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Faction Varied Beauty [Jedi Praxeum]

Ajinar Djo


LOCATION: Ossus - Just outside the Praxeum grounds
TIME: Late morning
THEME: Jungle Ambience

After Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren 's visit to his home, it was time for him to leave it.

There was nothing there for him now but to be married off - of which there was a slim chance, at best - to whichever well-to-do woman that was willing to look past his impurities, the half of him that made his life all the more rich in detail, that which was given to him by his father, biologically, and harkening back to the Luka Sene of Alpheridies.... a model for his relationship with the Force that would doubtless colour his life on the jungled sphere. Packing up a modest portion of his belongings - clothes, sketchbooks, paints, canvas, and so on - he said his farewells to family and acquaintances, and boarded a chartered transport to the ancient Jedi world of Ossus, with its untamed nature and ruins for a new perspective and to be trained further in what some might call a spiritual art: that of the Jedi, a path that his mother and father had started him on to the best of their abilities, amongst the other requirements on their time.

Stepping off the transport and into the different air and different levels of light, he found less need to prepare himself for the onslaught of brightness, canopies filtering it to a comfortable level... already he could see the abundance of shadows and how they played on the landscape, and this was enticing to him such that he set down his fine leather satchel on top of his large travel case to dive into it for what he needed, and wandered forward with a pencil and his current sketchbook opened to a blank page, to get a closer look. After being at this for a handful of minutes, he went back to the travel case and used it as a seat after dropping the satchel to the ground, to proceed to sketch the scene around him, taking note of the colours for later.

So engrossed in this was he, that it might have been that he didn't notice he was approached, except for the fact that he spoke when their shadow encroached on his field of vision.

"The shades of vert are different here, non?"

The greenery and florals of Hapes were manicured to within an inch of their life, and it all looked so similar that it started to blur at times. Here, there was so much variance and detail from the moment he stepped off the transport that he could spend hours with it. He didn't need to go looking for something different or trick himself into believing something to be more interesting than it actually was.

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Location: Ossus
Equipment: Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device, Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: Ajinar Djo

In her wanderings, the Zeltron always enjoyed the chance encounters the galaxy offered. Whether a strange sight, a unique glimpse into daily life, or the simpler things like first meetings; all were a welcome thing for the girl.

A simple day as she aimlessly hopped and skipped around the grounds, there was a surprising sight to behold as she spied someone sketching away at the scenery around them.

Shamelessly curious, her excited energy channeled into the area around her as she tried to sneak up on them to see their work.

Negligence cast a shadow over the sketch however as they spoke, a small snort of laughter from her as they asked about colors.

"You've an eye for colors. It makes a nice scene." She answered, casting her pink eyes up and skimming the horizon.

"Are you new here? Stopping by? Meeting someone?" The excited energy seemed to radiate deeper as she let her curiosity reign free.


A paint covered Iris just wandered by, off in her own world without so much of a care for anything else around her. Today was a day for her. Paint, train. Forget the troubles of the galaxy and her mind for a while. Just.. Live in the now. She said nothing to Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus or Ajinar Djo as she passed by, leaving behind a slight trail of various colors in her wake. She needed to shower before someone got mad at her.


At least she was constantly smiling.

Ajinar Djo


TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus | Iris Arani Iris Arani

He finished laying down a line in pencil, her questions queued in his mind for answering - the energy she brought with her made him think of his twins sisters when they were children and had not yet absorbed the full weight of being Hapan women, except that her shadow hinted to someone taller and older, as did the direction of her voice coming down to his ear from where she stood, but seeing her blush-hued skin, hair the shade of violet, was not what he expected upon turning his head, as his blue-grey eyes took in every detail.

Nor did he expect the curve of her nose, the lines of her jaw, or bud of her lips… if not for her pigments, he would have done a double take, but instead a slow simile spread across his face. There was such a thing as a doppelgänger, non?

"You are like a rose," he began in a soft tone; his accent, if one was familiar with it, marked him not only as a citizen of the Consortium, but of Ta'a Chume'Dan itself, "mais non, I hope I am here to stay."

Just as soon as he spoke his intention, another wandered into his field of vision, marked with several pigments that appeared to bleed off of her, trailing behind. It was… fascinating, but letting this tangent in his attention go on for too long could be rude. Later, perhaps. He turned his attention back to the Zeltron woman, his eyebrows lifting at the inner corners, apologetically.

"Désolée," you would never see someone walking through the streets of the capital like that, but that was no excuse, "I am Ajinar Djo... do you know my cousine Brianne..." he paused, "...euh, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren ?"

It was at her insistence, with the blessing of his mother, that he was here... to find greater purpose, more than the way of life that seemed to want nothing to do with him anymore, but he did not let this difficulty ruin his demeanour, in front of a fresh and beautiful face.

"It was her idée that I come to this place, c'est vrai."


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