Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Percival Io

    Private  A Pharmaceutical Odyssey

    Tatooine sand blew into the shop as Percival stepped inside. The door swiftly slid shut behind him, and he paused for a moment. His body gave a shudder as he coughed up a puff of dust that rapidly dissipated, powdering his clothes and the floor at his feet. He wiped his mouth with a grimace. "I...
  2. H

    hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions

    hello yes u have reached hado house of fine pharmaceutical also laundry and tan. please also visit hado short term loan and vhs rental store while in town. yes you wondering who is hado of course. yes i am hado purveyor of fine hado business. pls forgive any spelling error porg is often walk...
  3. hado

    Private  Business meeting with hado

    Accessing log... Location: Ao'Tuin, Atrisia system Time: █████, ███ Junko Ike A small ship flies into a hangar bay within the large, living mobile space port, landing quickly and urgently. Once landed, the ship dropped its boarding ramp, and out walked a small man. He quickly made his way...
  4. hado

    LFG  hado is of the need of business partner and meet people yes

    yes hello yes i am hado of course yes. so hado do the thinking and hado think "what is best way for hado to become big business and master of enterprise". then it strike hado. hado need more business partner for hado fine business. so hado is of the looking for business partner to buy things...
  5. hado

    hado is make good hado film part. 1

    yes hello i am hado. before u are ask, yes, u know me from hit tv series "hado and the city" and also from well known and often frequented local business such as hado tan and laundry and also short term droid rental. pls contact hado office if u have question regarding droid repair - best price...
  6. hado

    Approved Tech  hado space hype drive

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an advanced hyperdrive for Jorus Q. Merrill and others Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Hyperdrive PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions...
  7. hado

    Factory  hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions Headquarters: Tatooine Locations: Coruscant, Corellia, Nubia, Atrisia, Brentaal IV Operations...
  8. hado

    Catalog  hado fine product cat log

    hello yes u have reached hado house of fine pharmaceutical also laundry and tan. please also visit hado short term loan and vhs rental store while in town. yes you wondering who is hado of course. yes i am hado purveyor of fine hado business. pls forgive any spelling error porg is often walk...
  9. hado

    Character  page for what is hado backstory yes

    yes i am hado of course purveyor and owner of fine hado business. pls forgive spelling error porg is often walk about the keyboard and lkaglkja;slfajksdfuk porg oh u r interest in see biogriphy of fine hado? yes i show this 2 u. pls see biogriphy below. again sry for any mispells, hado...
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