Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Whaddya Mean What's the Plan?

Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Seswenna had apparently at one point been a fortress of some sort for some intergalactic empire, the remnants found and turned into something that resembled a city.

Of sorts.

The Buzzard had touched down on the ramshackle landing pad. A layer of dust and debris scattering as the vessel roughly touched down and settled. The whole pad shifting as Skid let his less than stellar opinion of biological maintenance know.

"Look. We are only stopping in for leads. Hoping we don't stay longer than a day... or two." A disapproving warble finding her rolling her eyes as what was likely security for the landing area approached the ship.

Powering down her engines, she opened the canopy and made a watching you motion with pinky and pointer fingers to Skid as it watched her go. The ship was buttoned up, and documents shown as the two guards looked over her.

And then her ship with a confusion, or possibly amusement, at the odd sight.

"Be good." Her only warning to the droid as she was cleared to enter further.

Traveling inside was nothing particularly new with her continued presence in the Outer Rim. A blend of different species of beings roaming the streets, some perusing the items on display for sale, others engaged in conversation, some doing there best despite their harried appearance to blend into the background.

One of the few times she'd wished for one of those Mandalorian Visor things that scanned faces.

Bounties were no doubt abundant in these parts.

With the Rimward Trade League pressing both inward towards the core and fanning out across the Rim, they had kicked the nest for runaways and bail-jumpers across their stretch of influence.

Her face settling into a curios stare as she watched a few dirty looking beings tread into a cantina across the street from the food stall currently selling noodles. They weren't like the ones Iris had shared with her, but that had more to do with the person than the quality she guessed.

A final slurp from the bowel had her setting credits down before traipsing into the cantina to find beings of interest. It took no more than a few standard seconds to garner attention as emotions swirled through the air and slowly revealed their origin.

A human-ish male that was staring, a Quarren with an Anzellan between their claws on the table, and what she guessed was the angrier version of a human.

The male wielding a mop of dingy blond hair and smirking at her as she made for the bar. The Quarren content to poke at the Anzellan, and by the look of it playing with its food while the last seemed to mean mug the entire bar.

The bar tender hurried over when she finally sat atop the high seat with a worried frown.

"You uh. You ought to be careful. We have some special company today miss." He grumbled a whisper to her, eyes flicking to her shoulder before his hands busied themselves with a drink.

"Thanks. Something without alcohol if you would." A shared whisper as she settled herself again in the seat. The bar tender nodded, eyes shifting as a seat scuffed the floor and annoyed voices rose before dying down.

"Mmm. Coming over?" The man nodded to her question, placing a glass in front of her before finding someone else down the way to tend to as the steps drew closer.

A settling sigh coming from her as she adjusted her jacket, letting her pheromones roll while putting on her best act of interest.

A tanned arm coming into view on her left as the glass rose to her lips.

"Haven't seen you in here before. Business or... pleasure?" Gravel beneath landing gears sounded more pleasant than the man's voice as she blinked and sipped to steady her emotions. Maintaining that steady flow of manufactured interest was going to be difficult if this was what she had to work with.

Even the oddball she'd met on Kirdo III was more appealing with his almost robotic mannerisms.

"Bit of both. Maybe." The glass made a dull clink against the counter as she turned to face him.

A face only a mother might have loved.

She was pretty certain she'd seen some holovids of people surviving being sucked into engine turbines. And she was equally certain this was one of those survivors.

Between the spots of what she guessed where grease, or maybe soot, and the topographic map of scars, he had pretty eyes at least.

Diverting her attention to that sole saving feature, she didn't cringe away as he stepped closer.

"Oh? What kind of business then?"

"The kind you don't advertise till it's done. Or you catch the wrong attention." Voice low as she let herself grin. A Loth-cat playing with her prey.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
Ship: ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior sighed as he tapped his foot as he waited for the security personnel at the landing pad to scan his documents and wave him through. When he had originally transmitted his documents there had been some confusion, according to the docking authorities there had been an issue as they already had a 'Noah Corek' in their system and the profiles between the two of them didn't match. Upon hearing this Junior had let out a long and loud groan, of course even this far from home his shared name with his father had dogged him. He had quickly resubmitted a amended document he had just in case, making sure to stress his suffix of Jr. to the authorities.

