Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vas'ka Janik


Vas'ka Janik


NAME: Vas'ka Janik (VAHS-kuh YAH-nick)
ALIASES: Vas, Silver-tongue
AGE: Twenty standard years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: Six feet and one inch, 1.85 meters
WEIGHT: One hundred ninety-seven pounds, 89.36 kilograms
BODY TYPE: Athletic

EYES: Blue-Gray
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale white, though not so much as to be translucent
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Tendency to wear sunglasses and/or hoods, prominent cheekbones



  • Father: Vasily Janik, Human, Rogue Knight
  • Mother: Viktoriya Janik, Human, Entertainer
  • Sister: Ver'nika Janik, Human, Force Healer


  • The Jedi Academy (current)
  • Padawan (current)

  • None
  • None


[+] Extremely personable, charming, charismatic. Able to talk his way out of many situations, his charismatic nature makes persuasion of the Force variety an almost natural ability. He has an uncanny ability to know what to say in most situations, earning him the nickname "Silvertongue" amongst his peers at the Jedi Academy. His charisma allows him to become like a chameleon in social situations, adapting to the atmosphere and becoming what will be needed to complete his objective.

[+] Talented in the Force. While he doesn't particularly stand out amongst the other Padawans at the Academy, neither is he a slacker. Somewhere in the top quarter of the student population, despite his older age, he rather enjoys using the Force and experiments with different ways in incorporating it into his fighting styles.
[+] Athlete. Like most Padawans, Vas was - and still is - most excited about lightsabers. Since being brought to the Jedi Academy as a youngling the male has worked tirelessly to attempt to master these characteristic weapons of the Jedi. In fact, he still does - his hard work often pays off in spades when tested in these forms and he is eager to learn as many techniques as he can. His need for a challenge has led him to wield two lightsabers, a difficult endeavor that requires much more dexterity and agility than a single saber.

[~] Independent, self-reliant. He relies heavily upon himself to complete his tasks, even when compelled by a higher authority to work as a team with his peers. Both a strength and a weakness, depending on the situation; if he were to be cut off from his group there is a high likelihood that he would be able to fend for himself until reunited with his peers, or completing the objective alone. Vas'ka prefers to work alone, as he knows his own abilities well and does not like having uncertainties to calculate for.
[~] Open-minded, has no stigmas. Vas'ka has no boundaries when it comes to acquiring knowledge. While this makes him a good student, it also makes him rather susceptible to the Dark Side since he doesn't have any particular qualms about learning their techniques. Anything that has the potential to be of use to him is something he feels compelled to learn, whether it is heavily associated with the Dark Side or not.
[~] Quick-witted. Vas has a tendency to think very quickly, and on some occasions doesn't think far enough ahead to see the consequences of his words or actions. While this is a good quality to have in the middle of a stressful training exercise or a written test, there is also a downside. He can sometimes say or do things without considering another person's feelings, and offend or hurt them in the process. Meditation helps keep these rash actions to a minimum, but if he is in the middle of obsessing over the perfection of a technique or studying something he hasn't encountered before he still tends to snap before recognizing friends versus foes. The man also neglects to inform his teammates of his plans on occasion, leaving them in the dust to figure it out for themselves.

[-] Tenacious, almost to the point of aggression. He is unwilling to let go of anything without it meeting his requirements. A perfectionist by nature, and unwilling to let something go before it is perfected. This trait is why he is often training with droids or studying in his down time, working tirelessly to the point of self-harm in order to force himself or his current project to meet his ridiculously high standards. His characteristic doesn't act up constantly, but strikes somewhat randomly while he is already practicing or doing research.
[-] Manipulative, occasionally uses people without realizing/intending to. The downside to his charisma, Vas can on occasion persuade people to do something they normally wouldn't or go out of their way to assist him to their own detriment.
[-] Sensitivity to strong light. Due to a regressive gene in both of his parents, Vas'ka is unable to tolerate strong sunlight and has to wear sun-reflective lenses in order to compensate for this abnormality. If the sun is exceptionally strong, as it is on desert planets such as Tatooine, he has to wear a hood as well as these spectacles. This also applies to city-planets like Nar Shaddaa - whether the light is natural or manufactured makes no difference. Should he lose either or both of these pieces of equipment, he would be limited to working between the hours of dusk and dawn - essentially becoming a night owl that stays indoors behind shuttered windows during the day.

Vas'ka carries himself with the assuredness of a man who knows largely of what he is capable, and that there aren't many in the galaxy who can contend with him. He is taller than the average human male, and his weight goes along to match his stature. While he has an athletic body type, it isn't the body of a person who spends ludicrous amounts of time lifting weights. Nor is it the physique of a person who is proficient in acrobatics. Instead, he falls somewhere in between. The lightsaber forms he practices require a high degree of maneuverability and dexterity, and he cannot accomplish these techniques when he has too much muscle mass weighing him down. This is also the reason why he doesn't much like wearing long robes or cloaks, as the extra material ends up wrapping around his body and constricts his motions. Though the intimidation factor they add to a person is significant in some situations, they have proven to be too much of a hindrance. He prefers wearing shoes with soft soles - the better for sneaking around with, and less likely to give away his intentions should he shift his stance in preparation for his next motion.

When it comes to clothing, the male prefers articles made of organic material. Animal or plant based materials are of equal preference; he can't explain why he dislikes synthetic materials aside from it being a "feeling" he gets whenever he has them on. He has a penchant for hoods, as his eyes are sensitive to strong light sources of natural and unnatural sources; he is aware that he could have surgery to correct this flaw provided by genetics, but he is uncomfortable with the idea of someone putting lasers into his eyeballs. When the light is exceptionally strong, such as the high-noon suns on the desert planet of Tatooine, he wears a pair of shaded spectacles as well. Nar Shaddaa is a city-planet of perpetual light as well, and thusly he looks as though he's up to something - especially at night.

His body language is as easily morphed as his words when necessary, becoming what is needed to accomplish his tasks should it be required of him to play a role for absolute success.

With his dark hair kept rather short, aside from the Padawan's braid on the right side of his face, Vas maintains his hair as though he had just finished finger-combing it - messy, but in a purposeful state of disarray. As for facial hair, it is somewhat unusual for him to sport any length of beard on purpose - the most that occurs is a stubble around his jaw and mouth, and this is usually when he neglects to take care of himself in the search for perfection in his techniques or looking for answers in a textbook. He much prefers to be clean-shaven. His eyes are of a blue-steel hue, an interesting mix between pale blue and gray that he often plays up with the addition of his favorite colors into his ensemble - blue, gray, or black. He isn't so vain as to obsess over his appearance, but every man should take care as to appearing hygenic and taken care of.

Describe your characters backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.

  • Force Cloak: Seven
  • Force Leap: Six
  • Force Persuasion (Mind Trick): Seven
  • Force Push/Pull: Seven
  • Force Speed: Five
  • Force Stun: Four
  • Force Sense: Eight
  • Force Throw: Six
  • Pyrokinesis: Five
  • Saber Throw: Four
  • Form II: Makashi: Seven
  • Form VII: Juyo: Six
  • ​​Jar'Kai: Four
  • Piloting: Three

*Rated on a scale of one to twelve, one-three being book knowledge/discovery/novice status of skill, four-six equivalent to beginner/novice, seven-nine equivalent to adept/apprentice, ten-twelve equivalent to mastery.*






FACE-CLAIM: Tom Hiddleston
VOICE SAMPLE: Tom Hiddleston as Loki in 'Thor,' 'The Avengers,' and 'Thor: The Dark World'




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