Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Unalive the Undead


Agent of the Tenevi Order
Undead infected Zorren were terrifying. The soldiers had captured one to the Valde as living proof of the undead's existence on the planet, albeit only a child, it was ferocious. The older were getting infected in the southern villages. Perhaps it was to minimise panic of the public, the GA was called upon by Vulpesen to assist and Ianswein was tasked to lead the mission in eradicating the undead from the lands. It was rare that help was required on Veradune, the pride of the people and apprehension of the Jedi made it nearly impossible in the past. But this was an emergency.

In the early afternoon he would wait for the arrival of the GA forces by ports.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Several Jedi had already landed and were on assignments on the planet. Valery was the latest to arrive, but she'd ultimately be overseeing their efforts, whilst also offering her own assistance. The undead plague had to be stopped, and especially on a planet like this, it required some additional strength. Valery, admittedly, didn't know too much about the natives, but she had felt the tremors in the Force when they called for help.

This required her full attention.

After a short journey to the planet, Valery's shuttle touched down near the agreed upon landing zone. With her weapon already strapped to her belt, she walked down the ramp and looked around.

Searching for her point of contact.



Agent of the Tenevi Order
Many Jedi had already landed on the planet and were sent to surround the village. The number of undead were growing within the villages, but it was contained within those area. Although it meant that the civilians within were on their own for now, allowing anyone out of the area was a risk in itself. When he saw a ship arrive, he was told that it was the main GA official.

"Valery Noble?" Ianswien greeted. "We have been expecting you. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Ianswein, agent of the Tenevi order and grandson of Vulpsen Torresavo. Thank you for coming. " While it wasn't usually of him to be so formal, he wasn't sure how to react to someone with such a high standing in the GA and hot for that matter. "The terrain makes it impossible for ships to maneuver through, we will be riding on beasts to get to the village."


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"That's me," Valery replied before she bowed her head in greeting and briefly looked around "A pleasure to meet you, and I'm glad I can help." As far as she knew, the Jedi were already assisting the locals to contain the spread and take down those beyond saving. That would hopefully slow down this plague enough for them to make a difference.

It was the only way.

Valery's fiery gaze turned back to the man, taking a short moment to look him up and down, before she continued, "I'll follow your lead for this mission. I'm not really familiar with the landscape or the people." She knew they were tougher than many other species, which is why the Jedi had been called in the first place.

But she was going to have to learn from experience.

"I'm sure you can help me, though? I'd like to know what the current status is, and how I can best help you and your people."


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