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Open Market Vexillium

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S




Half of the company’s services are open and well known. As the part of the HPI Consortium already covered several planets in the years when the later House L'lerim is operated on the planets of the CIS. In addition, they can be found on countless other planets, especially in places where the underworld plays a major role and the HPI Consortium also has influence.

In the territory of the Eternal Empire, the banks of the Vexillium have the greatest influence. They are found on almost every planet in the Empire. Among other things, in the reconstruction of Bursoll II, they lent to the Empire and the planet. In addition, they own many HoloChannels in the Empire and also have nightclubs on countless planets.

It qualifies as a respected bank and company with fair loans and interest rates. Its nightclubs are upscale and popular, as modern as they can be.

As for their secret stuff, these services are mainly provided to underworld organizations like Black Sun, with whom they also have fairly close relationships. Respectively, the Darkwire faction is the one to whom the Vex leadership is very open.

Their secret activities include extortion, bribery, usury, trafficking, as well as drug distribution and manufacturing. In addition to these, they try to keep in touch with the largest underworld organizations and also maintain a good relationship.


Like the HPI Consortium, the Vexillium was not built overnight, it gained its current shape and size over decades, but rather over the centuries. They first dealt in small minor underworld transactions, and then, when they had sufficient assets, they established their Bank. And everything else has followed this nicely over time.

They later joined the HPI Consortium for easier and smooth operation. Over the centuries, thanks to various clan wars, they gained vast fortunes, to which was added that after the founding of the Eternal Empire, the Vex even lent to the Eternal Empire. Of course, they also moved to the Unknown Region, but they also retained their interests outside of EE.

However, after the move, they bought an Oasis class Luxury Starliner, from AMCO AMCO ‘s company, which was named Vexillium and it became the company’s new HQ in addition to the headquarters in Tygeria.

Vexillium is chaired by a five-member board (Rip Sure, Cal Pone, Rodd Czenko, M’rk Sys and Cen Vin). They have a great relationship with the head of Nite. And as CEO of HPI Consortium, Ingrid also has a full view of Vex. Tubrok Ragal is known to hate Vex, if possible, he is not even happy to stay with the management in any place.

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