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Work In Progress Very Fast, Very Dangerous: A Complete History of Podracing



  • Media Name: Very Fast, Very Dangerous: A Complete History of Podracing
  • Format: Book
  • Distribution: Common
  • Length: Medium: About 720 pages
  • Description: To chronicle the entire history of Podracing covering its successes and controversies since its inception.
  • Author: Jax Thio
  • Publisher: Galactic Alliance
  • Reception: Initial response was very positive among Podracing enthusiasts with praise directed towards the extensive details the author goes in regarding the major events that affected Podracing and even mentioning details that were thought to be lost to time. Critics, especially those of the Ratts Tyrell Foundation has accused the book of "glorifying" many aspects of Podracing. An Historian from the University of Naboo hired by the Foundation, wrote an essay systematically pointing out the historical errors of the book. Jax Thio in response to the criticism insists that the information was thoroughly researched and had worked closely with many reputable historians who read and approved of the book's accuracy.
The purpose of the book is to provide readers the history of Podracing going from its creation and rise, its struggle to stay relevant during the waning years of the Old Republic and the rise of the Empire to its recent resurgence. Like many books of its type, it has an intro with chapters chronicling the major events of Podracing. The sources used in the book are cited in Coursanti Standard Style utilizing first and secondhand sources.


Excerpt from Chapter 5: The Boonta Eve Classic

...... Even today, the Boonta Eve Classic still has the largest annual Podracing event in the Galaxy. Multiple Podracing promotions with deeper pockets have attempted to outdo the event with fantastic production value and large prize pools, yet the Boonta Eve Classic still dwarfs attendance with tens of millions of fans flocking to Tatooine annually to gamble and witness the best Racers in the Galaxy race for the honor to be the champion of Boonta Eve. From Selbulba, Anakin Skywalker, Clegg Holdfast and many others, the Boonta Eve Classic has created racing legends. To get a chance participate in Boonta Eve will make a racer famous, to win will make a racer an instant Hall of Famer.

Given the number of regulations that Podracing as a sport had to go through over its years of existence, entry to Boonta Eve is considered be the strictest in the Galaxy. To be eligible, a racer must have at least a top 3 finish in 20 different major league racing circuits and must have a clean racing record for 5 years. Once that's achieved, the racer will have to undergo a series of psychological evaluations as well routine Podracing checks. From then, the top Podracing analysts, as well as the President of the Podracing Federation will gather in a Holovized event 2 weeks after the previous Boonta Eve Classic is finished and will inform the viewers of the top 12 racers who will race in next year's Boonta Eve Classic.


Jax wrote the book so he can inform people who were on the fence on Podrace to understand its rich history and cultural significance to the species of the Galaxy. As Podracing became more popular than its ever been, it is still banned in the Core Worlds thanks to the efforts of interests groups like the Ratts Tyrell Foundation. Jax as well as Podracing enthusiasts have pushed for Podracing to be legal convincing senators in the Galactic Alliance and other regions to allow races to be allowed. Jax hoped that the book could help in his frantic effort to legalize Podracing.
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