to be done.

As he followed Jonyna to her ship within the hangar he felt a tinge of concern for how things may play out in the coming hours and day. Lives would surely be lost today regardless if they were from people he knew or not. Ko suddenly threw his arms out to hug his mentor. Wishing her well in the upcoming battle. Breaking his embrace he finally said. “May the Force be with you Master Si…”


“Work work work, busy busy busy, left right left right…” The Kel Dor muttered to himself under his mask. Diligently doing what he could to get ready before going planetside. Running around the capital ship and collecting what he needed for the job ahead. He felt like a peculiar outsider, but then again he always acted as a ‘xeno’. Hanging around actual professional soldiers and helpful droids. As a Jedi adept with telekinesis he had the ability to act as a living multitool of various heavy duty construction equipment.

Reading for the upcoming departure to Ryloth’s surface the ship’s hull violently shook before what seemed to be a pod burst through the walls and collided into the floor of the hangar. Plowing through a few transport ships before finally coming to a stop.

Along with many of those around to witness it, Ko was confused at first if this was some sort of intentional attack or a horrible accident. The Kel Dor slid the rucksack he carried off his shoulders before dropping it to the metal floor. Sensing a hostile presence within the pod.

Hearing some kind of music playing as it finally opened and emerging from within its confines was a hulking, four armed Mandalorian. Singing along to the tune that echoed out from within the pod. Worried for the safety of those around Ko instinctively ran closer as if to stand up to the rather intimidating individual and to hopefully grab their attention. Not wanting them to harm the soldiers and crew around them. Whoever this mysterious opponent was they were either very foolish or extremely confident to rush into an enemy ship on their own like this. Both were cause for concern.

Ko telekinetically summoned his lightsaber’s hilt to his clawed hand. Igniting it’s green blade and assuming a defensive stance. Sensing that even trying to negotiate with the singing warrior would be a vain endeavor…
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Attire: [X]
Objective: Skies Aflame
Location: ANS Vera
Tags: Open

Post Count: I

War. War never changes. In the prior thirty years, the galaxy had been embroiled in a conflict between the powers of their time that would come to be christened the Great Hyperspace Wars. Its conclusion saw the end of political blocks both major and minor and was marked with the annihilation of Exegol and Panatha, her homeworld. During this time of turmoil, even the Mandalorian Enclave had fallen as those former worlds within the territory it had claimed sought to stand for themselves and fought back against reclamation. It was a funny thought, the last time she had faced off in a major conflict with the Mandalorians was during her time in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, at the head of a fleet that sought to protect Ryloth against both the Mandalorians and the Agents of Chaos. War, it seemed, truly never changed, as it once more brought her to the homeworld of the Twi'leks to protect its people for a second time in her long life.

The waiting never really bothered her, having always managed to overcome the anxiety and fear that would grip others in its grasp and shake them to their core. No, the waiting was preferable, it meant that decisions had not been made in the moment, lives had not been lost yet, and she'd need not send others to their deaths with her commands. The waiting was preferable as it meant that everyone aboard the vessels that she now commanded was still alive and would not yet face the specter of death. With a heavy sigh, she pulled herself from her bunk in the Captain's quarters, rising to her feet to stretch as she carefully cracked her sternum by rolling her shoulders back and stretching her arms outwards. The time was coming, and soon enough the small fleet would arrive above Ryloth, it was not something she was looking forward to, it never was.

Pulling herself together, she slipped from her quarters and made her way towards the bridge, an aide slipping in next to her as a datapad found its way into her grasp. Golden-yellow hues fell upon the screen as slender fingers pushed through the information, each step seemed to feel and sound heavier than the one prior as she made her way through the corridor. For a final moment, she stopped before the heavy blast doors of the command bridge, taking that time to close her eyes and take in a deep breath before she nodded to the lieutenant next to her. The heavy blast doors shifted and creaked before they rumbled to life and opened, the cacophony of noise from the bridge pouring out into the corridor as she stepped forward to take her place of command.

"All vessels, this is Captain von Sorenn, we will be arriving at Ryloth shortly to assist the local populace in repelling the Mandalorian forces. I expect everyone to do their duty and perform admirably, I would not expect anything above what I myself would be willing to give."

