Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private When the crazy Imperial Sith came to town


Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Wallgof had taken the time away from his duties on Zygerria, he knew the Imperial Order was still new, it was small in size and he was still needing to grow the Order and ensure that something became of the faction he had sought to bring about the GA's destruction with. But he needed more Sith, he needed people work from the shadows with him, to help bring about the destruction of the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. To do that he would need to not be stuck on Zygerria, so he took his leave secretively, the face of the Imperial Order was meant to not be a Sith and he needed to ensure that remained, it gave those joining the belief they would be the ones in control and it was their freedom to be following the Imperial rule, not something orchestrated by the Sith.

He was aiming to have Zyggeria demonstrate the benefits and show the power he held as Emperor. To do so, he needed allies, he needed powerful people with influence to show support, to see the potential he held.

This was his reasoning for visiting Srina Talon, he had heard many great things about her. She was a cruel, calculated and intimidating Sith. Fierce in ways that Wallgof could respect and while he knew she might not see him as an equal, yet alone her superior as Emperor. Wallgof was building his power, his time, he was here to demonstrate he held potential to be the greatest, to be the one to organise the Sith into being a legitimate threat against the Jedi and not the weak playthings that they were currently being seen as. Wallgof needed them to all be stronger, he was going to make them all be stronger. To do that, he would of course need to demonstrate just how powerful he was.

And this was something he was more than happy to display to Srina.

His heavy beskar boots crunched on the ground as he walked. His Sith armour had used the Mandalorian metal of his ancestors and blended the two sides of him into one. He was Mandalorian once but he was Sith now and his old family armour reflected that. The Mandalorians would despise him for it but that was all the more perfect and Wallgof would laugh at them. The tattered cloak was shredded and weathered, it was ancient and Wallgof had collected it long ago at the beginning of his journey. His approach was not quiet nor did he attempt to silence the darkening storm in the Force that his presence brought. He felt no need to hide and believed it would only allow Srina to prepare for his arrival. However she wished to prepare for it.

"I wish to speak with Lady Talon, I am Emperor Wallgof and I am here to seek an alliance with her." Wallgof stated firmly to the guards at the entrance of the castle. They looked at him, before deciding to escort him to Srina. The castle was an impressive structure though Wallgof preferred the brutalist build of his Imperial Tower, a style much more his own but he could appreciate wanting something more akin to this. Following the guards to the library, they made wait outside the room, out of eyesight of Srina. Clearly only allowing him to see her if she permitted it and while he was not pleased with this, he allowed it as an attempt to be respectful and not appear as some child throwing tantrums because he was not given the highest of respects straight away.

So he waited outside the library to see what Srina would say to meeting the Emperor of the Imperial Order.



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof


A sheet of long ivory hair fell down her back with traditional Echani braids woven through it. It was secured with a golden clasp that kept it from falling in her way while she devoured forbidden volumes in the repository. Her younglings were good and well asleep for the evening. The robotic caregivers she had would alert her if anything went awry. The mirrored portals she traveled through were secure in the fact that only she knew how to activate them to reach the Castellum. Her falling stars were one of the most important things in existence, both to her, and the future of their people.

She would not be around forever, nor, would their father. It was the nature of the universe.

All things died. All, things.

The young Empress was not pleased with the interruption. There were very few moments where she had a moment of quiet, all to herself, but her temper was stayed by the fact that it wasn't one of the Sepulchral demanding an audience. They didn't like the way she tempered the Corpse King nor the way she granted him a perspective they were incapable of controlling. That was the crux of the issue they had with the wife of their Dead God. She could not be managed. She could not be deceived, nor, could she be controlled. "…Allow the interloper passage."

The singular sentence was delivered with a coldness so true that it nearly burned. Her personal staff knew better than to question her decisions and turned abruptly to abide. Of course, they would demand that Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof leave any weaponry behind. No Sith Lord of any measure traveled without a lightsaber into Jutrand so at the very least, this, they would insist that he leave behind. When the presence she felt on the other side of the portal did finally decide to enter (whether or not he acquiesced his weapon would determine the status of his entry) she did not look up from the flesh-bound tome. True to form, she wasn't seated properly in one of the high-backed chairs, but on the long table itself—The size fit for a banquet hall.

Her right leg was crossed neatly over her left and fabric the color of fresh blood twined with onyx fell to the floor. Her already milk-pale skin seemed even further washed out with the shade leaving her visage one of delicate poise. The aura that wrapped around her was the opposite. Strength teemed from her through the Force, more than that, in the way she carried herself. In the things that she did not say nor proclaim—A dulcet, sweet creature. Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Speak, false-king."

Her words were the predatory purr of some great feline sizing up an unknown. Cold. Calculating. It was not within her capacity to offer insults but the sheer stench of something she loathed drove her to come to simple conclusions. He was wearing beskar. Her revulsion for Mandalorians since the orbital bombardment of her homeworld was as unmovable as a mountain. To wear their precious metal, even as salvage, was akin to championing their banner. Paying undue homage to their craftsmanship. Negatively or positively—It was offensive.

"If you wish to bandy politics you've come to the wrong crown. It is my husband, you seek."


Location: Jutrand

Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

The guards requested Wallgof's weapon, his Lightsaber. Wallgof was not so blinded that it seemed unreasonable to hand over his weapon, he thought it was amusing somewhat though, any Sith worth their salt did not rely solely on the blade. The Dark Side of the Force was something much more powerful and dangerous weapon to use. He placed the Lightsaber in the hands of the guards. "If I find this weapon not the exact way I am leaving it to you, I will take your head." Wallgof could always construct another, they were weapons that seemed not too scarce in the galaxy but Wallgof was not against using the threat of violence, extreme violence to demonstrate that underlings did not have a say. He was also one that would ensure his possessions were well looked after.

Entering the library, the place was exactly the location that he felt comfortable in. As a Mandalorian, he had been odd, preferring exploration, history, archaeology and artefacts. War, fighting, bloodlust, they were something that were tools to use, not things he held in high regard. It was why he felt no shame in turning the armour of his ancestors into something that suited the path that he wished to take. His eyes scanned over the tomes and books, it was interesting to see physical copies of books and not an archive or library of holo-books or holocrons. Wallgof appreciated it more that Srina and her husband had taken the time to locate and carefully maintain physical books. They were truly ancient and something of great value.

The Sith Lord moved closer to the Echani, she was a beauty, like many of her kind. Flawless and very pale in complexion. He could understand why others sought after her and why so many respected her. The aura she gave, it was strong and many would buckle and crack under the pressure of her judgement and gaze. However, Wallgof matched it. He was not intimidated and he could only see the potential of her kinship strengthening him more. Therefore he remained firm in his position, assured that he was making the best decision that could be made as someone seeking to be an Emperor of an expansive region.


Roared Naga Sadow in Wallgof's mind. It was a petty, childish scream in his mind but Wallgof was not pleased with being called a false-king. He had taken Zygerria by right of force and installed himself as the ruler.

"I know I could have approached him. I visit you because you are the one to win the heart of your husband. From what I have heard, a feat worthy of great appreciation, and acknowledgement that as an ally. You are a powerful person to have by a person's side." His voice was still heavily modulated by his mask, though his words were clearly intended to flatter and charm Srina, there was nothing he said that he did not believe. He simply phrased it to offer Srina the most complimentary way he could.

