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Approved Starship Wraith-class Assault Ship

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  • Small Ship, Big Stick. This corvette boasts incredible firepower for its size at close range.
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land.
  • Close Range Fighter. This corvette lacks standoff weapon capability.
  • Lightly Shielded. The Wraith lacks staying power for an assault ship, relying more on hull armor than on its deflector shielding.
  • Unique Electromagnetic Signature. Corellia Defense vessels use a unique Hoersch-Kessel ion drive design for their main propulsion. The resulting engine wash is faintly radioactive. This electromagnetic signature was distinguishable from background cosmic radiation and allowed the vessels to be tracked or detected.
Functionally, the Wraith is a dedicated assault ship. The small size enables groups to work in tandem to quickly overtake and overwhelm enemy defenses. The higher than average speed rating allowed the Wraith to close gaps between it and the target, at which point the short-range turbolaser quad batteries were often highly effective at hammering the opponent. Though lacking a hangar, the small size of the Wraith allowed it to easily traverse most star ports as well as function inside atmosphere and land on planets.

The interior of the Wraith was well appointed, with Selonian leather and Corellian accents. The Wraith could be operated with a minimum crew of 2 personnel, with all turrets and weapons operating on computer control. The available CHX 2.1 SoundLink in the crew lounge offered an immersive 12 speaker sound environment for relaxation, provided that one of the crew had a current HoloFlix, HoloTunes, or Corellia Digital Music subscription.
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Link shows a CD-3.2 Hyperdrive. Please change this to the approiate name and put it under Hyperdrive please.

Do you mean to put it under Standard Features? Or somewhere else? The Hyperdrive field of the template normally only lists the trait (Low/Average/High/etc), so I'm not sure what you mean by putting it under Hyperdrive. If you could please clarify that then I'll edit as requested.
Submission Name: Prject WRAITH
Link to Submission:
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: As per my habit, these have been a faction exclusive for over a year. Time to update the affiliation and open them up for market sales.

Moved to pre-factory per OP request.

Please remember to include a list of changes made when you tag a member of factory staff to move the submission back to live judgement.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha

Nice ship again! Everything is ok with tthe sub, the only reaso why I not re-approved yet is the picture. You linked the deviantart's link, but for some reason you deleted the from your sub. If you want to put the picture back, feel free, but if you don't want, you don't have to. Let me know how you decide and after this I'll re-approve your ship.

Thank you for that catch. I had trouble with this one. I'd go to check a link in a new tab, and it would open in the current tab instead and I'd lose my edits. So I had to start over several times and the images must have gotten lost in the final revision.
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