Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What's troubling you?


Location: Kestri, Celt's ranch
Objective: chat
Tag: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla

It was a fairly cool night, even for this part of Kestri as Celt and Hilal finished their day in Celt's armoury. Her friend had expressed and interest in her chemical warfare and its application. While there was very little that Celt could teach in a single day, Hilal had been very eager to learn and they had gotten through a lot. She doubted the little Vizsla really cared about the specific pharmacological properties of the compounds that Celt employed, so she had skipped a lot, the could always circle back round to that at another day.

Right now though it was time to chill and to enjoy the evening. Celt was in her kitchen just putting the finishing touched to their desert, the pair having enjoyed steak and vegetables for dinner. She had a feeling about Hilal, something was bothering her and ahe wanted to find out what, what better way to unlock her than a whiskey soaked chocolate sponge. "You like whiskey right?" she called through with a laugh having used too much and nearly lost an eyebrow igniting the liquor.

The red haired woman walked in with two plates, placing one in front of her friend and sitting with the other in front of her. "Enjoy" she said with a kind smile. "Anything you want to talk about?" She added once they had begun their food, there was a war coming, everyone was a little tense, and it was good to have a shoulder to lean on every so often.


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