The sense of hatred towards Wallgof was confusing at first till he realised it was not him. It was his armour. His beskar. It made him chuckle softly, of course the Echani would hate it after what happened to her home world decades ago. "I can remove the beskar if it would soothe your fury, Lady Srina." Wallgof was not attached to the armour, it was something he did to in order to humiliate the Mandalorians all the more.

To demonstrate his willing to remove the armour, he took the helmet off his head. A soft click and hiss was released before the handsome, dark face of Wallgof was revealed to the pale Echani. He held the helmet in his one arm, ready to remove more if it would make this conversation easier.



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

"His heart is a prize that I need not win. It is—Mine."

The not-so-subtle possessiveness slipped from her with all the grace of a feather floating in a warm, summery breeze. Her eyes remained glued to the pages of the ancient tome while she translated a long-dead language with relative ease. She spoke many, having traveled extensively, but High Sith was something that strengthened the more she understood the true nature of the Dark Side. The hieroglyphics whispered to her, painting pictures, that felt as if they were made exclusively for her.

Srina was not unaware that this Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof was going to great lengths to flatter her sensibilities but here was nothing in her that felt the need to acknowledge it. The seizure of his weapon had been largely symbolic versus necessary. It wouldn't do for any security team to allow such an obvious tool of violence near their mistress, let alone, those who believed that the Dread Empress was barely two-paces from the divine. The unity between the Corpse King and his wife was unbreakable. "Perhaps I do have some measure of power, here, but there are many who can make that claim. There is an entire Dark Council with doorways for you to haunt with your desires."

Whether or not he believed his saccharine words was irrelevant. Srina had very little ego to speak of and dealt in realms of pragmatism versus adulation from a stranger. The keen senses of an Echani had not missed the subtle autonomic reactions in his tone, even, distorted behind a mask. This newcomer did not enjoy the fact that she referred to him as false. It was evident in…So many ways. Moreover, no one, no Sith liked being told that their reign was an illusion.

If she closed her eyes and focused on Wallgof hard enough she could almost hear something. Her head tilted, visibly, as she listened for some distant noise in the void. It was full of malevolence that bordered on insanity but she couldn't quite make out the words.

Only, red hot rage.

Her head lifted and she slowly closed the book in her lap whilst he began to remove the Mandalorian filth he had arrived in. "You were lucky to pass the gates wearing…That.", she murmured without taking her gaze from his form. The fact that such relics existed in her presence was enough for her to consider throwing this would-be King out of her sight…But the removal, at the very least, quelled the desire to fling him into the nearest son. "My fury for the Mandalorian people will never rest. It was a small mercy that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex only ruined and renamed Mandalore…He should have erased it from the sky."

He was a little too familiar. Lady Srina. Not Lady Talon. Not Darth Omnia. Not Empress. It wasn't that she was hung up on titles or honorifics but the way he presented the introduction. As if he knew her. The slender creatures slid from the desk and there was an audible click from elegant footwear touching polished obsidian. She was a full head shorter than Wallgof, perhaps more, and yet she never balked at that fact. Srina was usually the smallest fighter in any room.

It meant nothing.

"What is it that you seek from the Sith Order? There is only one King in our systems. One Sith Emperor. So…Be careful how you speak from this point forward. Enemies come in many shapes and sizes but this dynasty will outlast all of that…", the seemingly young woman warned quietly. Not because she felt the need to threaten this unknown, but, because she felt it fair. As much as he thought he knew?

He knew nothing at all.

"So…If the web of your design seeks to surreptitiously harm what is mine? To weaken the strength of this Empire or my homeworld? It would be best, to start running."

Srina understood his perspective. He was a big fish in a small pond. Wallgof was likely used to being respected, bowed to, and treated as if his presence was the most unholy treasure his subjects could witness. It would be a difficult adjustment to accept that such a small woman had been trained to break every bone in his body, twice over, before ever hearing the lure of the Dark Side. She was not a politician. She was cold and exacting—Without the patience for him to find his footing.





Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Removing the beskar pieces of his armour, Wallgof listened to what Srina had to say, he chuckled, her words did not seem to phase him. "I did not mean to suggest that anyone else could claim his heart. Just you demonstrate skills beyond others to achieve such a feat when it seemed impossible before you arrived." Wallgof had done his extensive research on Srina and on her family, he knew that there were not others who could achieve what Srina did, and he held that achieve in higher respects than a Sith who claims to have killed many Jedi. To weave oneself into a person's heart, so deeply, so powerfully, it was something that took skills beyond what some Sith understood. Violence was one way to operate but Wallgof believed they truly needed to think differently, to tackle the Jedi issue in a way that was subtler, more manipulative and he needed to seek out allies were didn't just agree but were most capable in doing such feats.

That was one reason he approached Srina, while she might have genuine feelings for her husband and there might be actual love and affection there, Wallgof knew she had to achieve some high level of manipulation or understanding of such tactics that would make her a powerful ally for his plans.

"A dark council that has failed to destroy the Jedi for over 20 years." Wallgof stated bluntly, he held no fears in naming his disapproval of the current hierarchy of the Sith. "We have a failing leadership, they have not achieved anything significant since the demise of the Brotherhood of Maw." He didn't think highly of the Maw either, they were wild, feral beasts that were more fodder than they were Sith. "I believe there must be a change, a new direction taken. Currently the Jedi are being led by the family of Zambrano and thriving, while the Sith are not thriving in a similar manner." He placed the armour on the table, away from Srina and out of sight.

He then looked back to Srina, "I do not mean to say they are not powerful Sith nor undermine their former achievements. However, things are stagnant with the current Sith, and the Jedi are only growing in numbers. If we wish to change that, we need more than powerful Sith with powerful names. We need to be framing the Jedi as villains. Sow dissent within the ranks of the Jedi Order. Weaken them in irreparable ways." Wallgof did not mean to insult any Sith, he just thought the current order, the current approaches the Sith were using were tired, weak and ineffective when the Jedi were already being framed as heroes beyond measure.

"I come here, because I seek those who might have similar ideas, similar skills to my own. An understanding and extend an offer of kinship. I do plan on discussing this with the dark council of your Sith Empire. But I believe there is a need to change, adapt and harm the reputation of the Jedi." Wallgof knew that he was putting his life in Srina's hands right now since he was talking in way that could be seen as treasonous and something that could be killed over. However, he was attempting to frame it as something that needed to be discussed, something he wanted to talk to all Sith about.

Talking of Mandalore's destruction made Wallgof chuckle deeply, "the planet should be blown to pieces. Even as my home world, it serves no purpose as a rallying call for Mandalorians. Similar to how Kestri, the new home of the Mandalorians, as they are currently seeking to return as a threat to the galaxy, should be targeted by the Sith." Offering Srina information on the new planet that Mandalorians were calling home and gathering in power once more.

"There is nothing I seek that will harm Sith, or what is yours. I seek a reorganisation. A change in mindset and understanding. That dynasty you speak of is powering our enemies more than it strengthens us. They have been our strength, our power once, but our strength and power has diminished significantly and we are not the threatening force we were once." Wallgof spoke firmly, he knew some would seek violence to stand against what he wanted to achieve, but if Wallgof could save Sith from dying and achieve his plans, then he would find it. There needed to be more Sith, not less. Even if Naga Sadow would scream in his mind that these Sith were unworthy and weak.

"So, what do you think of my ideas, Lady Talon?"



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

He was ignorant and arrogant.

What was worse?

