Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Work Leave

Good Men Don't Need Rules
I work at a flooring company. Which means we have to go to different job sites at different times throughout the month. Currently, this one that we have was scheduled to be a 2 week job, when today, about two days in, they changed the schedule and pushed it forward. Cutting our time roughly in half. So I will likely be pulling double shifts for the next couple of days. Maybe a week or so.

I am sorry for those who it may have prevented any RP's with. I know for sure it would be Alana Sunrider and their republic thread, Sylvi Kyra Perl Kyra Perl and I think I am forgetting someone.

Either way, I will be busy the next week or so. See you then.


Kaleleon Kaleleon I'm not moved into my house yet anyway. Hope the job doesn't overwhelm you too much! Don't you worry about us, you just get done what you need to, we'll all be here when you get back ^.^

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