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One week after the events of the Ziost Invasion...
The Dark Wonosa Cult gathers on the streets of Kaas city to mourn the fallen, and pay homage to the brave volunteers that attempted to free New Adasta from GA occupation...
There had been an even greater turnout than Alisteri and his...
I've long considered my home to be a world forever lost to me, along with my family and the memories I locked away to shield myself from the pain. I joined the New Imperial Order to see the Zambrano's and their Empire reduced to crumbling ashes, much like they've done to worlds long...
The NEW IMPERIAL ORDER has claimed VICTORY against the SITH EMPIRE in the offensive of SERENNO.
Thanks to all who participated on both sides.
Read the results here
As a rule, I don't utilise torture much. Nor do I make a habit of rounding up prisoners to be shot. Not because it is 'unethical'. An action is 'good' if it achieves the desired end cleanly and efficiently. Moralising about it is self-deception. However, there are more efficient ways. Living...
The holonet recording would be broadcast across the galaxy - to covens on planets not yet conquered, to the offices of intelligence agencies, and to Sith be they hidden or open in their worship. It would show a scene of Korriban, Dresdae at the under-construction Grand Pyramid of the Sith'ari...
The following was sent by encrypted transmission to all active Jedi Enclaves.
Streams of merciless slaughter The Bryn'adul enacted, the sickening photos of their butchery across the entire city were also sent, playing in the background:
What more proof do you need?
How many more must die...
Date : 3.17.864 ABY
Published by the Office of Diplomatic & Galactic Affairs
Given Permission to Publish by his grace, Lord Protector Kelvin Corriss of Andelm
- The Protectorate of Andelm -
| - Declaration of Sovereignty - |
Today, Upon this declaration, We, the Protectorate of Andelm...
The holonet recording would be broadcast across the galaxy - to covens on planets not yet conquered, to the offices of intelligence agencies, and to Sith be they hidden or open in their worship. It would show a scene of Korriban, Dresdae at the under-construction Grand Pyramid of the Sith'ari...
[[ Description ]]
A meteorite sample magnified to show:
** the triclinic crystal system of an unnamed mineral **
** a midi-chlorian achieving destructive wavelength interference **
[[ Further research to come ]]
Border image credit: Tyranny Wiki, Conquest gallery
Looking for something different?
Want to see the map game shaken up, just for anarchy's sake?
The Brotherhood of the Maw are the barbarians you seek.
Join us, and let Chaos prepare for ANNIHILATION.
Why yes, AMCO, we are indeed rampaging...
Full version and attached data compiled for the eyes of the Board of Directors only, may be shared with personnel vetted by AMCO at the discretion of one or more Directors. Summary version available to all Branch Directors to facilitate informed decision making in future investments and prevent...
To: Errik Nimdok
From: Starlin Rand
Re: Questions about alchemy
It’s been a while, I hope you’re doing good. I’ve been busy, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I have a few questions I want to ask you about alchemy. I admit I don’t really know a whole lot about it, aside from...