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Private Wedding day! (Invite only)

The Golden Dragon/The Executioner
Too say she was nervous was a understatement, she never really thought she'd find love much less love of this scale, but her time with Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus has proven that even a anti-social woman like herself can find someone. She picked the location and had her wives to be send out the invites they know who to bring and who to not more then her and she knew if they tried to ruin the wedding she would call first dibs on their heads.

She with help had on her appropriate wedding outfit for the occasion she wasn't much of a dress critic less it was for combat and this wasn't combat well not so much combat in a sense as this would be in the traditional mando style wedding so there'd be some form of combat such as battle circles and the like Cynthia and Star where more familiar with the traditions then she was getting herself to look presentable. This is probably the most dolled up shes ever been but this was a special ocasion after all for her and her soon to be wives


Darasuum Yaim - Cynthia Solus's Homestead

She stood in her bedroom that overlooked the venue, guests had came from many walks of life, many even Cynthia herself did not even know. All of them had to be asked to arrive a day or two early since the ports would be shut down for the day. Looking to the skys everyone would understand why as giant winged beasts flew over head of Darasuum Yaim, those beasts that everyone who lived on the world long enough knew them as dragons. No doubt the beast masters of the city was out today to watch them and all their glory.​

Even though this wedding was different than last time. There was still a sense of nostalgia as ruby red eyes looked through the tinted window. "I feel so... naked." She turning to Ca as the AI was watching Cynthia and projecting herself from a holoprojector. "I mean guess this is armor of some kind, just not my beskar'gam. The efforts we make for those we love and —"

"It is very worth it. Still you look beautiful beskar'gam or no beskar'gam." Ca said with a cheerful smile as she cut Cynthia off saying the words that undoubtedly was about to say. "Honestly, this would be my first time been part of a wedding. I mean I may have your memories of the one between you and Star, so its safe to say, I am nervous."

The door hissed open as Rava walked it. "Delphine is heading to Jade's room to assist with the hair, means you have me." The woman said who was luckily in her armor and most of her weapons mostly the side arms, that way to appear less threatening to those who are not mandalorian. As one of the founders of the clan, it was asked for them to be the beacons of examples. The woman came behind Cynthia as she began to separate the pink locks of hair.

"And the kids?" Cynthia chuckled having an idea where at least one of them was.

"Vhela is with Star, given the lack of hair and all, Still she got her hands on lace and wanted to do something pretty with the Lekku. Apparently one of her friends taught her how. So I told her to ask. Jaick, well he is running security with Buir, Kad, Corl and a few others." Twist by twist the pink hair had been weaved into a crown braid. "There."

The Alor simply chuckled and lightly shook her head. "We both know Vhela and ask don't belong. She will demand to do her Lekku. No doubt Star will inevitably let her too." Moving over to the standing mirror each step was met with the sound of metal shimmering. She had a look at the hair that lit a warming smile on her lips. "Love it, thank you Rava." Just looking at herself the Scaled red and gold armor that was over the top of a black dress that faded into the white for a small train worked well with the hair and her makeup. For now Cynthia waited in her room till told the other two was ready and the guests was all situated.


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Location: Darasuum Yaim
Objective: Enjoy a wedding, be there for a friend
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol

In the hours before the wedding


Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae would feel a familiat force presence in the room the woman who was dressing her for her wedding walked out and closed the door behind, revealing the figure of her apprentice Mairéad standing behind her, the young cryowitch approached her mentor with a smile. "You look so beautiful today Star, Jade is very lucky to become part of your marriage." she brushed a loose hair behind her ear as she spoke, "I hope you don't mind me sneaking back and taking a peek at the bride to be, I just wanted to wish you luck privately, away from all the others. And to thank you, for everything, what you have done bringing me into the House has changed everything for me." She was truly grateful for her opportunity at a new life and actually having people to call family, and this wedding represented a big step for her too, being able to just be a normal woman, albeit a woman with a slightly unsafe force sensitivity.

"I heard of some strange tradition where you are meant to borrow something from someone for the ceremony? Apparently it's good luck, so unless you already have something, I'd like to lend you this, it should fit in your clutch bag quite neatly." she held out the hilt of one of her velmorite light sabers, it was a small hilt that's pommel was replaced with a slightly curved blade made of what looked like song steel. Compared to the blades Star was used too it was tiny but appeared well made. Mairéad hoped she would take it but would understand if not.

"Good luck Star, enjoy your day." she reached up and gently kissed the air next to her cheek, aware of the make up that could not be spoiled. "and I hope to enjoy the day too." she said with a smile as she left, Star being aware that Mairéad was attending with Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora and was quite excited about the prospect.

