Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Got A Friend In Me

See with eyes unclouded by hate
Location: Tatooine

Over the last couple months on the harsh desert planet in the outer rim A'Runda had made an unusual friend. He'd formed a strong symbiotic relationship with a native Dewback. It was a little odd for the exiled Tusken to consider a Dewback for companionship. Considering the animal was one that was widely hunted by Tusken's with little regard for domestication. A'Runda had found the injured beast in a small cave in the Jundland Wastes. Feeling for the hurt an scared animal, A'Runda did his best to aid them. Calming them through The Force and healing it when he could.

However, it seemed as though the planet itself was meant for the two of them to find companionship. Given the desert planets bitterly cold nights, A'Runda spent them guarding the vulnerable reptile in it's weakened and sluggish state. Where as in the blistering heat of the day the Dewback would return the favor by guarding the tired Tusken and letting him save his energy by riding it.

On one of these restless nights, A'Runda's old and weathered datapad began to go off. Eager to see if it was his girlfriend Damsy he checked the device. However it was Madalena Antares] which confused him, and not just because he had a hard time remembering if that was the one that called him names or not. The message let him know that she's like to meet with him soon, and that she had something important she wanted to discuss with him.

Wondering what it was exactly that they wanted the Tusken's mind began to race. He wasn't really all that popular in the Confederacy which he remembered her being a part of. So he wasn't all that sure why they'd need or want to speak with him. Perhaps she had a job for him? To travel across the galaxy to learn the customs of some obscure, backwater tribe in a swamp? He wasn't sure, but he replied to her. Knowing where to meet him out in the vast deserts of Tatooine so she could reach him. In the mean time he would keep watch in the lonely nights for his reptilian friend.

Madalena had never come to close to the Confederate capital since she left it a few weeks ago. Heck, she had never even stepped foot inside their territory since that day. And here she was now, her little ship, quiet and undetected, burning through purple skies to make its way not only into that space, but into a planet that was virtually the closest neighbor to their capital. It was a huge risk she was taking.

But it was a risk worth taking.

In the time she had been away, she had gone over entire lists in her head. For over a year, Madalena had led the Knights Obsidian. Mission after mission, risk after risk, she had known very little of life outside of her job, and she had thrived in it. Her people had loved her; she led from the front, by example, never sending anyone out to do things she was unwilling to do herself. When it came to battle, she reigned as the Queen, and those who were there with her had loved her for it.

And she had known many of her people. Not with everyone had she had time for tea, but she'd always kept up. She knew when her troupe's birthdays were, when their spouses' were, their children. She knew their hobbies, their little likes, and she knew the inner desires and hearts of many as well. And that was exactly why, when she'd left, she had not offered any of them to come. She knew them too well, too deeply, and could not promise anyone safety. Only one Obsidian Knight had instantly joined her, but that had been that Warden's own choice, and it had not been Madalena that had offered the invitation.

But things had changed now. As her new goals became clearer, so had her means of work. And Tatooine was always ripe for it. A desert planet, it had its own Viceroy that was never to be found during times of need, and even when they were around, the planet remained bowed to the violence that constantly gripped it. Like many planets, the Confederacy had taken it, and then done little to nothing about the endless situations on it. Tuskens still raided, Hutts still bossed, and while it had been her own sister that had blown up the bridge, the life of crime had remained ever as lucrative as it had been prior to the planet's being taken.

And on her list, she knew exactly who would have loved to change it, if they could. Someone who had served under her. Someone whose life she had saved directly on one occasion. Someone who, despite being with the Confederacy, had never quite shown to be completely absorbed by it.

If she ever had a chance to lure one of them over, it would be him.


The sun was setting when she'd landed several miles away from Mos Eisly, taking a speeder with her since she did not have a cool dewback to ride on. The coordinates had been sent, and she arrived, dressed in her new black armor.

As she saw him, a smile lit her face up. He was slightly out of place among the Confederates, sticking out more than he probably wanted to. But she had liked him. And she hoped it would be enough.

