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Approved Starship Vindicator Mk X-class Heavy Cruiser

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Image Source: Link
Affiliation: Aurora Industries Customers
Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Model: Vindicator Mk X-class
Modularity: None
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel Frame and Hull bracing, Glasteel Viewports, Dallorian inner hull layer, Agrinium outer hull layer, AR-0B ablative armor plating, Matrix Armor belting, Turadium Blast doors, Transparasteel View Ports, Star Ship Components
Classification: Heavy Cruiser

Length: 600 meters
Width: 250 meters
Height: 70 meters


* 4 Heavy Long Range Turbolaser Cannon Turrets
* 2 Heavy Long Range Ion Cannons
* 20 Quad Turbolaser Turrets
* 20 Ion Cannons

* 20 Quad Laser Cannons
* 20 Point Defense Ion Cannon
* 20 Point Defense Laser Cannon
* 20 Missile Octets
* 20 Flak Cannons

* 2 TIE series fighter squadrons

Special Features:
* Deflector Shield Projectors
* De-Ionizers
* Communications Frequency Jammer
* Communications Descrambler

* Socket Guards
* Tractor Beam Projectors
* Life Support Systems
* Environmental Support System
* Navigational Systems
* Turbolift Elevators
* Inertial Compensator
* Artificial Gravity
* Mess with Droid Service -
* Medical Bay
* Escape Pods
* Communications Array
* Communication Encryption Equipment
* Holonet Transceiver
* Sub Space Transciever
* Hyperwave Transciever
* Wide Ranged Sensors
* Long Range Sensors
* Targeting Sensors
* Warhead Countermeasures

Maneuverability: 14
Speed Rating: 14
Hyperdrive Class: Class 2, Class 8 backup


Anti-electronic Warfare Systems - The Vindicator Mk X-class has multiple Socket Guards on key systems and networks making it impossibly to hack from external sources.
Powerful Defensive Weapons - TheVindicator Mk X-class has a massive amount of defensive weapons for Anti-fighter, Anti- projectile and warhead, and anti-sub capital defense.

* No Warhead Complement - The Vindicator Mk X-class has limited room internally so therefore was designed without missile or torpedo weapons or magazines.
* Slow - The Vindicator Mk X-class is designed to keep pace with slower destroyer size ships and to operate from a stationary support positions.
* Low Maneuverability - The Vindicator MK X-class is designed to move with larger vessels and operate from stationary positions

Description: The Vindicator Mk X-class is the third ship in the X class project. It is designed to escort large destroyer class vessels and offer support and escort. The Vindicator MK X-class can operate as a flagship for smaller forces when needed and use its fighter complement and heavy weapons to stand off against enemies when the mission does not require a larger destroyer.

The class has a powerful defensive weapon load with point defense Laser and Ion cannons laid out along the hull rim, Quad Laser Cannons positioned on the axial dorsal and ventral hull, Flack batteries along the dorsal superstructure , and anti-missile octets positioned along the hulls dorsal and ventral hull. These defensive systems give the class a full 360 degree arc of defensive fire and can be used to support larger vessels in anti-fighter and anti-warhead defense during battle.

Offensively the Vindicator Mk X-class boasts a powerful array of heavy long range turbolaser turrets on the dorsal hull mounted in turrets for an optimal two hundred and seventy degree arc of fire. Two Heavy Long Range Ion Cannons are positioned on the prow of the ship which can only fire in a twenty degree forward arc limiting the tracking and targeting of these weapons to targets directly in front of the vessel. Twenty Quad mounted turbolaser turrets are positioned on the dorsal and ventral hulls giving the class a full 360 degree arc of anti-capital offensive capabilities. Twenty Ion Cannons mounted along the port and starboard rim of the hull between the upper and lower hull are positioned to fire in a one hundred and twenty degree arc give the class the ability to disable and capture when needed.

The propulsion systems consist of one large fusal thruster and four smaller fusal thrusters feed from an Ionic thrust system. They Solar ionization reactor powers these systems as well as the weapons and other systems aboard the class.

A large hanger is positioned amidships on the ventral hull which can house 36 TIE series fighters and six shuttles as well as room in the main hanger for two large freighter The TIE series Fighters are mounted on rack along the ceiling of the hanger which can be extended out into the main hanger where the attack craft can deploy rapidly dropping from the hangers directly into space.

Development Thread: if needed
Intent: To create a heavy cruiser for The Imperium
Who Can Use This: Aurora Industries Customers
Primary Source:
* Link
* Link

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Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

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