Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work Unfinished (Praxeum Jedi and Friends)

Having dropped Vooltroo off at the next world he needed to go to, something about replanting a lost forest or something… Jared didn't know, the elder Starchaser Heir found himself with some time on his hand. He wasn't meeting with his sister any time soon, and his next call to check in with the Treader wasn't for another few days. Gave him ample time to get himself into trouble. And with most of his little black comlink being MIA or off on their own adventures, it meant it was time to do some good. He was out along the Rim and hopped onto the HoloNet.

Missing persons, weird occurrences, flashes in the Force… typical things, but as he dug deeper, using some of the Jedi and Underground network to see if there were anything that sparked their interest. Being who he was, well, more the job he selected than any one aspect, he was seeing the listings.

Something unfinished. And Jedi had been dispatched before? And a former Sith World? This was something he needed. A job to get done, and a way to help people. He took a moment to send out a message to the Praxeum and Silvers, see who was down for a game, but he gave it special attention to send it over to Veino Garn Veino Garn in case any Jenssarai or folks from the Trade League wanted to make it.

After a re-read of encounter brief, he took a half a second and added another statement to the broadcast.

Any do-gooders out there, Jedi, whatever, have some time. Looks like there was a situation on Thule. Heading out to come clean it up. Anyone want to join? Can use another blaster or saber hand?

-Jared Starchaser

Oh, lets not go rushing in, want to gather the troops first.

Attached to the broadcast, after it was encoded was a location on Thule, safe, but not too far from where the calls for help were coming from. As he took another read of what was going on, and seeing a name he recognized. Sort of.

Booting up the datapad again, he drafted up another.

Valery Noble,

You may know my father, Coren. I'm Jared, working as a saber for hire as of late. Rim needs some cleaning up. Saw you were on Thule. Looking to see if we can close this one up. Mind meeting me? Or sending me a bit more than what I found so I know what I'm getting into?

Hope to see you on Thule.

With that message sent, the Starchaser turned up the volume on the Synthrock and put in the coordinates for Thule.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Open to Praxeum Jedi/Do-gooders are welcome to join, do a meet up at the landing zone then head into the fray.

Location: Thule
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Iris Arani Iris Arani | Open to Jedi!
It had been some time since her last visit to Thule. Together with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble before his fall to the Dark Side, she had traveled there to purge some of the remaining Sithspawn left behind after the collapse of the Sith Empire. He remembered much about the planet from his younger years, which had helped them take down one dangerous creature in particular.
However, their plans to clear the rest of the facility were abruptly interrupted as unexpected things began to happen through their Force bond. Afraid it could endanger them in an already risky environment, they decided to leave it behind for now. Which also meant leaving behind a plethora of corrupted beasts.
But today she received a message that would allow her to change all that.
Valery Noble,

You may know my father, Coren. I'm Jared, working as a saber for hire as of late. Rim needs some cleaning up. Saw you were on Thule. Looking to see if we can close this one up. Mind meeting me? Or sending me a bit more than what I found so I know what I'm getting into?

Hope to see you on Thule.

Reading the message on her datapad, Valery chuckled. Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser was certainly a familiar name - he had been one of the Jedi who helped her when she came out of stasis. Something she was still very grateful for. So to work alongside his son on Thule seemed like an interesting thing for multiple reasons.
As a result, she replied with a simple message,
Thank you for messaging me - I'd be happy to accompany you and other Jedi. I'll meet you on Thule, where I can explain more about what I encountered before. I will be bringing my Padawan along as well.
Safe travels.
Valery pursed her lips after sending the message. To bring her Padawan along to Thule was risky, but she wanted Iris to be more aware of what this Galaxy was truly like. Bot the good and bad sides of it, and this would hopefully open her eyes when it came to the truly dark and corrupted parts of existence.
Please meet me at the Landing Pad as soon as possible. Bring your lightsaber and any gear you need for a dangerous planet. We're traveling to Thule to help other Jedi clear out Sithspawn.
We're departing in an hour.
That should give her enough time to prepare while Valery already made her way towards the Landing Pad. She was going to prepare the shuttle for their journey.