With that, she stepped forward into her position, a soft smile tugging at her lips at the anticipation, though she had enough sense to pull herself together as she slipped her arms behind her back. Clasping her left hand within her right, she watched as the shimmering blue tunnel of hyperspace began to waver and the ships reverted back into real space, her small formation dropping within the Ryloth System. They would arrive near enough to the planet, though keeping - for the moment - out of the range of the Mandalorian vessels.

"ANS Vera will take the lead at the head of the formation, ANS Liberty come up on my starboard side. ANS Harwich and ANS Grafton are charged with the primary Anti-Starfighter Screen, ANS Ister will cover the ANS Ultor. All vessels are to make ready in all regards and deploy Starfighter and Bomber squadrons in good order. Our main priority is to punch through and assist in securing air cover for our ground forces."

She had lost track of how long it had been since her previous conflict when she had commanded a vast armada arrayed against an enemy such as the Mandalorians. Amelia thought she had not missed this, thought that by throwing herself into her work on Taris and assisting House Renoux along the Braxant Run she was keeping herself from falling to some baser instinct. Now as she stood upon the command bridge and watched as the vessels shifted into their position, she realized something.

This is where she was meant to be all the time, wrapped in the cloak of conflict, embracing it, not running from it nor her duty to protect others.

  • Arriving at Ryloth
  • Capital Ships deploying into formation
  • Deploying Starfighter and Bomber Squadrons

Lessu, Ryloth

Someone cried in alarm. Zlova told them where to stick it, and shouted for the Basilisk to be released.

Really, it wasn't that unheard of for a Mandalorian to ride a Basilisk out of low orbit. It was a time honored tradition. One Zlova made every effort to indulge in despite how hard these honor-loving warriors made it. Today, she was getting precisely what she wanted. Trivial matters like not wearing a traditional beskar'gam to go with the affair didn't matter. Oh, they made a fuss about vacuum exposure and re-entry and every single little annoyance they could think of... it was truly exhausting if you listened to any of it. So, Zlova hadn't.

So, how did she survive the absolute chill of emptiness? Or the raging inferno of friction as matter plunged down toward the planet below? Simple: The Force. Oh, but don't tell the Mandos. They got all weird and squeamish when you started talking space-wizard powers. It was jealousy, of course. Who wouldn't be jealous of a raging hot woman possessing the ability to reshape the world with a thought?

A thunder clap shook Ryloth when the Basilisk slammed into its surface. A cloud of dust billowed up all around obscuring view of the mechanical monstrosity.

And that of the red woman that stood to her full height with a face-splitting grin and stars for eyes. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Zlova's voice echoed far and wide. "Fight me. Join me. Cower in a cave. But make up your minds. And don't disappoint me hiding behind the aprons of the Jedi. I've been told you lot are stronger than people think -- now's your time to prove it. Stand up for yourselves. Stop waiting for the Jedi to save you, because you all know they're only here for themselves. They'll be gone, one way or the other, and then the corporations will move in to 'help.' Now's the time to figure out a better way to live... or die."

The Lethan Twi'lek stood atop the Basilisk calling for her own kind to make their choice as individuals. Who cared about a communal consensus? Screw what the masses thought. They all had hearts and minds of their own -- each was capable of forming their own life-altering choices. Zlova was going to help them figure that out one way or the other.

At least until the Jedi arrived feeling threatened by a creature as unstoppable as herself.

Though the city's defenses were going to try and silence her as well, Zlova had faced stronger.

Tag: Aana Xyston Aana Xyston | OPEN
Good Men Don't Need Rules

LOCATION: Outer Wall of Lessu
OBJECTIVE: Old Friends
OPPONENT: Droz Munin Droz Munin
WEAPONS N ARMOR: Saber | Sword | Shield | Knife | Armor


Voice echoing through the streets, broken up by small arms weapon fire, and others yelling. My booming voice amplified by the armor. The heavy footfalls running towards a man who cradled his child, a blanket covering their face so that debris would not harm the child. Putting a hand on his shoulder and pointing him the way to go.