At the wedding

The venue was beautiful, she thought to herself as she walked up the pathway towards the ceremony next to her 'date' for the day, the very classy Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora . Mairéad had asked if they could attend together after briefly meeting her at the lounge, this was part of Mairéad getting more connections of course. Marcella was a made woman like Stardust and would be very good to get on the good side of, but Mairéad also found herself drawn to the woman for other reasons, but they were secondary, or at least Mairéad told herself they would be, she was a smart girl, she knew it was far too early to be acting on impulses like some teenager, but getting to know the woman would be a good idea regardless. She should probably say something, as she smiled sweetly.

"Thanks agreeing to come with me, you look lovely, and the others speak very highly of you, it will be nice to get to know you a little better." she would seem mostly relaxed but there was the smallest hint of nerves in her demeanor, maybe it was her rough past making her nervous, or maybe it was her as of yet untrodden future. "would you like a drink?" she smiled, gesturing politely towards the awaiting bar, a nice drink would help to break the ice, so to speak.


Objective: Enjoy the Wedding
Weapon: "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

It was a wedding invite.

Her rather business like attire standing out amongst only just amongst those with a better idea of what event they had been planning for. She had read to far into the idea of what the invitation had meant when she'd reviewed it.

Dress nicely.

The bland stare at the invite in her hand only solidified the idea that perhaps she'd had her head so buried in work regarding violence that she needed to step back for at least an evening. At least having the sense to have left the largest of her weapons behind, she spied a mandalorian in armor and didn't feel quite as out of place with the slight rub of her wrist.

Feeling awkward and slightly out of place, she opted to take in the surroundings. A far cry from the comforts of her almost sterile durasteel and metal confines she kept herself to. Nature was lovely and she had nothing against it like some of the races that existed in the galaxy. But she was far out of her element this place.

In small doses, she had enjoyed nature.

But she'd arrived almost three days earlier to meet with whoever had been coordinating. Stumbling across the fact this was not another job that had been slipped to her by Ivory. The slight raspberry she blew out did little to help her aside from drawing a few eyes towards her. Which she promptly returned with that Amber hued stare until they turned away.

Aside from feeling out of place, she also had come incidentally empty handed. Aside from appearing out of sorts, she despised not arriving with an event like this without a gift. A gift card felt cheap. And a last minute gift was likely out of the question with how many people sojourned to this gathering. Or at least any comparable gift anyhow.

Running her eyes while she thought on those exchanging promises of their life, she pondered exactly one got a mandalorian or their significant others.

Beskar was a traditional material for them. And likely their own smith's were beyond extraordinary in their capacity to make mind boggling gifts of such. Her usual sound board for ideas had been given the week off with the prior belief for this to be a private meeting.

Which hadn't been entirely wrong she supposed.

A sound drew her attention upwards, the faintest of smiles appearing on her face at the sight of such magnificent creatures once more. Dragons she'd been told in her first sighting of them. They'd seemed so different than the space faring sort, and yet commanded the sky in much the same way. Wondering quietly about their purpose for the appearance, she put the thought aside for the time being in search of something to drink.



In the days before the wedding, The Donna had arrived on Vanquo aboard her personal Audacia-series corvette in her customary fashion - secretly, and securely. Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , through her connection by marriage with the A'lor of Clan Solus, had made the necessary preparations for Ivory's arrival - welcoming The Donna personally to the Solus Homeworld.

The gorgeous green planet of Vanquo welcomed The Family with open arms - with Clan Solus providing them a private & secure hanger for their use. Accompanied by other members of the powerful Crime Syndicate, The Donna had settled happily into their accommodations - breathing deeply of the warm & humid air and allowing herself a few days to embrace the celebratory atmosphere.

Now, with the day of the wedding having finally arrived, she was enjoying the occasion from The Family's private table; surrounded by high-ranking members of the secretive Syndicate whom served as both her personal security detail and her guests. A steady buzz of pleasant laughter & conversation surrounded them as they conversed among themselves - avoiding drawing too much attention, though the group couldn't avoid standing out from the other guests entirely.

Ivory sipped at a glass of wine, grinning from beneath her wide-brimmed hat as one of Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora 's personal detail, Stephen Rohr, continued with a joke. The handsome older man delivered the punch line discretely, causing an eruption of hearty guffaws from the attentive throng. Ivory, herself, joined in - clearly at ease.


A wedding, it had been an age and a half since he had last been to one. But now, a wedding was set to be had between Jade joining Stardust and Cynthia, and he was all too happy to attend. They were family, his vode and aliit and he wouldn't miss this for anything. So, ensuring his armor was prepared for the occasion, he had embarked to join Clan Solus in the celebrations. With him, he brought a pair of beskar bands as gifts. Inscribed upon them in Mando'a were oaths of life and love, oaths to family to stand by them. A gift for the soon to be newlyweds.