Already miffed for being mistaken for his father, despite the man being forty years older, having dirty blond hair versus his red hair and his ears being decidedly more pointy than his father's, he tapped his foot impatiently before the authorities finally shrugged before letting him pass. Making his way into the ramshackle town he looked around at the view before finally settling on the cantina.

He remembered something his father had taught him 'Remember Junior, you ever wanna find something or someone in a town? Your first stop should be the cantina. Nothing loosens the tongue more than alcohol.' Nodding to himself remembering his father's words the young man made his way to the entrance and walked through.

Once inside he raised an eyebrow and took a look at the disparate and varied amounts of people. He could tell a few were honest, stand up and hard working individuals but most were what his father would refer to as 'people who will do anything to make a credit.' Finally after scanning the bar his eyes settled on Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , a Zeltron girl around his age, or at least he assumed she was since he knew Zeltrons tended to look younger than the actually were, being harrassed by one of those aforementioned types of people.

Walking up to the bar and standing a good half meter away so he could hear the conversation between the girl and man. He flagged down the bartender and the man nodded in acknowledgement. "You got anything Mandalorian?" Of course Junior had mare sure to annunciate his cultural heritage.
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Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The bartender was quick to settle into helping Noah. Eyes glancing back to the woman he'd just helped before turning back to him and visibly thinking. A nod forming as he let his hand sink below the counter to fish around for something.

"Probabaly not as good as you've had, but we've some stuff."

Kri'gee was produced, his mouth opening with a small swipe of a rag to brush off the dust that had settled atop the bottle.

"Doesn't sell well since it kicks you in the head after. But I think it's krugee? Krigee? The stout stuff."

Handing over a glass before pouring a drink for him.

Lossa had settled into the small exchange that had been increasingly leading. And surprisingly not down the path she'd figured. Apparently mulch-face was the business minded type, making vague comments about potential work he and some friends had.

Fielding her interest all the while when he spared a look over her shoulder at the one who'd made his heritage known.

Her hand reaching out and tapping the counter as she let a feeling of ease exude from her pheromones. A Mando at her back made the man tense. The subtle motions of checking his weapon not lost on her as she spoke to further soothe the mood.

"Go get your drink. My own friends might be interested in working alongside you guys but I have to message them. Take it back to your friends and think on it." Her tone sickening sweet with honey as she nodded to his table.

"Ah. Yeah. I'll uh. I'll get back to you." His eyes darting between her and the Mando behind her before slinking off back to his spot.

A gusty breath finishing their exchange for the moment, watching him get out of earshot when she finally turned back to the bar and smiled to the bartender.

"Not so bad when you know how. Mm." Taking another sip of the fruity beverage before giving the source of unease a glance.

Wasn't outside the realm of chance to find a bounty hunter roaming around.

A stereotype to that group of armored beings she now addressed. A sense of wonder and worry about her as she sloshed her drink.

"Business or pleasure?" Making no attempt to hide talking to him from view. Body partly turned to face the newcomer and look him over.

Even sitting down it was plain he was a good deal taller than herself. And the red hair stuck out in a galaxy full of brunette and blonds. The ears however drew her attention, tilting her head slightly at the sight.

If nothing else the newcomer was easy to look at.

Much easier.

"Lossa. Business, unless persuaded otherwise." Smirking at him before taking another sip.

The bartender content to shake his head before moving down the bar again to service another customer.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior had raised an eyebrow when the produced a bottle of Mandalorian ale, Kri'gee, less at the mans butchering of the name and more at the fact that they actually had something of Mandalorian origin this far out. Of course he would have preferred the sweeter Ne'tra gal, or black ale in Basic, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

Tossing a few credit chits on the counter to pay for the drink he took a experimental sip at the ale before scrunching his nose, thoughts transported back to the first time he'd ever had Kri'gee and of course the near ass beating his parents had given him and his twin sister when the had discovered the two of them had snuck the bottles from them.

