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A simple, fun podracing ruleset, mostly randomized with some strategy involved.
We used this ruleset in a completed race that lasted a good 40 posts: the Ison Coathook. (Pour one out for Jon Kovacs, who exploded at the starting line, and Eleena Salwa, who gambled her re-roll and crashed in the...
Change of Direction
Only 2 years ago Valery had stepped out of stasis and into a Galaxy similar in some ways, but vastly different in others. Her journey to adjust and find a new purpose had initially been very difficult, but several Jedi had helped her find her place and after a...
The Death toll was in the trillions.
Seemingly in the blink of an eye, the peace of the Southern Systems was brought to a tumultous end.
In the west, a bloody pact was made. Long ago, the Outer Rim Coalition (ORC) had held the worst of the region at bay. And in the wake of their...
1. Firstly, a retraction. The member Aycin, previously confirmed to be "the doxxer" (spooky noises), is now suspected not to be the writer. She is the one propagating it, was sending it to multiple people unsolicited with all the gleeful laughter typical of the 4chan kids, so she's not owed an...
The efforts to heal the Tingel Arm have been set in motion. Supplies are being distributed, refugees are finding new homes, and the terraforming of worlds long ravaged by war has begun. Soon, we will heal the worlds of the Tingel Arm, and bring them back to a place of peace and prosperity!
BIOGRAPHY: Emma Farron grew up on Coruscant. She led a normal life with her parents until she was 14 years old. Emma’s parents were smugglers for the Jedi though they tried to keep a low profile for the safety of themselves and Emma. Emma was force sensitive, though her parents were not, and...
Sup ya'll.
Well, this past year we famously said "yeah, let's stop putting stuff behind closed doors, let's air it all out." I didn't actually say that originally, it was a banned member who gave me the idea as he REEE'd, and I agreed. It's been rather cathartic, talking about this stuff...
With calm steps, Valery walked through her room while she cradled the baby in her arms. She had been humming a soft, melodic tune she remembered from her childhood, and gently swayed her daughter to the rhythm to keep her calm. Simply looking into Vera's little orange eyes was...
Transmission begins
Sitting at a desk, clad in the blue dress uniform of the Antarian Rangers, sits a man many in the galaxy have come to know as Beltran Rarr. Pinned on his chest, are the battle honors and medals of dozens of battles. His face, weathered and marked with scars from dozens of...
Rex felt his heart beating in his chest as he quickly paced down the hall inside HMS Shi-Cho There was an unnatural breeze caused by the ac unit, but Rex was hot. He could feel the blood coursing through his veins as he walked, and sweat beads were forming on his forehead. He was stressed. He...
Aeris had left Kai in the remains of the Halls of Healing, even though she was the one who really needed medical attention. Since there was nothing wrong with him, he had refused treatment and instead volunteered to help with the wounded. His duties consisted mainly of moving people and supplies...
See also Part One.
The Draelvasier eradicated the homeworlds of the following species and many others. Today, survivors often seek to reclaim and rebuild their lost homes, or carve out a place in and around the gigantic region known as the Scar Worlds.
Strength: Fire-breathing...
Tingel Arm Space
23:00 (Shipboard Time)
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 870 ABY
"Three years. Three fething years...
870 ABY
"The...lack of diversity within our portfolio is certainly rising to the top of our concerns following these new economic mandates. And yet...while the Empire is restricting our ability to do business across the...