"That way. Get there as fast as you can."
"Thank you."

I didn't even respond to him. Letting him go so I could rush over to a woman who began screaming out loud. A portion of a wall had fallen on someone. Without hesitating, I rushed over. She was erratic and scared. Something about someone under the rubble. I motioned for her to get back. Careful of foot placement, I found someone's hand sticking out of the rubble, Grabbing it, The individual grasped with such force. White-knuckling their hand. Hoping to get out. I knew the location of this person. Releasing my hold, I too stepped back. To gauntleted hands creating a circle A head in my voice echoed. My own voice.

"Gently remove it, and protect them from any you may have missed."

A soft halo of purple formed over the person. Rubble shifting a lifting from the person slowly to make sure it wouldn't fall back down or cause more of the building to fall. Once enough was moved, I rushed back over. Finding purchase under the man's armpits and pulling him out. The purple halo faded once he was saved from it. The woman rushing over and thanking me with tears that created trails through the dust on her face. Helping the man up to his feet, I handed him off to the woman. While he couldn't voice much due to the situation, she did for him. A nod of the helmet to them as I rushed off again.

Racing the length of the wall back and forth. Doing everything I could to get people to safety. People who had chosen to not find a shelter earlier. People who did not believe the threat of the Mandalorian forces to be real. It pained my heart to see people doing this to themselves. Coming to a stop to take a surveillance of my surroundings, A group of people were headed my direction. Without waiting, I yelled to them.


Waving an arm in the direction they needed to go. IT was drowned out by the sound in the distance. An explosion that drew closer and closer. Whistling of engines drawing louder. I looked up in time to see it slamming into the walls of the city. The voice speaking for me within.


My body moved on its own. Meeting the group, My hands thrown out to either side with a dome projected over all of us. The debris that fell from the wall landed upon us. Slamming into the shield. Screaming of lives being threatened, I waited for a moment. Making sure no more debris was falling upon them. Letting the shield fade away to natural light, I then again yelled to them to get to shelter. However, a man, older in his years but clearly a father came up to me. His hands grabbing onto the armor.

"Droids are taking our children! They went off that direction."
"It's okay. I'll find them. Just get to safety please."
"I know where they went!"
"Lead me then."

Another voice spoke up. A lightly armored woman, likely a police official. As she turned to another lightly armored man, telling him to lead them to safety, she would take me to the aproximte place I needed to be.

"These droids were different. Bulky and carrying weaponry we couldn't face."
"Just show me where, then get the hell out."
"No. Its my job and I failed."
"Fine. Lead the way."

Our feet carried us off with haste.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Escort Fleet: Keros' Kad, Ranger-2 2nd Standard Squadron, 2x HF-3 Aran squadrons, 4x GF-4 Stinger squadrons, 2x Viper "Blackbird II" squadrons, 2x GF-3B "Star Cutter", 6x DF-1 squadrons, 4x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, various refitted freighters taking support space.
Evac Fleet: Various Clan Tal vessels ( Anashja Tal Anashja Tal ), Star Phoenix (and defense squadrons stationed there), 2x Tal-type Medical Corvettes, 2x Arcon-class Utility Ships (medical package), 4x HA-3 Hutthound sqadrons, various freighters.
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Open

Mig sat aboard the bridge of Keros' Kad, already worried about what they were flying into. Ryloth. After Panatha, Rishi, Rodia.... He couldn't just sit by, but he couldn't afford to drag his clan and house into this either. So, here was was guarding an evac group. Anashja provided some ships from Clan Tal, with Clan Gred providing many of their own, including the massive Star Phoenix homeship. Still.... He knew with the younger members of the Enclave there could still be trouble, which was part of why the Kad was here. A little "Star Destroyer Diplomacy." Hopefully four corvette sized cannons would be enough to make anyone think twice. He didn't know the GA, but he knew his fellow Mandalorians. This was a path he couldn't just watch again. Ranger-2 had joined up to be the bulk of the escort duty. Rains and Shields would be good at protecting the ships, plus some hired on help.