Gift wrapped and in hand, Adenn now stood in the venue, armor on but helmet off and by his side. His armor had been cleaned of any dirt and grime it once had, though scars still remained and his clans colors were proudly presented. Aside from his armor, he bore no weapons, a sign of trust and respect to his fellow Mandalorians. It was bad form to bear weapons in the home of others, for it said one didn't trust them to protect them. And Adenn trusted Clan Solus, he trusted Cynthia and Star. So he bore no weapons to show that trust, and should any areutii come, to protect their sensitivities regarding weapons,.

But the intricacies of politics were the last thing on his mind here and now. Instead, he looked about the venue, to his fellow guests. Thus far, he recognized no one, but that was to be expected. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to meet new people. With that thought in mind, he made his way towards the bar, a slight smile on his lips as he continued to enjoy the location and take in those guests who had also been invited. Grin widening slightly, Adenn ordered himself a drink before turning with his back against the bar, simply waiting.
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Objective: Enjoy a beautiful wedding
Location: Darasuum Yaim

Anashja wore a beautiful dark blue dress to the wedding today, she loved dressing up and going out, but today she had the whole family in tow. Jaron her Husband was beside her, linked arms and wonderful as always. Just ahead of them little Ti'zan was walking along holding his sister Fel'ann's hand as she gingerly toddler her way down the path. "doesn't he look smart in that little suit, can you beleive its the same one you wore when you were his age?" she smiled and stroked her husbands Montral affectionately. They had just come from Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus room having wantes to drop of her gift personally and wish her luck, she had given the Alor a set of hangable laser etched metal tablets detailing the history of her House since her ascension. Anashjas children had behaved beautifully, completely as children should in front of such a woman. Ti'zan even tried to share his melted chocolate with Cynthia in her wedding outfit, that was a narrow save.

The family continued up the steps and Anashja sensed a rising heat in her son as his sister stuffed something in her mouth, oh dear, his last piece of chocolate. The boy turned to look back with a tantrum in his eyes. "Ik'aad, its OK, little Felli just loves whatever her big mandalorian brother loves doesn't she, you like sharing with her don't you?"

"Yes Buir, can I have another chocolate." she smiled sweetly and lowered herself to her knees, "Yes you can my little one, if you go with your daddy, he can get Buir a ginger beer and if you ask nicely he might get you a special sweet treat OK." he hugged her tightly "chocolate, chocolate, chocolate" she laughed as she squirmed to avoid having finger prints on her dress. She loved having children, it was the best thing ever.

Everntually the family got to the venue and began to ciculate, she spotted Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud across the room, she vaguely recognised the of Niki Priddy Niki Priddy and a few others that she was a little more familiar with. Her husband handed her her iced ginger beer and she gently sipped at it, feeling the refreshing and calming sensation bubble down her throat.

She looked at her husband "you want to go see your boys don't you? OK, you can go hang until the ceremony starts but I'm getting some kid free time at the reception right!" this was not a question that needed and answer and he kissed her forehead before scooting off to do dumb man things with other dumb men. He was the best husband in the galaxy.

"Alor Kryamud, its good to see you, I wont keep you long but i'd love you to meet my children." she pushed Ti'zan forward who made a very warm and respecful greeting to the Alor, before Fel'ann lurched forward and grabbed his leg in an embrace. "I think someone likes you, just watch out, she insists on carrying that damn Whimsy knife that auntie Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim bought her everywhere.

Your not even two you little psycho!" she laughed proudly at her mandalorian girl.
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Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Twin Full Leg Braces, Enviroweave Blanket, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 6 Terminus Shivs, 1 Scherezade Blade
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi
Objective: Find Anashja
Location: Darasuum Yaim
Tag: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud

"Not a psycho! Just practicing her technique!" Came the excitable tone of none other than the auntie in question as though summoned by the mention of her name.

Standing more or less on her own two legs.

Her wolf Droid companion ambling behind her from the end of the hallway the family had just come from.

Iridescent green eyes stared between the two before a sharp squeal of joy from Fel'ann had her releasing Adenn's leg to scramble for Felmorante. The servos in the leg braces whining against the quick movement the woman made before she could be knocked over.

Ti'zan was a bit more subdued in his approach seeing the braces, but plain excitement crossed his face at Felmorante's appearance.

