Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private We're Having Fun!!!

Location: Coruscant - Lower Level
Attire: Jedi Garb
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Hours Earlier...
The lower levels of Coruscant were teeming with crime, injustice and desperate for a firm, stern hand. Or at least, that was how Dreidi always framed the issues in her head, she figured that if someone was just around there, showing that they cared and that they would take no chit from anyone then things would improve for everyone. It was how things were framed in holovids and people wanted action, decisive action that didn't take months of red tape to sort through. Dreidi figured she could bring that if she just visited the lower levels frequently, hassled some criminals that she saw, disrupted illegal businesses and get things on the rise. However, the last few trips were not exactly ideal, she had busted some drug stuff and helped out a few elderly people with some tasks that they could not do themselves but it wasn't the big impactful blow that she had envisioned. Something that would get her recognised, would have people talking about how she was different, how she could be one of the best in the Order. Like how people saw that in many students in the past.

Dreidi was hoping for something bigger, but bigger would involve being riskier and she wasn't sure how well that would go with the fact that several Jedi were not happy with the way she conducted herself on missions. Leaning against a wall, Dreidi chewed on her thumbnail as she thought about what she needed to do. It had to be big, impactful and yes it would be risky but she was a Jedi and that shouldn't be too bad. Risk came with the job description. She took risks all the time in war and in training with a weapon that was so hot and powerful it could slice her arm off like a hot knife through butter if she wasn't careful. So yeah, risks were normal, natural. Psyching herself up, Dreidi realised that she could definitely do riskier and she knew exactly the mission to do it on. There was meant to be some kind of big spice trade, she wasn't too sure on the details and dismissed it after her attempt to bust a drug trade with Briana went less than smoothly. However, this time had to be different and she could do it solo and look even better! Just steal the spice and ensure it doesn't get distributed. That was better than fighting all the smugglers at the same time.

Totally different plan with totally different results! That was Dreidi's idea.

Rushing through the streets, Dreidi ducked and slide under stalls as she ran as fast as the Force would take her. Cursing since this had gone so badly, she got the spice but apparently everyone saw her teleport away after she cheered about mission success. It was so nearly perfect but now there was people sharing her picture and identity with some kind of bounty of around a thousand credits. It was a lot worse than she could have imagined this going and Dreidi knew everyone was going to tell her off and just state that she shouldn't have gotten herself into the mess but how was she to know that they would follow her teleportation and see her face! Yet alone take a picture of her and put a bounty on her name! Able to break eye contact with the people chasing her, Dreidi dipped into a tight, dark alleyway and started going through her contacts to see who to call. Asaraa, no, too far away and would just judge her on being reckless. Briana? No, best not since she was another Padawan and this seemed a little complicated than she could handle as a Padawan so Dreidi figured Briana would struggle too. Brandyn was the same issue. As was Aiden. Valery was a Master but Dreidi didn't really know the woman too well and was worried what the judgements would come her way. Iris? Maybe?

Iris was a Jedi Knight, so she might have some knowledge on how to handle it and while Lasat didn't go well between them, Dreidi was there at the Knighting ceremony and celebrated loudly in support for her. Maybe? Well, given the options, maybe seemed her best bet. Tapping a message away to be sent off. Dreidi informed Iris that she had a bounty on her head, not for much but for stealing spice and that she might have taken it from some spice smugglers in the lower levels where she had been doing some side hustles as a vigilante. Because, she was going to be honest, she might as well admit to the whole thing at this point. Sending the message, Dreidi really hoped this would go well.



She didn't expect this. Dreidi having a bounty? That she did. The Witch coming to ask her for help? That she didn't. She had to read through the message a couple times to make sure she wasn't just being tricked or something. She wasn't. At least from what she could tell. With a sigh Iris clicked off the datapad and rushed off to go find the in trouble Padawan. It didn't take long to, thankfully.

Dropping into the alley the Knight gave her a very blatant frown.

"You know Jedi shouldn't be Vigilantes. That's how you get these bounties to begin with."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Iris seemingly arrived swiftly from nowhere not long after the message was sent, that was helpful and convenient like she had been waiting for Dreidi to get into trouble and receive a message. Even though, Dreidi was a great Jedi and did all she could to demonstrate that mindset. However, the situation wasn't really one for arguing in her defence, she had a bounty and Iris was the one she called to. Didn't stop Dreidi from trying to mount a hard, aggressive defence when the Jedi Knight mentioned that Jedi shouldn't be vigilantes.

"So, I shouldn't do any work outside of the Galactic Alliance and Silver Jedi Space then since they are the only two factions with a government that recognise Jedi was official law enforcement? The stuff we were doing on Lasat was vigilante work to some degree. Bounties can be put on your head when you have done nothing but help people because some rich douche didn't like the fact he couldn't screw over workers!" Dreidi crossed her arms in defiance. "Plenty of Jedi have had bounties, just because you are too boring and stiff to get one doesn't mean that all Jedi should follow your way. Some of us want to help people today, be proactive." Dreidi nodded her head firmly.