Either way, Mig braced as the fleets exited hyperspace, all transponders squawking an evac signal, and.... Kark they were already starting. He didn't have to see it. Even his untrained mental abilities could sense it. Kaddie would appear in the bridge, looking at everyone.

"Captain, Alor. Multiple vessels on all sides detected, Gotal'ur Rang is reporting long range sensors can already catch landing craft. Orders?" Mig took a breath, it was now or never."

"Launch the Stingers and have them screen the evac fleet, have Ranger-2 launch all fighters and begin to push forward too. Keep those evac ships covered. And Kaddie, give me an open channel. Give a fair callout to everyone." The AI nodded, quickly patching the ships comms to an open channel. "All vessels this is Mig Gred aboard the Keros' Kad. We have evacuation ships entering under heavy escort. Please for the love of all that's good don't make that escort necessary!" Mig watched as the ships moved ahead of the assault destroyer.... He really hoped this was the right thing to do....

Aana had downed three Mandos so far, and that wasn't nearly enough. Every time she killed one, ten more came from the sky to replace them. She'd been clearing the city street by street, but that wasn't good enough. She needed to be faster. And to be honest, she wasn't that effective against the Mandalorians. She needed heavier ordinance. So when a Twi'lek came running with a concussion missile launcher, it was a dream come true.

Aana peeked around the corner of the small house, and confirmed the location of her target, who was preoccupied with several militia fighters. She hefted the launcher on her shoulder with a grunt, aimed down the sights and the Mando's waist, and fired. A plume of smoke flew out of the launcher, and a second later, a massive explosion rocked the street. Duracrete was raining down everywhere, and the house she had been taking cover by had lost its roof, and was now collapsing, spreading even more dust into the air.

When the air cleared, Aana began to walk over to where the Mando used to be... and found a helmet. Well...he was probably dead. But she didn't want to stick around to find out. Tucking the launcher under her left arm, she waved her right at the Twi'leks on the ground, covering their ears. "Let's go!" she yelled.

And then an explosion ten times stronger than the one she'd unleashed on that poor Mando. The shockwave sent her to the ground, and the heavy weapon went tumbling out into the crater in the middle of the road (from the missile). Thank the Force it wasn't loaded.

Aana's head was ringing, and she rolled over onto her stomach. She crawled forward, extending a hand to reach for the concussion missile launcher. Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up...into a man's cold eyes. He picked her up and threw her with surprising strength, into a small shack's rubble. Ow. Splinters.

The Pathfinder got up quickly and assumed a fighting stance. She shook her head, clearing the last of the ringing noises, and honed in on her enemy. Who had no helmet. So he didn't die from that?! That pretty much confirmed that she wasn't effective against them. But she would keep fighting anyway.

In a blur, Aana reached down and picked up a wooden plank. It was maybe a few meters long, and was probably used in the shack's bracing. But it, like its brethren, would find a new purpose today. The Twi'lek hurled the plank straight towards the Mando's face. He never saw it coming (or maybe the explosion had got to him), and it hit him right in the mouth. He hit the ground hard.

Immediately, she raced towards him, vibroblade out. He was squirming in pain, and a few grunts escaped him. His eyes were closed. Never again would she see that steely gaze. Nor would his family. Such was the reality of war. Aana finished the fight, then cleaned her blade on the Mando's cape.

Before she went off to find the militia members again, Aana searched the man's pockets and holsters. She found a heavy blaster pistol, which she threw aside. She had a better rifle. But then she found something that might just change the game for her. A Beskar blade. It was probably half a meter in length, so it would do in a fight.

She grinned, then went to regroup with her troops. And to find the source of that massive explosion.

Zlova Rue Zlova Rue



Location: Ryloth System, Evac Fleet to Ryloth
Equipment: Skinsuit, Flight-suit, Left Bracer, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster, Nasty-Stabby, Modular Blaster
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Mig Gred Mig Gred

Starstreaks returned to simple glowing dots as she lined up in formation with the evacuation fleet.

She would have ignored the callout if it hadn't been for being inside Alilliance territory already. It also didn't hurt that she'd messaged Briana to check on her. Only to find Briana heading into the fray given all that had happened prior with her padawan.

