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This entry is in size 24 because it will get much more attention if you can read it easier I find.
While I do not drop characters I like easily, my muse always shifts and has shifted since I first joined onward. It is not because I do not like you or RPing as the character, it is my every...
So I made the name that just for catchy-ness. Rest assured I have zero intention of demanding anything. These are just my thoughts based on the fact that I almost always look at RP as a matter of realism. I know this won't be popular or accepted, but it does make sense, and gives more incentive...
Image Source: IGN
Intent: To give Valashu a better means to defend himself in close quarters than the Bow he utilizes...
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Ancient Tera Lushians | Damien Daemon
Model: Ak'hanz'a Ver'itoth
Affiliation: Matreya (Valashu)
Modularity: None
Production: Semi-Unique...
Tier II to Tier III
Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC)​​
Imperium Contract
Hutt Contract
Make an additional three mass-production products.
[background=rgb(30,30,30)]O'ardiu'kacitr Blaster
Razor Disc
Jet Cycle
Complete three miscellaneous threads.
I've been slow on posting for a few reasons. Between school, part time job hunting, and binge watching cartoons and anime; there's a special project I've been working on. If you don't know anything about me, then I should tell you that I write my own personal projects and stories outside of...
Hi there! This will be the first of hopefully many notices that will be coming from the factory team. Even though everybody is still getting settled we wanted to give a glimpse as to what we as a team have been discussing in response to suggestions from the community as well as our own internal...
Journal Entry: #4.
Location: Kashyyyk.
Subject: Asha Hex's disappearance on Nar Shaddaa.
Still nothing...-How many weeks has it been now? Months even...
I must have stuck around on Nar Shaddaa for two weeks before the petty excuse for Authorities started taking me seriously and "went off...
42 Jovember, 20202020202020202202020201.
Greetings, friends, enemies, foes alike.
You, surely the most fortunate of your brethren, have stumbled across my inspired memoirs!
Alas, it is likely that you, sire, have retrieved them from some lowly waste disposal, for the world is one of fools...
I, Princess Karrie of Baalia, had thought we could visit a place considered to be one of the oldest still yet surviving in the city .... The Osin Baths. They have been the heart of the city for millennia. It is rumored that the city was laid out then built around the site of the Baths. Over the...
Right, working on a ship. The Tiburon did a lot of good when I had her flying, but right now? Don’t really need that. Rising does all my cargo needs. I can use that to carry cargo, and any prisoners if it comes to that. It typically won’t. I’m not in the business of taking prisoners...
Next to unstoppable space wizard and smuggler, the soldier is one of the more popular characters on Star Wars RP sites. Given that war is a pretty big thing in Star Wars (for kark's sake, it's half the name), this probably shouldn't come as a surprise. After all, the percentage of Force users to...
I have tried in many ways to keep things that happen ooc away from my ic writing, as it tends to make the character react in ways they aren't designed.
I have written Rianna Organa since 1999. She is as complete a character as can be, and she has ties to Alderaan. Her Family has ties to...
These Campaign Ribbons are for use by members of the Mandalorian Clans and all associated minor factions and subfactions.Campaign Ribbons Order of Precedence
[background=[b]Updated[/b]: [background=13 August 2016 @ 12:31 PM[/size]
[background=[size=5]* Assisted another...
Image Source: Call of Duty, Trophy System
Intent: To create the third piece of gear in Smith and Westworld's line of Tactical gear for the board
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Smith and Westworld
Model: Sonic Point
Affiliation: The First Order, select Buyers, and closed markets...
This 2017 American superhero film, directed by Zack Snyder and based on the DC Comics, is the fifth instalment in the DC Extended Universe and stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Amy Adams, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane and J. K. Simmons.
As the world...
Shryke hit the ground. Laughter rung above him. "Get up." The command wasn't cruel, nor loving. It was simply an order. "The rest of you stop laughing, that is not the way of the House of Iron." Shryke extended his four arms. Pressing against the ground he stood again, grasping the pole next to...