Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unending Legacy

Spaceports were always such an annoyance, papers, passes, clearance, he was somehow grateful nobody could see his annoyance. While patiently waiting beside the wall, Jaedan's eyes boringly stared at the passing people or the working ones. He was obviously wearing normal clothes, if "normal" is what you would call it, just another cloaked figure only his hood was laying over his back rather than cover his head. He would not fathom why some wanted to draw attention... in any way.

Before long, a young man approaches him "Alright, I'm done." he said with a carefree smile. "Hm. When do they pass?" Jaedan asked in return.

The man shrugged "A few hours maybe?"

"What are they transporting?"

"Robot parts for the most part, I've seen some implants and... I think there were shock collars too."

Jaedan blinked once then asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice "That's all?"

"It appears so."

He averted his eyes falling in thoughts for a moment, this gang didn't seem to have what he wanted, likely they wouldn't even know what it is, the man in front of him moved his eyes around as if unsure of what to say "So... It was a waste but... I've done as asked."

A "Hm?" left Jaedan's lips before realizing what he meant. He pulled out of his pocket a small device "Here you have them, go give them to our friend."

"So I shall, thank you." And with that the man left.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Na Shadda was not her go to place for a get away, or anything really, but it served as a central hub for under world information, as well as interesting item, if one had the right connection. Since the last campaign Sukai had decided to take some time away from the order, still pursing the task of recording and collection as much information as possible, as a means of preservation in case of a cataclysmic galactic event.

Her star fighter slowly descended to the space port below, hopefully in a secure enough place, the craft powering down as the young Jin exited its cockpit, the nightly wind blowing against her hair. Sukai leaped from the ship onto the ground, straightening out her outfit and accompanying, "It has been a while since I've worn this, comfortable, but not as useful in combat". Walking from the space port she kept her three sabers on the inside of her jacket, keeping a blaster pistol on view instead, trying to appear more like a mercenary/informant then Jedi.

'I just hope my mothers ties to the Hutt cartels and big wigs are still active'.

[member="Jaedan Fray"]
Without a track to follow, Jaedan was unsure whether the item was even here anymore. He pulled out his datapad from his left pocket and begun writing in it, a good way to find something in a place like Nar Shaddaa was probably the cartel. After a minute he perked up and put the datapad back in it's place, leaving his former place behind he started to make a plan as he walked, something he was good at ever since childhood. With the little unrest that is going to take place and the problem a certain hutt will be facing, it is likely he will be able to pass unseen more easily around his controlled places, it was good way to start, yet not the best, there was no time to form friendships with the enemy.

With some luck, the wanted object was going to be sold... With a lot of luck, openly.

[member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

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