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Approved Tech V.F.M. Vehicle Fragmentation Matrix

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  • Manufacturer: The Kür'än
  • Affiliation: The Kür'än
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Series 1.0 V.F.M. (Vehicle Fragmentation Matrix)
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Copper wiring, Durasteel, Cordylleum (thank you Ivory Stroud) :}
  • Classification: Blitz-Fragmentation (fast shrapnel explosion)
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Explosive Type: Shrapnel
  • Delivery Method: Placed
  • Effective Range: Personal (main implosion)
  • Area Of Effect: Large
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • It causes a sudden implosion of the surrounding area, and then swiftly completes a combustion reaction to scatter any shrapnel caught in the personal field.
  • High damage output- you do not want to be anywhere near this thing. Period.
  • Highly Volatile- easily tampered with and aggravated. Do what you will with this information.
  • Susceptible to EMPs; one blast is all it takes to shut it down permanently.
  • Glaring Weakness; the wires situated on the outside of the device are crucial for detonation, if frayed the device will “dud.”
Created by a Kür’än Foundry, mass-produced and implemented in all Kür’än vehicles to fuel the grand Kür’än ambition.
When activated, the V.F.M. performs its first phase by causing an implosion of the surrounding area, which is what destroys the vehicle. Immediately after, the inner core performs its second phase by completing a combustion reaction that causes the imploding shrapnel to scatter outward for up to 50 meters from the 15-meter epicenter. So while the implosion is classified as a personal range, the explosion reaches farther, causing the “average” classification, as for the area of effect; the shrapnel is the reason for this classification, as it is propelled farther than the explosion itself. Mind you, this entire process takes place in under 2 seconds after aggravation of the device.
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Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

I do enjoy explosive materials & weapons; they're one of my favorite items to create. This is a neat submission, and doesn't seem to require too many edits.

Firstly, approval must be conditional on the status of The Kür'än submission in the Codex, but that doesn't stop us from continuing the judging process.

Unfortunately, your ratings are a bit overpowered. As it stands, at current production value, these bombs are 3 points over. If Production Value were changed to 'Limited', this would drop you down to 1 point over. Then, either Size, Weight, or Effective Range can be dropped one point; I see the Effective Range is listed as being between Personal & Average, but as a judge, I have to use the highest rating provided. If you drop Effective Range to Personal only, this will be balanced.

Thirdly, it is not necessary, but under your 'Materials' section, you indicated that you can't search how bombs are made lol I sympathize, and I'd like to offer a page from the Wookiepedia for Explosive Substances in the Star Wars Universe. Hopefully this would give you a loophole around whatever is barring you to search for more... conventional methods, and allow you to add a bit more flavor to the device. Again, this edit isn't necessary, and is merely being provided as a favor to you.

Please tag me when edits have been made, or if you have any questions. Thank you!
Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

I do enjoy explosive materials & weapons; they're one of my favorite items to create. This is a neat submission, and doesn't seem to require too many edits.

Firstly, approval must be conditional on the status of The Kür'än submission in the Codex, but that doesn't stop us from continuing the judging process.

Unfortunately, your ratings are a bit overpowered. As it stands, at current production value, these bombs are 3 points over. If Production Value were changed to 'Limited', this would drop you down to 1 point over. Then, either Size, Weight, or Effective Range can be dropped one point; I see the Effective Range is listed as being between Personal & Average, but as a judge, I have to use the highest rating provided. If you drop Effective Range to Personal only, this will be balanced.

Thirdly, it is not necessary, but under your 'Materials' section, you indicated that you can't search how bombs are made lol I sympathize, and I'd like to offer a page from the Wookiepedia for Explosive Substances in the Star Wars Universe. Hopefully this would give you a loophole around whatever is barring you to search for more... conventional methods, and allow you to add a bit more flavor to the device. Again, this edit isn't necessary, and is merely being provided as a favor to you.

Please tag me when edits have been made, or if you have any questions. Thank you!
Ok so, for production value, I wanted it to match the value of the Kür’än Gatling Walker because every single Walker produced is supposed to have one of these built into it… what else could I change to subvert the need to lower the production value?
As for everything else, all issues were addressed and again with the primary sub we are just gonna have to wait for the codex judges!
Thanks for the Wookiepedia page btw. :}
EDIT: Actually, could I add a new weakness that makes them very easy to disable?
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Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

Ok so, for production value, I wanted it to match the value of the Kür’än Gatling Walker because every single Walker produced is supposed to have one of these built into it… what else could I change to subvert the need to lower the production value?
As for everything else, all issues were addressed and again with the primary sub we are just gonna have to wait for the codex judges!
Thanks for the Wookiepedia page btw. :}
EDIT: Actually, could I add a new weakness that makes them very easy to disable?

I can understand the production value issue. Unfortunately, with the current ratings as they are, you're still three points over. Altering the size from Average to Small gained a point rather than removing one. However, I will compromise with you.

If you'd like to bump Size back to Average, you'll then be two points over rather than three. Then, add in two more significant weaknesses; one-of-which can be the idea you suggested. Things such as a weakness to EMP Devices, exposed wiring/cables that can be severed or damaged, or something such as a countdown before the device initiates would be acceptable. I leave it entirely up to you.

With those edits completed as requested, this will be conditionally approved pending the Codex Submission. Thank you for your cooperation.
Skellege Nauss Skellege Nauss

I can understand the production value issue. Unfortunately, with the current ratings as they are, you're still three points over. Altering the size from Average to Small gained a point rather than removing one. However, I will compromise with you.

If you'd like to bump Size back to Average, you'll then be two points over rather than three. Then, add in two more significant weaknesses; one-of-which can be the idea you suggested. Things such as a weakness to EMP Devices, exposed wiring/cables that can be severed or damaged, or something such as a countdown before the device initiates would be acceptable. I leave it entirely up to you.

With those edits completed as requested, this will be conditionally approved pending the Codex Submission. Thank you for your cooperation.
Okay so, did not understand how the size thing was supposed to be graded, so I reversed that mistake.
And I have added the fact that EMPs will knock them out as well as the bit about crucial wiring.
I look forward to working further on this as needed.
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