Please meet me at the Landing Pad as soon as possible. Bring your lightsaber and any gear you need for a dangerous planet. We're traveling to Thule to help other Jedi clear out Sithspawn.

We're departing in an hour.

The message played for the second time on the young woman's desk. Iris sat close to it, just listening. Her eyes were elsewhere, staring down at the smooth cylinder in her hands. A lightsaber. Her lightsaber. Valery Noble Valery Noble and her had only recently made together. A symbol. Iris was a Jedi. To say she wasn't frightened of the idea of dealing with Sithspawn was a lie. After what happened on Sump though, she'd learned just how important it was that the Jedi helped the galaxy.

And she wanted to help.

With a sigh she stood up, turning her gaze around the room she was in. Her room. She threw together what she thought she might need into a small pack. Medipacs, provisions, change of clothing. She wasn't sure what other gear she might need, but this would have to do. With the pack on her back and the saber hooked on her hip she went towards the landing pad Valery mentioned.

Well, she was just about to when she saw her other pack. The one filled to the brim with new spray cans. She.. Hadn't painted in a while. A frown settled on Iris's lips as she stopped in the doorway.

She tugged up the second pack as she approached the landing pad. A soft smile rested on the young Keshian's lips as she neared the shuttle. "I think I'm ready, master. When do we leave?" There was almost a skip to her step as Iris hopped on board. No matter what kind of doubt she might have in herself, this was her first mission with Master Noble, and she certainly had no intention of messing up.

After the once over of the shuttle she'd find a place to set down her packs and find her own seat to settle into. Nervous, yes. But also.. Excited. "Is anyone else joining us?"



Kyyrk's ship slid through the sparkling black of space as he exited the Naboo System. A shimmering played across the corners of his vision as his ship was swallowed whole by the blue abyss of hyperspace. Then the man was pressed back into his chair as his ship jumped forward at incredible speed. Kyyrk reached across the cockpit and donned the helmet that had been resting upon the control console, dipping his head to pull his hood up. He'd caught the transmission only because of a Praxeum clearance code he'd obtained. But that was no excuse to ignore it. His starfighter wasn't nearly as roomy as his normal ship, but unlike the Allegiance, this ship worked.

He sighed quietly, weighing his options. John Locke John Locke could have gotten it fixed. If only by virtue of money. It was the one thing that Kyyrk cursed. Having gone from independently wealthy to living from paycheck to paycheck was one of the more jarring parts of his return. Some days he contemplated contacting Locke. Telling him what had happened. But it was better this way. Better that his old life be left behind entirely. Kyyrk's vision began to slip out of focus as the ship carried him to his target. He sat unblinking, unmoving. Just thinking. Medjai. The name haunted his memory, as though he had heard it before.

His encounter with the Celestial had caused him to fold even further into himself than previous. Which...was saying something in his case. Even in the old days, Kyyrk had never been much of an outgoing person. Now? He'd become so consumed in his own thoughts that many began to wonder what was wrong with him. Perhaps that is why he was going. He didn't know what awaited him at Thule. Only that a Starchaser was calling for help. He was not intimately familiar with the family, but he knew of Coren's reputation. The man was one of the few Jedi Kyyrk respected. Part of him hoped to never meet the elder Starchaser to prevent that opinion from changing.

He absent-mindedly rubbed his shoulder, thinking back to the encounter with Aleena Aryss . He wasn't entirely convinced he approved of Force Healing, but...she'd certainly enlightened him to yet another misconception about the Force. And in truth, it pushed him closer to the edges of despair. He had once been a powerful warrior. A sage in the Force. But now? Everything he thought he knew was wrong. His life was crumbling around him. And try as he may to run from his past, it was far faster than he. Most days it was a struggle to keep his head above water. But he wouldn't let the others know. He couldn't. He had a job to do. The last thing he needed was to be placed on medical leave.