Purging the memory from his mind his ears twitched as he listened in to the conversation next to him, less out of curiosity and more out of habit and consequence of his rather large ears. When the woman dismissed the pirate Junior's eyes followed him for a few seconds until he was finally back to his own seat, his brow raising again when the woman shifted her attention to him.

When she spoke to him and asked what his business was the young man shrugged. "Noah Corek as for the reason I'm here? A bit of both to be honest, I stopped here after some time training and then decided to get some food and drink. Didn't realize there were going to be so many...less than personable people here...minus yourself of course."


Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The full name went into her memory, filing it away under potential help for later as she seemed to weigh his words.

"Training? I thought Mandalorians were born knowing how to fight?" An obvious jest as she leaned forward onto the counter before waving a hand in dismissal. "What kind of training if you don't mind my asking?"

Pheromones permeating and allowing the ease she truly felt fill the immediate space around her. Not entirely by her own choice but rather simple enjoyment. Conversation outside of true business.

And perhaps a serious lack of etiquette. His comment about the people left her grinning as she lowered her glass.

"Good save." A sidelong glance thrown his way as she swirled her drink. Thoughts blended quickly as she shrugged about the scene around them.

"Mm. Local law only. The threat of bigger powers coming in puts people on edge. Some feel strained relief. Others, like a rope is slipping around their neck." She sighed at the thought, not forgetting that their conversation might be interrupted as voices behind them rose to a hushed argument.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

A snort was let out through the young man's nostrils when the fact that Mandalorians were born warriors was brought up. "Oh yeah, I was born with a buy'ce on my head and a beskar in my hand...good thing my mom can heal quickly." The sarcasm in his tone was evident though it was more joking than scathing. When she asked what type of training he was doing he shrugged. "Just about anything to be honest. My old man use to say 'A proper Mandalorian uses every tool at his disposal.' So I've been travelling the galaxy learning from Force masters as well as different cultures."

His nose scrunched as he took another drink of the ale, as well as the pheromones the girl was exuding, not that he could blame her it was just his half Zorren biology made his nose a little more sensitive. He gave her a smile at her comment on his 'save'. "Luckily I learned how to talk to women from my mom...Manda knows how my dad was able to keep her for so long." He shook his head with a smile and chuckle.

His ears perked up again, another trait of his mixed biology was a enhanced sense of hearing. The words being spoken were mostly about him and the woman next to him, point their species and heritage and making some rather boastful claims about being able to take him in a fight. Looking at Lossa he then shot his eyes over to the group she had been talking to before. "It seems were are making the other patrons...jittery."


Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

It burned making sure she didn't spit her drink out at his rebuttal. Wiping her lip with a finger and gingerly setting the drink onto the counter. Her whole body rolling with the contained laughter.

It had been a minute for a genuine laugh.

"Incredible healing factor." An addition to his humor as she wiped the liquid onto her pant leg. "Don't know how many masters are out this way, but practice is always good. More the physical type myself. Push and pull are a bit... "

The glass wobbled outside of her grasp, nearly upsetting itself at her flimsy attempt to scoot it across the counter.

"Outside my practice." A hand reaching to keep it from tipping with a firm hold.

A simple nod to his words about his parentage. She wasn't entirely certain how her own parents had managed to keep up with each other respectively. One always seemed to have a mind for others, and the other a mind for the stars.

To each their own she supposed.

When he mentioned the locals being jittery, she couldn't help the frown.

"Kind of why I'm here. Helping the rope find the right place." She measured her words, hoping he made the right conclusion as the situation around her developed.

"Wanna make a deal?" A smirk appearing as she drew back on the pheromones, instead intently listening to the exchange behind her. "Help me with that lot, and I can share what I've learned with the force."

