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Victory X-class Star Destroyer

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Image Source: Link
Affiliation: The Imperium
Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Model: Victory Mk X-class
Modularity: Missile Load out for the variable assault batteries
Production: Mass
Material: G-32 Evasive Alusteel Frame and Hull, Glasteel Viewports, AR-0B Dallorian-Agrinium Alloy Insulating Plating, Matrix Armor Plating, Turadium Blast doors, Transparasteel View Ports, Star Ship Components
Classification: Star Destroyer

Length: 900 meters
Width: 400 meters
Height: 100 meters

* 6 HAT-100 Heavy Assault Turbolaser Batteries
* 10 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
* 10 Heavy Ion Batteries
* 40 Dual Rapid-fire Light Turbolaser Cannons
* 20 Assault-grade Variable Warhead Launchers
* 20 AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons

* 3 TIE Series Fighter Squadrons
* 1 Dropship Squadron

Special Features:
* Multiple Redundant De-Ionizers
* Communications Frequency Jammer
* Communications Descrambler
* Anti-concussion Field Generator
* Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer

* Redundant Overlapping Molecular Shield Generators
* Socket Guards
* Comm Laser Communications Array
* Tractor Beam Projectors
* Life Support Systems
* Environmental Support System
* Navigational Systems
* Turbolift Elevators
* Inertial Compensator
* Artificial Gravity
* Mess with Droid Service -
* Medical Bay
* Escape Pods
* Communications Array
* Communication Encryption Equipment
* Holonet Transceiver
* Sub Space Transciever
* Hyperwave Transciever
* Wide Ranged Sensors
* Long Range Sensors
* Targeting Sensors
* Warhead Countermeasures

Maneuverability: 16
Speed Rating: 14
Hyperdrive Class: Class 2, Class 8 backup

* Heavy Firepower - the class hosts a formidable weapons load
* Redundant Molecular Shield Generators - The class had a series of molecular shield generators which protect the vessel in overlapping redundant coverage offering superior protection. These shields absorb incoming energy and shunt it into capacitors to feed the formidable weapon systems of the vessel.
* Anti-electronic Warfare Systems - Multiple Socket guards and other anti-splicing systems protect the networks of the Victory Mk X-class from all external Electronic Warfare attack as well as assist in attacks on the internal network limiting access to ports and terminals. Comm lasers are used durring battle to maintain communications during jamming and offer secure order transmission to ships without interception.
* HIMS - The Vessel is equipped with a Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer to enable it to circumvent interdiction fields in combat.

* Poor Maneuverability - While the Procursator Mk III-class has very high straight line speed it is slower than most ships of its size at turning.
* Low Aft Armament - The rear of the vessel is weak from attack as it has very little capital or defensive weapons in that arc.
* Low Defensive Armament - While it has a few quad laser cannons these are very few and offer little protection from attack craft and projectiles. It is dependent on its escorts for this type of protection.

The Victory Mk X-class is the newest generation of the Victory Star Destroyer hull. It has been reworked at its base with an advanced frame and hull bracing offering superior battle stamina and flexibility. The hull design resembles the old original Mk-I version of the vessel designed by Walex Blissex over eight hundred years ago. It was a solid warships of its time some serving for over two hundred years in the old Imperial fleets. The Victory Mk X-class is designed to be the main Imperium line vessel and only mass produced capital ship over six hundred meters. It will serve as flagship, escort, assault ship, and patrol vessel in the fleets of the Imperium and be the backbone of its fledgling fleet. The power of the Imperium will be built on the hulls of the Victory Mk X-class and the ships will carry Order and stability with them into the stars.

The main batteries of the Victory Mk X-class are the six large HAT-100 batteries which line the hulls rim forward of the Missile batteries. These batteries can swivial to fire over a full one hunred and forty degree arc giving all six port and starboard batteries a full forward firing arc. Ten Heavy Turbolaser Batteries are spread over the dorsal and ventral hull with six focused on the forward arc and two to each port and starboard arcs. Ten Heavy Ion Cannon Batteries are mounted along the edges of the hulls rim all focused on the forward firing arc. Forty short ranged repeating light turbolaser cannons are arranged in dual mounts and placed over the dorsal and ventral hulls as well as along the rim of the ship. These are arranged giving the ship a full three hundred and sixty degrees of medium anti-capital and anti- fighter coverage.

The Victory Mk X-class has formidable missile batteries mounted where the original Victory-class' atmospheric stabilizers were mounted. These protusions mounted a battery of ten assault grade variable missile tubes each. These tubes can chose from a magazine located in the center of the vessel and encased in think shock absorbing plating.. The magazine carries a variety of warheads including

* Assault Concussion Missiles,
* Heavy Incendiary Cluster Missiles,
* Heavy Carbonite Cluster Missiles
* Advanced Homing Cluster Missiles,
* EM-03 Missiles
* Laser-Guided Heavy Cruise Missiles,
* Intruder Missiles

Rounding out the weapons systems of the Victory MK X-class is the light array of twenty fast trak mounted AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons These weapons offer light vessel and anti fighter as well as anti-warhead defense. These weapons are arranged along the hull rim giving the Victory Mk X-class a full three hundred and sixty degree of light defensive coverage.

The Hanger of the Victory Mk X-class is positioned traditionally on the ventral hull just fore of the solar ionization dome. It has three hangers extending into the hull one on the fore of the hanger which houses the three attack squadrons of TIE series fighters One hanger on the rear of the hull opening houses the assault force vehicles and their dropships, while the marge hanger can support up to six large freighters or political vessels.

The Victory Mk X-class houses a full Assault Regiment for planetary assault operations. The assault force consists of one thousand eight hundred troops, ten Heavy Walkers, thirty Light Walkers, thirty Tanks, and sixty speeders. This force is deployed by the mixed assault squadron of Heavy Dropships.

Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: Build a modernized Main Line Starship for The Imperium
Who Can Use This: The Imperium
Primary Source:
* Vic Mk I wiki
* Vic Mk II wiki
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br /> <br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />Starwars Chaos: <br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br /><br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br /><br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>
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