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Approved Tech Void Heart

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  • Intent: A special new metal to be used in the creation of armor, weapons, and technology for the Star Titans.

  • Image Source: N/A

  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Name: Void Heart

  • Manufacturer: Discoverer: The Star Titans. Kuxtal.

  • Affiliation: Star Titans. Kuxtal.

  • Homeworld: Coliseum

  • Production: Semi-unique

  • Modularity: No.

  • Material: N/A

  • Classification: Ore. Metal.

  • Weight: Heavy.

  • Resistances

    Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Very High

  • Kinetic: High

  • Lightsabers: Average

  • Other:

    Sonic: Very Low

  • EMP: Average

  • ION: Average

Color: It comes in nearly every chromatic color and sheen, from Ivory to ebony.


  • The ore is able to conduct, reflect and store the force inside it's cellular structure when treated properly.

  • Blaster Resistance.

  • Kinetic Resistance.

  • The material is about as strong or even stronger than normal ship hull. Very resistant to blaster and plasma type weapons.

  • The ore is extremely dense, but not brittle in the slightest. It can take extreme amounts of physical punishment before it will bend or dent.

  • Untreated, the ore is very volatile. It is extremely charged with negative energy so that it creates a void around itself in which there is no air or light, the void pushing these things away. Space suits are required for mining.

  • While it faces hard force with extreme strength and durability, it will bend/cut easier to Sonic drilling or weaponry.

  • The metal is also very conductive to electrical currents. As would any armor made with this metal.
When Kuxtal created the planet Coliseum he also created all the metals, ores, minerals, and elements. The Void Heart ore was one such creation. The ore is extracted and used by the Titans to create a metal unlike any other in the galaxy which they use in the creation of all their armor, weapons, and technology. To be treated and shaped with the World Forge.
Factory Judge

Your ratings are 4 ratings above the recommended. Having "Very High" and "High" Resistances while having no true physical weakness.

Kuxtal said:
The material is about as strong or even stronger than normal ship hull. Very resistant to blaster and plasma type weapons.
Kuxtal said:
While it faces hard force with extreme strength and durability, it will bend/cut to more gentle methods of manipulation such as laser or tractor beam.
These don't quite make sense. You are saying its resistant to Laser and blaster weaponry, but then you say it has a weakness too it. Then you mention you can bend and cut it when the ratings for it list your Kinetic resistances as "Very High."

Kuxtal said:
The ore was created into the planet Coliseum through the force, so the metal is very weak against the force on its own.
What do you mean by this? If it is forged in the force, shouldn't it be able to channel the force through it like any other Force imbued item?

As well, If this is force imbued, then the rating of this metal will have to be lowered to Semi-unique. Force imbued items are a Restricted Material, and thus can only be produced at a Semi-unique level.

Kuxtal said:
Untreated, the ore is very volatile. It retains some of the void inside it, so being exposed to the raw ore is like being exposed to vacuum. Space suits are required to mine it.
Can you explain this a little more? How is a metal acting like a vacuum? This goes against the laws of nature so I am confused as to how this would work. If you find the "ore" in a void of space or whatever, thats fine, but it seems as though you are saying that the metal itself is absorbing all of the oxygen from the space around it. Which actually causes Oxidation to the metal and causes it to rust.

I added a weakness to sonic methods.

What I meant by "weak against the force" was that if the force was used against it, say if it was made into armor, the force would be able to easily bend or break it. I'm not making this a force imbued metal, just a material that is highly conductive and malleable by the force. but I'm thinking of removing this weakness altogether.

I think I better defined the "void" effect.
Factory Judge

Most metals are weak to the force to begin with. Anyone remotely Knight level in the force could bend metal with Telekinesis if they really tried. Masters can make themselves fly and crush a bridge of a Star Destroyer (as that has happened on the site)

So yeah. Remove the weakness if you so desire.

Kuxtal said:
a substance that retains the dark side while the light was excluded
this makes me feel as though it was influenced by the force. This by definition is Imbued/alchemized. If you would like, you could have the wording changed to where it is Negativly charged to such a high degree, that it repels literally everything from it.

A secondary weakness if you go that path, is that the armor would be conductive to electrical currents.
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