Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • NEW: Lady Velvet Releases
    The Jedi's Fall for the Sith 1/10 In the shadows of my enclave on Mustafar, I stumbled across this book recently. I have no doubt about which...
  • NEW: Lady Velvet Releases
    Corazona von Ascania User: XxForceFencerxX "Passion of the Parsecs" Review 4/10 Let's just look at this cover. The gold dress? Gorgeous...
  • NEW: Lady Velvet Releases
    User: Real_A'Runda Under the Tatooine Suns is a flagrant affront to the Ghorfa peoples of Tatooine. The cover alone depicts an individual adopted...
  • NEW: Lady Velvet Releases
    User: throwaway4491 Lady Velvet's works are unexpectedly powerful for what they are. What's obscene content to some is empowerment to others...
  • NEW: Lady Velvet Releases
    Username: echanisparrer1 I always have a love for the romance and steamy passions of the protagonists in these novels, a slight guilty pleasure...

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Kaalia Pavanos
Azimuth Industries
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