Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

1 3 1 3


Four years. Four miserable years had they searched for the lost Alor of Clan Vizsla. Her mother. Stolen from her, by Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer . By deluded fanatics and traitors.
Tayl watched with disgust as the Dar'manda of
Imperialist Death Watch, clad in their accursed Tal'beskar, moved about the premise of their makeshift headquarters.

The building itself was a great tower, a rundown and decayed old Corporate building with few windows, and many heat signatures within. It stretched far into the artificial night of Coruscant's level 1313, A menacing and horrid place to hide a woman who embodied these traits. They would be fighting room to room. Level to level. All while searching for Aloy and her captor. Truly, they would be delving into the Wolf's Den.

The plan was risky, but simple...

The whole force would attack the blast doors out front, using cutters such as Tayl's Plasma-caster, or failing that, high explosives, to open the facility wide and take the damn thing by storm. Meanwhile, They would split the force in two, with one team staying behind to secure the makeshift courtyard and delay incoming reinforcements by any means necessary. Then, both teams may be required to escape the way they came, unless an alternative EVAC route is discovered.

But for this to work, timing was key. They would have to wait for a change of shifts, and for the next patrol to reach the furthest point on their route. If done properly, the patrols wouldn't return for some time, with or without their comms. And luckily for the team, they brought a jamming device.

A jamming device and a lot of friends.

Of course there was Tayl's primary mother, Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla . The deadly and passionate Rutian Twi'lek who had directed the search for Aloy over four years. No stops. No expense spared. Just a whole lotta bodies stacked in the underworld. Then you had their other, mutual friends. Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , The Ori'ramikad who had served beside her mother in the very civil war that started it all, And dutifully taken up the mantle of leader in her stead. Shot Sutaz Shot Sutaz , Once just some rich girl to Tayl, but now, the slicer who made this all possible. If not for her technical expertise, they would never have cracked the memory chip that found Aloy. Not to mention the amount of slicing and tech she'd been providing Tayl all this time.

Iris Arani Iris Arani , That peculiar Jedi Knight she once met as hunter on Denon, only to be shown the error of her ways and the mercy of Aruetiise. Or perhaps kindness. Something Tayl had nearly forgotten over the years. Samara Samara , The enigmatic mercenary she had met during one of her
many Dar'manda hunting sprees. A woman that very nearly bested her in fair combat, and even received a
Mandalorian Blade from Tayl's personal collection, a sign of deep respect.

Domina Prime Domina Prime , The powerful Alien she had met upon her return to Kestri and The Enclave. A day meant for respite and preparation for this very battle, but also the start of her morbid fascination with her fellow Vizsla's efficiency in bloodshed. And
Viper Team, The battle hardened Ex-Crusaders of the only true Death Watch left to this accursed galaxy. The men and women who had taught her what it truly meant to be a Mandalorian. The men and women who fought by her side when she claimed her own Beskar.

This dysfunctional family of hers, one built over years by blood, sweat, and tears, all in preparation for this very battle, would finally be put to the test today.


Finally, Tayl leapt to a nearby rooftop where this merry band had gathered, Her jetpack heralding the beginning of the end.
"Patrol's out of range... It's time!"

Hello and welcome to the final episode of our long running storyline, Where we will finally conclude the fate of the Nite Owls and Apollyon the Betrayer which we began together over a year ago!

As stated above, There will be two objectives to this thread:
Team 1 will carve a bloody swath through the building, fighting level to level in order to find both Aloy Vizsla and possibly slay Apollyon herself! Those who do, may receive unique items from Apollyon, IF you can kill her.

Team 2 will remain outside and hold off enemy reinforcements, comprised mostly of the Elite Mandalorian Traitors that team 1 will also be facing, and perhaps some additional support if rebalancing becomes a concern. Both are pretty straight forward objectives, but provide different battlegrounds and require different tactics to tackle.




Oh this was much more intense than she initially figured it would be.

When Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla spoke of someone she cared about needing help, Iris had no clue it'd lead her to this of all things. A den of Dar'.. Mandu? Ah, the word she wasn't entirely sure about, but evil Mandalorians had Tayl's mother in captivity. That was more than enough. But to see the building in question and see the colors around. So full of hate and anger. Darkness. That she didn't except.

Still. She clipped her sabers onto her waist, pulled up her cloak, and nodded to the Twi'lek. She didn't know the others, probably. Maybe. All of them seemed to be Mandalorian's in their own right, so she was the odd one out, right? Just meant she had to make sure she didn't hold anyone back.

She landed beside Tayl once the go was given, having leapt silently through the air. "I can handle the door, if we get close enough." Who needed a plasma cutter when you had a lightsaber? Iris patted her hip as she gave a nod. "We got this."

