Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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META/OOC: SWRP Chaos: 875 ABY Character Census

SWRP Chaos: 875 ABY Character Census

Greetings! Seeing as we're starting both a new year irl and in the universe of Chaos it's about time we had another character census. The last census can be found here, and was completed in September 2020. Since then, characters have come and gone, gained experience, fought in glorious battles, negotiated peace and partaken in highest treason. To help gain a better picture of the unique individuals who call the galaxy home I have devised a survey to record the changing face of Chaos's characters.

The survey should be completed once per character. Please note this is NOT for personal information or surveying you as a writer, simply your characters and their experiences on the site. As well, please note this is unofficial and run by a writer who is not part of site administration.

Results will be posted on January 15th, 2022.

Update Jan 15th: 155 responses. The survey is now closed
About author
I'm the writer for Chris Walker and Hexus Dominus, a proud Canadian and MP40 appreciator.


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