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Approved Tech Vanguard 2.0 (Vanagor's secondary weapon)

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Be careful what you wish for.


  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Can change from Very Large , to Large
  • Weight: Light(Very Light when Large)
  • Variable Length: The hilts and blades are able to with the controls reach different lengths for different uses. From duel phase and broad style for deflection to the hilts being Shotos or reaching saber pike length. Even strong enough to function like pole vaults able to support Caltins weight for moving around.
  • Enhanced Cutting: The emitters, lens, power source and Caltin's crystals that he adds to the sabers can make the cutting power of the saber
  • Enhanced Deflection: The lens and emitter are designed to adjust and allow the blades to switch to a better model for deflection capabilities against blasters and even function against paddle beamers easily enough.
  • Crystal Assembly: The enhanced and extended crystal assembly is made that Caltin can place several crystals in it and create useful combinations of his sabers effects.
  • Crystal Emitters can act independently: The emitters on either side work with separate crystal setups allowing for not only different colors and types of blades but can still operate if split in two.
  • Can Operate underwater: The sealed assemblies allow the weapon to operate submerged without issue.
  • Phrik Assembly: Protects the weapon from damage.
  • Weapon Master's Blade: Designed to change between weapon styles quickly and almost on the fly. Sarianna has taken care to be able to have her saber augmented and set up in a way she can use it. Her sabers are able to switch between different styles from small shoto to long pikes and strong greatsabers. Interconnecting and with telescopic hilts as well as knobs and settings.
  • Mantle of the Force crystal
  • Seeker Crystal
  • Sunrider's Destiny
  • Enhanced Cutting Power: With the lens and power as well as emitters and crystal combination the cutting power can make materials like vong crab armor, beskar, and phrik butter beneath the blade.
  • Variable Modes: Able to change for deflection, cutting, duel phase length, even deflecting paddle beams at the cost of being unable to deflect standard blaster bolts. The saber is a technical wonder.
  • Functionality: The crystal lens allows it to cut cortosis without deactivating, the ignition pulse allows it to work underwater, adjustment lets it go from a thin and focused blade for dueling or cutting into a broad and flat blade to deflect and defend. The exotic metals used in it allow the saber to literally become impossibly heavy for anyone else trying to touch and hold it except Caltin.
  • Hello Old Friend: There may be modifications and additions to the hilt itself, but Caltin knows this "Vanguard" inside and out, he knows what he can and cannot do and can operate without thought, which makes this weapon that much more dangerous.
  • Cortosis: Though the abilities and the overall design have been enhanced, the metal can still knock this blade out.
  • It's like putting lipstick on a Bantha: As comfortable as he is with "Vanguard" it is still eight hundred sixty years old, and "Elohai" was still a technological marvel.
  • Force Nullification: The sabers while a technical achievement also uses The Force to give them many of their effects. Without it, they are heavy and normal metal with an unstable power source that has lost some of its filtering and enhancement.
  • Exotic Matter: The tetherite and solarite metals are explosive when they come into contact with anti or dark matter.
  • Mirrors Interior: The sophisticated mirrors used to shrink down the internal components are important and damaging them is one of the more dangerous things as it can cause the sabers to explode or cease functioning.
Conervator is the lightsaber that Caltin Vanagor made his name on even gaining the reputation that he had on its own. Vanguard was made for use during the years his primary was stolen, gaining its own unique reputation and having its own idiosyncratic characteristics and abilities. He wanted to retire them in favor of two amazing new weapons made by Matsu Ike Matsu Ike and had done so. The learning curve was not very steep but was not quite the same, and when Elohai was destroyed the big guy salvaged what he could and put them into his "old friend". Caltin then took to change the housing and fix a few of the "dents" and "dings". "She" earned them, but he just kept the weapon structurally sound. Vanguard was something different entirely, this new incarnation, is there for when he is in need of "evening the numbers" when he is unable to call for back-up. The lightsaber is capable of telescoping blades and hilts and of becoming multiple types and sizes of weapons. He will rarely call on Vanguard, but when he does "she" will always live up to her title.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

This is not a good permission. The print screen should include your question about for what you ask for permission and Krass's answer as well. Here is a guide about this.
In your case this permission need to include that you want to use their technological submissions, and their character as manufacturer.
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