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Excerpt from "A People's History of Necropolis" by Professor Errik Nimdok: On Vampires

There are many different species classified as “vampiric” in the galaxy, and virtually all of them can be found on Necropolis. With roots tracing back thousands of years, these vampires have created a complex secret society, complete with its own set of social rules and principles, existing alongside the other peoples of the tombworld. In ancient times they were fewer in number, but held more power and influence; known as voivodes, they formed a parasitic ruling class which operated much like feudal nobility. Today the term refers to crime lords, many of whom are descended from (or simply are, many of these species being rather long-lived) the original vampire princes.

I will go into more detail on the peculiarities of each species and their roles in the social order later in the chapter, but for now a brief summary is in order. There are four species with significant presence on Dahrtag: Energy Vampires, Psy-Pires, Sanguinius Vampirika, and more recently the Sangnir. Other species such as the Garhoon, Anzati, and K’i’ik’el may also be found, but in much smaller concentrations and often blending in with the rest of mainstream Necropolitan society rather than separate from it.

Energy Vampires are the oldest group, first appearing on Necropolis some millennia ago with the arrival of Sawa Ike. An Atrisian Energy Vampire, Sawa was the consort of King Xavier. The couple conquered the planet and styled themselves as gods for the natives to worship, turning Necropolis into a haven for others of their kind. These vampiric nobles dominated the Necropolitans, but were ultimately done in by their constant rivalries with each other and feuding for power. Today, they are viewed as the “old guard” of vampires—formidable in their own right, but no longer as influential as in the past.

Closely related to the Energy Vampire is the Psy-Pire, a unique species which can trace their origins to a single Progenitor. A Jedi Knight during the Old Republic era, the Progenitor purportedly became Sawa’s friend and ally, but their relationship eventually soured. Conducting brutal experiments on her former friend with Sith alchemy, Sawa devised a mutated form of vampirism which she infected the Progenitor with, making her the first Psy-Pire. All members of the species are descended from the Progenitor, and as such enjoyed a privileged status among the nobility. Always rare, they are exceedingly few in number today, with one of the last bastions of them on Necropolis having reportedly been wiped out in recent years.

In contrast to their more ancient cousins, the Sanguinius Vampirika have been steadily on the rise. Part of this success can be attributed to the strict hierarchical nature of their culture, as well as their willingness to reproduce through interbreeding with other species, often with the goal of creating offspring with the best traits of their parents. Also helpful is the existence of Lesser Vampirika—individuals who are turned by Greater Vampirika and used as enforcers. But many of the same issues which plagued their predecessors also afflict the Vampirika. Various clans, believing their bloodlines to be superior, feud with each other over turf, resources, and mates.

Lastly, there is the Sangnir. A species as primordial as the others, they have only recently begun to establish a presence on Necropolis. They face a great deal of resistance from the other vampires, who resent the Sangnir for their perceived arrogance and lack of control over their bloodlust. The Sangnir generally believe all other vampiric species to be inferior, and have made several attempts at wiping out their more established rivals.

- Excerpt from A People's History of Necropolis, Chapter 15 "On Vampires". Professor Errik Nimdok, University of Alderaan Press, 855 ABY.
About author
Jacen Nimdok
Me love fiction. Me want to be writer. No get published yet - but will someday.


Xavier was the king and Sawa the consort but other then that... largely accurate though Sawa and Nine's relation soured long before they were vampire and jedi in the way only exes can.

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