"Are you Mandragora A'Runda still?" she asked, her voice warm, "Or have you changed your place among the Knights?"
See with eyes unclouded by hate
A'Runda looked out some from the improvised campsite that him and his Dewback chose to stay for the night. Nuzzled inside a tight and small cave. Seeing the twin suns lower themselves into dusk. He also caught a glimpse of a ship lowering itself into the mirage over the desert dunes.

Knowing that his visitor would be arriving very shortly he tightened up his little makeshift camp sight. Collecting some of the nearby dry woods and other plant fibers to start a camp fire. Something he did every night to try and practice his psychokinesis, with varying degrees of success. Before he could get any flames however, he sensed Madalena approaching.

Quickly the Tusken got up from the ground and patted the dust off his garbs some before making his way to the cave entrance to meet her. After hearing her speak he gave a slight bow. Which he 'd come to learn was a basic and pretty universal sign of respect. Despite it not really being a culturally norm for many Tuskens. "Mandragora, Archivist? Same difference I suppose." He replied with a slight chuckle. But before he couls say much else there was a very low groaning and growling coming from in the cave. A'Runda's dewback companion had started walking out to see the newcomer. But didn't seem very thrilled.

Sensing their hostilities A'Runda wave his hand to the reptile and spoke in some Tusken jargon he doubted Madalena could understanding. But A'Runda did sounds a little peeved with the Dewback's less then welcoming attitude. But as if the creature understood the harsh words coming from the Tusken stopped growling some and slowly turned back to rest in the cave.

Looking back to Madalena he spoke with a light sigh. "My apologies, he's not very trusting very many people. So, for what do I owe the pleasure of your company Miss Antares? My home world doesn't get much attention theses days, and I get even less. So I imagine you have some... im...important news of some kind?" It was very clear that with A'Runda's tone and word choice that he was really trying his best to be polite and maybe even impress. Especially since galactic basic is more like his third and a half language.

[member="Madalena Antares"]

Madalena nodded. For a short period of time, she had been an Archivist as well, choosing that rank among the Knights as she grew accustomed to the new body she had been granted. But it had never felt quite as fitting to her as being a Pathfinder had when she was in her sister's body. Not that it mattered too much; before she'd had enough time to contemplate making another move, she had been promoted to Knight Commander and later turned Lord Marshall.

Glowing green eyes moved to the reptile, but Madalena did nothing about it. The beast companion belonged to A'Runda and she would not move an inch to interfere unless the creature attempted to attack her. Still, she eyed him with curiosity, not remembering A'Runda taking any interest in animals before. Nor could she remember any mentions of this in her personal files, which she had read several times during their shared year among the Confederates.

As the beast moved back to the cave, A'Runda's attention returned to her. He'd never been the best of speakers, but he knew how to make her smile. Like some others, his efforts often went unnoticed and unseen, though she could sense the heart that lurked within his ribcage. He had all that it took to care, and more than that.

"Yes," she nodded, taking a seat on one of the rocks, making herself comfortable, "I'm here to make you an offer, A'Runda the Tusken."

Smiling, Madalena looked at him for a moment before removing a large bottle from her backpack.

"You served the Knights under my lead," she explained, "and I make a point of reading the files of all those I am responsible for. I bring everyone back home alive, and if I fail, I know in advance who the next of kin, where the home, where everything that matters is. I read your files several times. And this is why I know of your radiation poisoning from Copero."

She paused, giving him a moment to let it sink in. He was always so covered. If it hadn't been for the information she'd read, she'd have just assumed it was because Tuskens were all about that skin hiding, those extreme requirements of modesty that she never quite comprehended. And maybe he would've remained as hidden beneath fabric as he currently was if that had been the case. But now, if she was any guess, there were probably many marks on his skin already. Radiation poisoning wasn't a pretty way to go.

Bringing the bottle forth, she placed it between them.

"This is for you," Madalena explained, "radiation absorption pills, the latest invention from the people I'm with right now. I think four months ought to be enough of a treatment, but there is enough here for six, just in case. Take one per standard day when you're planet-side, two per standard day when you're in space, and breaking orbit whether by entrance or exit is another pill every time too. You can keep this no matter what else happens tonight. Consider this a gift from an outsider for duty well served."