"Also, I found those bandits on Lasat work as guards for a village. Last I heard, they were doing well." As if she was proving her point in that her own methods garnered good results.


"Oh good, you only beheaded one and used their skull as a warning."

Iris wasn't one for sarcasm. Usually. She ended up just rolling her eyes as she leaned against the wall, a frown on her face. Arms crossed. Right, this was why she left the last time they worked together. And it seemed nothing much had changed.

"If you want my help, stop acting like a spoiled child. The world isn't just the colors you deem it to be."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Dreidi growled, "I ended the fight, I stopped the village from being attacked more. My actions got the job done, you were patching problems as they came up. I fixed the real issue. Don't have to agree with my methods, but they are just as valid as yours." Dreidi stood firm, squaring up to Iris, she might be a Knight but Dreidi was not going to let her disrespect her like that.

She wasn't sure what Iris meant by it wasn't the colours she deemed the galaxy to be but she wasn't going to be called spoiled. "I fought for what I have, I don't have friends because people I get attached to die. I am spoilt, I am a realist. Being proactive, aggressive and doing what is necessary are what get results not sitting around in some ivory tower discussing, debating and ignoring the problem."

Dreidi stormed past Iris, "look, help me or don't but don't lecture me on what I do when you have no idea the person I am, what I have been through and why I am doing the chit I am doing. Got enough people doing that already thanks."


"You ended the fight and got the job done, sure."

Iris pushed off the wall. Taking a breath to calm herself. Just a little. It didn't matter how annoyed she was personally. "It's not a matter if I don't agree with your methods. You're a Jedi, or so you claim at least. Jedi don't murder people. So if you want to be a Jedi, you will listen to what I have to say, and you will take it to heart. You kill someone again when there was another option, and I will have you removed from the order."

She turned her gaze off, glancing down the alley, watching the people walking by. Just to make sure there was no one heading their way.

"Who's chasing you?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

Dreidi rolled her eyes, "I didn't murder the guy. We were in a fight, it was a life or death situation. That you got us in because they caught you." She pointed out. "I killed him swiftly, and ensured he didn't suffer. The best a Jedi can do in situations like that. Other options aren't always there, not in the moment, not when you are under fire. I might not be the kind of Jedi you like or want to be. But I am a Jedi, I don't have to listen to you and you have no power to remove me from any order. I am not officially part of the New Jedi Order, nor is my Master." Dreidi stated firmly, "so don't try to threaten me, that's not exactly Jedi behaviour either."

"I contacted you for help. Not a lecture, and not to have some demand that I follow them under threat, instead of following someone based on respect and friendship." Dreidi stated in a cool tone, she was not pleased about being threatened even if there was nothing Iris could do to stop Dreidi being a Jedi. "Not sure who is chasing me. Just some low life spice smugglers I think. I got caught intervening on a trade, though looked bigger than the usual trades around here."


"You threw their head like a grizzled war trophy. Like you're a warrior of the Maw."

Iris shook her head.

"Go back to your master. Ask them for help. I'm not helping someone who can't understand what they did was wrong on so many levels. I'll deal with the people here. You're right, I can't remove you from the Order. But you are not welcome here on Coruscant acting as a Jedi. If you try to claim yourself as Jedi to help people here or anywhere within Alliance space, I will have you arrested. That I can do."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Intimidation is a legitimate strategy in ending conflict. I ended the fight with one callous move, I prevented more loss of life with that move. Did I enjoy it? No. I just did what was necessary in my mind." Dreidi stated.

She snorted, "going to start fighting the Ashlan Crusade then? How about the Jedi that have killed Witches? Or the Jedi within your Order that have killed children, committed genocide, or attempted to? Going to arrest any of them for operating as Jedi within the Galactic Alliance?" Dreidi glared. "I killed one man, a man who had harmed, killed and robbed an entire village and you want to try ending my career as a Jedi. However, you make no attempts to sort out the murderous people within your own Order. I might be callous, cruel, excessive or whatever it is that you think I am, but I tried offering an olive branch and you threw it in my face."

"You didn't seek forgiveness, try to understand me or accept our differences. You acted no better than the Sith. Not me Iris." Dreidi stated in a pained tone before rushing away into the shadows of the lower levels.


"You just said you did nothing wrong, by trying to hide behind things that are wrong. Speak to your master. Tell them everything. Face their judgement. As you said, you are not part of the New Jedi."

Justifying fear was something Iris could never agree with. She watched Dreidi leave, just for a moment, then sighed. Pulling up her hood she took off in a much more noticeable run to pull the attention of those following Dreidi to mix it up with Iris instead. Jedi's a Jedi, right?

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

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