yes hello i am hado. before u are ask, yes, u know me from hit tv series "hado and the city" and also from well known and often frequented local business such as hado tan and laundry and also short term droid rental. pls contact hado office if u have question regarding droid repair - best price in all of town and also complementary wax.

now, hado is often keep record of strange happenings to hado. u see, hado great passion in life is to be of the great businessman - master of enterprise if u will. however, hado is also realize that he is not have all the great ideas. sometimes ideas must come from others (strange as this is to hado). so when hado is read quote from great businessman that is say "u miss 100 of the shot u do not take" he is think hmm. what is best way to make sure hado is never miss shot(of course this is not literal shot as with blaster, as all hado establishment are zone where is blaster-free except of course hado firing range and dvd rental). then it occur to hado! write down all strange happenings to make sure hado is never miss chance for additional business. now u have all relevant backstory.

so hado is of course premier pharmaceutical in all of galaxy, this is known. hado is often request by many people who are succumb to the sickness and they say "hado pls to help us in time of trial". hado then is do a good consider, and then make the cure for what ails. this is known. sometimes yes pharmaceutical is have unforeseen side effect, but this is simply cost of doing business. hado is often have repeat customer and no complaint. however some are complain yes but they are fool and do not understand business.

to continue story: one time hado is venture into glamorous world of holomovie experience. hado is think that many audience are enjoy potential hado film making so hado is go into the business and is produce great film called "hado: captain of industry". this film is receive many good review and is showing how hado is helping people who have the sickness by treatment with superior hado brand product. also in movie hado is fight criminal and sith with sidekick porg. movie is superior to all other film and yes.

however, film is not box office success due to interference by sith. they are say "hado u cannot produce film because we are competitive(inferior) film maker to u and we suppress your film." hado is having a great disgruntlement about this, however hado is understand how cult classic is working and now is waiting for all audience to see "hado: captain of industry" as great film and critical success.

anyway, one night hado is finish difficult work and is think "now i am relax by fire and enjoy fine hado film" and i am watch the film. however, hado notice film is stolen! hado look all over of the place, but hado film is gone! hado think hmm, who could have stolen hado film? then hado remember that the sith did not want hado to do the making of film. hado conclude that sith must have been taking the film for themselves to sell it as their movie masterpiece! is great disgrace, but hado knew it must have been the sith that have been of the taking of hado film

hado need go, porg is doing the acting up. hado resume this story another time. hado tell you how hado get hado film back from stealing sith.​