Wallgof wasn't even aware of his folly to know the difference, to suspect, that his assumptions might have been wrong. Srina had wed Empyrean long before he had ever taken the crown. When he had come to the Sith Order? So had she, at his side, entwined for eternity. There was no gap to allot for her arrival to somehow, mysteriously, change his ways. It was not even Srina who had ensnared the heart of the Emperor but the entrepreneur and former slave who had stolen her heart.

Were Wallgof to be accurate?

She was the fool in his little story. She was the manipulated. The conned. The deceived. It was clear that he knew something about her history but the details had been skewed somewhere between oration and documentation. He went on and on at great length. The first impression that she had was that he was young, headstrong, and without patience. The Sith had been all but scattered after the constant attacks of the New Imperial Order and the Maw had been a different organization entirely. "A true Empire rather than a flash in the pan land claim can take decades to regain standing. What are two decades to a Sith? This war has waged for the better part of a millennia—Of which you are likely to be little more than a footnote."

Srina wasn't insulting Walgoff this time but placing necessary perspective where and when it was required. She was just as likely to become a footnote as well. The difference? She was fine with it. "There is power in a name…But your plan does not require that. Attempting to discredit the Jedi is an effort in creativity, resources, and diligence. The Lady of Secrets did not deceive the Galactic Alliance decades ago by flying in blindly, boldly, with poison lips for her betters."

"She played the game…And she played it

The only positive side that Wallgof seemed to present was a large imagination, though, that could easily be corrupted into failure. Srina did not believe in playing dirty games with her opponents. The bait-and-switch politics that tried to paint them for crimes they hadn't committed were beneath the Sith Order in every way. The Jedi ought to be punished for the things they had done. It was more than enough.

They had created, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , after all. In their bloodthirsty rage to kill...They had created their own nightmare.

"Your knowledge is lacking, Walgoff. The Jedi seek reasons to disparage themselves without our intervention at all.", she trailed off slowly, her hands falling behind her back as she walked forward. Closer—So that he might be able to see the electrifying flecks of mercury in burnished golden eyes. "Let us say that an earthquake destroys a village and the Jedi do their very best to save everyone…But some die under their watch. For every death they mentally beat themselves into oblivion. Taking that blame on their shoulders, so much so, that the watchful eyes of the galaxy also start to blame them for the loss…"

"They are their own worst enemy, with demons, that only need to be given the correct care. Telling them their fears is folly. Softly showing them their bloody trauma in the cold light of day…Watching them unravel from the inside out by barely lifting a finger? That…That is victory. The only thing standing between a Sith and a Jedi is one very, very bad day."

He would not be the first to suggest "new leadership" as Sith were never satisfied. Srina didn't hold that against him, though, the Dark Council likely wouldn't be amused. If he approached it with a modicum of respect it was possible that they might be receptive…But if this was his play? If this was the speech he planned to share that consisted of "you're taking too long, I can do it better" he'd be lucky to leave alive for perceived impudence.

Her eyes fell on his with all the force of a falling star. They blazed not from anger nor any sort of fury but from an intense level of unseen eldritch might that sent lesser men scurrying from her sight like rats. Still. He spoke as if he knew her in the slightest. Such insolence from a Sith that hadn't even been present to raise his brothers and sisters from the muck. He wanted it all—Giving nothing but empty words in return. That was not enough. "I speak of my dynasty, young one."

"I am not blood kin to any of the filth that currently populate the ranks of the Jedi. The sins of the progeny do not reflect the might of the progenitor, regardless, of your insinuation. You would do well to bite your tongue if you plan to present this to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in any capacity."

True Sith knew one thing above all…Patience. Their enemies were not immortal. Carnifex and Empyrean knew this better than most when it was best to strike, and when, it was best to wait in the shadows. Even the snake Ophidia had known that. In some instances…All they had to do in order to win was wait for time itself to fight on their side. Her gaze turned away from Walgoff with a certain measure of disappointment. She had expected, from such a grand, unexpected entry to feel as if she had been delivered a revelation. Instead…She received his. A half-baked plot, dissention, and arrogance in place of actual intelligence on their enemies. "I would say…"

"That you need to pivot. If you present your thoughts, even of value, as they are now…My husband will likely
execute you for the pleasure of it in exchange for wasting his time. He does not suffer fools."

Last edited:


Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Naga Sadow roared his anger once more. This woman was daring to challenge Wallgof, to think herself and those she was with were superior to Naga's chosen upstart. He could feel and see the ancient Sith Lord seething in anger. It had been the first time in seeing Naga in years, usually he had been a simple voice, crazed and bloodthirsty, but now the Sith Lord was demanding, roaring in anger. His presence was still as intimidating as the first time Wallgof saw his Master. Srina would be able to sense the feeling of being intimidated coming from Wallgof but know it was not directed at her or anything she was saying. Her words empty in a storm of rage that Naga was.


Naga roared loudly as he spat at the ground to Srina.

Tightening his jaw, Wallgof focused on what Srina was stating, he couldn't lose focus and start an argument with Naga. It would not be something this Sith Lord would understand or accept. Few did. Though no one was able to deny that Naga was within his mind.

"I have bided my time, watched the others claim to rule the Sith and defeat the Jedi. I have seen them all fail, repeatedly and often. It may seem like I was going to be a simple footnote in this war, but I sought strength, power, understanding. I bided my time till I was ready, ready to make my stand and put the Jedi in their place once and for all." Wallgof countered, there were plenty of rash Sith who jumped into fray well before they were ready and they died as a result. Wallgof was not one. He waited, he sought to ensure he knew his plan, his strengths and weaknesses and he knew how to cover his weaknesses and make them seem strengths.

His gaze turned to Naga then he returned it to Srina, "tell me Lady Talon, then why does the galaxy herald the Noble family as champions, see them as unstoppable forces of good. How have they been able to secure a so-called era of peace for their Galactic Alliance for two decades. How did that happen if the Jedi are their own worse enemy?"

"The Jedi will grow fat, arrogant and believe themselves to be peacekeepers, but it is until we, the Sith, highlight their failures. Until we push the narrative that the Jedi fail, are flawed, are just as murderous as we are. Those Jedi will spin a narrative unchallenged, securing their status as champions of peace. It is the duty of the Sith to highlight their goals as impossible, their beliefs folly and their respected status dismantled." Wallgof countered, he did not believe the Jedi would self implode given the chance. "They once survived 2,000 years of so-called peace and were not seen as villains. It was only when the Sith stepped from the shadows and highlighted their failures that the Jedi Order of old crumbled."

"They must be made to crumble once more."

Hearing that Srina was speaking of her own dynasty, that had Wallgof chuckling, "already have children of your own then Lady? That certainly is news. I was unaware that you and your husband had begun to expand your family." Wallgof was no fool, he knew one did not speak of a dynasty, of creating more Sith without that plan already being in motion. It was clear from her current figure that Srina was likely too early in a pregnancy to be speaking of a dynasty with confidence, there had to be children existing already.


Naga crassly spoke, Wallgof refused to cross that line, knowing he would be dead before his sentence ended if he attempted it.

"Words I speak are nothing Darth Carnifex does not already know himself. I expect that is why he has attempted to take the Noble children and corrupt them in the past." Wallgof stated in a cool tone, he knew that there were many who hated the fact that Kahlil Zambrano had been a Sith and was now seen as one of the greatest and strongest Jedi. "It is a relief to hear that your family isn't set on attempting to lead Jedi against us." There was a dry tone of sarcasm in his voice, he was not caring of his words. They were truths that needed to be spoken. Having a Zambrano leading the Jedi and loyal to the Jedi and Galactic Alliance harmed the Sith more than any war could.