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

Location: Rooftop nearby Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer headquarters
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Weapons: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, beskad, kal
Objective: 1 - Belly Of The Beast
Tags: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Domina Prime Domina Prime , Shot Sutaz Shot Sutaz , Samara Samara


Tan'yill stared upon the tall ominous building with her equally foreboding green-yellowish eyes, occasionally looking down at the poor dar'mandas below who were guarding the place from outside. They would soon meet their maker, rest assured with the team that they had gathered for this ultimate clash between the House Vizsla and Apollyon the Betrayer. She held the buy'c under her arm, wanting to take a steady good look at their target with her own eyes. Tan felt for one of the twin E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, the one with the red heart painted on it, and pulled it out of the holster. In her hand she held Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , her wife and the very reason, along with Tayl, that Tan'yill struggled to stay alive. She brought the blaster and the heart up to her lips, before ending a prayer with a kiss to the red heart. Just then, she heard someone landing behind her to the sound of a jetpack turning off.

''Perfect. They'll never know what hit them... Poor fools.'' Tan responded to her beautiful and deadly Tyrian daughter, before turning around meeting her with a hand to the shoulder. ''I feel sorry for them, I really do. Can't be easy being a dar'manda tonight, not really knowing what pain is... Until now...'' she continued, more ready than ever and with such passion that it would have scared anyone but a true Vizsla. Well, Tayl might have felt sorry and scared for the Death Watch betrayers and Apollyon on their behalf.

She glanced upon the cloaked girl that was a friend of Tayl. The Tyrian had grown so fast and made a lot of connections outside The House. As Tan'yill noticed the lightsabers hanging in the girls belt, she was reminded that this friend of Tayl was a Jedi. The Mandalorians and The Jedi didn't have the most flawless of histories, but then again Tan was no Mandalorian by birth and if Tayl could speak for the girl, that was all that the Riduur'alor needed.

''We are grateful for your help, Jedi. Friends of House Vizsla never go unrewarded.'' she added with a nod to the young girl, promising her that if this mission was a success, she would always be regarded as a friend and would benefit from the hospitality and security The House could offer.

''You got word from everyone? Where's Kranak?'' Tan asked looking back at Tayl, asking for the Ori'ramikad and second in command that had stepped in to take the lead of the House when Tan'yill and Tayl had initiated the search for the Aloy. Tan trusted very few outside of the family, but Kranak, that big and loyal mandalorian, was an exception. Tan'yill felt relieved that her and Tayl's search were done, that they were going to free Aloy and reunite with the members of The House again. It was to be a night of reunification for them all.
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Her objective was clear, Samara had met up with the rest, adorned in her suit with a protective body glove under. She herself did not have a jetpack like the rest, preferring to linger on the ground, out of sight, out of mind.

"Samara reporting in, looks like we have multiple signatures outside the building. Are we going into this loud? Or do we have another plan?"

The agent could not relate to the emotions felt on this rescue for sure, but their raw passion and anger was most definitely noticed by the hidden sith . . . Through passion I gain strength, through strength, victory.

Though the lingering jedi hanging around did unnerve the agent, Samara had a gut feeling that this woman was going to trouble her, a feeling that she just couldn't shake. Perhaps it was her natural distrust of jedi, or maybe her gut was telling the young agent something.. Only time would tell of course.

She had been tempted to show up in her fancy pridecorp, but that would have aroused more suspicion than was necessary. Maybe some of the others there would be feeling bitter about the fact that the purple Nautolan was late. The truth? One could say they were the late ones. While they had just arrived, she was already there.

They would discover this as a rundown hovervan across the street from the building they were outside of suddenly opened, and out of it stepped a face that would be familiar to both Tayl and Tan'yill. None other than Sutaz, sporting a body suit of her own. It was simple in nature. A bit on the skintight side. It was more meant for stealth than for armor like her Mandalorian friends. It was made of microtech that could open up, giving room for her cybernetics to leave her body. "Sorry, I was distracted. A new holonet game came out." She crosses her arms. "Don't ask how long I've been here." With that said, he makes her way to stand beside Tayl, the only person there that she knew. "I know you all plan to do the good and tear until it is done routine." She states. making ripping motions with her hands. As with all nautolans, it was hard to tell who she was looking at due to her lack of pupils. Thus, she would accommodate this by shifting her gaze occasionally to look directly at each and every one of them as she spoke.

"So you guys get in and do that, I'll be behind you. I'm taking the first chance I get to jump up into one of the vents." She grins, showing off those sharp nautolan teeth. "I can cause some real trouble once they've lost sight of me." Then, she pulls a remote out of the pouch on her bodysuit's belt. "By the way, I took everything important out of there. The van's rigged to blow. Feel free to use that if you get too surrounded." She holds it out for anyting that plans to stay outside to take it.