"Are you two being good? This is supposed to be a big person day, but I think it can be fun for us too." She explained in a not so hushed tone between the two children.
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig looked around as he started to walk in armor and all. It was almost hilariously rare to see him without at least some of it. Coming in with him was Leddie Gred Leddie Gred , Souma, and Ilyushin. He chuckled a bit as the twins messed with each other, while Leddie rolled her eyes a bit.

"Ok boys. You're sister's not a babysitter tonight, ok. So go easy on her, ok?"

"Right, jagyc'buir. We will."

"Yeah, we will." Mig smiled, rubbing both boys heads as they went to look around. It would be good to see his vod again. Been a long time since he'd seen... well a lot of people. He hadn't seen Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus in some time after the move to Taanab. It was... nice to have some peace for a change. At least for him. He could tell his sister was chomping at the bit for something. Take any mission she could with Jedi.... She didn't even particularly like them. But this was another time to relax and celebrate. He looked around at everyone there too, slowly putting a simple looking box where gifts seemed to be placed.
This had been a long time coming, years in fact! Things had delayed stars plans to propose to jade and bring her into her and cynthias life. Most didnt see what star saw when she looked at jade, most saw a ebony monster capable of giving a wookie one hell of a thrashing! But stardust saw a golden eyed gem that needed love as well.

She ad never laced up her lekku before, felt like her armor just a bit more forgiving and softer on them, vhela was having a field day with it and she couldn't tell that girl no. A presence entered the room and star held a hand up for her to pause as she stood and turned knowing who it was as star smiled

I'd day the same about yourself, whoeever has your arm today surely is lucky

There was a chuckle, from her before she got a softer look and walked over placing a hand on her shoulder

fate has brought you to me, why I'll never know as fate is, but until fate pulls us away you will have a place here and you will have my teachings. I intend to help you harness what has been given and one day I wish to see those who had harmed you before me

She looked down ti the saber, reaching out she gently took it and activated the baldelooking it over with a fine eye before she turned it off and placed it at her side

not a tradition I've done, but I will accept it in honor. Thank you mai, may the force be with you

With that she bowed her head and sat back down so vhela could continue

[Ket's Soundscape, Pt. 1: Arrival]


The main hatch of The Deceased Star opened, the walkway ramp descending and touching the private hangar's floor with a light, metallic thud. A bit of the surrounding air evaporated quickly enough to cause what looked like a bit of fog, if only for a few moments, due to the temperature differences between ship and atmosphere. From the mist that lingered, emerged the Lupine, pausing a moment at the top of the ramp. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath to center himself. He had to remind himself why he was here, and to try, if only for a few short days, not to be a miserable bastard. Though, he had to crack a grin from the corner of his mouth at that concept. It had been a long time since he'd been to any sort of joining ceremony, and for good reason. Again, a tale for another day, perhaps. For now, the Old Wolf simply disembarked, and made his way to where the wedding was going to be held proper.

One thing was certain, why he'd gotten an invite was beyond the scope of his reason. But, as someone close to him had once said; 'Sometimes, you've just got to let go and have some fun.' So, maybe he'd get lucky, and forget his own troubles for a time. The voices that echoed through his mind at least seemed to be in agreement about that much. And for that, he was grateful, as they never agreed on much of anything. He'd been informed that he was allotted accommodation within the Solus Compound, but he had respectfully declined. He'd keep his flag aboard the Star, if only to put himself more at ease. And so he found his way toward the reception area, where he could only assume the pre-wedding party was in full effect.

Sapphire hued orbs took stock of his surroundings, and of those in attendance. As he thought, many faces he did not know, but that was to be expected. He wasn't exactly 'Mr. Hi-how-you-doin?' now was he? Still, he rolled his wrists, a few faint pops coming from the joints. He seemed to be running into this situation more often than not; having to dress for an occasion. Seeing as how he didn't want to offend, he was clad in all black as was his custom. But this day, this was a rather elaborate
three-piece suit & tie, adorned in brocade patterns throughout. Knee-high black leather boots were replaced by supple black leather square toe shoes, and as always, his full-length leather coat hung loose from his lithe frame. Of course, he carried on his person his lightsabers housed within gauntlets under the sleeves of his coat, and his custom .50 cal slugthrower tucked tightly under his arm in it's holster. He'd heard something about how Mandolorians didn't carry weapons within one another's homes, bad luck or some such and a negative connotation. Something along the lines of not showing trust.

Well, that's exactly why he kept his weaponry with him. Ket Van-Derveld did not trust a single living soul, even his own. So in that regard, after getting a good bead on things, he made his way to the private table reserved for Ivory Stroud and her Associates. A few footfalls later, and he was but an arms length from the table, directly across from the Donna. He nodded his head in a curt, yet respectful way, and spoke quietly as he stood there. Yet, as usual, not quiet enough for him to not be heard.