Wallgof chuckled, "good to know. I have not told you of my true plot. Just the explanation behind the plot that I have in mind." He stated in a cold tone, she might think him a fool, weak or whatever deeming words she could create to describe him. But Wallgof was not here without an idea, without something that was concrete in its structure. "If you wish to hear the actual plan I have in mind, then I need you to swear on the lives of your children that you will help present this idea before your husband and before Carnifex." Having Srina swear this was a bold and risky move, but if she was any curious about it and if she thought there was a chance it would work then helping him achieve the best result would be by his side when speaking this idea openly.

However, he was aware she could simply refuse and Wallgof clearly accepted that option, the choice was hers. His intentions were non-threatening and his personal aura was non-threatening even if there was distant screams of threats that could not be audible.



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

There it was again.

There was a vague buzzing noise in the back of her mind, ears superstitiously burning, as if someone had her name on their tongue in a less than flattering fashion. She couldn't place the source that it emanated from just yet but she knew there was something she wasn't seeing. She noted his jaw tightening. She noted that Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof was battening down the hatches, focusing so hard on her words, on her, that he seemed to be…Focusing a little too hard.

As if there was something more to the discussion, they were currently engaged in.

"…You've missed my point in its entirety."

Her endlessly soft words were coupled with a quiet expression that gave nothing away. In truth—She had already been far more patient with him than the Dark Council would have been. It had been her words to her beloved that stayed his hand not long ago in regards to not eating their young. She reminded herself of it, now. Many of their numbers were overly eager and ambitious to the point of heralding their own downfall. Wallgof thus far was simply a classical expression of more of that. More of the same. Did he not know how many Sith had spoken the same words?

The same, trite, overused rhetoric?

Golden orbs followed his line of sight while he continued onward. His gaze shifted before finally returning to her… And she couldn't help but wonder what he was looking for. Something in the Palace Archives? Or was that even the case? She couldn't pinpoint what exactly set her on edge about this Sith but her instincts told her, easily enough, that something was very wrong. Even the lowliest Sith Acolyte was dangerous…So sensing any sort of unspoken threat was not the reason for her evaluation.

It was something else. Instability.

Srina remained patiently silent until his tirade ended. Listening. It was something that none of the Sith Lords on Jutrand would have done because of the way he presented himself. The moment he brought up her children, real or not, his mistakes became insurmountable. Consciously or otherwise, he had thrown a spear into what he assumed would be a weakness. A soft spot, a chink in her armor, where he might find his way inside. He had crossed a line with undo assumptions and a lack of context about the individual he currently conversing with.

Her eyes locked with his as she stepped forward with endless grace to close the distance between them. As she moved forward…The Archives began to twist. Her gaze found the darkness in his pupils and it would feel almost as if she were pulling herself through it, threading the needle, into his ocular cavity. She stared into that soft-lit dark and he would feel a rush of power that painted shadows along the mosaic floor. The room bent. Twisting in such a way that it was hard to tell what direction was up. Where had the windows gone, for that matter, where had the door gone? The guardsThe light of day?

Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof would easily feel that things had changed. The suppression that she utilized to hide her Force Signature, and thus, the extent of her abilities slowly receded. She paid him the respect of pulling back that veil. Were it designed to hurt? It would have. Instead…It would be akin to a chittering flight of birds, brushing over him, through him, as if he wore nothing at all. This swift passing of wings would bring the caress of the Dark Side as her metaphysical armor pulled itself apart. As every lock was undone it would nearly feel like a series of ghostly physical blows, and piercing mercurial orbs filled with the light of black stars. She became a shining thing of alabaster with a core of molten sapphire flame. If—Fire could be achingly, achingly cold.

A wind sprang from her body and it was the chill of the grave, of the beyond, that danced between them. He would smell roses. Not the faint perfume of potpourri, but thick, melt-on-your-tongue, old-fashioned, garden roses. The power that flowed from within her was masked by the scent. To hide drowning in the cloying sweetness. It was like being dipped in honey that was obviously full of poison. Of knowing, it would bring death…

And hopelessly wanting it regardless.

Her face had thinned. Terrifying as it was beautiful—Her humanity, if it could be called that, was folding away. It made room for something much older, much larger, so much so that the room, perhaps the city, wasn't big enough. The ocean that she still held back, expertly, could be felt in the sheer pressure that was exuded as everything she was breathed through the Archives in one blistering sigh. It prickled the skin, showed visibly, in bits of static electricity.

"…You have come to my home unannounced and uninvited."

The white-hot creature that stood before him, somehow, maintained complete control. The way was shut. The way out of this eventuality—Was shut. Her gaze could trap him if he slipped, for just a moment, her voice, her mind…Such power. To deny it would have been to deny the existence of the universe. "You sought my opinion, rather, my connection to my husband and have offered me NOTHING but games in return. Instead…"

"You choose to make demands of me. You will find my children all over the Empire from a new Acolyte to a freshly proclaimed Lord. My teachings are what leave a dynasty, what presents the galaxy, with a legacy they can build from and grow strong. You should take note before offering me an unwanted sermon about what I do or don't do within the confines of my marriage.
I do not know you. I have never heard of you. I do not trust you because you speak in half-truths boiled in absolute ignorance. It is as if you've digested the cover of a book but ignored the contents.", she paused, though, it was clear that she wasn't finished. This had absolutely nothing to do with the crown on her head and everything to do with providing Wallgof the necessary information he was missing. Srina Talon was, first and foremost, a warrior. Not a diplomat or an information broker. "I am the wife of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean ."

"You got that, at the very least, correct. What you fail to realize is that I will never be a pawn in the game you wish to play. I wouldn't swear on the life of the
lowest servant of the Order let alone one of my people. Do you believe that the Emperor wed a fool? Do you believe that either he or Carnifex would keep my counsel if I was without an ounce of sense? Do you believe that I do not know the threat that the Jedi represent? Or…Is it simply that you believe, that you know better. That you know the taste of my blood in your mouth better than I do after engaging in wholesale warfare for decades."

If she needed to breathe that didn't seem to be the case. For all the flattery Wallgoff began with he had certainly missed a day or two in Dread Queen studies. He could not think that coming into the private space of the Sith Empress, brash, and insolent would end well. If she had been the one to invite him? To ask the favor of ALL favors? Certainly. But, that wasn't what happened.

Srina did not give of herself freely. What Sith did? How could he possibly expect that? She would not spend what capital she had with the Dark Council on someone who hadn't even had the presence of mind to check his ego at the door. The Echani well knew that as strong as she was…Empyrean and Carnifex were akin to two black holes grinding together. He was asking her to stand between that force. He was asking, everything.

Giving…Nothing. It was the very definition of a parasite.

"Now. You can stop trying to play on emotional strings that I do not have. You speak in terms of "us" and "we" when I have never seen your face—Even when all Sith were called to bear. If you want my aid in any capacity, you will speak swiftly, plainly, and detail this plan before my patience runs thin. If I find value in what you have to say I will raise it with the Dark Council. If I do not—I will not. It is that simple. And if you feel my terms unfair…Deal with it. You placed yourself in this situation by trying to use me as a tool to bend the ear of my husband. What you say next will fully determine the conversation that I will have with both Empyrean and Carnifex. I warned you once, to your benefit. I will do so again."

