Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nick Name: xyzip (witch means cold death in a lost language)
Faction: Mandalorian
Rank: Mandalorian elite
Species: human
Height: 6,4
weight:230 lb
Skin: light tan
Force sensitive: No

He is a very strong young man, and quick on his feet. He is very well train in the martial skills. And can operate just about any weapon. He has a very good force resistance against most force powers. He is very well equipped, with tons of weapons. He can beat almost anybody in a hand to hand fight.
But he is very aggressive, witch can be used against him. He never backs down from a fight no matter how big the enemy is. He is very prideful in his abilities, and is sometimes over confident.

He has a raven wing class ship. small fast and deadly. It is very curved and has bent wings on each other sides. It is also pointed, and has guns all over it.

He was born into a Mandalorian clan with a abusive father, he was born to be a fighter. When he was seven he got tired of being beat up by his father, so he grab a butcher knife and fought his father in combat. And amazingly won. His mother died in action, it was said that she was killed by a sith. He grew to hate the sith. He started to grow up, and did excellently well in the recruits training. When he was 17 he was in the challenge to decide who would be the next mandalor. He came second to one, after being bitterly beaten. He got rid of his real name and learn the word for cold death in a lost language, and started calling himself that. He had a reputation for taking on impossible odds and surviving. He kills what needs to be killed, and does what needs to be done. His greatest achievement was killing a imperial commando with a diner dish towel.




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