"Ms. Stroud. A pleasure as always."


Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae
Mig Gred Mig Gred | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy

Business, Espionage & Faith

'The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie'​

Imposing and intimidating, the prospect of visiting the home of a warrior society made Marcy' feel uneasy~ yet her motivation to support Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae remained resolute. Arriving days before the wedding as requested, alongside Ivory Stroud (The
Donna), Marcy's chosen and various other Family members, she was attending the event with Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus as requested~ one of the latest additions to ranks of The Family, and a curious one too.

As Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud and various members of Kosa Nostra seated themselves at their collective private table, Marcy' waited behind for Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus to link up with her. She agreed to attend with Mai as a result of her curiosity, she knew little about the newcomer although knowing that she was a space wizard put her on edge slightly, yet this wasn't the time or place for that and she had faith in Star's judgement.

Marcy' offered a polite smile to Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus as she joined up with her just outside of the venue, "
As do you! I'm lookin' forward to it," she grinned, nodding her head as an acknowledgement to her compliment. Taking a breath, her eyes would flicker around the venue~ it was gorgeous, perfect for its purpose, yet her lacking knowledge of the Mandalorian people and customs set her on edge still.

Her cold gaze was interrupted by Mai offering a trip to the bar, an excellent suggestion as Marcy' was beginning to itch for a cigarra~ one of her poorly regulated habits. "
'Course," she began, slowly meandering towards the bar, walking alongside Mai, " 's not every day you get to visit a planet as pretty as this, 'sure beats the metallic jungles of Coruscant and Denon.." she paused for a moment before continuing to speak, she'd wait until they reached the bar before initiating a proper conversation, "so, what're you 'aving?"

She had a gut feeling about Mai, Marcy' wasn't oblivious to the signals she had sent out~ it was unusual for Marcy' to be asked 'out' in such a fashion for such a venue, yet she agreed anyway; after all, it was her day-job to read people.
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The Golden Dragon/The Executioner
She turned around for a moment once Delphine entered to help her with her dress, she chose to wear heels which was probably a mistake as she never wore heels in her bloody life so walking down the Isle is going to be interesting without stumbling like a idiot . She was half tempted to break the back part of the heels but she behaved herself, When she finally was all ready she had Delphine help walk her out because she tried on her own and ..low and behold stumbled abit.

Mandalorian style wedding or not this was the fanciest she's ever really been dressed though she felt ...wierd not having any of her weaponry on her but it didn't make sense for her to carry weaponry during a wedding, She walked ..with help down the isle to meet her wives to be they where both beautifully dressed as well which made her skin start turning a small shade of pink that she didn't noticce at the moment.

The curse of her emotions being shown by her skin coloration as this was all new to her she was abit embarrassed yet happy as well for this event and was happy to see so many people as well, though she only recognized Ivory, and Marcella and a few others of the family who have shown up, she wasn't familiar yet with all of Solus either but wasn't hard to see the clan colors.

Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Mig Gred Mig Gred Azure Djitred Azure Djitred Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Skorvek Skorvek Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld @NIKI
Tags: Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus
House Solus Tags: Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Azure Djitred Azure Djitred | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Skorvek Skorvek
The Family Tags: Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud


As soon as Diocletian landed his ship he paid the docking fee, which was a lot saner than most places he had been to and headed towards the reception, his invite pass already out and ready to be received by those outside the wedding, it was invited persons only wedding. Once he was cleared and was able to prove he was supposed to be there, he reached the area where the wedding will take place. Not too bad.

The Ubese has been to weddings before, but they were Orthodox Ubese weddings, very traditional and alien to the outside world. He decided to go to something different. He hated soppy weddings, but from what he heard, Mandalorian weddings were anything but. He was here as an outsider, so he couldn't judge it with a foreign lens.

Diocletian had to remember he is a guest and is bound by the rules laid out by the brides, he had never been to a same-sex wedding before or a marriage that was not arranged by a matchmaker, and he wouldn't marry as he had no interest in it. Still, he can show support. He had to make a gift as he knew Mandos liked weaponry, nothing fancy because practicality is key. He placed it on the gift table, he wasn't very good at gift wrapping as he had poor depth perception of fine and fiddly tasks. He then took the smallest glass of drink there is.

He promised himself he would try new things and get involved a little bit more in what other people do. Still, generations of insular thinking will be hard to break. But he was willing to try to be approachable and more accepting. It worked wonders for Tovald or at least he thinks so. They hardly get into spats anymore.

Face My Fears, Orchestra, Slowed
Weddings. What do you do at them?