"They do not suffer fools...And neither do I."
Last edited:


Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Wallgof watched the room shift, the removal of windows, doors, guards and light. It was all removed by Srina and Wallgof simply watched the demonstration of her power, the release of what she had kept contained and hidden from view. It made Wallgof smirk widely, this was who he had been seeking, not the performance that Srina had given before. This. The raw display of her skills in the Dark Side of the Force and Wallgof admired the skills she was putting on display. Even though this was all happening, Naga was screaming in his mind to unleash himself, to demonstrate the torturous power that he held. To break her mind and demonstrate few if any could match his raw power when he unleashed.

However, Wallgof remained contained. He remained in control. Now was not the time to go insane.

Though he could not help himself. Once Srina finished her speech, her demonstration of power and her fury at him attempting to use anything as a hold over her. Even denying the existence of her own children, which Wallgof seemed to have misunderstood when she spoke of a dynasty. He was sure he was right but she did react the way he thought she would if she did have children, so he must be deeply wrong there. There was something she stated that resonated with him. Something he needed to clarify and something he was refusing to let go.

The archives faded to black, darkness engulfing both Srina and Wallgof, with stars shiny into view. Wallgof warped the reality around them to have them seemingly hovering in space, in the empty void of the galaxy, able to see the galaxy around them. It was a demonstration of his own power, his own strengths and that while Srina was amazing and terrifying, Wallgof was refusing to back down. His hulking figure grew in size, his dark skin darkening to almost midnight black as his eyes were a furious burning yellow. The aura around him was red and furiously hot, the insanity of Wallgof was clawing at the surface, the fury of Wallgof displayed for Srina to observe. He was not a man renowned by many but he was not one that could be stepped over. His power was deep, his fury, his anger was a well that powered not only himself but others.

He would have the Sith rise strong, with him, by force if needed.

"It seems you have completely misunderstanding me as well, Lady Talon." Wallgof's was inhumanly deep, there seemed to be two voices speaking in unison as if Wallgof and Naga were one in this moment. "If I sought the ear of your husband, or Carnifex. I would have approached them without regard to anyone else. I came to you not because you are some Sith's wife. Not because you are able to bend ears or to be my tool. You are more than a wife. You are more than a tool." Wallgof refused to let Srina demean herself to being just Empyrean's wife. That was a status some might see as valuable or sought after, for Wallgof it trivialised the power that Srina held herself.

He stepped closer to her, "you are powerful, you are respected and admired for that power. You are beautiful yes, there are few in the galaxy that would match your beauty. But your power, your darkness, that is what I truly admire most about you. I am not here to use you, or demand that you do as I wish. I could never control you, I could never make demands and hope to survive the consequences." Wallgof knew even if he defeated Srina here, which the chances were not guaranteed, he would then be facing Carnifex, Empyrean and more. It was not something that he desired and he did not wish to fight someone he would rather make his ally, his friend. "I sought you out, Lady Talon, because you can help me. You can help me present this plan in a light that would be more appealing to your Dark Council."

"I am not a Sith seeking my name to be remembered forever, I am not known for a purpose. However, this means that those of the Dark Council might misunderstand my intentions, my plan and I believe the idea coming from you, with you presenting this would be listened to better. I can be difficult to understand, my intentions often misunderstood and the insanity that I hold be focused on rather than what I am trying to say." Wallgof knew he was leaving himself vulnerable and open to ridicule and attack but Srina but he needed to be more open and allow Srina to understand what it was that he was attempting to gain from her. It was not that she was a tool for him, but an ally that could make his case seem stronger, presenting it as someone respected and as someone not seen as a delusional being.

Waving his hand, the illusions of the galaxy dissipated. Wallgof sighed and returned to his normal self, though the sense of his insanity, the corruption of his shattered mind was still lingering in the air, the sense of there being two minds within Wallgof held in the air. He was displaying all that he was, so that Srina would understand who he was. "My plan is simple really. I must die." Wallgof stated in a calm tone, "I am Emperor Tywyll of the Imperial Order, a faction built on the belief that the Jedi and Sith are equally bad, with the Sith puppeteering in the background, however, I thought of a new strategy that will benefit the growing Sith Empire. A public assassination of my Emperor facade."

"If a Jedi assassinates a public figure who has not declared war on the Galactic Alliance, nor has attacked any Jedi. Well, the Sith can use that to frame the Jedi as corrupt figures. An order that operates without oversight and grossly overstepping in the politics of other governments." Wallgof stated, revealing his full plan, "we make the Jedi look more villainous in the public image. With my public death, it can be used to sow the distrust and outrage in the public eye of the Jedi. Allowing the Sith Empire to grow and demonstrate they are better than the Jedi and would never dare assassinate a government leader." While that wasn't necessarily true, the fact would be that the Jedi couldn't disprove it, while the Sith could highlight the sins of the Jedi. "I have a Jedi in mind that could do the task, one Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , she has demonstrated a hatred of me before. I have fought and corrupted her and her brother before now, leaving lasting marks on them both in some fashion."

Wallgof stepped closer to Srina, "if she was to find out that her mortal enemy was leading a planet and building an army to face against the Jedi, she might attempt to kill me before it goes too far. That is when we twist it into a public assassination that highlights the overreach that the Jedi have to meddle in affairs such as this. Weaken the reputation of the Jedi Order that has been built on the grounds of being peaceful, good people. Turn them into murderous assassins who kill those they dislike. Even if Briana does not fall for the trap, I think we can persuade some Jedi to step up and take the bait. While she would be ideal, I believe any Jedi would be suitable enough to create the message we wish."

"It would be something that would take time, something I could not do alone and would need the Sith Empire's help with, as well as your own. This is why I come to you. I think you could help me in creating this. Your power, you strength as a Sith is what I need, not your connections or your status as someone's wife. There are plenty of others that fulfil that role, but you are more than that, you are amazing and I do not wish you to misunderstand my thoughts there."



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

"My face is nothing more than the uncreative genetic code that was forcibly bred into Eshan."

Her "beauty" was nothing. It wasn't some sort of trophy—But a scar. It was a blight among her people that they could never grow, never change, and never outlive. Mothers and daughters looked the same. Fathers and sons. It had been an Arkanian experiment that had taken away their individuality. Her power was just the same. It was not something to be celebrated.

It was born of a place of mourning.

"I know what I am. I know who I am. I need not be told...The galaxy merely seems to have forgotten what happens when I wake…", she murmured while watching Wallgof use her abilities as a springboard for his own. He might have been trying to prove that he wouldn't back down. In that regard—She thought better of his spine. It only served, in the end, to paint the vast valley that lay between them. Srina was not as aged as some Sith…But she had poured through thousands of lives. Thousands of lifetimes. There and gone. "And when I wake from the dream…There is nowhere to hide."

He went on to explain the plan as the Empress had demanded, even though, she could still feel something unspoken. The buzzing was getting louder the longer she focused on him. Srina was just shy of trying to peel his mind like an onion to find out what it was that kept grasping for her attention…But the partial apology mollified her. His grave disrespect was born of insanity—Not a desire to draw her ire. The diminutive woman with eyes of black burning stars let him finish.

When he did…She stepped forward.