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior gave himself a little bit of a self satisfied smile when he saw the woman struggle to contain her laughter with her drink in her mouth after his little bout of humor. Taking a sip of his own drink while he waited on her laughter to die down, he nodded when she she mentioned his mothers healing factor. "Mom's Zorren so yeah, she heals rather quickly...add to that she pretty proficient in Force healing and you get a pretty good combo." When the mention of no masters being out here was brought up Junior shrugged, having not expected to find any out this way anyways.

He raised an eyebrow when she brought up the mention of 'push and pull', a joke immediately forming in his mind as a grin came to his face. "Eh don't worry about the push and pull part of it...I've got that down pretty well." His grin only grew as he winked at her before taking another sip of his drink.

When she brought up the topic of the locals and 'rope' Junior nodded, finding the deal pretty easy. "So let me get it straight...I help you bring in a few of the...unsavory characters here and you'll train me? Hmmmm not a bad deal. Quick question, do any of the characters have a bounty of them?"


Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

She could only nod at the force healing. Something she'd seen done by far better users. Her own training with it limited to helping stitch together small cuts.

Someone with a genuine affinity for it was amazing to say the least as she let the grin form slowly at his joke.

"You can't ever get too much practice at the push and pull." Covering her mouth in an effort to not let the outburst of laughter form further than the rolling chuckle.

Gaining some control of her giggles, she addressed the question.

"I think one does, but the information they have is more valuable. At least to me." She informed him. Visibly thinking as she clicked her tongue. "Until we get the info anyway. Then the bounty is yours too."

The sound of shuffling catching her attention before getting further into the training details. The smile she wore falling away to a frown before the performance was back on.

A comical display of turning her head to spy the trio approaching, and the Quarren holding a tight grip on the Anzellan as though it might run away.

"Your friend doesn't seem to appreciate the grip." The Quarren glancing between her and the Anzellan.

"Working out a bargain. He hasn't agreed yet."

She couldn't ignore the waves of distress the Anzellan were creating, the fake smile shifting to a look of irritation.

"Your uh, new friend there. Not part of your crew is he?"

Her eyes narrowing before making a show of turning to Noah and pursing her lips.

"Business partner as of a few seconds ago. You guys were taking a bit and I've got a tight schedule." She shrugged, turning back to the trio as the Ongidae let his hand slip to his hip.

Another click of her tongue before shaking her head.

"Guy's. If you are wanting a fight. At least take it outside. Cantina's are few an far between, and-" She didn't get to finish her speech as the scarred one made to grab her, while the other two moved on Noah.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior had grown up around Force healing as any scrape or bump or bruise he had gotten in his younger years were healed by his mother with her abilities, the skill having become second nature to him and having learned it pretty well. Add to that some of the more basic Force user skills and Junior was already a pretty well rounded Force practitioner.

When the conversation came back around to his joke Junior laughed and shook his head. "According to my mothers you can, between the two of them and my dad they've got quite the brood of young ones, me and my twin sister are the younger middle children if you can believe that."

When it was brought up that one of them had a bounty on them that made up Junior's mind for him, while the offer of training would have more than sufficed Junior was still someone who understood the value of credits. "Alrighty then, your the boss lady, lead on." Making a faux bowing motion he motioned towards the group who were now approaching them.

Stepping of the stool Junior made a obvious motion of picking up the assault rifle he had laid against the side of the and sling it in the low ready position. Junior said nothing, simply staring at the trio who were dragging their unwilling partner, standing tall to provide the epitome of a hardened Mandalorian warrior, despite the fact he was only eighteen.

As soon as the Ongidae's hand slip towards his hip Junior brought the rifle up to the high ready position in case anything happened. Of course something happened the second after he did that. His first target was the man reaching for his weapon and Junior brought his own weapon up and delivered a swift and brutal buttstroke to the mans face, nowhere near hard enough to kill but more than enough to knock lights out. With the immediate target neutralized Junior brought his rifle to bear and placed the tip of the bayonet against the throat of the other man. "Hands where I can see em dikut."


Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

"Interesting family." Her expression showing wonder rather than judgment at the dynamic he'd yet to explain. The ponderous gaze shifting quickly as she shook her head.

