Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We'll drive our ships to new lands

The Outback

Kaia Starchaser had been doing the CEO thing for a while now, she had been running the operations of Starchaser Enterprises and was working more on salvage side than anything. But with a galaxy that was in constant turmoil? Well, it was easy to chase the money. But her own personal love, and that of her father? The one thing they did share? Was exploration. The Pau City Blockade Runner, “Vagabond Parade” had been emerged out of hyperspace. Kaia had been grabbing a nap and shook her head.

Why had she been pulled from light speed? She knew where she was going, the map had not called for anything weird, and even the out dated maps from the Dawn Treader’s flight out here a few years back? Well, nothing was saying even anything was being born here. This was wrong.

Running up to the bridge, she shouted at the ship’s computer. “Parade! What the frell is going on here?” She pulled a jacket on her body as she tapped the screen.

“En route to Kathol.” The ship said, a reply it would give if the ship was still in hyperspace.

“Parade, we’re… yeah, not that.” She moved the pilots seat, settling in on her controls. She booted up the screens and started tapping on the power fluctuations that were incoming. “What the…” She shook her head as she knocked the controls to mechanical and grabbed the control yoke.

Something wasn’t right, she could feel the fluctuations in the very fabric of space.


That was a week ago. Now Kaia was waking up, and she only knew a bit about where she was. This world was… broken. It didn’t make sense. She looked around where she was. Everything here was broken, it was old, some of it was just trash.

She had found, perhaps the space trash capital of the universe. And it had eaten her Blockade Runner. She knew where her ship was, sure, it was in the trash fields. But there were the… savages out there. This whole area was surrounded by these tribes. Some that seemed to reach to the Force instinctively, others who were just naturals with technology. It was definitely a place she could find herself belonging to.

But she needed to get to the stars. And right now? She bartered her way into a tenement on one of the larger settlements. She could see the city from here. It was a hodgepodge of technology, color, and materials.

But for now? She was safe. Had her lightsaber at least, if nothing else. Everything else was aboard her ship. And she wanted it back. She coughed as she looked out the window. The living quarters here were very sparse, and there were a number of ships around here. What was most interesting? The way the fabric of space bounced around.

She could feel it… Something here was…torn.

[member="Runi Verin"]

So, lets try making a new world. Take bits from every... trash planet you can think of. Mad Max, that planet from Thor Ragnarok, and you've got the idea. Weird spatial anomalies are the easiest way to find this world. So, enjoy serendipity?

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
The Salvage Fields,
Feth knows where
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

This should have been a paradise.

A giant, sprawling scrapheap extending almost as far as the eye could see in every direction? This was the sort of planet where salvagers like Runi dreamed of coming. Yet after the second or third crudely made spear, more a durasteel stick with a blade hastily taped on really, had been thrust at her face, the novelty of this otherwise holy place had quickly worn thin.

She’d woken up in worse places, she was sure. But finding herself surrounded by a garishly colored mob clad in a fashion style what could only be generously described as the inside of a trash compactor chic, she was hard pressed to remember when exactly. Way to put the savage into salvage.

Outnumbered and unarmed, she had been forced to grit her teeth as she was pushed and prodded by the throng of masked faces, her hands bound and her neck shackled like she was chattel. All the while they gibbered away in their nonsensical, hodgepodge language. Like Bocce had a bastard lovechild with Rommocate, Huttese and the mother of all speech impediments. Barely one word in ten made sense.

Just listening to it grated her ears almost as much as the collar chaffed at her neck as they tugged her forward through the winding avenues that had been carved out of the mountains of debris and salvage towards the great foodpit. The last part she really hoped was a mistranslation on her behalf, but the way they sideglanced her with a certain amount of what she was quickly becoming to take as a cannibalistic glee, she had the distinct feeling she was understanding that much of their foreign tongue.

Karkin’ Starchaser.

She should’ve known that girl would lead her into trouble.

