Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor Faction WE DON"T DIE!

I will NOT allow my faction to die. I have received NO feedback of what people WANT from me despite asking many times. So few suggestions, just advice of how to run it.

I dedicated a TON of time to this faction, I made posters, and many many factory subs. I made a fucking constitution! I received a few people that saw this faction and saw the potential it has, I will NOT let them down. Beyond me, people like Dr. Veinstein Dr. Veinstein have invested a lot of time in us. I can't let it fade.

So what do you need from us to make us a faction worth joining?

The Bryn'Adul will be done soon, we can be the next big villain. I'll be dedicating all my time to this faction to make it what you want. Don't like the monarchy? Overthrow it. Want to be good guys? Be a good man in a bad faction. I don't understand the lack of interest, the only possibility is that I haven't made this clear enough: THIS FACTION is YOUR faction. We can be anything. You shape it. We can be the Sith Empire if you join and start making us shift in that direction.

We will be the most evolving, flexible faction around.

Just give us that chance.

I'm done now.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Don't like the monarchy? Overthrow it. Want to be good guys? Be a good man in a bad faction. I don't understand the lack of interest, the only possibility is that I haven't made this clear enough: THIS FACTION is YOUR faction. We can be anything. You shape it. We can be the Sith Empire if you join and start making us shift in that direction.

This is why your faction is struggling. Factions require a vision. They can't just flip-flop chasing the trends. You seem to just want a faction for the sake of having a faction, which is fine for you but basically useless for other people. Other people aren't going to be motivated by YOU wanting to own a large faction. They'll be motivated by your faction's narrative strength and vision.

You should participate in other factions and get an idea for what makes them successful. Once you've been around the block try your hand at a unique vision.
Well-Known Member
A tantrum will not make a faction grow

If no one is joining, or participating, then no one will. It's as simple as that. You can hope people may join, and may participate, but demanding it will only drive people away.

You can do everything possible to try and entice people in, but if people aren't biting, then they aren't interested and there is no amount of work you could do to change that.

Simply accept that, role play, and try and have a good time. As soon as you aren't having a good time, you need to change something,
I won't lie, I've seen your faction around a little. You're asking what we need from you to make a faction worth joining, so I'm going to throw my two cents in here. Disclaimer: I've never been the driving mind behind a faction, so maybe I'm wrong here.


What you need is some kind of niche. All the factions have some in some way. You're an imperial faction. There's A LOT of imperial factions. What exactly can you offer narrative-wise that one of them doesn't offer already? Instead of coming up with a niche for your faction to fill (something to get players interested, something they can't find elsewhere), you've put out a blank slate. You claim you could be TSE if the people wanted that, but anyone who wants that is just going to join TSE or one of the other Sith factions who are actually offering something.
I see two things:

First thing I see: It's not fixable and I should just RP and forget the faction.

The second is that the faction isn't unique, that we're simply a "go with it" Imperial faction.

My response to the first point is simply "No". I will not abandon this faction, it can be something great. We are unique, and we are willing to change to what people want. I didn't say that we'll just instantly change. I said if you want us to be the Sith Empire's clone, work toward it by joining and enacting sith-like actions. Play a Sith Lord that tries to change us from the bottom up. Lie to the king, trick the people, and the faction will morph slowly into that.

As for the second part....people aren't looking past the "Imperial-like faction" part. Look at our government. The Empire didn't have a Monarch, Senate, and Council. The Empire didn't promote diversity and allow the Jedi to exist. We just have Imperial beliefs like having a strong leader, and keeping order in our systems. However, this goes back to the original part: If there's something that you want to change to make this faction "your" faction, join us and make it happen. There are endless options. Be a senator that reforms our government. Be a general that creates a splinter in our military and leads an extremist group. We have a base faction that's different, but we can and will change.

I simply haven't had any suggestions of what people want in the faction. Nobody has said anything on the lines of "Hey, the monarch thing is odd, you should change it." or "Hey, Stormtroopers are lame, even if they are your ""Elite"" troops."

There's been nothing. So, say we aren't unique. Okay. What do you want us to change?
Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun What are three unique things about your faction, two fruitful stories, and one event that is pivotal to the faction's birth?

If you can't answer that. You may want to reconsider option one.

Edit: To most people on the board this faction doesnt really exist. It has no presence, history, or IC bearing. You have to formulate these things through story and writing, not shiny banners and passionate ooc posts about never fading into the darkness.


Force User worship must end.
I feel like I am supposed to know which faction this is about. Elysium Empire? But that is only from the text under your character name.

My friend, I am more than willing to RP and plot and create exciting stuff, and I even want to do something with a Monarchical structure. But I can't say this encourages me to do so.