Her haze shifts to the tower, and there's an eerie orange glow to her eyes for a moment as the cybernetic part of her brain runs a few scans. "Lotta heat in there." She whistles. She then pulls out the pistol that's in a leather holster on her right thigh. "Shall we get to work then?"

Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Samara Samara Iris Arani Iris Arani Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

We're down several members and skipping ahead. BELLY OF THE BEAST is now the only objective, we can focus the important story elements. If anyone else lags behind too bad, We'll skip a turn or two to keep the flow. It's only fair imo

"We got this."

Tayl watched the Jedi from over her shoulder as she landed, coming to look right at her and nod her head curtly.
"Yeah, I guess we do"

She wasn't so sure, in truth. It was plain to see in the force, and she knew that Iris could sense the emotion in the air. Damn it was weird, knowing that you're friend is a literal mind-reader. But, Iris had been there when it counted, developing a strange friendship with the young Mandalorian nonetheless.

''I feel sorry for them, I really do. Can't be easy being a dar'manda tonight, not really knowing what pain is... Until now...''

Her mother, The alien of the two, drew her attention next. The rutian Twi'lek always had a subtle yet commanding presence, and one that inspired her Tyrian daughter "We'll make 'em pay. Spill blood for every drop made into that armor..."

Perhaps in more ways than one, evident by the sadistic hiss to her words.

Then she turned to address Shot Sutaz as she approached, Her fellow violet alien and the young woman that had been supporting this hunt for 4 long years. Her antics might have earned an eye-roll behind the visor, but she was welcome all the same. Warmly so, in fact.

"Shot-Kriffing-Sutaz," Tayl hummed, placing one hand on the nautolan's shoulder and squeezing gently.
"It's good to see you face to face after all this time"

"We'll make a fine hammer and anvil. One great distraction, and one spider creeping in from behind"

She had a wide smile underneath that helmet. It was like a wave of grim nostalgia; All these friends on one place at last, all here to spill blood tonight. A perfect night.

"Hand it off to Viper Team. Most of 'em will stay behind to watch our backs"

Redsun, Viper team's leader, approached and offered to take the detonator with respectful nod. His crimson armor gleamed when the artificial light caught it's golden accents, and Tayl likened him to an avenging angel in that moment. There was no friend more loyal to her, and Mentor so dearly missed up until now.

She approached him when the detonator was secured, putting her fist to his pauldron in a friendly gesture between battle sister and battle brother. One that was returned in kind "Hit 'em hard, Little Viper"

A part of her wanted to hug him. So much time spent, and even more lost. Either of them could die tonight, but for a worthy cause.
Instead, she turned away. And with purpose in her step, she began the march to free Aloy.

" Samara Samara , We're going in loud. We strike in 3..."



A single blaster shot rang out from somewhere above the group, Viper team's sniper finally revealing himself in a flash of gold as a particle beam zipped through the air.

In the distance, A single crimson-clad Dar'manda lost his head to the small but impact explosion that struck his neck-piece, sending the now smoking helmet to skid and roll across the duracrete ground.

Several more scattered to take cover behind old durasteel crates, a few more using their jetpacks to reach higher platforms before returning fire. Even so, one of the jet-troopers had their own pack sniped out of the air by Viper team.

Tayl leapt into the air, using her personal shield to deflect a burst of rounds as she flew towards the enemy with her own jetpack.

The final battle had begun.



Iris readied herself. Narrowed her eyes. It wasn't hard to feel out of place among the heavily armored Mandalorians. But she was here, regardless. She nodded once at the thanks. Gave the briefest of a smile before turning her gaze forward.

"Samara, We're going in loud. We strike in 3..."



The call came, and they charged. Iris with them. She didn't have a Jetpack to keep up with, but the Force was it's ever powerful ally. She rushed across the ground, the hilts of her sabers in her palms. Weaving through the blaster fire that had erupted around her. Then, in a flash of blue and pink, she leapt through the first Dar'manda in her way. A severed arm, a severed head. She cut through the gaps in their armor with an earie precision.

Cutting her way towards the door in question.

"Keep them off of me."

There, she hooked one of the hilts on her hip, gripped the blade in both hands. Reignited the saber, and thrusted it into the steel. Slowly but surely the heat of the saber started to force it's edge through. Melt the metal. Let her cut through the blast door bit by bit.

Samara Samara | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Shot Sutaz Shot Sutaz

Location: Rooftop nearby the headquarters of Apollyon The Betrayer Apollyon The Betrayer
Wearing: Beskar'gam
Weapons: E-851 Dueling Particle Pistols, Beskad, Kal dagger
Objective: 1 - Belly Of The Beast
Tags: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla , Shot Sutaz Shot Sutaz , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Domina Prime Domina Prime , Samara Samara


"I know you all plan to do the good and tear until it is done routine." She states. making ripping motions with her hands.