The reality that she had warped, that he, had changed to suit his needs shattered. Insidious light rolled through the expansive galaxy and broke it as if it were merely pieces of tile unfurling. The quiet creature brought down the pocket illusion their combined might had main in a hail of glass that rushed like water into the floor. It was bright. Beautiful—But wicked. "You…"

"Must learn to control your passenger."

Srina could refer to it as nothing else. Divine or a product of mental illness…It mattered not. If he wished to weave a political game of deception and stealth against the Jedi he would need to do so when he was within full control of his faculties. If he wished to stand before the Dark Council and survive? It was not an option. She did not insult him. Did not besmirch him. Rather, she kept moving forward to meet his pace. The illusion was gone now…But the flowing red garment she wore pooled like blood when she moved. It created the illusion of a red sea.

Infinitely, without words, she understood.

"It will not be easy, nor simple, to deceive the Jedi nor the Galactic Alliance. Even if you play their heart as an instrument you've come to master…They are many. They draw strength from one another. They draw hope when they reach the deepest darkness…They are their own worst enemy. But, they are also their greatest strength.", she murmured while coming to stand before him. He dwarfed her in size as so many often did, but there was no unequal balance of power. "It has merit. But like yourself…"

She breathed.

"It requires refinement."

A birdlike exhale. The Jedi and the Sith had intrinsic differences. What so often sunk the Sith was a need to manufacture reasons why they were the greatest. Why their reign, their rule, might be different than the emperor before. It was always the same. Brutal infighting. Rot. The Sith let themselves decay while the Jedi banded together for the common good.

If the Sith could do that?

The Jedi would be no more.


Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

"The Arkanians may have corrupted your people into looking identical. However, your people took that curse and turned it into strength. The Echani are now renowned for their talents in fighting, fighting capabilities that rival Force Users. That is not a feat many hold. It is important that you do not focus on the curses in life, but harness them into strengths." Wallgof stated, he knew that Srina likely knew this already but she seemed so focused on what her people suffered that she missed they rose above such curses and harnessed their powers into something greater than the Arkanians thought possible. At least, that was how Wallgof saw it.

He smirked, "perhaps it is time that you wake then. Since the galaxy in need of your strengths, your power. Too long has it been allowed to fester and believe that these Jedi can protect them from minor threats and false Sith." Wallgof truly believe that the Jedi needed reminding that they were not the powerful saviours they portrayed themselves as and the galaxy needed to see the flaws in worshiping such saviour-like figures. Especially those like the Nobles and the Jedi surrounding that family.

They were all the exact problem with the Jedi philosophy.

As Srina stepped forward she had cooperated with Wallgof in shattering their illusions they had constructed though she weaved hers into a beautiful river of dark that fell to the ground. Wallgof's merely shattered into millions of pieces that fell like raindrops around them, each piece housing a solar system, planets that the Sith needed to consume once more. When she mentioned his passenger and the need to control him, Wallgof chuckled. Naga roared endless into the recesses of his mind, attempting to break from the locked caged that Wallgof have placed him in years ago. "If I had no control over my passenger, you would have been flayed the moment you spoke."

There was no exaggeration or attempts of making Srina feel threatened or intimidated. His tone was truthful and honest. He knew the powers that Naga Sadow held back because he was not allowed full control over Wallgof, he knew there was untapped potential within himself that would rival any Sith Lord's power. But it came at the cost of his sanity, so he dampened himself. Held restraint and allowed the insanity of Naga Sadow in his mind to scream but to not be released.

"The Jedi Order would not fall from the act, it is not something strong enough to make that empire fall. However, there are already those within the Galactic Alliance that publicly speak of their dislike for the Jedi and believe they house too much power. We will be giving these people more sway to their voice. Let them be heard without mockery." Wallgof stated, he took a bold step closer to Srina so they were very close together, his words no louder than a whisper but enough for her to hear him clearly.

Hearing that she believed his plan could work but needed refinement made him smirk, the mention that he needed it too, that was something he disregarded it was not something he found himself concerned with. "If it needs refinement, then I hope that you will agree to help me there. You are the epitome of refinement and it would be a great honour, and pleasure, to work with you, Lady Talon." His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at her, his eyes admiring her not for her mere outwardly beauty but the darkness that was harnessed underneath.

A darkness that could help him succeed in his plans and make them flourish beyond what he could dream of achieving.



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

"A curse or a strength…It is still a fact that we were manipulated. Our prowess is our boon and our shame. There is nothing more grounding and informative than recognizing where our talents have come from. Even if it was from a poisoned well.", Srina returned, lightly, though her expression remained silent as the grave. There was very little that could move her from a state of animated suspension but assumptions of her heritage would prompt a response. Not all power was equal.

The Sith that cheated their way through ranks by stealing might from the ghosts of old Sith in the most parasitic of ways were far feebler in her eyes than those who created their own destiny. It was a quick path to success. To respect—To drawing on the greatness of those that came before but it was also a mistake in the long term. It was a crutch that could, and likely would, wind up biting them in the ass.

Sith were never satiated…Dead or alive. It was important to know that. To recognize the sacrifice of those who put their own neck on the guillotine versus letting others prop them up. It created a house made of glass foundations. Weakness. So, when their enemies came to call? They knew exactly what to look for. They knew how to take them out at the knees because they had no grit or experience to stand on. When he suggested that it might be time for her to wake…She considered it.

"You may be correct, but that is not a movement I can create while the Sith Order stands on shaken ground. The infighting has only worsened. We must have a strong base when we swing…Or our efforts will crumble no matter how well laid the plan. The Sith must become at least somewhat united in their goals. As you can imagine...My time is precious. I do not seek to waste it."

Most of them didn't even know what their goals ought to be. They didn't know where to start. They were all too busy trying to carve out their own legacy that the nation was little more than patchwork parts with rot seeded into it by those who ought to have minded themselves by looking up toward their enemies…Versus down on their home. A singular eyebrow rose when Wallgof presented his truth about his passenger. That she would have been flayed?

She laughed. The sound was light, crystal-like, though there was something deeply wicked on the tail end of it. It was spawned by something he wouldn't likely understand. A deep and dark knowing that for all the universe had thrown at her…She would not be felled by an insane Sith with either a spirit or a split personality in his ear. "Your passenger is a ghost. You, perhaps he, could try to flay me…But that is the beginning and the end of a chapter. I don't doubt that you believe it possible."

"But…I suggest that you not doubt what I am
truly capable of. Not you nor the entity I have heard buzzing around like a fly since you entered my domain. I haven't tried to press into your mind out of courtesy…But don't mistake that for ignorance."

Srina was an enemy that he could ill afford to make. If he didn't want statements like that to come off as a threat it would be best to stop making them altogether. Although his intent was becoming clearer…He was still an unknown. Srina did not know him. His loyalties could have been anywhere, including, with those that sought to fracture the Sith Order further for their own gains. "Whether you agree with me or not…."

"If I can feel it without trying? The Dark Council will too."

And that would derail his initiative in favor of not allocating resources and support toward a Sith that was inherently unhinged. Many of their people were without sense, but few in power, would have their mental faculties questioned. Instability, meant risk. Exposure. It would not boost their confidence that he could succeed and control the situation if he could not control himself.

His flattery returned while she stopped moving before him, a full head shorter, and at this point she assumed that it was simply his way of trying to show sincerity. It was hollow to her ears but that also might have been a product of having her name and grace run through the mud by naysayers in the past. She had learned not to trust her ears—But her eyes. Echani eyes…Missed nothing.