Thoughts for another time as he confirmed his help. Her smile growing as he made the motion of a bow toward her.

The next moment passed quickly, the man all too eager to get his hands on pink skin as she leaned back against the bar. Seat groaning as a foot was planted on their shoulder as the other leg propelled her into a twist. Hands pushing off the bar as she gained air, the planted foot seeming to ground itself to his being while twisting clockwise.

It found purchase and the leg wrapped around the man's neck.

As small as she was, she'd taken off like a rocket with help through the force from the bar top and continued her twist until she landed with her hands catching her weight. A slight hiss as her knee kissed the ground as the man tried to orient himself, peeling at her leg before he seemed to settle and go quiet.

With the Ongidae and human down, the Quarren stared between the duo and grumbled before holding their hands up.

Lossa holding fast a few more seconds before extricating her leg with a helping push of her free leg.

Standing and brushing herself off, she opened a hand to the Anzellan that was uselessly flailing against the grasp around it.

"Let 'em go, or lose the hand." Not mincing her words as the Quarren looked between the two and opened their hand.

A panicked second of confusion had her cupping her hands to catch the little being as the Quarren made to run. Twisting away with a shove and headed for the door they'd entered.

"Below the waist!" Her startled voice called, focus still on the Anzellan.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

When the mention of him having an interesting family was brought up Junior let out a rather loud snort through his nostrils. "Trust me you don't know the half of it." His annoyance at his family was pushed to the backburner once the action went off, making sure to keep the man in front of him at bayonet point while quickly disarming the one he had knocked out and then the other.

Once he was sure they posed no threat his eyes watch Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus 's acrobatic display, surprised at how...flexible she was. How the man she had in a leg lock was down for the count his eyes looked towards the Quarren, making sure to accentuate the bayonet at the end of his rifle when the threat of losing a hand was brought up.

Junior had to admit that his eyes too were drawn to the Anzellan as he was thrown towards Lossa by the Quarren. He adjusted quickly making a note of her Zeltron telling him to shoot him below the waist, though Junior hadn't planned on shooting the man at all.

Raising one arm caused the cloak he had been wearing to fall away from it, showcasing something he had been concealing, one of a pair of Mandalorian Vambraces. Aim the vambrace at the man and with a few non-verbal commands a whipcord launcher out, quickly wrapping around the aquatic mans legs and tripping the man up.

On the ground the Quarren made a vain attempt to crawl away before Junior rolled his eyes and shook his and made another non-verbal command, causing a jolt of electricity to shoot up through the whipcord to incapacitate the Quarren. Turning towards the Zeltron and then towards the chaos the two had caused in less than a minute Junior huffed. "Well...that escalated quickly."


Location: Seswenna, Old Imperial Facility
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The best she could do was squash the small being to her body before making sure they were able to right themselves. Her attention being divided almost cost her the sight of the vambrace being used.

The flourish of his arm and the action that followed making her appreciate a bit more the gear that Mandalorian's had about them.

With a timid smile, she set the Anzellan down before giving them a thumbs up. Attention returning to Noah once more with a small nod.

"It's either super exciting, or really fething boring. There is no in between with this business." The frowns depth matching the sarcastic tone to her voice. Her hands were drawn to each other, popping the knuckles of each joint as she mulled for a second on their predicament.

Moving closer to the one she had incapacitated and easing into a squat beside the man.

A grimace on her face when the knee protested from its earlier tap against the ground as she rifled through his pockets and produced a number of credits. A little more searching proving successful at finding a datapad inside the stiff leather carrier tucked beneath their jacket.

"Hopefully something useful in here if they aren't." The datapad sliding into her own hidden bag before standing and sliding the pirate credits across the counter with a partial smile.

"Sorry for the uh. Scene. We'll take care of them." Pausing before she returned to the downed trio with a question. "You don't have like. Shackles. Or uh. Cuffs we can-No? Alright."

The answer quick as she nodded and thought once more.

"Can you call someone over that-Oh you have? Thank you." She gave an awkward thumbs up once more before moving to Noah and looking to his Gauntlet.