Much like her tyrian daughter, Tan'yill was less impressed with the nautolans funny statement, but still welcomed the sweet alien girl sharing her daughters hue color. Shot earned a slight warm smirk from the rutian, as she saw how much they liked each other. Tayl's friends were friends of House Vizsla, and anyone who made Tayl happy, would always have the rutians respect and blessing.

''It's good to see you, Shot.'' Tan'yill expressed walking up to the two youngsters, before throwing a glance around at everyone that had gathered. ''It's good to see all of you!'' she point out. ''Thank you, for offering us your blasters and beskads in this fight to free Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , and to finally put an end to the dar'manda Apollyons antagonistic presence in this galaxy. The thorn in our side for so long. I'd lie if I said this will be easy, but if everyone watches each others backs and work together, I know we got a good chance at clearing that nest of hers... The heart of her evil operations...'' she said and threw her fist out pointing at the tall building. ''Level by level... Until we find Aloy and Apollyon... We never leave another Vizsla behind. Never.'' Tan'yill encouraged the band of warriors and friends that had decided to answer their call for help. ''This... is the way.''

" Samara Samara , We're going in loud. We strike in 3..."



The little speech were followed by Tayl initiating the grand plan, which warmed Tan'yill's heart as so many times before. The tyrian were no longer the young and unexperienced child Aloy and her had given birth to on Kamino, and loved and protected and teached in the ways of the Resol'nare. Still, the young one desired to further show herself able for her human mother, and what have changed during these years of searching for Aloy.

One of the Viper's snipers got the first shot away, sending the first Death Watch warrior to the Netherworld. The die was cast. Tan'yill activated her rocket boots and stayed close behind Tayl as she headed off into the sky.

''ATTACK!!'' she called out, feeling the adrenaline already starting to flow in her veins. As soon as they entered the complex, this battle would move into a messy close-quarters fight where you had to count on close range blasters, melee and hand-to-hand techniques. That was why Tan'yill didn't carry any rifle or carbine. She knew that her deadly skills taught to her during the years on the streets of Coronet, and since she became a part of the mandalorian creed. She thrived fighting like that.

Tan'yill cross-drew her twin blasters, the
Red and the Blue heart, and swiftly shot down one dar'manda infesting the sky and redirected the fire upon ones on the ground that were advancing on Iris Arani Iris Arani to defend the gate.
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I am Apollyon. And I bring war.

Apollyon stood in front of the one-way window near the very top of her decaying spire, smugly comfortable behind the blaster proof glass high above the raging battle below. She was dressed in little more than her body glove and gauntlets, swishing crimson wine in a fine glass as she watched.

It was hard to tell who was fighting down there, but by amount of jetpack thrusts, she could only assume they were Mandalorians. Perhaps some more disgruntled sheep whose parent's she'd killed on Mandalore, or maybe even cousin to one the clans she butchered in their homes.

"Lady Apollyon," A startled Dar'manda called out from behind her as they entered "We're under attack! Mandalorians-"

"Yes, I can see that...What else can you tell me?" She inquired impatiently.

"A squadron, maybe more. And they have... A Jedi Knight"

"Oh? I wonder if the alliance has finally found us. But why hire Mandalorians?

"We're still trying to identify them, Ma'am. But their colors- Most are in crusader uniform, but there's two unknowns. They wear gray and white and-"


Apollyon laughs gleefully, almost as astonished as she was amused when she realized who these Mandalorians really were.
Her crooked smile grew wide and her bored tone vanished as familiar faces entered her mind, old data ripped from the digital guts of Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's home. A Wife! And a prodigal daughter! "
Thisss will be a fight to remember"

Finishing her wine and setting the glass aside, She turned on her heel and strode past her henchman to pick from the many weapons on display around her personal quarters "Bring my armor. I want to see Vizsla for myself!"


Down below, the battle had only just begun. Several Dar'manda had already fallen to the Mandalorian's viscous assault or by way of lightsaber. Those guarding the actual door itself were quickly cut down by the superior numbers and spared no mercy.

Anyone with a good scanner would know that many more were gathering on the other side, however... Dozens were already in position to blast at anyone entering the building, with a few more preparing to ambush them within the old locker rooms leading up to the elevator at the end.

Crimson clad warriors, armed with blaster, beskade and flamethrower alike, all hungering for Mandalorian blood which had been denied to them for so very long...

And then it came...

Like the rasps of a wrathful ghost long forgotten but still joyed in it's own haunts,
Her voice came over the intercom.

::Hello, my darling Vizslas! My wolves... You've kept me waiting for far too long!




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