Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Wanted: Threads

Alright. Muse has picked back up and the wee ones have started to calm down so I've got some time again to start typing away. On what, I've no idea! Y'know that muse to write but you've no idea any specifics? That's me, well. Pretty much all the time, actually. Hence this thread! I've got three characters I'm feelin a muse for, so let's dive right into them.

Alina here. Middle child of what was once a powerful Sith family. That she overthrew for power. Then decided that she didn't want to be a Sith anymore following some close calls with death. Now she pretty much stays by Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin and, asides from that, has no idea who she is anymore. Oh, and she's a space vampire so there's that.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , the dubbed Chissalorian. For someone who's barely an adult his life has been pretty much filled with violence. Which isn't too surprising given the Sith killed his parents and the Maw blew up his dad's homeworld (Rip Csilla.) He's been pretty focused on hunting down Sith and Mawites alike, but he's still pretty young. Which means he probably should have some time to chill and relax. Or just, constantly be in that cycle of death and see how bad it messes him up.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , that Jedi one. He's been running around the galaxy to try and be a Jedi, helping people where he can. And avoiding his Sith family and what they've been doing. He's been pretty much terrified of the idea of facing down any of the Zambrano family, but it's reaching a point he can't keep being a coward. So does he keep doing what he's been doing, or does he finally get into the larger fight?

How long my muse will last is up in the air! If you're familiar with me, I can go months of non stop posting to just posting once every month. Figure I should put that out there for anyone interested. I've no idea how long I'll be around this time, but while I'm here I'll be all about them postings!
I don't think Vaylin ever crossed paths with Alina during their time as Sith, but I'd love to see what would result in them running into each other, having both recently severed ties from that part of their lives.

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