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The Alliance Committee for Finance and Commerce has repaid the outstanding debt owed to Breshig War Forge Consolidated for their assistance at the Battle of Coruscant, following extensive negotiations between the involved parties. Despite the Official Senate Policy prohibiting the use of...
It is with a heavy heart that we at Locke and Key Mechanics were informed of the Dark Empire's new heavy handed and authoritarian economic policy. For decades Locke and Key Mechanics has stood for fair trade galaxy-wide, never favouring one government over another but selling our goods to any...
The New Look of Harmony
(Art by Ambris Art, Personal Commission of Mine)
"'Ello Lovely readers! Today, ve are interviewing ze newest Jedi Mastah of the New Jedi Ordah! Jonyna Si, Ze Zentinal of 'Armony. Introduce yourzelf, ma'dam."
"Hi. I'm Jonyna Si. Sentinel of Harmony, Jedi...
Kaggath Arena
The excited footsteps and chattering of the crowd in the audience stands above was a distant yet ever-present echo in the background of the otherwise quiet preparation chamber. Darth Strosius had dismissed any offers of attendance and assistance before the coming duel...
Hearing the word Lord before his name was something he'd never get used to.
It had been many years at this point, but the man Abel saw when he looked in the mirror was not the liege of a great house. He did not see a man who had taken a budding winery and turned into something profitable. No...
The Tingel Arm Coalition is mere days away from what is considered its most significant military operation, the mobilization of our Fleet and Rebel Forces against the Empire of the Lost's control of Mon Cala and Lothal. As a member of the Aquilian Rangers, I've been tasked with taking part in...
Raid on Manaan
"After a new faction of Mandalorians — The Neo-Crusaders — launched a raid against Contruum, I knew they would return. Their targets have all been carefully chosen around Alliance borders, so I can't help but feel like they're testing us. For many years, the Alliance has...
Location: Corporate Sector
Perhaps the scheming of the Sith were finally starting to rub off on Diodoros, who was now making a move towards his own goals. Having been planning things out piece by piece since getting his Letter of Marque and working with the Sith. Which offered him a level of...
There's been a helluva lot going on in the last several months since the Dark Empire attempted to invade Coruscant. The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order have been rebuilding, and judging from my recent visit, the Jedi Temple looks like it's been restored. It was good to see that the...
Kattadan Jedi Enclave
The Kattadan Jedi Enclave is opening its doors to those looking to learn the Jedi arts. Focusing on the school of thought of a Sentinel, the Kattadan Enclave is part of the Jedi Academy Network, now under the name of the Enclave Network. Part of Alliance...
In the wake of an assassination attempt on High Representative Ivalyn Yvarro in Galactic Alliance space, the Commonwealth stands at a pivotal moment. Galvanized by anger and a thirst for justice, the population's support for the Sith Empire's war against the Galactic Alliance grows. Will the...
Thelma’s Tailoring, Dahrtag
Shortly after the events of "Respect the Crossroads"...
“... Senator Laveaux remains in critical condition following what is believed to have been an assassination attempt at Oridin City Hospital on Fondor…”
Thelma blinked, pulled from the intense focus she’d had on...
Hopefully nothing got leaked. Thanks again to all participants, we had a rather large turnout.
Thanks to Dravien Deshra for the idea, thanks to Kezeroth the Hateful for ghosting.
The dar’manda Arla Rodarch has met her end over Contruum. A testament to the falsity of her misguided way. Her name destined to be forgotten, lost in the cosmic void.
FADE IN - A furious Hutt, just shaking his head and and grumbling, his Kowakian Monkey-Lizard throwing things and a destroyed throne room in the background. In the Foreground is a dented, short circuiting, scarred Protocol Droid.
"Ay! Listen up! I'm CH3-PO, Human Cyborg Relations. I'm a...
Cora knelt to the floor, fingers sweeping over a curved shard of glass.
The Sith had been bold to attack the Temple of Kyber. It served as a precursor to their invasion of Coruscant, and though the Jedi had repelled them in the end, the Alliance's sense of security had been shattered. It...
"What the heck is.... Osik get us out of...." Nothing but static. Mig sighed. 15 freighters, 3 arms freighter, and 4 escorts. Only a smattering of wreckage so far was found by recon vessels, and a stealth frigate would check the region, near the EOLT border. This... this made things complicated...
MNN News, with your hosts, Vau the Destroyer, and Mirta Saxon
VAU : Good evening, and welcome to news of the hour, from Mandalore News Network, your trusted source for all current events in the world, the sector, and the whole galaxy too.
We bring you now a report on the aftermath of several...