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Rimward Trade League

A better, brighter Outer Rim through commerce, cooperation, and diplomacy

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Worlds of Light (Force Users Storyline)

So, for those of you who weren't aware, there's a Jedi/Force nexus planet that Tiland has been mostly operating out of: Qi-Ko. The original inhabitants of the planet had been (physically) wiped out, but kept their spirits alive by trapping their spirits in the crystals beneath the mountains. However, in an attempt to save the people of Ossus by pushing the ship out of the way during the invasion, they released themselves and went to join the Force. In the process, however, they told Tiland that their people had originally cultivated four worlds on the edge of the galaxy to use for Force-based navigation.

Since then, Tiland has been seeking these three other worlds, if they still exist, to learn more about these ancient Qi-Kans to create hidden places of refuge for those in need of healing or respite, assuming the worlds are like Qi-Ko, which they may not be.

However, as those of you who know Tiland are likely aware, he isn't what one would consider a spacer by any means. And so, after several long, fruitless months, he will turn to the other Light-sided Force users in the Outer Rim to ask for their assistance in locating these worlds. First phase will likely be consulting archives for any record of ancient Force-rich worlds at the edge of the galaxy, with the second phase being looking for them in space, and the third charting them.

This seems like an excellent story arc for the Forcers of the League, being more individualist, freeform, and exploratory than many others, especially with the influence of the Wardens and the Judges on the founding of the Pilgrims. I'm looking to start gauging interest about who wants to be involved and in what capacity before putting up the first thread. These are not DMed! I have no plans for these worlds yet or where they are and would love to see how their nature develops naturally based on threads and storyline as characters interact and various ideas get assembled together.

League Forcers Tag:
Zyre Zyre Tevra Nezaine Caedyn Arenais / Orrel Reyoun

Circle of the Light Hand:
Dair Cotarin <inactive> Dair Cotarin <inactive> Jax Thio Jax Thio Minerva Nightmoor Minerva Nightmoor Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen Jannik Morlandt Jannik Morlandt Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu

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