Seemingly delicate, dangerous hands, rose and found his face in the gentlest of fashions. One hand to either cheek would let her peer into convoluted eyes, searching, for what which had to leave him. To find some thread that she might be able to cultivate and begin building something more than an untenable alliance. "There are things you must know if we are to move forward. My loyalty is first and foremost to my husband in whatever capacity he walks this world. As I've spoken before…I'll not assist with anything that might bring harm to what is mine. I will punish you and that thing inside you beyond anything the imagination could conceive if you should one day seek to challenge that fact. I require diligence and a show of focus and intent…I will want results. Reports. To be kept informed every step of the way so that we might form a contingency if your operation becomes compromised."

"You must also leave any obsessions to the wayside. We target the legacy of the Jedi as a whole, present, and future. Not just one family. We seek the corruption of the entire host. Not just one hand."

"If that is amenable…We can begin refinement. I will give to you what you give to me. If you are loyal, you will have a powerful ally, willing, to defend and aid your movements. Should you choose to betray me as so many Sith are prone to do…
I will not forgive you."

She was honest. That was one thing he would learn very quickly…As might as her might reached for the blackness that could be found in the spaces between stars, she had a strange sense of right and wrong. Srina did not lie. She spoke plainly, occasionally, too blunt for softer personalities to handle but she did not play the Sith game. There was no war of words, nothing, hidden up her sleeves because she left every proverbial weapon out on the table. Wallgof would either be with her or against her.

"Should be proceed…I can help with your passenger. Quiet it and turn down the volume so that you might focus on the tasks at hand without interruption."

The decision would be his.


Location: Jutrand
Appearance: This
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tag: Srina Talon Srina Talon

"Aye, it is true that one must see the curse along with the strength. Just, sometimes it can be good to focus on the positives over the negatives." Wallgof chuckled, he was sure she not find it amusing that he was so calm, so positive even though he was clearly insane and the darkness surrounding him showed that he was far from positive. It was clear all Wallgof held was the belief that being cursed, corrupted, there was an easy path to fixate on the negatives and succumb to despair as many did. But it was the strongest who fuelled their emotions, their anger, turning it into a strength, one that was unmatched in power. What he saw in the Echani, in Srina, was that strength to become something more. He admired her and her people for overcoming their curses, it was his wish to highlight the strength of doing so rather than let Srina focus on the fact the curse happened at all.

Wallgof nodded his head in agreement with the idea that the Sith needed to be united. "It is my goal to have them united, even if I must forsake the idea of being Emperor of all Sith for that to happen. We can only pose a threat to the Jedi as a fist, not digits." He held his fist tight as a demonstration the power of one held over many smaller forces. "I will help you in any way I can to strength the base for this plan to work. You listened to my plan and respected my presence, I would be honoured to help you unite our people." Wallgof stated firmly.

"I am sure your skills and powers are vast, Lady Talon. But do not presume to understand the limitations, the resolve of anger in its purest form. Hatred in its purest form. Suffering in its purest form. Pain in its purest form." Wallgof did not think he would win a fight with Srina, but unleashing Naga, the raw power he possessed there. That was something no one alive had stood against. "I do not believe you ignorant or weak. I just know the power that my passenger holds, and how no one survives when unleashed, unless he wishes them to survive."

He nodded his head, "I make no attempts to hide him, he is caged and controlled but he will always be there. He is a Sith ghost but the connection is deeper, unbreakable now." Wallgof found it hard to describe the bond but he knew it was more than simple possession. It was stronger than that.

"If I had wished to harm you or ones you love or care for most. I would not have come alone. I do not wish Sith to die. I need them united and focused, just as you wish them to be." Wallgof affirmed, he was not seeking chaos to climb up ranks, he would ensure their kind were raised higher than ever before. Even if it meant his silent demise. Even if it was to reject the goals Naga Sadow instilled into him. Sith ruling the galaxy once more, it was needed now more than ever. "I accept the terms. As long as you know the same goes for you, betray me and you will not find anywhere safe." He did not care for threats but she stated her terms and the consequences of breaking them, he extended the same.

To him, that was fair and equal, as they were. Fair and equals.

Srina would sense a kindred spirit in Wallgof, he did not lie. He was claimed by many to be a liar or preach falsehoods but he believed his words, he stood by his word. It was just truths he saw that others did not. He framed the truth as he saw it and not the lies others gave.

"You may try but do not put yourself in danger on my behalf." Wallgof nodded, his mind was his own for now and he did not seek harm to Srina, her attempts to change his passenger's voice. He was not so sure it would work. Putting in danger of retaliation.



Tag: Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof

Srina listened intently to Wallgof's perspectives, silently, as she had since his arrival. Some might think that she was actually ignoring him…But that couldn't have been further from the truth. His seemingly unwavering belief in a strength born from curses was empowering...But it was also damning. The Sons and Daughters of Eshan were trapped, forever, in the memory that they had been little more than a pet project. Abused. Their strength was quite ironically their weakness. While their viewpoints diverged in some aspects, the pale Empress found, that there was an underlying understanding to be found.

Both sought the betterment of the Sith, even if their methods and ideologies varied.

"I appreciate your commitment to unity…" Srina acknowledged, quietly, and without any real inflection. Her voice was little more than a whisper on an invisible breeze. So soft and delicate that it hid the truth of her corruption. The terrifying core that could break the strongest of men. Her golden orbs seemed to have lessened their intensity, however, and instead, he would find a shard of carefully crafted respect. It wasn't fully formed…But it was the beginning of something. A sigh escaped her as she nodded her head slowly… "Indeed, a fist is far mightier than scattered digits. If the Order can place their grievances aside… We can forge a limitless force but our people are…unruly and avaricious at best."

"Treasonous, traitorous, at the worst."

It was tempting. To be able to conquer with impunity and grind the last of the Light into desolation. To bring the Sith back to their rightful place on top of the wheel. To know that the cosmos called to them, fiercely, and demanded that they stand up. No longer would they linger on the peripherals like the smoke of a faraway dream. They would be the visceral, solidified, nightmare that the Jedi painted them to be…Only a thousand times worse.

The Sith Order could become…that which there was no escape from. Endless.

As the conversation shifted to the unique challenges posed by Wallgof's passenger, Srina maintained her tranquil demeanor. The time to show this planetary King who he was speaking to had come and gone. The acknowledgment of the raw power within him, the untamed forces of anger, hatred, suffering, and pain, resonated with her understanding of the darker aspects of the Force. She did not seek to press his boundaries and instigate a fight…But it was important that he know. "I can feel it. And yet…I am a survivor. I am a conqueror. A Dread Queen—And we both know that isn't a title for nobility."

It was a title bestowed upon those who truly understood F E A R in the most primordial sense. For those who could sense it, feel it, in the blank void between stars and pull that emotion into power so crippling that it tore through weaker beings with abandon. Left them husks.

Simply by calling it forward.

"I do not doubt the potency of your passenger…", Srina continued evenly while her hands found his face and her palms pressed against surprisingly soft skin. He had a shadow of facial hair that she didn't seem to mind…But it wasn't him she was looking for. She sought that which seemingly screamed from within him. So loud—It shattered invisible glass. Her hands on his person were almost tender. It was a direct juxtaposition from the way she spoke, taciturn, and without warmth. "I simply do not doubt myself. The Force is a vast and enigmatic power with varied manifestations. I respect your transparency in this matter as it is essential for us to comprehend the depths of our strengths and the potential risks they entail."