Kyyrk blinked as the ship announced five minutes to destination. Medjai. Her voice had sounded...familiar. She had urged the Knights to take up her mantle, and finish the fight against the Unmaker. And deep down, Kyyrk suspected that Medjai had already given him that task. How else could he explain his sudden return from the Netherworld? His mutation had proved nothing but beneficial. And he knew that one did not involve themselves in the matters of gods without severe repercussions. So why, then, was his mind shattered? Why, then, could he not remember anything? He thought as he regained his memories things would become better. But instead, he was haunted by more and more phantoms.

Most days, Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed offered the only respite. In her presence, he felt a calm and a peace that he couldn't ever remember feeling. A peace that he sought out often. Ever since their chance encounter on the streets of Naboo, Kyyrk had grown more and more fond of Alessandra. To the point that most days he was loathe to enter the field. But he cherished the fact that she would be waiting for him when he got back. Kyyrk blinked, rousing himself from this thoughts to see that his ship was settling down at the landing pad specified. Kyyrk shook his head slightly, as if attempting to clear it. So distracted was he that not a single thought was given to landing his ship. Nothing that caused great concern this time, but he was not fond of an addled mind.

He took a deep breath and sighed as the canopy slid open. He stood, climbing out of the ship, and dropping to the ground beside the port wing. A small collection of ships had already gathered, and their respective Jedi milled about speaking with each other. Kyyrk glanced down, checking his gauntlets and armor as he walked. Some may recognize his armor as a hallmark of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. But in place of the normal lavender Hex-lattice, his armor was adorned with white. A symbol of the Medjai. He still wasn't sure what he thought of that, of the Obsidian remnants naming themselves for the celestial that had tasked them with their crusade. But in the end, it had not been his call. He was but a soldier to them. A soldier willing to follow orders. Perhaps here, he could begin to make a difference.

Perhaps here, he could find another clue to the purpose of the Unmaker...

The mixed-bag of a Starchaser was thumb-drumming on the control panel of the Sunrise as he made his arrival to Thule. Taking the ship in for a landing, he had found the proper coordinates and sent out a more exacting update. Not that the Sunrise was going to be hard to find, an orange and yellow ship without a cloak, after all. The ship touched down and he still had music playing. What he was waiting for was the Master Noble.

He checked what gear he had, he didn't know what he was fighting, but he grabbed his saber, his kyber cannon, and the songsteel sword he was taking to carrying in a back holster. He was a saber for hire, but sometimes a wound from energized kyber wasn't enough, and something a bit more fancy was needed to end a foe.

One of the main ports was open to the Sunrise and the synth-rock was able to be heard. Checking one of the other lock boxes he had, with a few arcane Force sigils on it, opening it, there were all manner of weapons inside, from slugthrowers to blades made of a number of different metals. What were they going to need?

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Kyyrk Kyyrk

Location: Thule
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Factory Link
Tag: Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Iris Arani Iris Arani Kyyrk Kyyrk | Open to Jedi!
Valery was patiently waiting outside the shuttle she had arranged for their trip. Her own X-wing sadly was just a one-seater, so she had to pull a few strings to get a shuttle ready for them. She really had to get some kind of personal transportation that allowed her to bring along others... but that was a problem for next time.
For now, she waited until she spotted the young Padawan approaching with all her gear.
Seeing several packs on the young woman made Valery blink, but this was Iris' first time on an official mission, so she didn't blame her for preparing like this. "I can tell," she said with a smile and a soft chuckle as Iris explained that she was ready. "Get your gear on board and we'll leave right away."

Valery could tell her fellow Keshian was a little nervous but she detected excitement as well - both good things, considering the situation.
Following her into the ship, she sat down in the pilot seat and went through all the necessary procedures before the engines came online. But while Iris was setting down her packs, she heard something that drew her attention. "What's the rattling? Did you bring your paint along?" she asked but she quickly picked up on her own tone - it didn't seem approving. "Just... make sure it doesn't hold you back out there, okay? We're not going to a very safe place." she decided to add.
"Luckily, we're not going to be alone. You'll be able to meet a few Jedi hopefully."
Valery then let out a soft breath and turned her focus back to the controls and instruments. After flicking a few more switches and taking hold of the controls, the two would begin their journey to Thule. It was only a matter of time now before they'd arrive at the coordinates Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser had sent them.