"That's pretty handy." Her eyes moving from Gauntlet to him.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Pressing a button on the vambraces and a loud whirring was heard as the whipcord was retracted and dragged the now incapacitated Quarren toward him and his companion. Follow Lossa's lead Junior began patting down their quarries, getting a small handful of credits which were also deposited on the counter, a few weapons and what would be most important to the Zeltron, a datastick. He held the stick out to her with a smile. "I think this is for you..."

When the prospect of restraining their quarry came up Junior reached for his utility belt and pulled out a trio of plastoid zip-cuffs. "I always use to make fun of my dad for carrying these things on his combat belt...well I guess I'm the one who needs laughed out now." Walking up to the three incapacitated men he quickly slipped the wrists into the cuffs, tightened them and repeated the actions twice before separating the three of them, best to keep them apart.

He could almost feel her eyes on his vambraces and he showed them both off to her. "House Corek clans own take on the Mandalorian classic. Fully modular when it comes to weapon and tool selection. Some choose purely offensive, some defensive and some in the middle. Me? Prefer to use em to augment my Force abilities."


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Cantina
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The datastick she received from Noah's search brought a wide grin, her eyes moving to the trio before shifting back to him.

"You should be able to just turn in the bounty. I doubt they'll be convinced to share anything without..." Datastick disappearing into her jacket before shrugging. "Less than jedi-like actions."

Seeing him produce bindings, her brow furrowed. Mouth opening to comment before waving a hand to dismiss the thought.

"I need to get a utility belt. That's even handier." Her only comment before checking the clock.

Bah. I can check leads later." A promise to herself she was likely to forget until reminded by her droid. Righting one of the captured goons, she examined his exposed skin before moving to the next one.

Moving their unconscious bodies with her leg rather than touching them outright.

"I mean. I wouldn't laugh about that. Being prepared always comes in handy eventually." Dropping into a crouch to remove pieces of leg armor from the strange humanoid and frowning. "The number of times I've wanted to take something like bindings on a job is-"

She paused, head tilted away as she thought on her own words. At least until she looked back at him with a sheepish smile.

"Not as many as I'd thought. Anyhow." She put the shin guards beneath her arm, standing with a shake of her head until he mentioned the gauntlets augmenting the force.

"Wait wait wait. Augment like the strength of, or just like help with abilities?" Curiosity caught as she examined them once more. "I guess. That makes sense really. That whipcord and a push would catch any chit-head by surprise."

At the topic of collecting the bounties Junior went to work, pulling up a miniature holoprojector he quickly began sorting through various bounties databases and when he found something that could be a match he made sure to double check before he was finally satisfied. He nodded towards the Quarren with a smile. "Five thousand credit bounty on that one alone, that'll be a good payments towards some part for my ship."

When she mentioned getting a utility belt of her own Junior nodded. "They're pretty useful. Use to laugh at my old man for wearing one all the time but since I've began wearing mine I appreciate it a lot more." With the information on the Quarren sent off to the necessary authorities that placed the bounty on him Junior looked over the goons to see if they had anything else interesting on them.

A few food wrappers, some receipts and a flimsi note with something scribbled on it. After looking over the note a little bit he furrowed an eyebrow and double checked it. "I think this is an address...?" Though it was phrased as a question it was more of a statement as he handed the note over to the Zeltron.

At her curiousness over his vambraces he lifted them so she could get a better view. "Assist with them. I've found I can use the dart launcher at even further range and surprise people and like you said the whipcord along with a push or pull can be really useful, most are surprised by the strength of it and it pulls them off their feet."


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Cantina
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

The mention of paying for his ship made her grin. She was up to her ears in debt with her own vessel, but securing help that was making themselves far more able by the moment had been invaluable.

"It's a start then." She hadn't been thorough about the search, and in between his searching and the address had been fiddling with the shin guards. Her interest shifting when he lifted the note up.

A passing glance making her ponder before tapping into a communication line with her droid.