All the more incentive she needed to throw her hat into the fray.

The Buzzard, the ugly thing it was, exchanged places with the Stingers that were actively screening starfighters for their fleet detachment. The ships burning hard for the surface as Lossa kept the Buzzard outside the main vein of the fleet and eyes on her sensors for any incoming fighters.

Her feet shuffling in place as she kept her eyes scanning.

"Skid. You good back there?" The astromech giving a solid, affirming chirp as she confirmed and kept in formation for the time being. Weapons ready and eyes peeled all the while.

The Buzzard rolling between the outermost vessels and keeping up as she checked over her readings as she passed them by.

ALLIES: Mandalorians
ENEMIES: Everyone else
ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble
GEAR: In bio


This was the first engagement in years, decades, that had the Wardog squirming in her seat as she waited for the order to deploy. It wasn’t the guns down below that awaited her, it wasn’t the resistance expected to be thrown against them in the streets… it was the mere thought of who she might encounter once they touched down.

But at the same time, the reality of the situation wasn’t lost on her. The Alliance allied with the Twi’leks, sent its soldiers to protect those that blatantly disrespected and turned on their old allies. That alone was enough for Shai to don her armour, mount her Basilisk and lead the charge as the Wardog once more.

Yanked out of her thoughts by the green lights, open hangar doors and orders over the comms, Shai hurled her Basilisk out of the Star Destroyer and gunned the engines toward the capital below. Dozens of Basilisks followed suit right behind her with their collective engines howling overhead like a demon from the nether.

A howl that grew in intensity with each passing second as the swarm of war droids descended. Flak filled the skies, rocked them all back and forth, but the onslaught kept closing in until their weapons were in range.

The missiles and laser cannons were all drowned out by the stream of explosive rounds, followed a second or two later by the roar of the rotary cannons.

Shai disembarked mid-flight with her jetpack and touched down on a nearby rooftop as Baby went on without her. All around her, the battle for the capital was raging with smoke, gunfire and shouting all around. For a moment she paused as the familiar smells and sights made her stomach turn. Perhaps coming out of retirement really wasn't that good of an idea.

Scanning her surroundings, she looked for situations to provide assistance… or the neon beams of those she feared to face.

Location: Lessu Capitol Building

Loadout: Lightsaber, Varos Cloak, Kits yelp bracers, 25 daggers, 3 rhak skuri gas grenades, 3 EMP grenades, 3 Frag Grenades, 3 totems of the familiar (Kreehawk, Kathhound, Acklay), Shadowfox Amulet, Raven wing pack, Fennec Pistol

Units: Trident Company of the Veran Royal Guard (~120 soldiers | 5 VSF Lupas), 5th Veran Battalion of the Armis Militia (~1000 Soldiers | 40 VSF Lupas, 10 Active)

"Colonel. I want three companies watching the outer edges. Keep them heavy with dire wolves and anti-armor. The others, I need scattered throughout the city. Trident will be on stand by to support any sector that finds itself bogged down or overwhelmed." It was an odd sensation to be standing in the back over a holo-map rather than on the front lines. But he was no longer a simple soldier. He was the Valde. There would be time, later for him to pick a personal fight and ignite a grudge with some bucket headed mando. But for now, he had to make sure his men were ready to take on the brunt of a mandalorian siege. Zorrens were a warrior culture. Fighting was who they were, and that much could see them through most any conflict. But the mandos were something else. War was their culture as well, and when the pair clashed, it was bound to be bloody.

The LtCol. snapped a salute to his commander then set about organizing his men, moving insignias over the map as he spoke into a radio. Taking confidence int he swift responses to his orders, Vulpesen left the table and started out the door, his voice barking out more commands. "Captain Garlan! On me! I need an ear on that radio and eyes in the sky." The captain, a wild eyed man with a permanent smile and a grenade launcher nodded and called for his men to prepare to set out. It'd been years since he'd seen Vulpesen so fired up, and seeing it now brought back a flood of memories from their days working with the dark hand. Back then they'd been fighting sith and brynadul, gods and monsters. But now, it was time to crumple some men in tin cans.

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