With the Force, Madalena nudged the bottle closer to A'Runda.

"The second is exactly this. Tatooine. Tell me, A'Runda, what do you think of Tatooine under rule of the Confederacy? I know you were recruited before it was taken. What do you believe has become of it since?"
See with eyes unclouded by hate
[SIZE=11pt]A’Runda took a seat as well, across the unlit campfire he’d tried to start before his friend arrived. Behind his masking wraps and goggles he raised an eyebrow at the mention of an offer for him. Causing him to wonder for a second about where she was going. Nonetheless he listened intently to her words. Having been quite unaware of her keeping up to date with his files. But then he mentioned his illness from Copero and he clenched his fist tightly. Not because he was angry at Madalena. He was just angry over what happened to him over such a fruitless conflict. The sudden rush of emotion in him caused him to unintendedly ignite the campfire between the two of them. Allowing it to now heat and illuminate the two of them as the shadow of the horizon covered the desert. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But he continued to listen and patiently watched as she presented him with some kind of medicine bottle. Followed by him watching her with wide eyes as she explained to him what it was and why she was giving it to him. He grabbed the bottle as she passed it to him with The Force. He wasn’t sure what to say as he looked back at her signature deWinter green eyes. He tried to say something but almost choke upped. “I-I-I… I don’t know what to say. P-Part of me doesn’t think you understand how significant this is to me. If this really can help me then… that means you’ve given me a second chance.” He wasn’t entirely sure how to explain it but he would try. “It’s often said among my people that a Tusken’s worth comes from their ability to handle their gaffi stick. Since what happened, I’ve had so much issue with just being able to take care of myself that…” He couldn’t seem to find the words to finish what he was saying. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Madalena, I know you’ve already gone out of your way for me once before in the heat of the moment, and even though I never could seem to come up with a way to thank you. But now, with this I…” A’Runda stopped himself and thought about the last thing she said while setting the bottle beside him. She wanted to know how he felt about the state of his home world since it came under the Confederacy’s sphere of influence. He thought for a moment before replying.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Since I left my clan I was able to access much of the history of Tatooine. I realized that in the old republic nothing was done for the planet and its people. Same goes for the empire, the new republic. Even now with The Confederacy I see the pattern of in… indiff… uh… indifference and stagnation that has plagued this planet for tens of thousands of years.” A’Runda’s tone seemed as though he was trying to speak of a hard truth. “I do my best for my planet. Most people here don’t want help from someone dressed like me. Most people won’t take advice from someone with my “quaint” background. If you want my opinion this planet will never seem to get better. Not matter who lays claim to it.” The Tusken began to began to put the pieces together on why Madalena wanted to meet up with him. Then something seemed to come across A’Runda. A sort of wave of admiration for Madalena that since he knew her was always there inside him. But never really came out as much. The Tusken suddenly got up from his stop across from her before doing another more even more respectful bow to her. “Miss Antares, it would be a great honor if you allowed me to pledge a life debt to you. After everything you’ve done, and the respect you’ve shown me I feel I should’ve done this a long time ago. But you coming here and providing me with a fighting chance once more has been more than enough for me to see you fit for this several life times over. Please…” It was clear the Tusken was not joking. He’d concluded that she was more than deserving of his loyalties. He worried that she might turn him down however. Which in that case, he wasn't sure what good he could be to anyone, even himself...[/SIZE]

[member="Madalena Antares"]

He was right. She didn't know how significant the contents of that bottle were to him. They both, along with most people that had ever existed, shared a will to live. To live well. But there was something in his intonations, in the way he spoke, that made her think this was more than just about basic will. There was something that ran deeper there, and she didn't know if this was due to his culture, background, or experiences. But all she could give him was a nod. Short of that chance to live well, she had given him nothing thus, and even without the medicine she had provided from the top of the researches on Scintilla, he would have lived long. Just… Not in the right way. Radiation poisoning made life unlivable to many.