When Wallgof affirmed his commitment to their shared goals and accepted the terms, Srina's expression remained a composition of ice and snow. She stood so close that he would still find the scent of her power in the air, like jasmine and rain, filling his senses. The white-haired woman sensed a certain level of sincerity in his words, an assurance that, despite their differences, they shared a common purpose. It was not…Exactly perfect. But, they at least knew where they stood.

"We are agreed then…", she replied, her metallic golden eyes holding his gaze firmly. He would not find any lie in her being…For Srina Talon did not lie. She spoke the truth as she knew it to be. Always. "…Betrayal is a luxury neither of us can afford."

As the much tall intruder to her domain spoke of the potential danger in changing the volume of his passenger, Srina's hands slowly raised so that her fingers pressed against his temples. She gazed into his eyes without fear and only stopped when she found what she was looking for. A spark that was…Not quite Wallgof. But, it was. There. That was the banshee that had been wailing ever since he'd come to her library. This was the anger he spoke of. Pure…

"I understand the risks.", Srina affirmed without moving an inch. She was close enough to breathe his air—But she needed to be near. "Changing the dynamics of such a connection is a delicate task, and I will proceed with caution. We shall find a balance that minimizes risk while addressing my…concerns."

The shadows that she had stilled not long before began to dance across the adjacent wall again. She focused on the presence of the Sith Lord before her and the air seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension. She delved into the Force and found the threads that connected her to the turbulent currents within Wallgof's mind. It was a…Fractured place. Crumbling. But with an inner strength that refused to let the structures fall any further. It made relics, strong. Golden eyes remained on his.

They gleamed with a combination of stern determination and…Perhaps a touch of compassion. She understood, very well, the struggle that came from mental strife. Her husband was afflicted by so many minds that she couldn't have helped him if she tried. His sanity, his freedom, was always just out of reach. This man, however? What ailed Wallgof was most certainly something she could find.

With a wave of her delicate yet commanding hand she began to weave the Force as if she were conducting an orchestra he couldn't see. Her other hand remained steady on his cheek. Keeping him close—Focused. She silenced the echoes of the passenger that clamored for dominance in such an efficient manner that Wallgof would hear her in the halls of his mind.

<<Hear me. The way is shut. You are welcome, no longer. The way…Is shut.>>
The archives seemed to come alive, to pulse, with her power as an unseen energy and a silent battle began in the deep recesses of the Sith Lord's psyche. Her focus intensified while her connection to the Force served as a conduit to channel the darkest of powers. To walk the mind of the unwilling. The echoes of screaming hate and obscenities seemed to be diminishing. Oh…Whatever it was that lived in this man was stark raving mad. The conflicting whispers silenced and slowly a newfound clarity should settle on Wallgof. For the first time in what she suspected to be a very, very long time…He would have control and a blessed silence. The ability to hear himself think without something screaming at him from the ether. The room, once charged with tension, now held a palpable stillness.

"Mm…", Srina made a small sound while her jaw tightened and she chased the last vestiges of his passenger down mental pathways it had not right attaching itself to. She gave a measured breath and her eyes began to move again. Searching. Feeling her way through him for the passenger…Seeking out where it might hide. "Your passenger is deep within you."

"Perhaps with multiple sessions, I might be able to quell it completely…But for now…You control the volume. It will be there…If you need it."

Srina…Hoped he didn't. Every time he gave it an inch…It would be that much more difficult to shut it out. The Empress slowly let go of his cheek and took a step back to return his space. She waited in silence to ensure that he wouldn't pass out from the strain. A war of the mind was just as ruthless as a battle of flesh and bone. Sometimes…It was worse.


Location: Jutrand
Outfit: Sith Armour
Equipment: Single Lightsaber
Tags: Srina Talon Srina Talon

Nodding his head, "it is the way of the Sith nowadays to seek the power for oneself and ignore the notions of growing power as an Order. It will take aggressive, strict and powerful leadership to wrangle the disconnected Sith and bind them into one cohesive Order that will threat all those who attempt to oppose." Wallgof was not stating this as his claim to be that leadership, but as a fact, whoever took that role, whoever led the Sith. There could be no doubts on their strengths, their power and anyone who dared to utter a question was struck down severely. Power was what ruled the Sith. Only the strongest could lead and if they were scattered and separated, then the leadership was not demonstrating that power clearly enough.

It was why he saw the need for change.

"I may hold no title like that. But many have attempted to enter my mind, only to find themselves go crazy first, not a fate I wish to push onto a potential ally." Wallgof sighed, he was not looking to argue or discuss who was the strongest, that was the infighting that both of them were very aware was the current weaknesses of the Sith. He was being cautious and warning the Dread Queen that this was not something she could face that would be necessarily easy. He was aware of the power he was caging. The raw demonic presence inside him that transformed his appearance, that darkened the skies, that heralded death to those who attempted to fight it.

There was a reason many considered him insane, but his sanity was ruined because his raw strength was far superior than those who would dare to stand against him. He was barely able to comprehend the things he could do, the horrors that he could wrought with the Force. "If you are confident, then I shall not stop you, I trust you understand your skills better than I shall ever." Wallgof had said all he could in warning but he knew that when you held the confidence that Srina did, then arguing is no different to screaming into a tornado. Nothing gained and nothing heard. Srina was powerful and if she could help then the chance to do so should be granted.

If it was anyone else, anyone he held more doubts towards, this would never be attempted.

Feeling Srina's hands on his face, her fingers tapping his temple as they looked into each other eyes. Anyone walking in would assume a kiss would be happening but for Wallgof, the actual event that happened was much more intimate and a deeper connection than any kiss could entail. Finding the caged monstrosity in his mind was not difficult, it was being controlled but barely, the shackles were fragile and the beast could break out at any point. It was clear that while Wallgof was in control, he was only barely keeping his mind from fracturing and his power was not coming from this presence, but there was a stronger, rawer power emanating from the being. There was power inside it that Wallgof was holding back, limiting his potential power which was already powerful.



As much as Naga roared and attempted to rampage, the shackles grew stronger, solidified more. Wallgof was keeping the monster shackled more and more himself as he felt Naga attempting to fight Srina. He found the resolve to silence his own monster, to finally fight that which tormented him and threatened him for decades. Working with Srina, Wallgof was able to change Naga from being a cage where he could be heard to a soundproof room, where only the demonic spirit would hear its own roars.

In twenty years or more, Wallgof heard nothing in his mind. No other voice that called out for control, that was pushing him to achieve control and power. It was empty. "Is this how it should be?" Wallgof asked, his voice naive and child-like, it had been so long with the roaring that he had no idea how it should sound without it. "It is so quiet, almost deafening in that silence.... wow....." Wallgof wasn't sure how he felt about it, there felt a loneliness, and sense of isolation that he had never considered before but the ability to think clearly, to collect his thoughts without some insane presence derailing or twisting his mind. It was crazy how clearly one could think before speaking.

"It will take time to adjust but it is perhaps only a battle I, myself, can overcome. However, this momentary reprieve gives me plenty to consider and I am grateful for that." He nodded his head towards Srina, glad that she had given him the chance to overcome his torment. "I had feared that silencing the ghost within me would cause my connection in the Force to be severed as it has in the past." There had been times that Naga had completely removed the connection to the Force from Wallgof for being too weak or not obeying his commands, for now Wallgof could still feel his strong connection and had nothing to fear it seemed.


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