Every. Karkin’. Time.
The Dead Lands
The "Hand of fate" was by no means a young ship, she had seen war, been shot at and finally left to drift in space for four thousand years, So it breaking down was never a surprise. No the surprise today came from where it broke down, a planet not on any of the computers. But this was not apparent right away to Ayhia whom was busy fixing up another part of the ship.​
"Damn it boots.... why did you have to make this kriffing thing so damned complicated." Ayhia was frustrated as she tried to update the ships targeting computers, even referring to the engineer whom had set up the system. She tapped a few more keys on the programing tablet she held in her hand than tossed the thing aside in frustration. "WHY WON'T YOU WORK!" Ayhia exclaimed as she hit the computer with another tool she scooped up. The computer showed a finished recalibration, causing Ayhia to smile. "Percussive maintenance DOES work boot... you just sucked at i..."​
"Critical Drive Error... Initiating emergency drop from hyper" The droid computer called out over comes as the ship lurched suddenly. Ayhia was thrown backwards by the movement but managed to prevent any harm to herself. Ayhia lunged to her feet and start to curse the computer out only to get cut off again. "Proximity alert. LT. Katar please brace for impact!" Ayhia didn't get the chance as sudden impact shook the ship once again, this time she remained on her feet.​
"Computer whats going on!" Ayhia didn't stand idle in confusion instead moving as fast as she could to her little ships bridge, "Are we under attack?" She ran into the cockpit and looked out the view-port only to see a debris field. It wasn't big enough to cause her ship to drop out of hyper though, she accessed the external cams as the ship was again struck. "Computer power shields."​
"Sorry Lt. Katar, you took them offline yesterday for repairs and realignment."​
"Kriff..." was all Ayhia manage as she snapped to a cam, which was immediately crushed by a very large piece of debris. The ship lurched harder then it had before and the ships emergency alarms snapped on. Ayhia just had the worst luck in the galaxy, stuck adrift in cryosleep for over four thousand years and survivng only to die to a piece of metal floating in space. She didn't need the computer to tell her what had happened she knew that the hull had been breached. "Computer any planets nea..." She was cut off as the ship jumped to hyper space again, "WHAT ARE YO..." but was again cut off as the ship dropped out of hyper space just as suddenly as it had entered.​
"Lt. Katar... We have arrived at a unknown planet, Air comp is unknown... But we are going to crash please lock yourself in the escape pod." Ayhia didn't need to be told twice, the computer had jumped them right at the edge of the planets atmosphere, meaning they would start burning up right away. "Crashing in 30 seconds... Aiming for soft land... Desert reg..n ..cated... L... Tar... Wil... ject esc... od... bef... pact... honor..." Ayhia ran at the escape pod hatch as she felt the ship start to heat up. she jumped down into the pod and was strapping herself in when a explosion threw her skull back against the seat she was trying to strap into in​
Two hours Later
Pain and noise was all Ayhia felt at first, someone calling her name and a deep pulsing from the back of her head. She didn't need to think much to realize that she had again survived when she shouldn't have. She felt herself start to panic but she quickly quashed that by dropping into battle mind, she opened her eyes only to see the red flashing of the emergency lighting. She looked around a bit and spotted a face on one of the intact computer screens. "Who are you..."​
Her ships computer didn't have a visual and so she was worried she had bashed her head to the point she was seeing things. She watched as the figure reached up and brushed some of its virtual hair back behind its virtual ear. "I'm... Mimi... I was created by your computer in the time that you were in cryosleep..." Ayhia blinked at the words. "But right now i don't have time to explain you need to leave this pod... like right now... one of the fuel cells has ruptured and is gonna blow in about 4 minutes... which is just enough time for you to get clear." Ayhia didn't waste a second, releasing the two clasps she did managed to get done and dropping down. "Oh yeah... were upside down... guess i should have mentioned that..."​
Ayhia stood up, rubbing her head and glanced around to see what the computer had transferred to the pod. She found her locker still in the place it would have entered the pod in, which unfortunately was now the roof. She cursed and used the force to pull the latch then dodged as all her stuff came tumbling out. She quickly scooped up the important stuff and any weapons she could. As she was reached on of the exit hatches Mimi chimed in.​
"HEY don't forget to take me..." Ayhia turned to the computer and saw a small little Data-stick come sliding out of the consul. "I modified my programming to work with your armors computer..." Ayhia grabbed the stick and hit the hatch, she was immediately blinded by a bright light and overwhelmed with a immense heat.​
"Right desert..." Ayhia dropped from the pod only to have Mimi start a count down. "Krif..." Ayhia started running, well she moved as fast as she could in the sand, each foot fall feeling more difficult that the first. Mimi chimed in for her to get down and Ayhia dived to the ground and then everything when quiet, she knew it was because of the shockwave and kept her head down. She didn't know how long she waited but eventually she raised her head, she looked over her shoulder at the smoldering wreck that was once the escape pod. She stood up and looked around... sand for as far as she could see... "Krif... now what..."​
Take a trip, they said. It would be fun, they said. She had been using the new ship, not something she was intimately familiar with, from the point of reconstruction of her beloved YT-2400, the Pulsar, to the time she installed her Liberation Node equipment into it. No, now she had taken Parade, full of supplies and was running around the Outback. Well, she had been, then that weird anomaly hit, and here she was.