Of the importance of the gaffi stick she knew little too, but that was easier to understand. The camp fire between them suddenly became more than just a few lick of flames for warmth and light and she smiled.

But had she gone out of her way for him? She remembered that day, the mission they had been on. She remembered how terrified she had been because it was her first time leading a squad, and how she had jumped between worry and anger when A'Runda and another had been bitten by the creatures that had lurked beneath the mud. But she hadn't needed his thanks. Any of their thanks. She needed them to be okay – that was the thanks she had been searching for at the time. To see that they were healing, able to get back on their feet, able to fight another day.

In many ways, she had been stupid and naïve about the entire thing. In other ways, she had not.

It seemed though, that the Tusken's outlook was very similar to her own when it came to Tatooine. She had no particular love for it; it was the place where her great-grandmother had been sold into, where her grandmother had been born at, and where her grandmother had murdered her parents in their sleep at. In terms of family history, it was barely a blip. And yet they kept retuning here, time after time, for so many small and seeming insig-

He was bowing.

"Wait," Madalena said, holding her hand up. Did she want to give him the honor? Yes. She did. But before she did so, he had to know what she was about to do. "I would love to allow it, but there are things you need to know first, A'Runda."

Sighing, she motioned for him to move so he could sit down comfortable. Perhaps it would be a short explanation. Perhaps he would have questions and they would be in the dessert all night long.

"I am no longer with the Confederacy," Madalena began, "I have left it, along with a handful of others, and have sowed root into a new place. My new home is one that believes planets ought to have the freedom to govern themselves. A place like Tatooine… In the hands of the Galactic Empire or the Confederacy it doesn't matter as both go between ignoring it and bleeding it dry. Imagine a Tatooine that is free. Whether the natural motion of events would go to give its rule to the Hutts or to the Tuskens, it would be the choice of the people who are actually here, who are actually part of the planet, and not some alien government looking to fatten itself on taxes and resources taken from it.

So we are going to fight. We are going to start battles against the entire Galaxy, step by step, bit by bit, and push inter-planetary governments away. We're going to destroy them, and let people have the freedom to reign themselves. And these actions… The confederacy doesn't look kindly on people who leave it, regardless of their reasoning. I will not be surprised if it is only a matter of time before they title me and mine as traitors to it. Probably sooner rather than later because I have a ship full of weapons cargo for the Tuskens to pick up arms and fight the alien intruders."

Now she smiled again. The fire had lit in her eyes, her voice full of passion and conviction. For so long, Madalena had helped the Confederacy grow. Now she would make it, along with many other large galactic players, shrink. Step by step. The Dark Paladin of Chaos would not rest until her goal was reached.

"Take the time to think about it, be it seconds or weeks," she said warmly now, "If you still wish for me to allow you to pledge me a life debt, you may. But you will do so from a place of knowledge and understanding. If you have any questions, you should ask. There will never be ignorant serving under my wing again for as long as I draw breath."
See with eyes unclouded by hate
[SIZE=10.5pt]The moment she told him to 'wait' A'Runda felt his heart stop. Worried that she was going to turn him down, and he wasn't sure what he would do then. However, he sat down and listened to her continue and explain herself. He had no idea Madalena had decided to leave The Confederacy, and was unaware of a group of others doing so as well. Although, the message about planets governing themselves felt a little familiar, like he had heard it before. But knowing what he did about Madalena and her relation with the rest of her family it wasn’t difficult for him to understand that she was coming from a place of sincerity. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She easily appealed to his desire to see and make a better future for his homeworld. Something he felt has been an uphill battle since he was introduced to the galaxy at large. He understood both through text and stories from his grandfather that a clever, and ruthless enough offworlder could gain much through misery and bloodshed on Tatooine. A’Runda knew that the cycle of violence needed to stop. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He was also thankful that Madalena would not take advantage of him pledging his loyalty to her. But she didn’t. She wanted him to be informed and understand what he would be getting himself into by going along with her. She told him to think on it, but as she spoke it only reinforced his newfound conviction and fueled the flames of his respect for her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Looking back at her emerald eyes and warm smile though his goggles he nodded before finally replying. “I understand, and because of that let it be known that I, A’Runda, Exile of Clan Rok’urk’us pledge my allegiance to you Madalena Antares. Your mission is now my mission, and I would want nothing more than to aid and protect you with my life. Will you humbly accept my service to you and your cause?” A’Runda’s own tone and voice seem to mimic her own with passion and conviction. His worries of being seen as a traitor in the eyes of the Confederacy were null and void. It was not the first time he had been considered one, and the CIS betrayed him when they neglected his planet like all those before it. For the Tusken this was a personal matter, not a political one. His admiration he had to the women before him was almost strictly from her character. Given how she has look after him, he only wishes to do the same for her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I only hope I can be of use. After all I am just what some people call a pa..padawn, or a novice. Mainly[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] when it comes to The Force. I've never even had a dedicated master..."[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] There self doubt in his voice. Yet it wasn't really that justified anymore. True he never got a dedicated instructor. However, through his time learning he has been taught many lessons from various teachers. Yet he never really thought that really counted. So he always [/SIZE]undermined[SIZE=10.5pt] his own ability with The Force, even with having a knack for [/SIZE]psychokinetic[SIZE=10.5pt] abilities. He was possibly even 'knight' level at this point but he just couldn't see it.[/SIZE]

