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Approved Tech Zaiden's Demon Armor

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Well-Known Member

Intent: At the moment, Zaiden is a Padawan on his way to Knighthood, and padded clothing is not good for stopping attacks.
Development Thread: N/A
Hero Unit: Yes as it is technically unique.
Manufacturer: Zaiden's father
Model: Unique
Affiliation: Zaiden
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
Torso Plate - Ultrasteel
Gauntlets - Durasteel with Phrik fragments
Leg Plates - Durasteel
Description: Zaiden, being of the darker ilk, has a thing for gothic appearing tools. And thus far, his armor is his favorite. Made by his father only months before he died, Zaiden holds it close to his heart - literally.

The torso was made from an Ultrasteel strain that was processed for months, to make absolutely sure no impurities could be found. It's powerful enough to take a beating, but only from a distance and only for so long. It is capable of being hit by blaster fire but not repeatedly. It cannot take a strike from a Lightsaber.

The gauntlets are Durasteel plated, and interwoven with small threads of phrik filament to provide resistance to blaster fire, as well as lightsaber strikes. On the back of the right hand, is a black symbol.

The leg plates are made of Durasteel. They are very tough, but not tough enough for blaster fire nor lightsaber attacks. On the right frontal calf, there is a crack that was repaired.

The facial plate only reaches to the nose, and is a simple iron plate. The hood is a thick padded hood, doused in a slight fire resistant component.

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 53.5 lbs
Quality: Class-6
Other Feature(s): N/A


Well-Known Member
By the by, I am aware I'm missing the Armor specific information from the template but that is because it will not show for some reason. I've clicked show several times and it just won't.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Onyx, please do not post in others' tech submissions.

Zaiden, here's the rest of the template. This armor is beautiful, but it's suitable for a Sith Master or a high Knight. It could be considered overpowered for an Apprentice or a new Knight, regardless of who made it. Since only the gauntlets are lightsabre-resistant, it's not too unreasonable.

Here's what I would suggest. Do a private tech creation thread, perhaps a flashback thread, involving this armor's creation, with some semblance of a plot, and I'll approve this.

Classification: (Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Multipurpose, Other)
Weight: (Via Metric System)
Quality: (Class-1 through Class-10 determines The armor's ultimate reliability, stopping power and strength via design and creation method. A rating of 10 being comparable to Mandalore's armor, and a rating of 1 being comparable to makeshift armor, rate yours within those boundaries)
Other Feature(s): (anything else that distinguishes this armor not applicable within The other categories)


Well-Known Member
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Now all of a sudden it does not want to let me edit the post so here
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 53.5 lbs
Quality: Class-6
Other Feature(s): N/A

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Normally, when we ask for a tech creation RP, we're asking for an entire thread and sustained effort, but this really is very reasonable armor and that was a nice vignette you wrote (I moved it to the Private forum).

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