Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Where Is My Mind?

Location: IIum Temple
Objective: Patrol the Canyon
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Silas didn't mind the cold all too much, it was far better compared to the heat which you couldn't get away from most of the time. Although, if you're just sitting there and getting cold it really didn't help his case.

"Tapas? I can probably guess what that's used for. No wonder you're walking around without a care in the world" the teen replied, offering a smirk of his own to the master with a brief shudder. The more he stayed still, the faster he was going to turn into an ice cube. Nodding in agreement to get moving Silas jumped up to his feet and closely followed behind Valery, who led him down a path deeper into the canyon.

A positive for going down was the fact that the wind was pretty much left out of the equation, but even without it, the environment was still freezing cold. Looking up, he listened with interest to what Valery had to say about herself. Her response left him tilting his head slightly, who wouldn't want to go back and visit their homeworld? However, like she said being young at the time sent the memories of a time gone by into twilight. In her case, there was no reason to even think about it anymore.

"That makes sense Master Noble. You probably don't have any reason in going back to a place you barely knew in the first place" he said back with a small shrug. For Silas, he had lived on his homeworld for most of his life. Good memories were still fresh, as well as the bad that seemed to overshadow what he had felt beforehand.

Going further into the canyon nothing unusual was spotted for now, and it seemed to be going along the lines of a nice and serene walk in the wild. Suddenly, a slight rumbling could be felt below his feet, forcing him to follow suit with Valery and keep a hand close to his saber in anticipation as it got worse by the passing seconds. He shot a look up to Master Noble who seemed to be watching something in the walls like a tracker "What do you see?" the boy questioned, his feet shuffling closer to the Jedi before his burning question was revealed by the maker himself.

A worm like creature crashed through the frozen walls of the canyon and came barreling towards them with vicious intent. The creature was fast for its size and appeared to be dangerous from the looks of its armored skin and burrowing teeth that cut through the icy landscape like butter.

Silas took a deep breath to compose himself before extending his to a snow covered boulder beside him. The rock itself was small enough to lift up with the force, but big enough to do some decent damage. That didn't look possible though, considering its armor was going to soak up most of the damage. If he was right, only their sabers would be able to do some kind of damage.

The rock hovered for a few seconds before being unceremoniously thrown towards the face of the creature. Hopefully, it was enough to throw it off for a few moments as they jumped away and gained some more space.
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Location: Ilum
Valery: Appearance
Before Valery had been able to answer Silas' question, the large worm-like beast already revealed itself and apparently with great murderous intent. Seeing it approach, Valery drew her lightsaber into her hand and ignited the blade of violet plasma in anticipation of its arrival. But as it moved towards the two Jedi, Silas reached out with the Force and struck the beast with the rock against its head, causing it to briefly slow down while it shook its head.
Up until now, its approach had been for both Jedi, but the beast now very suddenly accelerated to Silas specifically — it was angered and looking to devour the Jedi who had hurt it.
Valery felt the danger of this sudden move, and raised a hand to shove the Padawan further aside with the Force. She didn't know him well enough to be certain about his ability to evade the attack, and so her protective side took over rather quickly. After the push, she launched herself up into the air and over the beast's body, her blade dragging along the skin mostly to get its attention.
Despite its desire to eat the Jedi, Valery hoped they'd be able to get through this without having to kill the beast. So after getting its attention by burning its skin, she began to dance around with Force-augmented jumps and dashes. This way, it couldn't sink its teeth into the woman, and they'd have some time to plan their approach.
"Careful with attacking it! It's hard to predict its movements without the Force!"
Location: IIum Temple
Objective: Patrol the Canyon
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The rock did what it was set out to do, which was to momentarily stun the beast in its path. Although even it had lost its focus for a few seconds its sights were soon set on the determined padawan. Silas gulped slightly as it came charging towards him, forcing the boy to act quickly and evade the murder worm trying to eat him.

Before he could even move, Master Noble used the force to push him even further than he wanted. The boy levitated for a short distance before stumbling and doing a safety roll to keep himself from harm, his hand soon reaching down to the holstered lightsaber that was hanging from his pocket. Jumping to his feet gracefully, he ignited his lightsaber to show off the blue plasma that was extended away from his face.