[member="Madalena Antares"]

Let it be known that I, A’Runda, Exile of Clan Rok’urk’us pledge my allegiance to you Madalena Antares. Your mission is now my mission, and I would want nothing more than to aid and protect you with my life. Will you humbly accept my service to you and your cause?

Madalena beamed at A'Runda's words. She had feared, for a split of a moment, that once she had told him what she'd been up to, he would no longer want to give her his life debt. She had thought, that in a best case scenario, he would want to take a little bit longer than he actually had in order to think about it. But no. A'Runda knew what he wanted, and this was it. His voice left no plcae for any doubt, his speech no place to wonder.

It was only with the second part that she heard it then – the self doubt.

"My mission is now your mission," she paraphrased his words back to him, "And if I want my mission to succeed, it means that I need to be at my best. And if your mission is my mission, then you need to be at your best." There was no mocking in her tone, no condescending. "If you will have me, I will guide you through the Force. I will teach you how to control it, how to bend it to your will. I will equip you with any armor or weapons you may require."

Pausing, she looked at him. If he would accept, he would be her first acolyte. Her first official acolyte, in any way. Hundreds of people had trained with her and under her, but this would be something different. This would be personal.

"If you have me, the next time you visit Tatooine, you will be much stronger."
See with eyes unclouded by hate
Now seeing that she would indeed accept him and his life debt he could help but beam back to her behind his mask. He wasn't entirely sure what to do in that moment. Did he jump over the camp fire and hug the woman for giving him a second chance in more ways then one? No, a display like that would bring some negative attention his way where he was from. Instead as he sat across from her he performed an eager bow to her.

Then he listened to her offer to let him learn under her in the ways of The Force. Even though he has heard others tell that to him before he couldn't sense any doubt that this would be like the other times people have taught him. "Thank you Madalena, I could think of no other person in the galaxy I would rather learn under. As you accept me and my life debt, I will accept you and your teachings." He replied to her with the ought most honesty. "Believe it or not Madalena, your ability to honor and inspire others would get you far as a Tusken." Although that might not have sounded like the best compliment in the world, it was to A'Runda. He didn't really say that to people, even ones he liked. But he could see her, if following some traditions, becoming one of the greatest chieftains on Tatooine.

Getting up from his spot across from her he spoke. "There's only one favor I ask as of now..." He sounded rather serious. But then he looked over to his Dewback buddy who was calmly eyeing the two of them this entire time, as if listening on the conversation themselves. "I've been trying to get my friend back to my estate for the last month or so. But it's been kind of slow since it's too cold for them at night and I get too tired in the day. I don't suppose you could give us a lift." He explained before looking back at Madalena smiling some behind his garbs.

[member="Madalena Antares"]

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