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Major Faction An Open Letter to the Alliance

An Open Letter
To Alliance & NJO Leadership
Regarding War, The Truth, & the Jedi

To Ryv Auteme Adhira Chandra

First, I know of no Jedi who does not wish to contribute to the security and wellbeing of civilization in whatever form that beckons it. The Jedi are historically the guardians of civilization by code, and will never allow civilization to destroy needlessly. As symbols in times of unrest, we sooth the pain of individuals in times of tragedy and loss, and provide valuable perspective and hope in times of crisis.

That should be understood among our ranks toward one another, regardless of congregational affiliation.

Second, this is not a lecture.

War on a major scale can be costly, nasty, brutish and short; yes. Adversity is a constant, and there will be casualties; yes. However, when it comes to lethal action committed by your own hand, and the lack of accountability after is where I must point out our differences in opinion. It is for this reason I, a Jedi Master, appeal to you.

Our role in conflict is slanted a bit differently, several times in our long long history almost as far as 1000 BBY have we, Jedi, been the culprit of genocidal acts, war crimes, and countless other acts that have cost us greatly. Lots of things have been done with the thought that it was simply the right thing to do given the situation. What have we learned? I can't be completely sure, as things have largely been swept aside -- especially during times of war.

Chit happens on the line, I know it all to well. But, recently we've worked hard to do the work of holding ourselves accountable with the efforts of appointing those among us with sway, the The Trial of Recommitment, and the reemergence of the Barash Vow.

So now, more than ever, It is imperative that we as Jedi consider all unseen dangers or other options -- one wrong move, and lack of proper handling can have consequences that not only effect you, but everyone else.

Today, I returned to news that a student attacked an instructor here within the confines of an Academy that i've worked hard to build to be a safe haven and facility for proper instruction in the way of the Jedi. An altercation fueled by views that said instructor was some sort of Sith Sympathizer.

Some of you may know, and others may not -- I am a woman of action. I could care less to mince words, heck dislike me after even, because its the work that speaks for itself. That is how I lead. Because of this, I have had no intention of inserting myself into a situation that I have no pull in, despite all that I currently know. But, I will not tolerate situations that put those who find solace here at risk. I will not tolerate the work that i've done to safeguard the land that surrounds this Academy, and the dying traditions that continue to populate the area being put at risk. I will not tolerate my name, nor the security or reputation of the Order at large to be put at risk. This Academy will remain a neutral, and safe space for all who call themselves Jedi.

It's my assumption that the dysfunction of recent events has led to this all boiling over, but It is my job as a senior member of the Jedi Order and Headmaster of this Enclave to speak out when prompted and to act swiftly. Thalia Senn, a New Jedi Order Padawan who came to us for instruction, is suspended indefinitely until this situation can be thoroughly investigated and proper action is taken. It pains my heart to do so as she was showing promise here within these walls. We've had several New Jedi Order students attend here, and it's my hope that none of that will have to change further. Thalia i'm sure was acting in what she felt was right, but in doing so endangered herself and others.

I have fought countless battle before the rise of this Alliance, and participated in quite a few in your name. Because of that, I can genuinely ask that you do the right thing. Call a mistake a mistake, act accordingly and finish the fight. I would implore you to hold whomever accountable the same way Thurion Heavenshield was. I would implore you to learn your history, as you've not walked a path others haven't. I've been at the forefront of the fight with the Sith Empire for many years now -- since their inception actually. I've even danced with the incarnation before them, and will surely dance with those to come after. Check my record.

Before this all implodes, and the work be for nothing.

It is with my sincere interest in the future of the entire Jedi Order, and the ensured security of civilization that I send this letter. I know two of you personally, albeit not closely, but understand that this is sent with the utmost concern and good wishes.

As within everything, lies a lesson for us all.

Please see that Thalia's training continues in the meantime. She has a bright future ahead of her.

May the Force be with you all,

P.S Auteme, an old friend of ours suggested I share something with you. Stop by if you've the chance -- your choice.

- Romi

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Romi Jade
Exploring open & honest character development in different ways, and in different forms.


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