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Hello, and welcome to the first installment to my OOC guide to characters. In this blog, I will write about characters found on this site that interest me. But, since this is the very first episode, I'm going to discuss my own characters so far.
Character Guide Episode I: My Girls
My first...
There was another Thuella. Her life was cruelly taken from her just moments after she awoke from the cloning tube and said her first words. She looked to me for help. She trusted me. I strangled her to death.
I blot this image out while we spar. Your wear her face, you share her name and her...
So, someone recommended that I keep a log. Decided it was a wise idea. Gave me a way to organize my thoughts, keep a running tally of the chit I have to put up with and log my hours of overtime. Not that I'm paid by the hour, but I digress.
This week has been exceptionally busy. Command has seen...
The Corporate Protectorate would like to recant any and all statements made regarding the hostilities of the Core. Notably by Consul Custani Valcho.
We at this time declare ourselves in...
Today's research notes delve into the history of Shaolin and Echani. Time for a compare and contrast!
The Echani martial art first appeared in Star Wars in Crimson Empire, as the martial art of choice for the Emperor's Royal Guard; their training in double-vibroblades and force pikes, as...
I've been watching. Reading. Listening, talking. I've been the voice of opposition, the voice of reason. The voice of peace, and the voice f stupidity. I've been a favorite, and a hated, a friend and an annoying pest to many here on Chaos. I've watched those I thought to be good friends become...
Day Six of Project
Something interesting happened, and I don't know what to make of it.
As I said in the previous entry, today I was going to put inhibitors on PAPI. And I did. Everything went smoothly, until the last one.
The last inhibitor was really more of a failsafe; if the device that...
The Hugo Awards are by far the world's most prestigious awards for science fiction and fantasy literature, with the nebulas a not-terribly-close second. Every year, a nomination list is voted into existence by anyone who's bought a membership to WorldCon (or a supporting membership, meaning they...
In logic and critical thinking, a slippery slope is a logical device, but it is usually known under its fallacious form, in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any rational argument or demonstrable mechanism for the inevitability of the event in...
Soliael Devin Shamalain Talith
Soliael's Ring
Kira Talith
Angraal Crystals
Kira Liadain's Necklace
Auntie Amore
Amorella's Bracelet
Aela Esmae Shamalain Talith
Aela's Necklace
Maleah Kharyi Shamalain Talith
Maleah's Boots
Kaili Nohei Shamalain Talith...
Public Release Statement
Jedi Knight Ella Nova stood on a podium, that had been built outside the Galactic Senate chambers on Chazwa. Following the annexation of the Roche system by the Mandalorians, much speculation revolved around the events that transpired during the between between...
[b]Image Source: Rebels Wiki[/b]
Intent: To make a Bo-Rifle for sale by Angamar Enterprises
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Angamar Enterprises
Model: IE-1
Affiliation: Closed MarketModularity: Can be used as both an electrostaff and a blaster rifle
First I'd like to talk a little about Buddhism and why it relates so heavily to what will be referred to in the notes here. It's important to have a very quick background on it to understand a few simple concepts.
As mentioned in my last article, the Shaolin temple practices a subset...
What is a soul, I found myself asking after the battle of Elrood. Did those things, the purple and black monstrosities that poured from every crevice, every crack in the hangar, every corner of the city- did they have souls? Did they have purpose? Did they feel fear? Did they feel pain? When I...
I have heard that the Shadow King, a certain Romeo Sin, had been garnering the attention of individuals within the underground. That, along with his name, has attracted the attention of myself, as well. After all, like attracts like, no?
As of late, my clientele have not been as...abound as I...
The Third SSB Expo is now live!
Come join in and mingle with various companies. Make contracts. Buy items at a discount!
Join in here.
It is that time again! The moment all ya'll fine ladies and gentlebeings have been waiting for!!
Here comes the return of...