<"Plug this in and see-Yeah no I'm fine. Yeah I got help. You're good to stay there so cou-. No it's okay you-. No you don't-. Fine. Yeah. Alright fine. Just follow the line back. See you in a second."> Lossa huffed before pocketing the Communicator and frowning to Noah.

"My droid will be joining us in a bit. He gets antsy if I leave him alone for too long." She looked over the address again before pocketing it and openly pondering the bracers again.

"Could be handy for quick escapes too. Use a bit of a force enhanced move and you get extra momentum at launch." Possibilities running wild in her mind as the door of the bar opened to two humanoid figures that nodded to them and ambled over.

One wearing what was likely to be local authority gear while the other seemed a bit more solemn in their attire.

"Oh. They're alive? Nicely done."

The Zeltron frowned at the plain surprise of the first man.

"Sorry. We're usually pretty late to the scene. And disputes get settled pretty quickly now." The nervous laugh only made worse by the growing sound of irritated droid talk that rolled into the bar.

The two humanoids working out the details of the bounty and holding of prisoners with Noah as Lossa dealt with her droid.

"Shut up Skid. Next time I'll make sure to lock your legs in with a pin so you can't waltz off the blasted ship." She seethed at the comments of her ability to handle the situation.

The scanner focusing on Noah briefly with a less dismissing remark on his abilities.

"Look here you rolling can of bolts, find this address and-" She snapped, waving the note at Skid before the second humanoid piped up.

"Address? Lemme see." Slipping the note out of her hand with an alarming ease to the move. Leaving her staring at her now empty hand. Skid giving an impressed whir of approval.

"Dock two of the old Imp Facility. We don't really use it since it fell into disrepair. Looks like these lot were using it though." They remarked, a touch of disappointment in their tone as they handed the address back.

"Old hangar?" She posed the question on her mind and got a nod. "Perfect."

A smile forming as they were given directions before headed out of the bar and on their way. The duo finalizing the details with Noah before waving them off.

"How acrobatic are you?" The zeltron asked with a growing smile, almost skipping with glee to their destination.


Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Idea's already began formulating inside his head about what parts and equipment he could buy and slot in to his ship. His Razor Crest was a fine ship, probably one of the better ships one could find in the galaxy for exploring such as he was doing but it still could stand to be improved just slightly.

"Sometimes a small sliver of a start is just the kind of thing you need." He observed the shin guards that Lossa had...acquired from one of their prisoners. He didn't blame her for scavenging gear from the defeated, hell it was downright Mandalorian of her, not that he'd mentioned that to her, not exactly one hundred percent sure of where she stood on his culture.

His eyebrow was raised when she spoke into the communicator before nodding at her explanation of the one sided conversation she had just had.
"I can understand little siblings are kinda the same...but unlike droids you can't just turn them off and on when you want. Well you can but my parents tended to frown on me doing that kinda thing."

When she brought up his vambraces again he nodded. "Yeah, I've actually done that before. They were designed to originally counter force-users and their powers but surprisingly the pair pretty well with the powers their meant to counter. I actually figured out how to use the force to focus the cutting torch you can mount on the vambraces into a super-fine beam...great for cutting into places your not meant to. Not as good as a lightsaber but a lot quieter and less noticeable."

Almost immediately after the door to the bar opened Junior's hand drifted down to his pistol, fingers curling around the grip. Said fingers grip only lightened when he saw the one of the new occupants was what passed for the local law. His father's words about the law on worlds like this being easily susceptible to corruption echoing in his mind. His eyes turned to the other man scrutinizing him for his intentions.

It didn't take too long for Junior to work out the details of the bounties. The total amount of the bounties turned out to be 12,500 credits but there was a problem, they could only pay out 10,000. Junior had complained of course, they were supposed to have credits on hand for situations just like this. They countered with that times were tough to which he had to agree to, in the end they had come to an agreement, they would pay the bounties and the difference would be made up by fueling up and servicing his and Lossa's ships free of charge.

