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Approved Tech Wolfhound Particle Blasters

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  • Classification: Particle Blaster PDW
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: High
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average

  • Explosive Shots: As they explode on contact, bolts cannot be reflected by lightsabers and confer considerable concussive and thermal force on whatever they hit while also having the potential to kill or injure through ‘splash’ alone.
  • EMP/Ion Resistant: With the main housing body formed from 421A Durasteel, the Wolfhounds are incredibly resilient against being disabled from Ion or EMP damage.
  • Runs Hot: Sustained fire causes heat to build up in the weapon’s heatsink, which may be picked up on thermal sensors.
Desiring a new weapon to protect herself with and not finding something suitable to her criteria on the market, Chi decided to make her own using her boutique’s capabilities. Small enough to be comfortably carried and with a top-loading power pack to maximize the available power, Chi built the Wolfhounds around the venerable ‘bullpup’ design.

The project was set aside for a while, she had other weapons should she have a need and there were more pressing projects. It wasn’t until she was making a droid body for her AI companion Ji-Ji that he reminded her of the Wolfhounds and asked her to finish them while making him a pair as well. Reviving the design, she polished them up, applied a few tricks she’d learned since the start of the project, and began fabrication.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi

Very cool weapon! You forget to put N/A or a link into the Canon link, I would like to ask you to edit this. And about the 250 metres Personal range, the personal is at most 20-30 metres, I would recommend to modify this to Average, that is still good with your ratings.
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