Iris did her best to hide the red tinge of embarrassment that formed on her cheeks. Did she over prepare? The padawan looked to her couple of packs before following Valery Noble Valery Noble on board. Maybe she did? She really needed to figure out what was best to bring along for these kinds of things. How long were they planning to be gone anyway? Oh no, should she have brought clothing? As she set down her packs she frowned. Deep in thought about what she could've brought. What she should've brought. That sort of thing.

"Mmhmm. I figure if we're going somewhere dark, the people there could use some light, right?" Iris didn't deny the fact she brought her paint. Even as she set down her other packs she kept the one full of spray paint on her shoulder. It was a safety blanket for the young Jedi. Something to remind her of home. Something to bring her peace. And something she figured she could help others with.

"So there are others. Do you know how many?" She spoke in a curious tone as she took her seat beside her master. She'd met a couple Jedi before, but she never really had a chance to talk to them.

Jared Ovmar Jared Ovmar | Kyyrk Kyyrk

Location: Thule
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Factory Link
Tag: Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser Iris Arani Iris Arani Kyyrk Kyyrk | Open to Jedi!
"I'm sure they can use some light, but do be careful," Valery reached over to briefly place her hand on the girl's shoulder and gently squeezed it "Thule is a planet with a long history of the Dark Side corrupting just about everything there, alive or not. We're there to help cleanse more of it, so be on your guard," she warned the girl.
Valery then turned to look out through the window, briefly enjoying the view of hyperspace while she answered her Padawan's next question.
"As for other Jedi - at least one or two more. I'm hoping we'll get a little more help, but we should be able to manage. When I went there last time, we dealt with some beasts that are tricky to take out, and it was just two of us. But it's possible with a small group, as long as you know what you're doing."
She began to smile for a moment as she thought back to her trip there with Kahlil. It was dangerous but they first began to learn about their bond and just spending time with him always created fond memories. Even if the planet itself was highly dangerous.
"Ah, we should be arriving," Valery said after about an hour of traveling. The ship dropped from hyperspace and out in front of them, the two Jedi could see the corrupted world. Almost immediately, she could feel the darkness, causing her to squint and clearly show her disgust.
"Get your stuff ready, I'm taking us in."
And with that, the two went down through the planet's atmosphere, where they continued their path low over the surface. Within a few minutes, the ship slowed down at the meeting coordinates, the engines powered down and Valery gestured for the door. "Go take a look outside, and focus on your senses. It's important you familiarize yourself with what a place such as this feels like. It can help you recognize danger more easily later."
The Hunter of the Fringe was more than happy to have some assistance. Yes, most of his kind, few that they were, traveled solo. Even the Wayseekers, the Jedi who stepped away from the Order for whatever reason, and to help the Order, were the ones who would tend to join him. But even if people came straight out of the Commenor or Coruscant Temples, for whichever Order they were, out here, Jared made it a point to not call them by a particular Order. They were Jedi, Jedi worked for Jedi.

Checking his gear, enchanted leather armor under cortosis woven duraplast armor. It was Jensaarai in make but it left similarities there. Jared Starchaser was, in fact, a Starchaser, born of the Light Side many generations back. His armor was not using Sith Alchemy, merely Jal Shey imbuement and enchantment. Mostly to stop against the dark side, and to give him some camouflage in the Force. A sea beast of Corellia was painted in a yellow-gold atop the navy blue of the armor. Jared had the chest piece and the thigh guards, with his main hand's bracer on the wrist.

As he picked through the weapons. The songsteel sword, the lightsaber, his kyber cannon, and a slug thrower with bloodsteel slugs. As he watched the ship land, he stepped out and summoned Hopper over. The droid was filled with the downloads he had gotten when he saw the mission posted. Now was the time to meet with Valery Noble Valery Noble and her apprentice, one who he had not met. Granted, he hadn't met Valery properly either.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Kyyrk Kyyrk

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