Her ship was in a state of disrepair, her credits were not good here, and hell, they didn’t even recognize her name. The one thing that she knew she could always fall back upon, was that she used her name to get her things she needed. When she needed them the most, at least. Otherwise? She would stay publicly angry at her father and brother.

And it wans’t even angry, just… cranky. They were out causing a war. She didn’t believe that was the Jedi way. Or maybe she should just be calling herself a Warden, and not a Jedi. But now? Now she was going to have to be a junker, a procurement specialist, and get her ship fixed. What she needed was to get back out there, re-log everything that she needed to fix, and find Runi, get the parts, rebuild, and take off.

Simple, right?

Not exactly. The locals had realized that she was a Jedi, and that she could, with the right focus, control a few things that the rest didn’t understand. Gravity, telekinesis, and a bit of mechu-deru, at least when it came to repairing starships. So she was now paying off some debt that she didn’t understand how she incurred.

[member="Runi Verin"]
[member="Ayhia Katar"]
Ayhia frowned as she checked herself out, minor cuts and bruises nothing life threatening. She then sized up what she had for gear, two days rations, three mags of ammunition and enough water for about 3 days. She looked back at the escape pod, wondering just how much she had left behind not that it really mattered. She slung her rifle and moved up the nearest sand dune to have a better look around, she pulled out the data chip that held Mimi as she walked.​
"What the hell are you..." Ayhia was a bit disturbed that a computer had... well written another computer. It was not unheard of but it was something that Ayhia found to be... outlandish... "Outlandish..." Ayhia repeated the last work of her thought and looked at the leagues of sand around her, then broke out laughing. Right now she need every little bit of help she could get, she would worry about the implications late. Ayhia plugged the little data chip into a slot located on her forearm, at first nothing happened. "did... it not work?"​
"yup it worked." Ayhia cringed a bit as the little computer was not talking directly into her ear.​
"Turn you voice volume down... your talking directly into my ear now." Ayhia sighed, "Which direction?"​
"Sorry..." Mimi responded, "Um hang on." Ayhia could hear the micro computer on her back chugging a little, she would clearly have to get better hardware if she kept Mimi in her suit. "well... their seems to be some kind of settlement to the north... but I'm detecting a group of speeders... no... their not speeders... um... their combustion engines... wow talk about old school." Ayhia crossed her arms, a action that Mimi didn't miss. "Sorry... uh well you can wait for them or..." Ayhia moved immediately, she didn't know if the people driving the vehicles were friend or foe and she was not in the mood to find out the hard way.​

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