

Adilynne spent most of her time albeit in th gym, studying in the library, as well as focusing on honing her skills in the force and learning new abilities. Lately Adilynne has spent most of her free time at the academy studying and researching new force abilities, since her former master up and left. As of yet no one has heard from him in quite some time. Adelynne felt completely and utterly alone, which is odd she has been pretty much alone her whole life. Searching her feelings herself she no longer had anyone to train her leaving her with feelings of abandonment. Nonetheless she was determined to finish her training to become a master. At any cost she would finish her training.

Adilynne being night owl, so to speak. For starters she doesn't like crowds of people and prefers to be left alone, especially when training in the gym. One reason is she hates the looks that people give her while she is lifting weights. And then the questions start asking how she does it lifting heavy and what not. Some have even gone so far to ask why she does this to herself and questioning her identity. Which is one of many ways why she hates people, forcing her to keep to herself. Adilynne sometimes struggles keeping her composure, sometimes she just wants to give into her rage and destroy them. This is why she trains early without any disruptions and can just be herself. Most people just fail to understand her, and Adelynne being an introvert rarely let's anyone in. Her own plylosphy,; instinct is to trust none. And she has already been reprimanded for leaving an acolyte on their death bed on two separate occasions.

Another part of her training is Adelynne needs to practice control of her emotions. Although she is a Knight she has alot to work on.