Building a faction when you do not have the in built reputation on the board is going to be hard grind. Prepare thyself. Make awesome stories. Awesome people will want to join.

And the whole Niche thing too. That is really important.
Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Unique things:

*Our constitution. Who else has a King, Senate, and Council that directly advises the king and proposes laws? Who has a constitutional monarchy with a king for the people?

*Our Ideology. Are there any factions that keep the base beliefs of The Empire, but embrace the Rebellion's ideas too? Who gives planets HUGE autonomy? Who gives their planets the right to host a militia, and keep their own judicial system while forcing loyalty to them?

*Our population. How many factions' base population is an Imperial fleet's decedents from the unknown regions?

*Our Currency. We have our own credits. Who does that?

*Our Goals. Does anyone focus on the people of the planets in this game? We are populists. We lash out against every major faction in the game and promise true stability. We have an entire clause in the Constitution addressing the Bryn'Adul. We had a senate meeting over the Bryn where everyone was represented. Farmers, Jedi, Sith, Veterans, Engineers, Business owners, etc.


Fruitful stories.

*We attacked the Agents of Chaos and ended with a stalemate. In the battle we infiltrated their mines and caused an insurrection from inside. We attacked their fleet, and nearly won. There were several duels between masterful fighters.

*We tried to sink Cloud City.

Pivotal event to our birth:

*Heath Valhoun took a militia group to the unknown regions. We found Dr. Veinstein's hidden lab, and an exiled Imperial Fleet from thousands of years ago inhabited by descendants of the Empire.
Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun

I'd recommend starting out small when it comes to stuff like this. Like others have suggested: get some threads going that express your ideas and get people involved. Public threads would probably be your best bet, so that anyone can drop in and see what's going on. If you get people invested in the stories you're slingin', they just might get more interested in learning the finer details that you've spent time ironing out.

Truth is, there are very few original ideas floating around on the board. Chaos has been around for a looong time, after all. Hell, I've personally been a part of another Imperial-flavoured lightside faction just within these last 2 years. Nothin' wrong with that, though.

Focus less on what you "will/could be" and more on what you can be right now with the resources at your disposal. And probably less on posting things like this...
So, you made a blank slate essentially with some description of the power base, and then said "this isn't my faction, it's yours, so you write it"

This isn't what I would consider a faction, I don't know what it is, but I know it doesn't have any drive. You might have drive to continue, whatever this is, but that's because you're inspired. Everyone on the otherside are not inspired. Nobody wants to take someone elses faction and do all the work when they may not even be writing the stories the faction takes hold of.

And every one of your unique points are the opposite of unique. Every faction I've seen has done everything. I think I've seen 5 currencies, and many factions are lead by a council of sorts. I don't think you can literally have a government like the United States in a game like this, things would take too long and drive people up the wall. So at most, people would make a council of 5 people with a figure head. A lot of people just want to write, they don't want to slug through congress, hoping their bills come to fruition, I mean look at how long it took Palpatine to make the Galactic Empire....

Many factions like to make planets part of the roleplay in their faction. Warlords of the Sith are literally letting people create fiefdoms on some. TSE built a few into their core (didn't Carnifex have some statues and even his house?). The good guys like to make it so no one is mind controlled, so everyone is independent, whether that's alliances with orders or with planet rulers. Everyone seems to do their own thing, then participate in war.

The last two points, about a monarchy/king. I think, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but, that is not new or unique under any circumstances. Even constitutional monarchies are a thing. They are absolutely cool, but having a monarchy doesn't make you unique. And I'm not sure if "we have an ancient fleet of ancient relic ships that are our fleet" is enough to get my interest, unless it's like, Rakatan ships. And you're going to have a bad time if you do that, unfortunately.

Tl;dr I didn't see anything unique. You made a faction that you want others to write for you, from what I see
Bao Quayan Bao Quayan

I see your point.

I'll thus reinforce that it's not ONLY other people writing the faction. What I'm getting across is that I have laid the foundation, and the faction can change, it simply won't be an instant change. It's not "Hey, do the writing for me", it's "Hey, let's make it dynamic together. Anything is possible."

Like I said, you' ve described a power base and then said "I have spoken" leaving it up to others to decide the fate of the faction.

I admit you might have a thread or two, but if you want this to kick off, you really have to create the drive for this faction. People have to want to be in it. After they've been in it, then they can have ideas of changing it. It's like the TSE, people were like "I'm not a fan of the government/direction anymore" and since they couldn't influence government, they dropped out and made New Imperial Order or Mandalorian Union.

A faction is a product and you have to sell it. Selling me this "potential fruit smoothie corporation" by actually giving me a blender that's from IKEA and I have to put it together myself isn't going to get me to buy it.

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