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Approved Tech V.E.S.S. AI

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  • Intent: To Create a combat AI for use by the VSF and its Allies
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Vitae Security Forces
  • Affiliation: VSF, Allies, and Customers
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: V.E.S.S. (Virtual Entity Supporting Soldiers)
  • Modularity: Settings can be adjusted to change basic personality and voice
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Coding, Computer Parts, durasteel casing(on the Main Hub)
  • Compiles and Organizes Battlefield Data
  • Given time, personality will alter to fit specific soldiers
  • Tracks Ammunition Usage
  • Provides Companionship and Emotional Support
  • Provides mapping information and updates markers on HUD
  • Failsafe command to shut down V.E.S.S.
  • Communicates with other V.E.S.S. AI.
  • Programmed loyalty to VSF
  • Provides a wide variety of services to soldiers on the ground including mapping and unit information
  • All V.E.S.S. systems include a personalizable Failsafe command to shut down V.E.S.S. until manually it is rebooted, thus shutting down attempts to hack whatever contains the system.
  • Can activate a distress beacon on behalf of a soldier using the AI.
  • The basic programming of V.E.S.S. is built upon loyalty to VSF to keep it from ever being used against its creators by those that might purchase the ai.
  • Information can be stored in a virtual encyclopedia housed in the main hub.
  • EMPs and electrical attacks can cause V.E.S.S. to shut down or malfunction
  • Can be sliced by skilled hackers
  • After Failsafe command, V.E.S.S. is completely unavailable until manually rebooted (must be done at central hub)
  • Requires a central hub containing V.E.S.S. to communicate with other V.E.S.S AI
Designed to provide support for soldiers employed and allied with Veradune’s armed forces, the V.E.S.S. comes in two parts. The first part is a central hub which must be stationed near all other chips. This hub acts as the AI’s core and is approximately 1 cubic meter of metal and computer components. All nearby V.E.S.S. units share information with this hub and can be controlled from it.

The second part comes in a small chip that can be inserted into any armor. This chip stores an individual V.E.S.S. AI, which can act independently of the main hub. Each chip attached V.E.S.S.
is capable of operating without the main hub, though doing so will not allow the soldier to see any information that he has not already provided, such as updated locations of other troops, or the battlefield beyond what he has explored.

V.E.S.S AI works by compiling visual and audio data through a camera and microphone that can either be built into, or retrofitted onto the armor it is installed in. Using this information, the AI will provide as comprehensive of a report as it can to the attached soldier, paying attention to the surroundings as well as any equipment the soldier might use.

Every V.E.S.S. comes with an inbuilt failsafe. When booting up for the first time, V.E.S.S. will ask ask user for a failsafe password, that when spoken by the user, will immediately shut down all V.E.S.S. function, causing it to become completely inactive. Once the failsafe is activated, V.E.S.S. will only reactivate if its chip is placed in a central hub to have the AI redownloaded.

Designed to rapidly adapt, V.E.S.S. AI will begin to mold its personality to the soldier, finding what works best for the user’s wellbeing, though a memory wipe or redownload will cause the AI. to revert back to its default programming which is a polite and professional female persona.
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