Keeping calm he monitored Master Noble taking on the worm, something of which she made look easy as she danced around each attempt of the backlash it tried to throw at her. If Noble wanted it dead the worm would of been on the floor by now, but from the looks of things, she was trying to figure out how to keep it alive.

Silas nodded to the warning she shouted and slowly began to approach the creature, lightsaber raised and ready to strike when possible. However, something stopped him. The memory of the worm shaking its head replayed in his head over and over, one of which indicated it was possible to take care of it through other methods

"Master Noble! is it possible to sedate this beast!?" he shouted back to the master, choosing not to strike the armored worm just in case it distracted the master's focus.

"I feel if we find a big enough object, we can safely put him to sleep with enough force!" He remarked. Silas wasn't sure if that was what Master Noble was entirely after, but it was far better than ending its miserable life.

Location: Ilum
Valery: Appearance
"I need you to distract it!"
Valery knew that what she called out brought a lot of risk to the Padawan, but to knock this creature out, she needed a lot of force. Something a small or even decently sized rock couldn't achieve unless it struck with incredible power. But within this canyon, she had the ability to bring a lot more down against it.
All she needed was to reach the canyon wall.
"Keep it busy and lure it to me!"
Valery jumped with explosive power again, bringing herself over the creature and out of its line of sight long enough for Silas to step in and draw its attention. Then with Force-augmented speed, she sprinted towards the canyon wall in a zigzag pattern, hoping to avoid the beast if it still decided to go after her.
"I'm going to bring a lot down on it, so stay cleared from it when it gets to me!"
Location: IIum Temple
Objective: Defeat the murder worm
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Whatever you need! but I'd highly suggest you make it fast Master Noble!"

His shout wasn't an order by any means, but a matter of warning. By himself, he didn't have the means to keep it at bay for long. The worm was deceptively quick and accurate, as well as annoyingly unpredictable. All he could do was make it annoyed and create some distance as Val got into position, only then would he be able to send the murderous beast her way.

Lowering his hand down to a smaller boulder he flung it at the worm and hit the side of its body. Its head snapped right at him and didn't hesitate to come right at the annoying padawan, who had been nothing but vermin for the past ten minutes. Silas calmed his body and suddenly sprinted to the right, using the force to throw back any rocks that could slow the worm down for a few moments. A lucky few hit, while the worm danced around the others with a determined viciousness.

As the creature began to get closer by the passing second, he acknowledged Master Noble being in position and unexpectedly changed his direction to the left. At the same time, the worm lunged and tried to finally of the boy using its teeth, only for it to go sliding across an icy patch of ground when he suddenly switched things up.

Silas ran as fast as his legs could take him, getting closer and closer to the trap Val had set up before him. Behind him was the wretched beast, angrier than ever to catch its nimble prey. Looking in the corner of his eye the worm was only a few feet away, it was now or never else he'd be gobbled up for breakfast.

The padawan saw another boulder and unceremoniously threw it back into the worms face with the force, causing it to shake its head again in a cloudy daze as Silas roughly jumped to the side. Its slithering body stopped itself perfectly for Master Noble to spring the trap, but only for a few seconds. If she wasn't at the top of her game Silas was going to be vulnerable to another attack. it was in her hands now...

"Do it!"

Location: Ilum
Valery: Appearance
From the moment she separated herself from Silas, Valery had focused on reaching the canyon and with the Padawan keeping the beast distracted, it wasn't too long before she reached the large wall of ice and snow. Once there, Valery took a deep breath and placed her hand against the cold ice while her eyes closed and her mind connected with the Force.
Within an instant, large cracks formed near her palm and fingertips that rapidly extended up towards the top of the cliffs, all of it in a controlled way. Nothing broke apart and the fractures didn't expand across the length of the canyon either. But the walls were weakened and Valery was ready to bring down whatever she needed to take the beast out of the fight.
"Come on..." she muttered as her eyes opened, glancing over in the direction of the Padawan. With his movements and the way he used Telekinesis, he was able to keep the large killer worm away, but she hoped he'd be able to keep it going long enough. Slowly but surely, they were getting closer, and she could feel the tension rising.
But finally, all of it was released as he called out to her.
"Do it!"
Valery grinned and didn't waste a second, as her fingers curled into a fist. The pressure on the wall of ice abruptly increased and massive amounts of it came crashing down in both large and small chunks. The woman's arms came up and with all her strength, she took control over the ice, which she accelerated down towards the worm.
The sound of it striking the beast was almost deafening at first but when it subsided and the cloud of snow began to fade, the beast would be still within the ice. Alive, but weakened and unconscious for now at least.
"Well done..." Valery brought a hand up through her hair and steadied her heavy breathing. "Are you okay?"
Location: IIum
Objective: Defeat the murder worm
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Upon his shout of alarm, Master Noble didn't even seem to hesitate. With a grin spread across her face, the ice wall began to receive huge amounts of pressure, forcing it to crack and break off from its towering stature. Big and small pieces alike fell down like rain on top of the poor creature, who had no chance to defend itself. In quick succession the cold blocks fell on top of it, releasing an almost deadly noise on impact.