Finished with his business there Junior returned to Lossa and her now present companion, chuckling at the interaction between the two of them before turning his eyes toward the droid.
"Hey there little guy. You're a V-2 Minimech right? My uncle's company produces you guys. My name's Noah, I hear yours is Skid right?" Junior treated the droid surprisingly better than others might have, this being a product of his upbringing more than anything.

Once the pair were given directions and sent off Junior was able to 'acquire' some schematics of the hangar from a nearby unattended data terminal. He almost missed the words spoken by her as the walked. "Are you asking about my abilities or propositioning me?" He grinned at her and then snickered at his own joke before shrugging. "I'm...decently skilled. Nothing to comm home about but I can manage."


Location: Seswenna-Old Imperial Facility, Cantina
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, Hidden Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Plastoid Shingaurds, Concealed Sling Bag
Ship: The Buzzard, with V-2 Minimech 'Skid'
Tags: Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

He didn't say anything about her scavenging pieces, and his mention of using them against and with the force had her thinking about other uses.

Keeping a tight lid on her projected thoughts as she did so.

Coming back to her droid, she watched him make nice with Skid, and even she couldn't keep the warmth out of her smile staring at the little troublemaker.

"He's a good droid. Started off as a therapy droid, and I didn't wipe his memory when I started using him as an astromech." She sighed, getting a warning chirp from Skid as the little manipulator poked her way. Causing a brow to raise at him.

"I just sang your praises. Don't make me regret it." She cocked her hip and frowned at him.

They had set off, Lossa and Skid having a small debate when Noah replied. She stopped walking to glance at him with a thoughtful look.

"I mean..." She grinned before chuckling to herself. "I took dance as a kid. Ballet and other styles but ballet stuck."

Skid grumbled through a set of chirps and blips about her acrobatics.

"You aren't big enough for jets or repulsor systems. And you're too hefty for me to lift." Came the defensive reply.

"Anyway." She continued on. "I don't usually wear armor, so I get to be acrobatic and nimble. Using the raftor beams and other chit to, not quite hide, get a better vantage without jetpacks and other stuff."

They cleared the edge of the city and turned for the old facility with a few looks by the locals cast their way. Concern more than fear emanating from them as they went.

"Could find a better spot really to practice but it's a start to see anyway." She shrugged, a frown appearing as she thought on the comment about maintaining the old facility.

Equipment: Lightsaber and Shoto, 1x Combat Knife, 1x Ad'ika Pistol, 1x Atin Assault Rifle, Combat/Utility Belt and Blast Vest (Hidden Under Clothes)
ST-70 class Razor Crest M-12G

Junior wasn't exactly trained as an empath but it didn't take a trained empath to catch some of the thoughts that Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus projected before she clamped down on them but Junior shrugged, he had grown up in a house where said thoughts were expressed rather...vocally, mostly between his three parents and to no little chagrin to him and his siblings.

He chuckled at the interaction between the woman and her droid. "I've always liked droids more than people. I'm mechanically inclined like my dad so droids always made more sense to me. Also dad made guard droids for so I always had them around growing up." Junior had stumbled on the word of what to call his home, it was known as an 'estate' technically but he hadn't wanted to use the word in fear of seeming blooded.

When she mentioned dancing Junior decided to begin the teasing further. "Ballet huh? So you're uh...flexible? Lithe? Bendy one might even say..." He grinned, despite his words about not liking people too much he didn't seem to be having much problem talking to the fairer sex.

When a seeming recurring argument was brought up about Skid's size and it precluding him from being able to have flight capabilities Junior decided to help the little droid out. Reaching down he took the little droid in his hands and raised him over his head. "How's the view from up there little guy?"

He nodded along to her words about her fighting style. "Makes sense, no need to wear armor if they can't hit you to begin with." His eyes roamed over the faces of the civilians nearby, them seeming to be more concerned than anything, whether it be about his and Lossa's safety or what was about to happen inside their town was unclear.

As they trudged along Junior could feels something on the back of his neck...remembering some words his father had spoke once. 'Don't just rely on your senses or the force...sometimes your gut can be your best friend.' Right now his gut was telling him something. "I think we are being watched..."

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