Dominik had been to a few of them. All but one of them he wasn't invited to. Star had put Dominik in charge of her wedding with her previous husband, Raxis. It still seemed not all that long ago to Dominik, only a couple of years. But that happens when your mind goes blank for ten years as you soak in bacta. All the other weddings he had been to were to kill someone. An attendee, the groom, the bride, sometimes a mix. Mostly rogue sith at the time, or political officials the Sith Assassins wanted dead way back in the day.

So when Dominik hid a gun within his tux, he reminded himself that he wasn't going to pull it on anyone. A Mandolorian wedding would be the worst place to do that. For a moment he regretted not having his old beskar armor with him. Every other Mandalorian would have theirs. But then he remembered that he wasn't a Mandalorian, and wearing that armor here would be a slap in the face. Good thing he didn't have it then. He'd get it back soon enough, anyhow.

He had ridden with Star to this wonderful planet. He didn't have a ship of his own quite yet. Hadn't found one he liked and Star was pretty much been bringing him around to The Family activities. So there was a few days before the big event. And man, was this place gorgeous. Dragons flew in the sky, and the warrior in him wanted to see what it was like to ride one, to tame one. A fantasy for another day. Trees, lakes, green.

From what he could remember of his home, his birth planet, it was something like this. As Star was busy setting things in order for the wedding Dominik tried to be of help but her clan had everything handled. He wasn't needed. Star was busy herself so he had taken to long strolls, listening to the waves of the lakeshore, and as much as it brought him some amount of paranoia, to lay down in a grassy field at noontime. It had been... a long time since he had taken a nap. Or slept that well. No gunfire, no whirling and clicking of a fan, no buzzing of electric lights. Just wind carrying the gentle commotion of people talking and getting preparations underway. It was really, really nice. He wanted to marry Star and Cynthia and Jade himself just to be able to lay there for a few more days before going back out to whatever battlefield they would find themselves in.

But it was time for the wedding.

Dominik checked to make sure his small slugthrower was still on him safely tucked away for the third time before he rechecked his bowtie in the mirror, then made his way to the celebrations.

There were some somewhat familiar faces from the raid against the Zero Gang and the previous event at the Star Lounge, along with some new faces from Mandalorian clans. Well, new helmets, anyway. All the armor and guns, walking around, and it seemed only him, The Donna Ivory herself, that gruff lupine all in black, and the brides were to be armorless. Aside from some of the kids running around, that was. Even with the armor, there were a lot of really good looking women here. Dominik wasn't a womanizer by any means of the words, it was simply the male in him that noticed. And man, had it been a long while.

Then he spotted Niki Priddy Niki Priddy , also wearing nice formal wear. He hadn't interacted much with her on previous occasions, but from how she stood and moved her head, he could tell she was feeling some form of awkwardness. It could have been all the new people, or how she was dressed differently than everybody else. Though a passing dragon overhead caught her attention, her mouth turning from an anxious frown to a cute, content smile as she looked up at it.

He walked up to her, swiping two glasses of something purple and drinkable, and held one out to her. "Those things are beautiful, yeah? And still, more armored than the two of us."
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The outdoor wedding was in full-swing. The Family had spread out amongst the assembled guests, with the elegantly dressed Boss of the Syndicate watching her people attentively - all the while, appearing to be entirely engrossed in her own revelry. One of her attendants refilled her glass, and The Donna smiled from beneath her wide-brimmed hat. Though she wore black, the jungle world's environment did not seem to phase her in the least.

She'd already wished the trio of brides the best of luck before leaving them to their preparations. Since arriving on Vanquo, The Donna had been quite impressed with the entirety of Clan Solus' homeworld; Mandalorian culture fascinated her, and with her ongoing association with the group through Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , she'd been able to come closer than ever to seeing how the unique, war-loving peoples functioned. Even surrounded as she was by armed & armored Mandalorians & her own armed (though classier-dressed) companions, she still couldn't shake a small whisper of paranoia which lurked in the furthest reaches of her mind.

The Donna had been watching carefully, recognizing a few of her flock mingling amongst the crowd. A head of bright red hair beyond the crowd was easy to monitor - Niki Priddy Niki Priddy , Ivory immediately assumed, had joined the group and was talking... to... Dominik Borra Dominik Borra , it seemed. Interesting...

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora was near the bar, speaking with one of Star's associates; but for the life of her, Ivory couldn't remember the young woman's name.

