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Approved Tech Vipers Repose

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Good Men Don't Need Rules
  • Intent: Create a set of gloves for Kale to aid in combat
  • Image Source: Artstation
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Combat Gloves
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances
    Blasters: High
  • Kinetic: Extreme
  • Lightsabers: High
  • Elemental: Very High
  • Sonic: None
  • Acid: Low
  • EMP/Ion: High

  • Strike First: Utilizing the addition of Jal Shey perception enhancement for the gloves, the gloves provide a helpful effect of increasing perception of the wearer of gloves. Allowing for the wielder to have increased situational awareness, and thus, give more time for someone to react to a desired situation, or at the very least be prepared for such.
  • Strike Hard: Using the addition of Disruption components, the gloves can pack quite a punch against enemies. Including that of shielding. Namely being able to punch through a shield so that the soft target underneath gets hit for talking smack.
  • No Mercy: As these are gloves, They can afford the wielder quite ample protection against the like of blasters, and lightsabers. However, it is superb at being able to defend against Kinetic impacts. Considering these gloves are meant to be used in hand to hand combat, or just to provide ample protection for one's hand, Kinetic resistances needed to be a must. Everything else is second.
  • Handsy: These are gloves. The best they can be for, is to protect the hands of the wearer. While someone could move their hands to defend themselves, its not like the person can stand there and take a hit and somehow be defended with just a pair of gloves.
  • Nope Lizards: Force nullification fields can disrupt, or even prevent the added bonuses of the Jal Shey enhancement to perception.
  • You've Got the Touch: As with using Microsensory mesh in the gloves, it allows for better perception with the wearers sense of touch. However, that also means that any damage that would be inflicted upon the wearers hands, are felt at full force. While it may not break skin, break bones, it still hurts.
You ever have the problem of losing a weapon because of a scuffle, or its smacked out of your hands? Well, seemingly, Kale has lost his lightsaber not once, but on two separate occasions. Romi and his Droid companion have both reprimanded him about it in the past. In fact he has gone out of his way to make sure that he wouldn't lose control of his lightsaber again. As such, Kale took one last step with a set of gloves that can aid him in usage with melee weapons in general, accuracy with ranged weapons, and even when in unarmed combat.

Built for multiple applications, and even aiding with his perception of his surrounding environment as well as having better spacial awareness in general, as well as in combat scenarios. The gloves while meant for combat, are paid mind, to general day to day wear. Allowing Kale to use these gloves as just a set of covers for his hands in normal use.
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