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King Heath Valhoun of The Elysium Empire proudly announced the marriage of his son and heir, Rex Valhoun, to MandalArms owner Loreena Arenais, today. The marriage binds two increasingly powerful houses, Valhoun and Arenais, and is, according to several political experts, expected to be one of...
The office was quiet. Daegon leaned back in a chair which was unfamiliar, it was not his, and yet it was. He should have been on Thyferra, but it had become painstakingly obvious to him the best way to serve the people of Thyferra was by doing so from Naboo. The Presidium was not ideal, not for...
Featuring: Srina Talon, John Locke
Despite the hour, the room was quiet. The hour was early in the afternoon - enough so that bright rays bathed the office space in light. This was the time that brought about creativity. Progress. And yet, the space was as a...
Issue #3
DAYS 1 - 4
Two weeks on the couch.
That was Yula's verdict.
He was getting off lightly. He could see it in her eyes. Somehow, surprisingly, she had managed to cool her temper over the shockboxing fiasco he had caused...well, a fiasco...
The third entry in our preview series for Age of Chaos: Industrial Politics, this entry focuses on some of the brand new Type being introduced for our Being cards: Politician. The vast majority of this new Type have an ability that allows them to roll dice when one of the brand new Archetypes of...
Two shadows sit at the eastern edge of the canyons that make up the wasteland poxed by craters from rogue force storms.
"Does he know the truth yet," the first asks with a rasp.
"No, but he will, it's a matter of time," the second voice whispered.
"Soon, there is much that needs to be...
Corso had been walking for four days, he ran out of rations yesterday and was hungry. He could feel the temple now, it would be a few hours but the force pulsated with its power. He could not wait to draw a warm bath, eat a meal, and relax before he would engage in his first. Such a feeling was...
Subject: Fatherhood.
Location: The Jedi Enclave, Svivren.
Asaraa is pregnant.
It's been a little while now since I spoke to her about ending our relationship due to the distance between us, both physically and figuratively, serving in different sectors of the Galaxy and doing what is needed of...
The Empress was weary, but ready. A weight rested on her chiselled shoulders as she sequestered herself to her chambers. That weight was not the weight of fear for the violence to come. Battle did not knot her shoulders; it was the wait that made her anxious. Joycelyn Zambrano found, of late...
The recent collapse of the Sith Empire has proven to be a shocking development for the dark aligned powers of the galaxy. The once bastion of Sith power in the galaxy has been utterly crushed in it's civil war with the New Imperial Order. But in the chaos, a new power has emerged in the Outer...
Memoriae Sacrum
Ravraa Vyshraal
One of the heroes of the New Imperial Order, Moff Ravraa Vyshraal of Shili, has been murdered on the streets of Bastion. Moff Vyshraal was seen on the streets celebrating the victory of the New Imperial Order, reveling in the streets with the people of Bastion...
STATION: The Chimera.
ENTRY: #3.
The Empire's hold over the Northern Territories has been compromised, yet I have achieved the power and the training that I had set out to obtain. Zeptepi Zambrano remains my Master, and our dealings together will outlive this setback...
The recent events that have transpired have shaken the very foundations of the Galactic Community as a whole - leaving many in its wake to question their future and the security thereof - with the Sith Empire falling to the continued assault of the New Imperial Order, and the likes of the...
The people of Balamak were rallying to the rallying to the cause as they received an influx of thousands of civilians requiring food, water and medical assistance. As a bountiful agricultural world, they had a lot to give. The hospitals were running short on supplies but it wouldn't be long...
3 Years, 11 Months, and 13 Days.
That's how long the Sith Empire (TSE) lasted.
It was formed on July 17th, 2017.
It ended today, June 29th, 2021.
1444 days.
The Sith Empire was one of the greatest factions I ever had the privilege to not only lead but simply be a member of.
When I helped...