As she mused upon Vanquo's beauty & intrigue, she would turn her head at the sudden approach of a familiar face - recognizing Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld immediately upon his joining her at their table. She flashed a set of perfect teeth - a smile in his direction - craning her neck & tilting her head enough to meet his bright azure-blue eyes. "Mr. Van-Derveld. The pleasure is all mine." She returned, making a subtle motion with her empty hand to one of the Family "Goons" seated beside her. Without a single word, the tuxedo-wearing Gotal stood from his chair and moved aside, freeing up space for the newcomer to rest. "Welcome to Vanquo. You look good... dressed for a wedding." The appraising grin & sparkle of amusement in her steady gaze signalled she was having a bit of fun at the Lupine's expense. Whether he sat or not, The Donna would offer a hand in greeting - curious how he would respond.

Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Mig Gred Mig Gred Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Anashja Tal Anashja Tal


Objective: Enjoy the Wedding
Weapon: "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, Coal Painted Stilleto Nails, Absorbelt, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist

She watched the dragon fly across the open sky. Slightly awe struck by the sight as time slowed in between her breaths while thinking on the creature.

To fly free and at ease with one's surroundings. Almost careless it seemed as it scanned the ground. She could almost see the grin across its scaly face as it passed them by. A thought lingering on the last time she had been in such a state of carefree ease.

The thought would have lingered longer had the sound of steps coming closer not drawn her away.

The smile disappearing with alarming ease. Her eyes shifting from the relaxed gaze into one of intense interest and studying details. The smile now a neutral and wary line across her features as her gaze fell to the one interrupting.

Her initial assumption being one of the enforcers that Marcella had brought with her for the night on Denon. The slight gray however made her double take, especially given the offered drink. The purple drink got a rise of her brow, graciously taking the drink with what could be considered a professional smile.

If he noticed or not, the way she grabbed the drink had the end of her nail touching the liquid inside. Though only the tip of the pointed, coal colored daggers. Her gaze went upward briefly, before correcting her grip on the glass with a sly glance to the nail in question that hadn't changed color. Test over, she turned to him proper after tasting the liquid on her nail.

"The ones I've seen were a bit more...streamlined than these. But they are magnificent regardless. Niki, by the way. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you just yet. At least not proper." The salt and pepper of his hair kept catching the slight wandering gaze of hers.

She didn't quite know what to make of him just yet. The build that she could see beneath the clothes suggested well and fit body, but the hands were nicked and scarred in a peculiar way. It wasn't entirely consistent with a knife as she had seen prior, almost similar to working with either unrefined edges or highly tuned ones of peculiar shape.

The slight discoloration of tiny marks across them suggested something carrying either heat, or a charge. If she had to guess in the span of the breath she had allowed herself to take in the details, a highly skilled person that worked with volatile devices.

His opening statement however had done wonders for disarming the terse expression she had greeted him with.

"Surely a handsome fellow such as yourself didn't come here stag. If so, that is a shame though I have a proposition if you'd be interested in hearing me out." Both statement and question, an amused smile appearing as she spoke, and sipping from the purple drink.


Face My Fears, Orchestra, Slowed
Her smile ended so easily, and she adopted a stance of professional courtesy. The slight smile that wasn't genuine but pleasant, the straight back, the eye contact. She went from admiration to business as usual, and he felt a little bad that he had taken that from her. It would be like if someone had bothered him with one of his strolls around the property with a gunfight.

Dominik noticed in her peripheral how her nail dipped into the drink. It was an odd way to take the drink, and so it caught his attention. His eyes never focused on it, but he understood that she was probably using a chemical on her nails to test for poisons. Quite the careful and paranoid woman at a party like this. Though maybe all the soldiers around made her feel more cautious than safe.

"It's pleasant to meet you, Niki. You can call me Dominik." He would give a slight nod to her. "And no, we haven't. I helped out with that rat infestation on Denon and saw you briefly afterward."

Now that he was this close to her, he noticed some things about her. She wasn't fit. Not that she was out of shape, she had a lovely shape. But she didn't seem like she trained and worked for a physically demanding job like fighting, running, and killing. He recalled those droids and that they were hers. A mechanic, a designer, a coder or something of the like then. Her face was also so smooth, with not a wrinkle or blemish on it. Either she was blessed, was some humanoid species that just looked that good, or she had work done on her face. Her eyes were also a stunning gold color. Sith had those eyes, but she didn't carry herself arrogantly, didn't have the pasty white skin or the demeanor that everything belonged to her. Again, a case that dealt with a humanoid species or she had work done. Someone who was into body modifications then, a mechanic who probably fixed herself up to be prettier and stand out more. Her red hair was also stunning, straight and long and beautiful. But she was still someone who could be cold, given the right reasons. He wasn't told why, but he knew she was the one who demanded every Zero gangster be killed, and the leader left for her to deal with. She had much more to her than the pretty face and smart computer skills.

He took a sip of his drink for the first time. Man that tasted good. Some sort of dragonfruit? Fitting.