Silas, who was still quite close suddenly had to scramble as more pieces fell closer to him. Snow scattered everywhere while he ran, almost covering him from head to toe until he was able to dive safely away into a tiny crater.

He lowered his head and waited for a few seconds until the noise finally stopped. Hesitantly, he peered over the edge and saw the worm had finally been defeated, left in a heap under a body of ice which he could get out of when awake. Once he saw Valery again, he finally lifted himself from the hole and walked towards the proud Master. His hair and body still had snow patches, making it look like he had been rolling around in the stuff rather than trying to avoid it altogether.

"Thank you, Master Noble. I'm unharmed..." he answered, a proud look seen in his eyes when he looked back to the sleeping worm "I'm happy we managed to disarm it rather than kill it, the poor creature seemed stressed with us being around here" it wouldn't be a lie to say it was probably more afraid of them as they were of it.

Turning back to Master Noble, he shot her a smile looked up to the Canyon in thought

"I can't imagine what over horrors hide away from us in the darkness..."

Location: Ilum
Valery: Appearance
Looking away from the worm's body that was still radiating intense heat, Valery took a moment to look Silas up and down. She wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt, even if he claimed to be unharmed. She had seen enough Padawans acting tough whenever they weren't to understand that she had to pay attention to it herself.
Luckily though, he seemed to be alright — just covered in some snow.
"That's exactly why I didn't want to kill it. We take lives when it's necessary but these creatures act purely on instincts, and we entered their territory." Valery explained as she looked around the canyon.
"In this case, the canyon is far out enough to where it's not important for Jedi to ever be here. So I'll mark it on the map as dangerous and arrange some warning signs. Should ensure that others won't run into trouble, and it allows the creatures here to live undisturbed."
The woman then turned back to Silas with a smirk, and flicked a chunk of snow away from his head with her finger, "I hope this wasn't too exciting for your first moment in action?" she asked as she nudged him back towards the opening of the canyon, from where they could begin to move back to the Temple.
"I'm thinking we head back and I'll get us some hot chocolate. Or is that special treatment as well?" she teased.
Location: IIum
Objective: Return to the temple
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Master Noble seemed to look him over to check over him. Other than a few scrapes and snow covering his body he seemed to be in perfect condition. Nodding in agreement, the choice to knock the creature out was always the best choice. They were the ones who walked onto its territory without a second thought, no wonder the worm was so aggressive to rip them to shreds.

"Agreed, we don't want any more patrols to come in here and disturb them. A creature like this deserves to live in peace..."

Silas smirked back to the master who slowly approached him, playfully flicking off a piece of snow hanging from his cold nipped face. He chuckled from the act and gently nudged her back on the arm. This was the first time in a while he had genuine fun, not since the final days of his parents had he felt like a kid again.

"A few more explosions could have made it perfect. But I'll be more than happy to accept what we had" the boy remarked sarcastically with a smile, taking his time to follow the route back up to the speeder.

"You know, after everything I've done today I think I'm more than entitled to have some now," he said with a smirk, knowing she was still teasing him from when he denied the opportunity before. Right now, he was the happiest he had been for years. Not necessarily because of the brilliant patrol they just did, but due to the person who helped him every step of the way.

Something about Master Noble was different compared to the others. And while they traveled back to the peaceful confines of the temple to have a much needed treat, he couldn't help but think about their earlier conversation on choosing a master.

Was she really the one? not yet. The both of them barely knew each other to really know their true strengths. However, right now, Valery Noble was a person he could rely on and trust with his life. That in itself was a rare thing to hold...

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