"Surely a handsome fellow such as yourself didn't come here stag."

Dominik couldn't help the downward glance, the tiny chuckle, and the smile. He had come here alone. And it had been a long damn time since someone had called him handsome, kark it.

"If so, that is a shame though I have a proposition if you'd be interested in hearing me out."

He raised an eyebrow at that and met her eyes with a curious smile. "Surely a smart and beautiful woman such as yourself has something interesting in mind. I'm interested, and I'm listening." He leaned in slightly toward her, waiting.

| Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud |


With everything ready now and having seen a rolling by guest to give a personal and wonderful gift, Cynthia let loose a clam long exhale. "Time to do this." She spun around on the ball of her foot turning to Ca with a bright smile. The small hovering holodevice floated over closer and the AI herself was smiling too. "You know Ca, your as much a part of this as I am you know. I mean you are part of me. Very much your own but still part of me."

The AI rolled its eyes. "Yeah, for some reason I feel nervous. More than you it seems."

"What is there to be nervous about? This is not my first time. My family is growing, not just the clan or the house, but those who will be part of my life for a long time to see on an emotionally intimate level. Besides if I am being honest, I know the nerves will come later. I worry for those I love, no matter how capable they are or can be." Cynthia walked towards the door her hand sliding up to the panel for the door to whoosh open. "Come on you two."

Walking down the hall the Alor knocked on one of the doors before peeking inside. A soft giggle escaped her lips as her eyes set on her riduur "Be waiting downstairs for you Star. Oh, and you look beautiful dear. Just like the first time." Her head crept back sure her wife did not get to see what it was Cynthia wore. A soft little teasing. However the Mandalorian woman seemed to giddy to remain in one spot for to long and soon she would have to be stood still for a good few moments.

"She's all yours Alor." Delphine said with a tooth grin. The woman continued to assist jade till reaching Cynthia letting her take over in assisting the woman walking. "Right, Shall we take our place Rava. I assume Vhella is still with our sweet Al'Verde?"

Rava nodded as she moved over to Delphine to take her arm. "Yes she is, they should be down in a moment honey. well we will let you three have a moment before being surrounded by people all day." The two of them with no rush made their way outside and down to the front set of seats.

The Alor now alone with Jade for a moment, she could not help but let her eyes wonder up and down at the attire. Taking the woman's arm with interlocked fingers she looked down a little to meet the Firrereo's eyes. "Color me shocked and in awe. You look beautiful very beautiful, also never expected you to brave heels either. Then again, I cannot say much given I am not wearing any foot ware at all also means I am steady on my feet." Cynthia poked the tip of her cybernetic foot from under the hem of the dress. In no time Star would finally make it down stairs too. "My, today I certainly feel like good ol lady luck"



Location: Darasuum Yaim
Objective: Enjoy a wedding, be there for a friend
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol


Mairéad raised her eyebrows pleasantly and cooked her head slightly when Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora asked what she was having, she supposed she had better get this order right, she thought of the perfect drink, it was something she thoroughly enjoyed herself, but also had the right trappings for a woman of Marcella's caliber, after all, it never did you any favours being the 'waitress' that brought out an unbecoming drink. The barman came over and she caught his eye to place her order, a few moment later a pair of Vieux Carre appeared on the bar and she handed one to Marcella. Mairéad enjoyed the scent of of it as she held up the glass in celebration. "I hope you don't mind me taking a guess? If it's not to your tastes I won't be offended." she was fairly certain she wouldn't be flogged for bringing the wrong drink OK this occasion.

"It really is beautiful isnt it? I love it here. I grew up on Zygerria, and it was so arid, I just remember being thirsty all the time." she was thoughtful for a moment, feeling the dryness in her mouth remind her of her childhood, she became acutely aware of the fine layer of ice forming where her hand touched the condensation on her glass and decided to change the subject.

"I'm just happy to be her for the three them. Star looks incredible and no doubt the others will too" she considered Cynthia to be very beautiful and expected quite the outfit today, it was a shame she had not yet had the chance to really get to know Jade yet, but it was something she planned on ensuring she did as soon as possible, she was essentially family to Mairéad too now as well.

"What brought you to the family? If you don't mind me asking? Have you known The Donna a long time?" she asked politely as she rested her him on the edge of the bar and sipped from her drink. It wouldnt be long before everyone was called to their seats, and everything would be hushed for the ceremony so she would chat now as much as possible. Mairéad noted herself performing strange actions, that she hadn't done since it was her job to convince all the barflys they had a shot with her, silly little things like pushing her hair behind her ear, but this time it was more subconscious, it was strange, but not unpleasant.

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